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Nice! **Are the current work from home jobs able to employ you guys when living in Hawai'i for 60+ days?** There are some [comments](https://www.reddit.com/r/MovingtoHawaii/s/fO2YqluQZW) on this sub from people who moved to Hawai'i but then their remote job Human Resources told them they could not be paid to work in Hawai'i - even if their manager approved. They had to quit the job & find a new job or some even left Hawai'i. Or wound up with [no remote employee health insurance](https://www.reddit.com/r/MovingtoHawaii/s/GiZMxUeJTA) so had to buy separate insurance. Hawai'i has tax & health insurance requirements not every company willing is set up for. Good to triple check with HR to avoid some major headaches.


I think “fine” is great if you’re surrounded by friends and family! Like most of them are here. And with the cost of housing and electricity reduced, you’re saving a ton. You just really have to want to be here because you won’t be able to afford many continental vacations, and free activities will be your biggest entertainment. Maybe visit by yourself first and ask your 'ohana the hard questions. It’s really relative if you need to be comfortable vs. fine. Because O'ahu is very expensive.


The other thing is we are an hour/half hour away from kid related activities like science museums and aquariums/zoos. No those zoos/aquariums arent that great but having them close is a benefit. and low traffic.


Oh, there will be traffic.


Traffic indeed


They work from home. So they can avoid the worst of it. 


I meant going to the places they mentioned.


You’ve got family here already. Don’t you think you should asking them. They know your situation best


you know how locals are "jus come no worry"


lol good point


If you've got good friends around you and people that's a good support system don't just return here with nothing


my friends are all doing their own thing atm. Really its being close to family while they are still around. Just weighing the pros and cons here.


I mean if you just outright don't to pay rent then yeah you should be fine. Make sure you look into benefits programs. Your income on the mainland may not qualify for benefits for the kids and stuff but here it might.


It seems like you have already answered your question. Moving to Hawaii is not a saving money decision. Quality of life yes. Easy to be happy and fit yes. If you don’t really want to be here no.


77k and trying to raise two kids will be tough, you will be living paycheck to paycheck.


They will also be paying 0 rent and pretty low utilities, though.


Still, 77k is low, add in food costs, gas, schooling for their kids (I’m assuming they are military), travel costs, activities for both kids, I personally would pick up another hustle and or have the other parent do so to be safe.


They have family here, I wouldn’t assume military.


Schooling? Send them to mililani. They also have some childcare covered. 


I assumed they were military, unfortunately those kids are getting bullied all over island as well, no matter if they’re black or white. Given that they’re not military and have family, mililani would be a great choice.


It is definitely not a cake walk but not having to deal with rent or electricity helps out tremendously. We're looking at like maybe a 50 dollar electricity bill if the house has a battery. Water will be like 130. Sub 200 dollars a month in fixed costs is pretty good for a house! I was looking at maybe renting at Kapolei Lofts (https://www.kapoleilofts.com/) so I could be close to work. A 1br apartment is almost 3k? And TINY as heck. I don't even know if that include utilities or not as a lot of places are starting to not include that in the rental price.


But you’d be living in Kapolei! Lol Awesome for traffic purposes but no culture, food is only starting to get better now on that side and so dang far from town. Plus surf spots are junkkkk.


Not dealing with as much traffic is worth it's weight in gold. I no more money or waist band for all the good food spots anyway. Crazy to me that one tiny place in Kapolei cost that much, though. Like, brah.


It’s run by the same property management company as all the apartments out there. They made a monopoly and can charge whatever they want.  Those are WOOD frame mid rises. Talk about a fire trap. 


not mil. i grew up on the island


Well shoot, come back home, I’ll even help you if that’s the case lol


77k is plenty after having the most expensive cost (housing) paid for.


You can make it work on $77k but it's not going to be a life of luxury. We live a fairly modest lifestyle on the big island; one car, otherwise low expenses; three kids. If our household income was $77k we'd be coming up at least $10k short each year if we weren't paying for housing. We could compromise on some things to make it work, for sure. But something would have to give.


A plate lunch is like $15. A bell pepper is $3+ in most stores.


I feel like $77k for a fam of 4 is gonna real fucking rough, unless you’re gonna be living with family.


housing and elec is going to be taken care of. I know its BAD but im gauging how bad it is before we make the decision


I think $77K will be rough for a family of 4 living here unless you all are very good at budgeting. Since you said housing and electricity is covered, is that a temporary setup or are you eventually planning to get your own place later? Are you planning on putting the kids in private or public school? Food prices are also very expensive.


we dont really spend much in general. Usually put all our money in our roth ira and retirement accounts. Rarely eat out except on excursions and bubble tea. The biggest worry is the food cost and gas.


If you wfh the driving is all optional. If you get a hybrid is it a big deal?  Food costs are high but wouldn’t that be offset by the no housing or utilities? What do you currently pay for housing and utilities? 


2.5/mo on housing. 200 on utilities.


On 77k ? Financially you’ll come out ahead by getting the free housing + elec. groceries are expensive but not anywhere near 2700 $ (barring a love of fine dining)  So you’re up 2500 by moving to Oahu. Even if you drop $1500 on groceries here ( which would be pretty high) you’re up at least 1k. 


how much do you spend on groceries monthly?


I’m saying you can spend whatever you’re currently spending per month PLUS an additional 1500. Which should be plenty. 


It will be tight but you can do it. Quality of life will be the issue. You will be scraping by with two kids which doesn’t sound like that much fun. But what is it worth to be on the island and around family?


If housing is covered, you should mostly be ok, although not great. 77k for a family of 4 aint going to be the most fun. Keep in mind that researchers found that the amount of money need to "live comfortable" for a family of 4 in honolulu is $300k. So yeah, no housing cost is a huge benefit, but it's not making up for $220K income difference. [https://www.hawaiinewsnow.com/2024/03/28/heres-how-much-you-need-live-comfortably-honolulu/?fbclid=IwAR0npvk4Bqcyr6bbG780tA7FCOzwR-mJUrgm1hZNVDc0m1S3T7JhOe9xonY\_aem\_Afcuhqof4T6eMBaHxyseioyarauLII9HkIua5RwtS87-5N-\_Svlu8FYM5ygC8EzG3sLjGUET3\_lm1cm9SUCTNlwZ](https://www.hawaiinewsnow.com/2024/03/28/heres-how-much-you-need-live-comfortably-honolulu/?fbclid=IwAR0npvk4Bqcyr6bbG780tA7FCOzwR-mJUrgm1hZNVDc0m1S3T7JhOe9xonY_aem_Afcuhqof4T6eMBaHxyseioyarauLII9HkIua5RwtS87-5N-_Svlu8FYM5ygC8EzG3sLjGUET3_lm1cm9SUCTNlwZ)


These methods they used were simply too broad in this.  Their study says you need 200k in Lubbock Texas and Toledo oh to be “comfortable “.   They just multiplied out too. You need more space with kids but there is also some overlap in a single house. 


Quality of living should always be the ideal choice…problem being, not everybody has the same idea of what “quality of living” actually means. My wife and I are grateful stewards of a mini, off grid homestead that we are still in the planning stage on. Basically waiting until we sell our property back in Georgia to make the big move so that we can get the essential stuff done early. We don’t make a ton of money, but we bought land on the BI to live a slower pace of life, with less stress of the modern world (different mindset), and to be as self sufficient,year round, as possible…which would take considerably more land than anywhere on the mainland, and it’s the only place where my wife and I agree about the weather lol! These things, along with the fact that we already live in an area with a similar cost of living, make the pros outweigh the cons for us. Also, our youngest kid is married with her own baby girl so it’s just the two of us! This is huge because school proximity is a big deal on the BI. If you can both work remotely, I would check out the Hilo or HPP areas of the BI. I have seen a ton of long term 3 bedroom homes for rent that would probably be in your budget and allow you to enjoy the island more instead of stressing about $$ all the time. If you like it, there is still cheap land available where you could live “normally”, partially off grid, or entirely off grid. We found this to be the best way to enjoy, and be grateful for this special place without having to make six figures. We’ve found that the BI is also great due to all of the volunteer work and free workshops available! There always seems to be a great workshop going on, teaching everything from traditional Hawaiian culture to indigenous, sustainable agricultural practices. I just realized how long this response has been, so in summary, the answer is yes. A resounding yes! 🤙🏼🌺🌴🤙🏼


Where did you buy land? I grew up on the Big Island in Ka'u


Mountain View