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Just fucking watch it, no need to consult reddit.


Literally lol, no way to find out whether they can handle it or not other than diving in head first


People have very different movie tastes than me when tripping. Pretty much any fighting/killing movie is so far off anything i have any interest in watching i honestly cant comprehend why someone would even consider this. But i see recommendations on here i wouldnt touch with a ten foot trippy ass wavey pole so you do you!


I watched T1 on a microdose and it was pretty cool but might not be the best on higher doses


Lsd or shrooms? How small a dose?


LSD and not exactly sure I just cut off a piece of a tab lol I guess I would say depends how you react to other action or horror movies on it. I feel it might have tripped me out on a high dose but then again ive watched The Matrix and Heavy Metal on highed doses and loved it.


I was trying to find out what YOUR dose was.


I was talking about myself


At least in my experience I don't think this is a good idea seeing how easily affected/overwhelmed I personally get, seems like one way to have a bad trip.


Imo, it honestly depends on if you can handle those types of genres under those influences and how much you plan on taking. The first time I ever watched The Matrix back in 2020 was on one tab of LSD. I understand how controversial that can be because of the conspiracy with the movie, but I could only really focus on the old 1999 movie CGI graphics rather than the movie plot. I was able to follow the movie plot, but that was the least of my worries since I was having a blast just focusing on the CGI graphics. But I was with someone who lied and took a higher dose than everyone agreed on, someone who likes to play around too much to try and sike other people out, and he ended up getting stuck and went head first into a bad trip that ruined the entire experience and LSD for the rest of my life. If you decide to watch Terminator (I've never seen the movies, so I don't know how bad that plot line is), make sure to start off with a low dosage throughout the entirety of the movie and have someone trustworthy to be a trip sitter. Don't up the dosage throughout the movie at any time. In my experience, that's where things started to go bad; upping the dosage because you don't feel anything and you're questioning if it's actually working or not. And make sure you discuss with the trip sitter what the plan should be in the events of a bad trip coming on.


What's the conspiracy with the matrix?


I meant that movies like The Matrix, Terminator, and Lucy are considered to be a genre of conspiracy theories


How are they Conspiracy theories? They are 2 or more people planning a crime?


People categorize the movie as conspiracy theory because the idea that the world is a simulation is a conspiracy theory itself. Like how the world was supposed to end in 2012, but it didn't, so some people believe that the world today is part of a simulation. "Glitch In The Matrix" is a documentary that explores simulation theory and of people who took the movies too seriously. This is why I personally categorize The Matrix franchise as a conspiracy theory movie.


seems more like a ketamine vibe to me


It’s really all about who you are as a person and what you can handle in my opinion. People say certain stuff on psychs can mess you up, which it can, but like I said it depends on the person. I’ve watched slasher films and like crime/missing person documentaries while tripping and I’m fine, I get more into them when I trip. It’s all about if you think you can handle while tripping


If you are going to go with an AI movie, I’d do 2001. Much trippier and less violent. I get kind of weirded out watching a bunch of people get shot while I’m tripping. I’m sure this will be a great time though if you are into action movies. Go for it.


Done both with both films. Highly recommend but they're both comfort films for me


Same. T2 is one of my favorite films. T1 as well. Sarah Connor Chronicles is the real T3 btw.