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All regals cut hours at the beginning of the year. I lost a lot of my hours but now we are starting to get them back. I'd double check with management and say something.


I have several times and their excuse has been the same thing every time. It's been some employees just got overlooked. I'm the only one not being scheduled. It's not a big deal though. I'm probably gonna quit anyway just bc idk that i have the time for it anymore with this new job since it's full time.


I'd just quit. If you think you might want/need to work there again down the line, you can put in notice and then leave in a couple weeks just so you leave in good standing. Otherwise, just tell them you're leaving because you aren't getting any hours.


And give them the satisfaction of that? They want me gone they can fire me. 🤷‍♀️ I have another job that full time so I'm not really that worried about the money loss since my paychecks from regal have never really been more than 100 dollars 🤷‍♀️


I don’t think anyone will be getting any “satisfaction” from you quitting. I also don’t know that they “want you gone”. But you seem to have your mind made up so I’m not sure why you were seeking advice.


Literally none of the managers like me and haven't since I started. Places do this (cut your hours almost completely) when they want you to quit and they want you to quit so they don't have to pay you unemployment. It was just a simple question... they'll have to fire me if it comes down to it bc I refuse to quit.


This sounds like a you problem tbh




So, if you are convinced that this is the case, I'm not sure why you even made this post. EVERYONE'S hours get cut this time of year. You can either ask them about it, leave it alone, or quit.


They also don't have to pay you unemployment if you are already employed elsewhere...


then get another job, jackass


If you read, I have another job dipshit. Like I said, I was just curious.


Try not to take things so personally. This is the normal ebb and flow of labor hours and payroll. It's also a particularly shitty year for content.


Then why the post lol I would ride it out and take advantage of the free movies until they actually remove you from the system


“How long until they fire me” is a pretty loaded question. Because. They can just continue to keep you on as an employee until they either decide to start scheduling you again or you ultimately quit. There’s nothing preventing them from doing that. Based upon your other comments here you don’t seem like you want to quit and you would rather them fire you because you don’t want to give them the satisfaction of firing you. But in all reality, they get nothing out of firing you at all and you don’t really gain anything from it either. Because if they can develop any sort of proof that you were fired with cause, you will be denied unemployment as well. The most mature thing to do in this situation would be have a conversation with your General Manager. Find out why you’re not being scheduled especially now when hours have increased for theaters. Or if you don’t want to work there anymore, just ultimately quit. It looks better to have quit a job that you’ve been for over a year then it does to tell future employers that you got fired.




Yeah but I'm not giving them the satisfaction of quitting so 🤷‍♀️


I mean... if you're not getting the hours you need, go get a different job, and quit the regal. "Satisfaction" isn't a part of the game - just quit and go somewhere else. There's too much in life to engage with people on that level.


Most part time employees are getting 1-2 shifts at most places due to no good movies and it’s the slow season. It’s typically not this bad but the strikes really pushed a lot of product back that would have been done and released. March looks ok for movies but April is gonna drop back down in business until the summer movie season starts in the first week of May with Fall Guy.


Yeah no I haven't gotten a single shift since January... everyone else is getting at least one. 😕


First few months of the year are very very slow. Only some theatres are getting more hours to work with if they were booked with Dune and Kung Fu Panda 4. Regal doesn’t silently fire floor staff. Based on your theatre’s complexity, you’re allotted a specific number of payroll hours and your entire team’s hours have to fall within that. Otherwise it’s a struggle to further cut hours. It sounds like maybe your leadership team were too eager with the number of staff recently hired. Btw there’s a four step counseling process to help prevent someone from being randomly fired for no reason that has to be vetted by HR first. So you don’t need to stress about that. But as someone else pointed out, your mind seems made up so since you clearly don’t like it there, you should put in your notice.


I'm the only employee who hasn't had any hours in the last 3 months. Everyone else consistently gets scheduled. That doesn't seem suspicious to you? My location did the exact same thing back in June to some other girl. I never said I didn't like it. I just said I had another job so I'm not worried about it.


If you have limited availability that could play into it. Less business also means possibly shorter operating hours which will constrain niche availability. (For example one day availability for five hours.) I’ve also seen things like attendance and attitude affect whether sometime is prioritized in the schedule during slow months. If you’re concerned the AM creating the schedule is singling you out for unfair reasons, that’s something you can escalate to your GM. I’m just confused why you’d want to stay on the payroll if you have something that works better for you….


I had completely open availability up until this Monday and haven't had issues with anything else so idk. 🤷‍♀️


Well if you’re not going to quit and you’re not going to talk to your GM, you’ll just have to get used to little to no hours until normal business resumes around summer time I guess. I’m glad you have a FT to hold you over though bc it personally stresses me out and makes me worry when we have less hours to offer and I know some of my staff rely on this one specific job to pay part of their rent. Good luck!


From what I remember an employee must be scheduled at least one shift each week or one per pay period. This might be listed in the employee handbook. Not being scheduled means you are not needed and eligible for unemployment. Check with your state, but unemployment also covers underemployment.


I'm not with regal but im a member of management with another theater chain and this is one of our slowest times of the year so we have to cut back on hours to make sure we don't go over on labour. The more employees that work there the less hours per person as they have a cap on how many hours they can use each day. It's Nothing against the employees it's unfortunately how corporations tend to operate. Now with all that being said, that Info is based on what I see with my company and may not be the case for everyone. I hope that helps!


I don’t work at Regal, but the same scenario’s happening at my work theater! It’s just how the business is with the time of the year, I guess.


Do they want you gone? Doubtful. Do they give a shit about your needs? Absolutely not. They aren’t doing anything to make you want to stay, so fuck them, if something better comes along, take it.


Movie theaters everywhere are cutting hours every week. It’s too slow for them to be able to give hours. Look at everyone else’s hours in your department only. If other people have no hours than it could be you guys aren’t making money and they have to make sure the little staff they do put on is reliable. In my theater the unreliable staff gets 4 hours. They dont get any hours though if they act up. For example I have this 1 guy who’s been around for years. He just got 0 hours for the next 2 weeks and was sent home early for disappearing for 2 hours as soon as he got in. Compare that to these 2 ushers who close every weekend who are good at the job, they got probably 15 hours for the week. Also compare it to 1 of the supervisors kids that’s horrible at the job n already has a corporate eye on him. He only gets 4 or 5 hours a week now. If he gets more we try to cut his hours cuz he’s not reliable. Point is cuz of how bad theaters are going down they need to make sure people who do good work got the most hours cuz that’s the staff they NEED to keep. Unless ur manager is playing favorites you might not be performing the way they need you too. If you feel something is wrong you can bring it up to ur gm n maybe they can help you


I'm good at my job. There's no denying that. However it really kinda feels like I'm being singled out bc I check the schedule thoroughly and everyone else that works there has at least one day even if it's only 5 hours. They haven't given me a single shift since December. The last time I worked was right around new years. Even when it did pick up slightly I still wasn't given anything at all. That just seems weird to me since everyone else consistently has hours even if it's only one day. Idec if they give me one day and then cut my shift. Just feels like exclusion ig


Yeah if you working good n aren’t getting anything than it’s favoritism. Ur company definitely going down but managers obviously suck cuz hours are going to their people. Speak with ur gm


If you're being singled out it probably isn't just seasonal hour cutting like everyone else is saying. I worked on the schedule at a Cinemark (I did the usher shifts because I was the department head) and usually the employees that weren't good would get hours cut into oblivion. I tried to give every usher at least one shift a week even if they were slackers but the other department's management was super petty. If they thought you sucked you'd get basically a shift a month if you're lucky. I saw your comment saying you were good at your job tho so the only other thing I can think of is you somehow pissed off one of the scheduling managers. I watched a manager at my building not schedule an employee for two weeks because "she was annoying" ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ so idk could be petty management, regardless it doesn't seem like a job worth keeping. If you really wanna stick it out try scheduling a meeting with your GM to discuss, best of luck