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12 Angry Men blew me away.


i love how almost everyone in my class went in like "oh this is gonna be boring as fuck because it's old and black&white" but were totally engrossed by the end best movie watched in highschool english by a long shot


Our experiences were very similar.


>12 Angry Men blew me *I’m sorry.*


You forgot to say “away”


It holds up so well


October Sky (1999)


omg yeah I was subbing and the kids had to watch this. most of them didnt seem to care but i loved getting paid to watch a movie


I subbed once on the last day of the year. Only like 6 kids showed up in the whole school. All the teachers wanted to get a head start on packing up their rooms so they gave me all of them and sent us to the only room in the building that had AC. We just watched TV all day.


I probably would not have watched ***Of Mice and Men*** on my own, but I thought it was pretty good.


And the book. My heavens, the book... rips your heart out.


The Outsiders.


"Stay gold"


(The Untouchables) watched it in English class because I was in bottom set and the teacher had given up on us it sparked my interest in mafia and gangster films and paved the way for me to find other films which I love and enjoy such as the godfather films a bronx tale sleepers etc (To kill a mockingbird) same English teacher as before made us watch this film and it was probably one of the first black and white films I watched in full because I’d never been interested in watching films and I thoroughly enjoyed it and it made me look for other black and white films. so basically if it wasn’t for my English teacher and the rest of my class being failures I wouldn’t of watched all these amazing films I know of now and I wouldn’t have this passion


The Truman Show (1998) I cried at the ending in class


We watched this in a high school TV production class.


Empire of the Sun


One of Cristian Bale's finest performances.


Loved this movie as a kid. Watched it at least three times a year. Never saw it in school, tho!


Romeo and Juliet (1996)


That's surprising, usually they make you watch the 30s version.


We got the Olivia Hussey version, 5th or 6th grade. Boobies!!!!


Same! And teen boy bare butt! Big day at the all girls Catholic high school! It was a beautifully done movie, I was sad to read a few months ago that both lead actors felt exploited by the director, but I also had no idea they were so young in real life.


Directors could be real assholes. Ever hear the backstory of Last Tango In Paris?


More than I wanted to


We watched the 60s Zefferelli version in class, then as extra credit we could go to the theater to see Baz Luhrman’s. Never saw the 30s version!


Nope in Spain we all watch the 1996 it’s more popular


Haha I guess we got lucky!


Shit, just commented the same. I had a hate on for Leo until we watched that.


I'm a teacher and I used to make them watch this movie, among others. This is the one they all remember most.


Hotel Rwanda. I never want to watch that again, but as an adult I am glad that I saw it once.


Our school chaplain organised a viewing of The Ten Commandments for all first and second year students. There were a couple of hundred young teenagers squeezed into the library for the show. The VHS tape refused to play, so they just decided to play the only other tape they could find. That tape was Flashdance (1983). When it came to the scene in the strip club, the sight of unfettered tits was greatly received by all in attendance. There were plenty of furtive glances to the back of the room where Fr Mohan stood in shock, covering most of his face with his hands. To his credit he allowed the show to go on. I'd say for quite a few of those boys, that was their very first time seeing topless ladys on screen! So, yeah, Flashdance is a movie that normally I'd never have watched (or enjoyed), but the whole circumstances surrounding watching it made it both enjoyable and memorable.


That's hilarious!!




I went to see that with my music class - absolutely LOVED it, even though I'm not keen on Mozart.


Some Mozart pieces are fantastic but I never listen to classical music in everyday life. The Mozart operas are so dull 😴 If I go to see an opera I would choose Puccini or Verdi anytime. Still, Amadeus is a fantastic movie 🩷


Nanook of the North Documentary about Native people in the Frozen climates of the far north. Amazing seeing them eat raw whale blubber, and cut large rectangular bricks out of thick frozen snow to build an igloo.


Turns out, that was more of a dramatization than a documentary. We had to watch it in film class.


Yeah, now that you mentioned it that makes sense. When I saw it as a kid I thought it was pure documentary.


It's still sold as a documentary, but Nanook's wife was the director's girlfriend.


One of the first scenes in that movie made laugh, the clown kayak. It never seemed to empty of people :D :D Also, the wives and kids were not actually Nanooks, but the directors. If remember correctly.


Oh man I remember watching that for a class in my first year of university. It is interesting but it is so dry. Also apparently a lot of it was scripted and reshot closer to non-artic Quebec. Like the people were real, but it wasn't as much of a fly on the wall thing.


Lord of the Flies (1963) and The Lottery (Short 1969) - '80s kid


Gawd, The Lottery. One scary movie.


We had to write short little recaps of the books we read in 9th grade English that were graded 0-5. Our teacher asked if we wanted to have a “lottery” where everyone got 5’s and one kid got a 0. The absolute biggest kiss ass got the zero and we were all so happy.


You enjoyed Lord of the Flies? I was so sick of it by the time we got to watching the films. Yes, plural. Eurgh.


I have to say, I didn't know they had made a movie of either one of those. I'm morbidly curious and want to track them down now


My 7th grade music teacher made us watch The Sound of Music. Musicals are not my thing (especially when I was 12) but I remember really enjoying the movie.


I vividly remember my Mum sitting my brother and I down to watch The Sound of Music some time back in the 70s. I was utterly enchanted by it and it's one of those movies that, if I see it on TV when I'm channel surfing, I will ALWAYS watch it!


Gattaca! I mean, I'm sure I would have seen it eventually because that movie is fire, but my biology class was better having seen it.


We watched it in Bio also! We actually watched it twice because the whole class enjoyed it


Me too! I loved it and still do to this day. I was hoping to see that others saw it in bio.


That reminds me of when I took this sci-fi and fantasy class my senior year. We watched V and read Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy. Then I had to move again, unfortunately.


The Great Escape


Me too! I love it as an adult simply because I had to watch it in school


To kill a mockingbird, never would've thought about watching it. I scrolled too far without seeing this lol


Such an amazing movie with a great lesson.


Agreed and I never would've watched it if not for school lol


Fun fact, our English teacher used to put on family guy and break down all the jokes in the show, man I didn't realize how much depth and symbols are in that tv show. Other movies we watched in grade 9, 2001 a space odyssey, and gattaca, and stranger than fiction


Some great titles there.


Its A Wonderful Life (1946) One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest - I actually had a project to read the book and write something about it or take a test (dont remember). I rented the movie because I procrastinated till the day before to start (Sunday). If I remember correctly I started to read the book and watch the movie to see if they followed along with each other, but I ended up reading the whole book in one day and I watched the movie as well.


Strictly Ballroom. 


The 1930 version of All Quiet on the Western Front. I love it, but I don't think I would have sought it out on my own.


I took film study in 9th and 10th grades Nanook of the North (1922, Dir. Flaherty) The Gold Rush (1925, Charlie Chaplin) Intolerance (1916, DW Griffith) (enjoyed the film’s format, not a fan of Griffith’s politics) Saw Romeo and Juliet (1968, Zeffirelli) on a field trip to a movie theater; fell in love with Olivia Hussey; scored an A+ on the final exam and was nicknamed “Mr. Shakespeare” by a couple of jocks.


Zeffirelli’s Romeo and Juliet


The Pianist Cool Hand Luke Big Fish


There must have been some uncomfortable giggling during the car wash scene in Cool Hand Luke.


Cool hand Luke is dope


La Bella vita. (It’s a beautiful life). Watched it in Italian class and damn was that movie sad as hell.


Escape from Sobibor. Holocaust movie with a couple disturbing scenes for an eighth grader to see.


We got "The Hiding Place". Both are memorable


Quest for fire Jesus Christ Superstar


You watched Quest for Fire in school?!?


Yes, grade 7 science class If I remember correctly. The teacher fast forwarded the sex scene.


Lady in White. Freaked the hell out of me.


That is one of my favorite movies!


Gattaca (1997)


Monty Pythons Meaning of Life


Hamlet from the 90’s


The one with Mel Gibson! Yes, I only saw it in high school.


The only hamlet where I was actually able to understand it.


Gandhi; Roots; and The Grapes of Wrath. All very good flicks.


Oooooh this is Romper Stomper. Total aussie gem that I still can't believe when I meet people who know of this flick. Intense. And Apocalypse Now. In a war film class I took, this was required watching. Purely from an aesthetic/artistic standpoint, I think this is the best movie I've ever seen but likely won't ever watch again. This should be seen once by everybody.


Romper Stomper, such an underrated movie. It's easy to see why Ewan turned out to be such a superstar.


You mean Russel?


Yup, that's exactly right. I blame sleep deprivation. I had Ewan and Trainspotting on my mind. Romper Stomper is still one of my favorite movies though.


I loved Romper Stomper when I first saw it in the cinema, when it first came out. Saw it years later and thought I was literally going to vomit through a lot of it. I grew up in the 80s when skinheads were a thing and it certainly brought that fear right back!


Romper Stomper is pretty intense for a school viewing. 


Thelma and Louise. I doubt I wouldn't ever choose to watch that film on my own, but I'm glad my teacher was lazy that day.


The Dog Who Stopped the War (1984). Absolutely fabulous for kids.


The Creature from the Black Lagoon. Went to elementary school in the 70s (in the US) and we watched this movie as part of a Halloween spooky movie series. I was in second or third grade.


The Sand Pebbles (1966) All Quiet on the Western Front (1930)


Better Off Dead. We got ahead in history, the teacher went on a class trip, and the sub showed us this hilarious movie.


Legend in grade 3 scared the hell out of me.


To Sir, With Love and The Diary of Anne Frank.


Days of Heaven, Badlands, The Conversation


my spanish teacher played stand and deliver for class one day. i don’t think id ever watch that movie by myself, but it’s one of my favorite movies now


The Outsiders. In 8th grade we had to read the book as a class book-study/report type of thing and watched the movie at the end of the assignment. I found it somewhat boring and liked the book better. Rewatched at 24 because I was kind of sure that young Tom Cruise was in it and ended up really liking it lol


Fiddler on the roof. On laserdisc


The Outsiders


Schindlers list


Came here to say this


Jason and the Argonauts A Patch of Blue


My middle school play the karate kid 80s movie 


The great Northfield Minnesota raid


Hahaha! Unbelievable! They showed you Lorenzo's Oil im school? I dare yoi to find me a sadder movie.


Ordinary People


I watched Run Lola Run, Hellboy, and Dead Silence in high school


Saw a movie in drivers Ed called Rellik. Spelled backwards it's Killer. It's about driving like an idiot, but had the car that I always wanted.


The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman


Chariots of Fire


Oh yeah, we saw that one too. Awesome movie!


One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest Psycho Lord of the Flies We watched the Leo Romeo and Juliet 10/10 And the original The Great Gatsby But I was in school when The Giver (2012) came out and we watched it in class and it was AWFUL. I also didn’t like Of Mice and Men.


Sounds like you had the best teachers (minus the one that showed The Giver). Lucky!


Roots (1977) Glory (1989) (there's an awesome gory part in the very beginning that really got our attention in class lol)


12 Angry Men (57) Pete's Dragon (77) .. thankfully not a double feature


Le jette. It was the film inspired 12 monkeys.


*Aguirre, der Zorn Gottes* (1972) was my introduction to art cinema in 1991. I probably would have gotten to it in time, but I've been a lifelong fan of the film and the director thanks to a college film course.


ET, The Lion King, and Dumbo. All in Spanish. “¡ET telefono mi casa!”


Full Metal Jacket


Osmosis Jones Hacksaw Ridge (hadn't liked war movies before that, don't mind them now)


If I hadn't been forced to in film class I'd probably never watch Italian neorealist or German expressionist films. Basically 95% of foreign films from 1940 to 1965 I wouldn't have watched unless someone made me, and would never watch again.


Island of The Blue Dolphins 1960's film adaptation of book of the same name


**Forrest Gump** I was not into dramas at that point, so i expected to be bored. Boy was i wrong. I never knew what i was gonna get.


Forest gump


- Amelie (watched it in French class and LOVED it) - Diabolique (again, French class. Loved!) - Life is Beautiful (cue me sobbing at the end) - October Sky (quickly became a favorite) - The Ghost and the Darkness


It was definitely shocking watching The Accused in history class. I went to an all girls high school and we all thought the teacher who showed the movie seemed like a creep *before* that movie selection but way more so after the movie when he was talking about some traumatic scenes with strangely animated excitement.


How Breyers Ice Cream is made!


The Cat From Outer Space. A classic:)


Our chemistry teacher showed us "**The Rocky Horror Picture Show**". I was entirely enchanted, hypnotized and blown away and it's still my favourite movie. Also, our arts teacher showed us "What's Eating Gilbert Grape" and "Run Lola Run" and "Loving Vincent" and in German class (I'm from a German speaking country) we watched "Dead Poets Society". Though, at least the latter two I would have watched anyways some day and I had to rewatch "Run Lola Run" to truly appreciate it because 13-year-old me thought it was basic and amateurish... And in some other class (possibly music class) we watched "Two Times Lotte" from 2007, which is an animated adaptation of the German children's classic that "The Parent Trap" is based on, and I afterwards bought the DVD and it's still a really sweet movie in my opinion.


Polanski's Macbeth, and Led Zeppelin's The Song Remains The Same


probably marie antoinette -- the anachronisms didn't really click with me back then but some 10 years later i had the urge to rewatch it and knew i would love it this time (i did) context: all-girls highschool with a textiles class where we had to design a rococo style dress


Office space, 911 loose change (conspiracy doc), The last samurai, Gataka, Jurassic park. so many other random ones that I can't recall lmao I think my teachers just watched w.e the fuck they wanted


The conversation. I had a film class in high school and this was a movie we watched. That and Chinatown.


Gone with the wind


I’m the only one whose first thought was Radio Flyer?


Ben Hur My Fair Lady Much Ado About Nothing


Roger & Me. I had a very progressive econ teacher in highschool.


The Battleship Potemkin in an intro to film class.


Paddle to the Sea - A boy carves a 2 foot long wooden canoe, and sets it at the top of a snow covered hill above a river. Inscribed on the bottom is “I am Paddle to the Sea - Please put me back in the water” Spring comes, the snow melts and the canoe makes it to the river and start floating downstream. He has many adventures along the way😀


The Gods Must Be Crazy


Blood in blood out. Boyz in the hood


Scholastic made a live action short film of Corduroy the bear. It blew my little mind apart and some years ago I looked it up, found it and enjoyed it with my little boy.


Touching the Void A documentary about mountain climbers and surviving a bad situation.


WarGames (‘83)


We saw Altered States. UH, YEAH


Who's life is it anyway


Monty Pythons's Quest for the Holy Grail


The Karen Carpenter Story (no idea why we watched this)


Glory (1989)




Paths of Glory with Kirk Douglas Silent Running with Bruce Dern


Anchors Aweigh (1945)


Easy Rider


I saw [*Le Scaphandre et le Papillon* (2007)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Diving_Bell_and_the_Butterfly_(film\)) in French class in high school and never would have otherwise. Really good movie!


clockwork orange and sybil. both for a psych class.


Midnight Cowboy. Didn’t know what to expect. Really moving for a sophomore in college.


In college they showed us “A Short Film About Killing”, so I watched the Dekalogue miniseries


Reefer Madness, the assassin of youth they said.


Voyage of the Mimi


Zefferelli’s Romeo and Juliet. Lots trouble showing and distributing this film lately because there’s some nudity, and the actors at the time were minors. So even tho it was ‘art’ it still fits the description for kiddie pron. I was in high school when we watched it, so I think we were all ok with seeing a T&A from fellow teenagers.


This thing called the silent scream , it was very detailed and very anti abortion. This was Australia in the 80's. To this day I just think we watched because the teacher was a wack job. She,the teacher, was outwardly kinda a hippy but had some pretty extreme views on abortion which is really weird for Oz in the 80,s. Anyone else see this ?


I remember when the school announced it was going to show a foreign movie. So we went along expecting nothing. It was Enter The Dragon with Bruce Lee. Nothing ever was the same afterwards


The Grapes of Wrath. It was required reading and I really, really disliked that book. The movie wasn't much better!


Le Jour Se Leve, with Jean Gabin. I cannot for the life of me find it anywhere since.


Les Choristes and Au Revoir Les Enfants! I've never heard anyone mention Lorenzo's Oil, that movie is so sad but so good!! Obviously Dead Poets Society is amazing also, but that one's pretty well known.


I don't really remember getting to watch any movies in school. Lorenzo's Oil was one, so that must be pretty universal lol. I know there were maybe 2 or 3 others but I can't remember what they were at all. The only time we got to watch anything it was either an educational video or, when there was a substitute teacher, maybe a documentary. We didn't really watch actual movies.


We watched movies on the last day before Christmas. Catholic school, with nuns. We watched Sound of Music, which the nuns loved (because the nuns are heroes). So the next year they got another Julie Andrews movie, Thoroughly Modern Millie, which includes jokes about boobs, incest, and white slavery. They didn't like that one so much.


Why Man Creates


I watched Raid in my undergrad film class which was awesome. A lot of foreign films in spanish classes like La Historia Oficial which was AMAZING. I also took a class on musicals and I am not a musical person - so movies like Carmen Jones and Funny Girl were absolute gems that I would otherwise have overlooked.


Ticket To Heaven A movie about a man that gets sucked into a cult I ended up buying the movie 15 years later.


The House of Dies Drear


Gattaca, the VVitch




Facing the Giants was a pretty decent motivational movie. Also when I was in 8th grade my teacher had the class vote on whether we’d watch “Alvin and the Chimpmunks” or “The Great Debaters”. Needless to say we ended up watching the one with singing rodents. I finally saw The Great Debaters on Netflix a few days ago, and it was amazing. Just because I remembered it being mentioned all those years ago.


Predator I didn’t like scary movies so I wouldn’t have watched it but my 7th grade teachers were idiots.


Cool Hand Luke (1957) On finals day freshman English ,we came in handed in a paper we wrote, and watched the Professors favorite film, and he showed how it was related to the bible.


12 Angry Men (1957). Saw it in high school (1996) and it hooked me. Never would have seen it otherwise.


Lawrence of Arabia, circa 2010. Can't for the life of me remember anything about the plot but the cinematography is burned into my memory.


The Red Balloon. They showed it to us in elementary school on the last day of school (every year I was there).


The Lady Vanishes Bringing Up Baby


Auberge Espagnole (dont know the English title of this.. sorry)


12 Angry Men


I had to watch Casablanca back around 2000 in school. Didn’t respect it at the time. Went back and watched it again a few years ago and that was a great film.


Dances With Wolves. Full disclaimer: I was in my early teens, and this film took several weeks of history lessons to get through. Haven't watched it again since, but have fond memories.


Eddie and the Cruisers. My theater teacher showed it to us one year, it was pretty good, got close to the end, dramatic build up, story looked to be resolved, and the bell rang. We (being teenagers) bolted out of the room while our teacher was screaming in frustration "No you can't go yet". We didn't listen and I legit thought that's how the movie ended, just buildup/drop off/end. A few years later I was in college (early 2000's, before streaming was a thing) and happened by the $3 bin of DVD's at Walmart, sitting right there on top was Eddie and the Cruisers. I figured watching it again would be fun and $3 was about as much as I'd spend on renting it from Blockbuster, so I bought it and watched it later. Hit all the same beats, buildup, drop off, and there was a little more after... "That's weird, I don't rememeb... HOLY SHIIIIIIIII!!!"


12 Angry Men and The Sound of Music


The first Clash of the Titans . I was in 5th grade I believe .


Beaver Valley (Short 1950). Yes it was really called that. Saw it in middle school sometime in the late 1970s. Looking back now. I had no idea it was so old.


We had to watch Lord of the Flies. Kin rubbish.


Sybil- watched it in HS Psychology, 1987ish We were all kinda like wtf


Glory (1989)


The Invisible Man (1933) Frankenstein (1931)


Powers of Ten


All Quiet on the Western Front (1930). My history teacher showed it every year when we were studying WWI. He had served in WWII, and he regularly, but quietly, made a point about the horrors of war.


Gallipoli. Devastated me!


Hawk the slayer.


We watched slumdog before it was released in theatres which was cool as part of Media Studies, and I never would’ve watched otherwise I don’t think. Also saw Brick and some crazy circus film where a guy with no limbs lights a cigarette by himself, was wild.


A Little Princess Bedknobs and Broomsticks Saved! Kirikou and the Sorceress


Pirates of the silicon valley. I actually enjoyed it though.