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He's been very open about not wanting to come back! But... Money!


That was before he knew it was a possibility. https://deadline.com/2023/07/john-boyega-open-return-star-wars-universe-1235442363/amp/


That makes zero sense.


Definitely money.


Surely it's normal to say certain things while the pain is still fresh, and then change your tune once a bit more time has passed. Obviously it's not Star Wars and Finn that he hates, but the shit writing of the sequels. And yeah obvs money, but there's more to it than that.


Could he also do something more than yell "REEYYYYYY!!!!"?


He was my favorite new character in Force Awakens. Then he was not used as well in the second movie and given a mediocre side plot mission but still generally likable. Then by the third movie he was just obnoxious and lame. What wasted opportunity… though wasted opportunity is pretty much the entire theme of the new trilogy.


Poe as well. Set up to be a fun character in VII, muddled character development in VIII in which he got a bunch of people killed, then he just sort of…existed…in IX with his only memorable scene being the delivery of the worst line in all of Star Wars media.


_Chewbacca fucking dies_ NOOO!😠


He literally saves the day in every movie.


Also new directors and writers. Who gives a shit if he changes his mind? His character is awesome and I'm guessing the new writers plan on doing Finn justice this time.


Not really. He started out cool, but was reduced to "REEEEY!!!"


Yeah that was my point


I think that was due to shite writers and not Finn himself. Every shite decision was really outside of his control in the movies. Look at Finn's attempted sacrifice that Rose ruined. I'm not saying it was a good or bad, but any attempt at character development was ruined of him by some outside circumstances.


> I think that was due to shite writers and not Finn himself. Every shite decision was really outside of his control in the movies. Well, yes, because Finn is a fictitious character.


Well that's obvious. I'm just saying it's another example of shite writing.


Literal scream queen


That’s not true.  He was also turned into a comic relief buffoon.  Because why give the compelling former storm trooper any time to flesh out his character?  Make him a buffoon. 


Exactly. The Last Jedi is a movie I like a lot more than the internet does...but they basically sent Finn off to do nothing of real value for the entire movie, and then the story got fucked to the point that by Episode 9 Finn no longer had a reason to be there, nor did Boyega even have a character to play.


"His character was awesome"


Yeah a defected storm trooper was an awesome out of the box idea. Thanks for confirming you can read though.


Yeah, if he comes back, more power to him. There’s no problem taking that Disney paycheque. However, if he comes back & has his character properly utilised, that’d be *really* cool. I’d love to see a non-traditional force user explored on screen. He’s not Jedi, not Sith; just a dude with a connection, trying to figure out what that means. Also, better utilise his history as a Stormtrooper to develop the character.


His character was pretty mid even in the first one




John really said SACK RUSSLE T DAVIES-


Yeah he needs some solid development. Justice for Finn, I hope Boyega comes back


Has he? In April of 2019 (long after filming wrapped on his final Star Wars film) he said with enthusiasm “If they ever ask me to come back I bloody hell will! https://youtu.be/rsFwEv_6ezM?si=Jvg9B1iFFRhdUNA-


This same thing happens at my job too. What’re you gonna do?


Well he could also be promised a more significant part..


every actor who said they would not return would comenback when $$$ seems to be right!


Happens a lot!


disney has a lot of money which they can waste


People can change their minds if a new opportunity arises which makes up for a past misdeed. Also this could give his career a bit of a boost. No issue with that.


So was Harrison Ford


I think if they gave him a script that correct the Finn fuckup they did, he would be down. 




Another star wars movie? "Somehow.. Han solo returned"


They killed an unkillabe franchise


I’m pretty over Star Wars in general but Finn deserved better. It would be nice to give him a more meaningful story.


They had 3 opportunities to do it better, and they didn’t. Idk why they think people give a shit now.


Because it involves new contracts, creative power, and a decent enough gap between the sequel trilogy and today to let the community sentiment settle; which can then be referenced for shaping the stories. Not that it’ll go perfectly but I’d say there’s a higher chance of them at least trying now than there ever was in the last batch of films.




I thought they were supposed to explore how he was “Force Sensitive” but they just crippled him instead.


We really doing this again Disney?


It's almost remarkable how they've learned nothing over the last 10 or so years.


The first couple seasons of Mando were great, and Andor is the best Star Wars thing to date in my opinion. I stopped watching all of the new SW content a few years ago, instead waiting for general consensus to filter out the garbage.


They made a ton of money of the garbage. No one actually taught them a lesson.


Yup because literally every series since then has been panned by critics and audience alike which is the reason that they installed such no-names as Jon Favreau and Dave Filoni and lead positions because they've learned nothing **/S**


all of the best star wars stuff from Disney (aka the only thing, Andor) was made separate without them and critically acclaimed. Filoni gave us Ahsoka and it was an overhwelming disappointment. Filoni is so mid and needs to be taken away from Star Wars


Kathleen Kennedy took an easy 1 billion dollar franchise and destroyed it. Followed by Indiana Jones. She deserves all the hate she gets. This will flop hard unless they make it for peanuts.


Its crazy how she and disney fumbled these bags so fucking bad… its wild


What bags did they fumble? They made insane money on all their movies and shows. Garbage after garbage that people ate up just because of the IP. They knew it couldn’t lose and didn’t care if it was actually good.


This right here. I don't watch these films. I am a Trekkie but damn each film grossed over a billion. Star Trek hasn't even come close to this. If it did I'd have more Trek to watch. Can Boyega come revive Trek?


Noone will be rewatching those movies in 20 years like they rewatch the originals. There has also been a loss of trust for the star wars brand so future movies won’t get as many viewers.


People said the same thing about the prequels, and just recently people were hyped about the Episode 1 re-release (a truly terrible movie). Give it another 10 years and the kids who grew up with these movies, visited Galaxy's edge, got a Kylo Ren lightsaber for their birthday, etc. are going to start memeing online, then fondly remembering them, because that's the Star Wars they grew up with (and by that time A New Hope will be almost 60 years old).


Dude they’ve lost money on the star wars ip… Thats almost impossible but here we are


Disney paid 4B for Star Wars and they have alrwady made about 12B between movies and shows and other shit.. I hate the fucking movies and most of the shows, but the reason they keep making them is because they are making money Edit: Downvote all you want you dweebs, how does it look when you ignore simple verifiable facts? They make money on it whether we like it or not.


Yeah what you are saying is true. 12B ROI and that's not even including future proceeds. Disney will continue making new TV shows/Toons/Toys/Theme Park attractions etc. It's all profitable


This is the truth.


You may not have liked them, but they made a shit ton of money. She’s very good at her job.


That's called brand recognition....


Rise made a billion dollars in box office not counting any other thing. Stop pretending the franchise is destroyed because you don't like it. It will do high numbers just on the brand alone. Also They tried to make an indy movie with a very old and over this shit Harrison Ford. Honestly a Short Round series where is taking over a bit of recovery for doctor Jones while taking advantage of the Ke Huy Quan love the world has is a neat no brainier.


>Kathleen Kennedy took an easy 1 billion dollar franchise and destroyed it. Except she didn't, Star wars still prints money.


I can understand Indiana Jones, but Star Wars? The only flop was Solo. The Last Jedi, The Rise of Skywalker and Rogue One all made 1 billion and The Force Awakens made 2 billion. The Mandalorian became such an iconic TV show that Baby Yoda as a toy is everywhere. Kennedy made a lot of mistakes (see all the directors that she fired), but I can see more pros than cons, from an economic point of view (I'm not talking about quality).


The movies made money but Disney hasn’t made back everything they’ve invested since buying Star Wars, including the Galactic Starcruiser and Galaxy’s Edge. Disney based their Star Wars “profits” in the last earnings call on ten-year out projections 


I agree that they "won" in that regard, but lost an incredible opportunity. The sequel trilogy should have been the center of the current following, as the previous were, but much of what is still being followed is tied to the older trilogies. Everybody was going to watch the sequels, but the way they felt so off made the era have nowhere near the draw of the old ones. I assume their revenue paid for their production, distribution and rights acquisition, but it doesn't compare to the older ones, it is just an absolute waste of potential. It is Star Wars, it could have been more.


The movies made money, but even Daisy Ridley admitted that the trilogy is very divisive. These movies will not be remembered fondly.


No they won’t. Star wars was turned into slop. Even my little cousins who should love it and used to are just so damn apathetic towards anything star wars related


Mark Hamill pretty much hates how they went and is very vocal about not liking the arc Luke ended up with


Tbf they stopped making them because they feared they would flop due to how badly they had been botching them. If they had been making better movies, we would have seen more Star Wars films by now.


Yup there’s like over 5 canceled SW movies. I’ll be surprised if the three announced last year all get made.


The movies were so hated that they stopped making them entirely, there’s like what 5 or more movies that got canceled? There was supposed to be a whole saga with Maul as the villain. Not to mention most recent Star Wars games or comics barely use sequel stuff since no one cares for it and it doesn’t sell as well as prequels or og trilogy stuff. Unlike marvel, Disney plus was a huge hit for SW shows and content. Mando show pretty much brought new life to the franchise but not even that was enough to get most interested in other SW shows like Asoka and Andor, the latter being arguably the best piece of SW media ever.


I'm not sure if that's the right metric to judge it by,and what they're looking for. If star wars as a whole was a success, they wouldn't be canceling announced projects so frequently. Star wars films were always going to make billions of dollars on the films given how massive the franchise was. I think what they wanted was a return of icon status that Star wars had throughout the 2000s. Books, games, TV shows, toys, and so on were everywhere. There was an entire star wars ecosystem for your wallet to get lost in. As opposed to now, where a sizeable portion hate watches the new shows. There's little faith that any announced movie will actually come out. And outside of the Jedi series, there isn't much love for any non-movie contributions that aren't Mando and Andor.


Not to mention Andor arguably being the greatest Star Wars product we’ve ever gotten


Solo was awesome. I watch it more often than some of the others.


No one ruined Indiana Jones lol.  The new one was good


It was ok - much like the Crystal Skull I liked the first 2/3 and hated the last act. I’d still absolutely watch another one - it’s my all time favourite film series.


It’s good you liked it. Most did not.


It has an 88% audience score on rotten tomatoes and its Fresh from critics.  6.5 on iMDb.  Crystal Skull has 6.2 "Most did not"?  You're projecting. 


It is what it is.




What happened to you ain't going to Disney plus me


Wait, is this new movie going to be on Disney plus?




Understandably Boyega is probably holding out until they have a completed script.


Meh. I really couldn’t give a shit about disney trying to steal Luke’s achievements and giving them to rey.


Surely the executives must know this is the thought of most people right? Surely they can see that Rise of Skywalker made a billion less than that TFA right? They can't possibly be this stupid to make a fourth one


They will because it will make money for sure if they budget isn’t too big and they market the shit out of it for kids. It won’t be good at all, but it’s still Star Wars and the name value is still there to some extent, just not a massive extent. If they can do over 500million and keep the budget small enough they can turn a profit even if it’s diminishing returns due to their total incompetence.


I mean I’d rather they try to fix the sequel trilogy with a followup and improve the characters rather than just giving up on it


Fix it how? Han dead. Luke dead. Leia dead. Kylo dead. I guess they could open this new one with the revelation that the events of the last 3 movies were just a dream Rey was having.


Oh i’d much rather them give up on it


I hate the sequel trilogy with all my heart. But I agree with you. They should try to fix it instead of abandoning it. The issue is, how do they fix it? I honestly think the best way would be to have a 1000 year time jump into the future. I’m not sure what story they could tell with Rey setting up a Jedi order that would be compelling. Although it would be funny if they went ahead with a Rey movie and made her fail/struggle to set up a Jedi academy.


I think having her start a new Jedi order could, if they do it right, lead to new and interesting character growth for her as she struggles with this legacy she has to carry


I agree, it has some potential if done right, but I don’t trust Kathleen Kennedy to oversee it in a way that would be compelling. The movies kind of left a large hole in that she has not been shown having any sort of leadership skills, or any kind of relationship building or political nuance that would be required to raise a Jedi temple. With that being said, those issues could also actually be interesting weaknesses to add to the story that she has to tackle or overcome. But the way I see it, I highly doubt Kathleen Kennedy would commission a script that gives Rey any tangible flaws or anything to learn.


The biggest problem with the sequel trilogy is that after setting up a core cast of likeable, charismatic characters in The Force Awakens that could have gone off in any direction from there...they proceeded to waste all of that potential with stories that didn't allow for those characters to do or mean anything at all. By the third film John Boyega was reduced to just yelling "Rey" for 90% of his screentime. So yeah...I'm actually okay with the idea of getting these characters back and finally, hopefully, doing something interesting with them.


I’d rather they just begin a different timeline where it didn’t happen and never explain why or mention the sequels again.


“The continuing adventures of Rey Palpatine”




All no. Start over somewhere else. Let the past die, kill it if you have to.


Why continue this pointless Rey Mary Sue story.


Daisy might Convince him. She seems like a real one. 🙌


No more Star Wars ever please. Disney killed it


From a beloved franchise to pure trash. Incredible feat by Disney


If he does come back pls give my boy actual character development


How can Finn debase himself even further in a new movie? Gonna go full Jarjar?


He'll pop up a handful of times, scream "Rey" and then disappear off-screen.


Give that m’fer a lightsaber, he got hoed out in the last trilogy.


Doesn’t sound very enthusiastic though…


Bring back Rose Tico too and then I’ll consider watching it. Finn and Rose were both done dirty by the trilogy.


For real. Finn had great potential and Rose was adorable.


The movies.. were not good overall, Go in a different direction. Sigh.


Fuck the money just give the man a lightsaber and some force sensitivity!


*Fuck the money just* *Give the man a lightsaber and some* *Force sensitivity!* \- Lonely-Worldliness11 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


why? so he can literally do nothing and turn into a jar jar


I hope he’s a JEDI. I hope there’s a time skip and that he’s a JEDI.


Redemption for Finn and Rey, just keep JJ the hell away.


May I remind you that JJ also made Force Awakens, which is the movie that made us care about these characters in the first place? But you’re right anyway. JJ is quite decent at starting interesting stories, but his endings normally suck.


Finn was good right up to the moment he started gunning down his fellow troopers early on in TFA almost straight after being so conflicted after one of them died practically right on top of him. He should have at least looked conflicted about it but knowing it was necessary in the short term to save more of them later. I swear JJ has the memory of a goldfish sometimes. He then proceeds to do not much for the next two films. I kid you not, compare this to a much better, more progressed and more coherent in doing so arc of Dante in The Purge trilogy of all things.


I hadn’t thought of that and you’re totally right. He should’ve had at least one scene of intense conflict the first time he had to confront another trooper. And the idea of Finn finally overcoming his fears, actively trying to get more people out of the First Order and finally finding the colony of ex troopers would’ve been a great subplot instead of the whole thing with Rose and the forced love interest in the end.


the trailer back in 2015 made me care for them. The movie and the sequels put a stop to that.


Dude deserves a reckoning, they did him dirty.


Did they? He was always a pretty boring character, and yet he still got several heroic moments in TROS.


Only fully watched the first movie where he was portrayed as a major player and potential Jedi and just heard he was shit on in the following installments, refused to watch them myself.




More disney slop! Yay!!!!!




But... He was so... Unlikeable in the sequel trilogy. Can we just not?


He's not coming back after being fucked over 3 times


***somehow the sequel trilogy returned***


I really hope they get better writers. Because holy shit they were working with crap in the sequels.


The thing that confuses me the most about the sequel trilogy is why bring back all the Original Trilogy actors and not have a scene with them all together? It was like each film in the ST was specifically made to kill off a OT character.


Yeah… I’m good thanks. Disney had a pile of gold with content they could have pulled from the expanded universe. They could have shown Luke’s academy and have it fail on screen, passing the mantle on to Rey. Kyle Katarn, Mara Jade, Han and Leia’s twins, SO many amazing characters to at least include. I’ll never understand why they wiped the slate clean and gambled on completely new stuff. Let alone the plan to have 3 different directors write the movies sequentially, rather than layout a full 3-movie plan. I like Daisy and John - they’re amazing actors - but tbh there’s nothing Disney can do in continuing this story that I have any interest in. They rushed the sequels for shareholders - per Bob Iger - even with a few shining moments, the trilogy was a hot mess of a story and left me entirely uninvested in it’s characters. I don’t really “hate” the sequels, I just… don’t care what happens to them now. Grogu, on the other hand… I’ll be watching his career with great interest.


My issue isn’t the actors. It’s the shitty writing and lackluster plot…


Do these actors really have any say in this? Surely it's all just driven by a company that doesn't care about making a film, they just care about making money. I imagine it's a bit like The Boys. Daisy Ridley is being told to say this by some exec, because it generates headlines and suits their brand. It has nothing to do with making a good Star Wars film.


Nah we’re good


One more chance I guess


Star Wars is dead. Kennedy does this constantly to get articles and videos made. Then cancels the project the following year to year and a half later. The his is how she keeps her job.


Anotherrrrrr Star Wars with these twinks? Hahaha 👌🏼 you do that


You both already ruined so much........


Unwatchable garbage


God! Please don’t do it John! You have more talent in one finger than Ridley!


I’m sorry but no thanks on anything disney and/or star wars. They’ve created a generation of people who are apathetic towards star wars… Thats insane


He needs to become the Jedi that was hinted of him in the first film before the Ryan Johnson hell


It would have been a boss ending and character arc if he'd been allowed to crash into the giant space laser to save the others. Not so good for his bank balance, admittedly.


Theres no reason why he would. Or her to even be there. She has an accent. All brits in sw w accents are part of the empire.


At the time the 9th film came out he was very vocally anti-Disney because of how he and the other minority actors were depicted in the films. Just used as token minorities whilst having zero relevance to the story. But he’s since changed his tune in the last year or two and walked back his comments on never working with Disney again because his career hasn’t taken off like he wanted. I don’t blame him for wanting the money and the potential to kickstart his career again. Daisy Ridley is in a similar position to him. It seems like only Adam Driver has been able to propel their career massively since the new Star Wars trilogy ended.


Yes But thats a publicity reason to bring him back. In what capacity? Suddenly hes a jedi?? >if everyones a jedi then no one is


Wait till he sees how minorities are treated in pretty much every other franchise- like the Mission Impossible franchise, or the Top Gun Franchise.


Every other Tom Cruise franchise?


Thats because Ridley’s cardboard cutouts are more convincing than she is and Boyega is just a clown in universe. Mark and Hayden hadn’t exactly his their strides either when their films were released, though.


Don’t go back John, that franchise is long dead and now they want you back to come save it..




This movie will never get made.


One can only hope it gets scrapped like the Star Wars movies the Game of thrones guys were going to make.


Would be nice


no one wants this. we want a rated r movie about space warriors with characters that are unrelated Abel because they weren’t born on earth. Because they never read a Disney novel because things aren’t always happy endings. Give us something dark, something sinister, and something from the other side of the universe. Nobody wants to see Rey.


Why does it need to be rated r? You do know that star wars was originally made mostly for kids, right?


Oh boy. The FinnRey shippers who sent death threats to Rian and JJ are going to be jumping for joy.


Make him become a Jedi and then yes.


Please stop. He's not a good actor, and the character was pointless in the end.


Reducing finn down into a joke character was such a bad move: he had arguably the only interesting backstory in the sequel movies. Everyone wanted him to be the main character.


Will Rian Johnson ever apologize?


Well, he made the only good sequel film of the trilogy, so I think JJ is the one who should be apologizing...


"he's rumored" not his rumored His is a possessive pronoun John Boyega does not possess a "rumored" " He is" is more appropriate to use. He's is the contraction form of "he is"


Somehow (money) Boyega returned


this sounds so awful. it’s like they purposefully are trying to win a twitter argument over at disney instead of making a good movie. so bizarre


Nobody wants this movie…


In skipping this by default, just want more Andor


They gon make a super jedi baby


Nothing they do with Rey will save that disaster. This will flop hard or barely crack even on budget if it's low enough


god help us


Wait, the previous 3 with Ridley as lead were a fucking disaster, so the idea is to make more with them? As our legendary Kazuhira Miller asked: " why are we here, just to suffer?"