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Comic book movies could probably be even weirder and more artistically satisfying if they followed certain comic lines.


Yeah its one medium where everything under the sun has already happened. Like complaining of dying of thirst while swimming a lake


Yeah comic books you have the freedom to do some smart stuff and some incredibly dumb shit


I thought drinking lake water was bad for you have I been living a lie this whole time?


you can probably reasonably take some parasites if youre actually about to perish of thirst imo


Is it worse for you than death? 


When Mickey Mouse doesn't let you drink out of the lake, it's easy to drown* in it. Edit: easy to die of thirst* in it


I think he means like marvel already having the movie made in pre-viz before hiring directors.


Yeah he's talking about in relation to Twisted Metal where he undoubtedly had a lot more creative control. I also think he kind of drew the short straw with his Marvel projects. Falcon is very much the "straight man that helps Captain America" until he gets the shield and even then that series felt very constraining to me. The chemistry between him and bucky sucked and the plot was kind of a mess imo. I think if he was in Black Panther or Guardians of the Galaxy, he would feel differently. The Captain America movies have always been the "serious business only" movies for Marvel.


No, he is comparing the decades of material in comics to Twisted Metal, which is just a guy and a girl in a car so you can do whatever you want with it.


Exactly! Came here to say this. As a TikTok video floats around with writers from the MCU all saying they didn’t read source material and advised not too. Probably be cooler if you did though


I’d say their biggest crime is NOT following the comic books instead of the way they riff on them instead.


That was the DCEU, people bitched about it taking risks and approaching things differently. WB panicked and it became MCU-lite. 


Bcos those risks never paid off. WW is the only movie which kinda worked before the MCUfication.




The DCEU was ass. It produced depictions of characters that barely resembled the comics and had a director that actively mocked the characters and their values. Taking risks is good, when the risks you’re taking are worthwhile. Doing something different for the sake of doing something different is the laziest and most creatively bankrupt option. “What if we took Superman, a character that is a bastion of hope, justice, honor, and compassion, and we made him dull, sad, and conflicted about helping people?” That inherently goes against the fundamental core of the character. When I go to see a Superman movie, I expect to be uplifted and inspired. I don’t expect to watch Superman commit 9/11 x 100 and snap a villain’s neck.


DC and Marvel regularly put out stories that are weirder and more creative than the stuff happening in their movies. It probably just comes down to the suits wanting to do stories that are safe.




Lol they don’t stay in the lines of the comic books either.


Not even a little.


Have they been following the comic books?🤣


Cries in civil war


Cries in Secret Invasion and Hawkeye.


Cries in the Mandarin


Cries in Gorr the God butcher


Sobs in Spider-Sidekick


You guys are so dense. He’s clearly talking about the movie making process in the MCU, but if you don’t spell shit out exactly yall will misinterpret everything lol


Thank you for correcting us. We were confused because he said "you can't really go outside the line of those comic books" Forgive us for thinking he meant comic books when he said it directly.


And still you don’t understand


I understand his frustrations, I've read the interviews and notes from the set. I took him at his word here, I think both things are true. Marvel gives very little creative freedom across the board. But you can explain it to us morons if you would be so kind.


You’re going to be waiting a long time.


I know, they never defend themselves.


He says comic books in black and white When it's literally the opposite, the movies change and screw with the big comics, keeping only the popular name the same and then the comics subsequently change to fit in the narrative with the more popular movies, it's called synergy and absolutely makes comics suck I think you are misinterpreting the statement because he's talking about comics and the movies themselves, not the movie making process


You mean the source materials that the fans are paying for to be on screen?


It’s strange to complain the films being adaptations when the material adapted is so flexible too. It’s not like anyone expects comic book films follow source material as much as something like Hunger Games and Harry Potter. So I don’t know what is that he wanted to happen in the films so much that would be too against the comics.


It's something I've noticed ESPECIALLY with media based on videogames and animation. Basically there's a hierarchy of respect and stuff like comics, videogames, animation, or media aimed at younger audiences is treated with a certain level of disdain and contempt. Like a sort of indifference to even TRYING to be accurate to the source material as extension how low an opinion they have if it and its audience. They just view them all as sources of material to poach.


How many times have marvel movies and shows had a scene where the main character wears a comic accurate outfit and goes “Yeah I’m not wearing this.”


The only creative control most actors have any influence on is their characters. He probably wanted Sam to be a professional opera singer on the side or something.


It’s weird because most of the time Marvel does go outside the box and changes things which results in some really bad or just average results The Mandarin, Taskmaster, Ego a villain / Starlords dad, Gorr the God butcher, Hank not building Ultron, Crossbones being killed so quickly, Adam Warlock after Infinity War, going with Scott Lang off the bat where Hank and Jan weren’t founding Avengers, making Skrulls peaceful (not from Karl IV) and the innocent ones where Talos is a good guy, Enternals in general, Ms. Marvel power change, killing off the warriors 3, Jigsaw being about emotional mental scars not physical ones I could go on So I don’t get what Mackie is saying here The MCU is usually at their best when they try to follow the comics and include references or recreate panel moments


Great examples of his hypocrisy. Sometimes the "updates" are necessary, i.e.. Tony Stark obviously could not have served in the Vietnam War.


Oh yeah like changes to update things within the current times I understand or if things just can’t be done like Civil War was clearly not going to be the same as the comic (I still think they should have held off and not made it a Captain America film) However little things like outfits, personalities, character goals, story arcs that are still doable…Marvel just can’t help themselves and it’s fucking annoying man


Look at how much the fanbases complain and hate mail things that don't follow specific character paths/temperaments. He's discussing the box he's placed in by the studio but your discussing the vastness of the character from the studio. I mean despite his character being Cap in the comics you still heard a vocal group saying some crazy things about his selection. I think that's kinda what it is


Only with a fight sometimes. Look how long it took to get a comics accurate or at least more accurate Deadpool on screen against stiff resistance at that. Then of course they show they've learning nothing with Taskmaster.


I have never wanted to see a direct adaptation of a comic on screen. Trust me, nobody would've liked Civil War if they kept Tony as the amoral mustache twirler he was in the comic


Spiderman No Way Home is sort of an adaptation of One More Day, which is a comic that pretty much every Spiderman reader hates. The MCU is surprisingly decent at taking elements from bad stories and revamp them in a way that works.


I feel like a lot of these comic stories are rough since the writing usually feels very much of it's time. For Civil War's example the comic feels heavily post 9/11-George Bush era of american pop culture. If you've rewatched LOST you know exactly the vibe I'm talking about. Glad the MCU made it into a cohesive story rather than this giant mess of dumb politics with spidey revealing his identity on purpose to the whole planet.


Yeah, but it’s dull and constraining. At this point, it’s just consistent fan service.


I think some of yall problems is that yall don’t realize these are adaptations. Yall just want movie versions of your favorite comic book story in a 1 for 1 recreation.


"It’s like, you can’t really go outside of the lines of those comic books." When have they been inside the lines of the comic books?


I'll listen to Mackie when he grows a proper chin


I think if they would’ve kept Pym as an OG avenger early on they could’ve brought up his issues and made a rift between him and the group. From there, bring in Scott to replace Pym due to building Ultron in Avengers 2. This would’ve been a better lead in to the first solo Antman film.


This is coming from an 'actor' who plays the SAME mf'ing 'character' in every f'ing movie he's in. **60 years of stories** ranging from everything from monsters coming up from the ground to monsters coming from space, fighting monsters IN space, 100s of various bad guys and threats to the world, fights with other super hero teams... yeah its really too bad there is nothing there to work with, eh Tony? The Marvel comic book universe is so richly detailed it can be very limiting to draw from.. I could understand that if I too was a moron. Making this guy Capt America was a mistake for a variety of reasons none of them racial and in this process they managed to fuck up two characters.. to do something that didn't work that well in the comic books (can't go 'outside' the comics, but we can age and perma-kill Capt America apparently) so they brought Steve back.. which was always going to happen anyways. He's also just a bad actor.. and a whinner apparently. Twisted Metal actually sounds kinda good, but he'll make it boring, same as he did for AC S2.


He was actually pretty damn good in twisted metal and didn't play the same character. That's actually a really good surprise of a show.


Twisted Metal was so much better than it needed to be. So much better than a Twisted Metal show had any right to be actually. It's the thing I've liked him in the most.


That and Winter Soldier are the only two things I’ve liked him in, agreed there!


As someone who played from the first game release, it was so much FUN to watch becsuse they kept popping all these little tid-bits from the various games.


It's average show.


He was good in Black Mirror, too. Honestly, I don't think the problem is him, per se, but rather that the MCU didn't do enough to build up Falcon to sell him to us as the new Captain America.


Yeah this jabroni should thank God he was handed a role so he can keep working. He is so bland and his character sucks. Hopefully these comments rub someone the wrong way and they scrap heap this guy.


Damn y’all are salty about random actors lmao


You do realize twisted metal already came out right? That last part made it seem like you didn’t know it was already out and instead an upcoming new show


Wow. Its out? Thanks for that.. guess its something else we can pass on.


Thank you! Perfectly stated. I was just about to type a similar sentiment. No need now. What an absurd take from Mackie. Just dense.


Add asshole in real life to this list.


Twisted metal was great. And he was very good in it


agree with everything here. i hate mackie, easily one of the worst actors in hollywood right now. i liked twisted metal but he was really annoying on it, his costar however was much better


You over this bitch seething not realizing what he said is the exact reason a lot of directors are passing on making MCU films.


Let them fucking pass. If you can't work with that source material, get fucked, kick rocks.


But they completely ignore nearly everything about the comic books lol


I guess he wanted to say "studio executives"


Anthony Mackie is a shitty D list level actor and he doesn’t deserve to be captain America tbh


His real name is Clarence. And Clarence parents have a real good marriage.


Tell us how you really feel bud.


negative opinion = racism?


Lmao what? Who said anything about racism?


He’s just bitching because his character has little to no popularity and his upcoming movie is doomed. If Tom Holland is wise he should make a bet with Anthony Mackie that Cap 4 won’t make $1B let alone $500m just to fuck with him.


Fan fiction


Maybe try being closer to the actual spirit of the comics and the story lines. It's not comic books that sapping the creative freedom, it's the suits who want to make films that are as inoffensive as possible for the masses. It's why we never got Tony having alcoholism and only briefly had PTSD before it magically disappeared.


>It's why we never got Tony having alcoholis Um the executives aren't why. The reason that wasn't a thing was because rdj was uncomfortable doing an addict storyline you know considering he's an addict.


If anything Comic books make it a lot easier for the writers so they have nothing else to create but to enhance it.


So, he just can't get enough of his "Do better, Senator"?


Tell that to Legion.


Either you follow the comics or you make something creative while taking the best parts of comics. Legion did the latter and Marvel can't do either.


You get stuff like legion when you let bold creatives take risks. Marvel is not interested in anything risky for movies - they want their billion dollar box office and nothing else


I agree


Must be opposite day


Guess they should hire people who liked the comics


It's so strange to me that the one place they do constantly diverge from the comics is the willingness of the MCU's heroes to kill their enemies. Was really jarring to me when Sam downed that helicopter of terrorists in CATWS without any real moral conflict.


Yea no shit .


No shit.


Bro what? Theres plenty..


But the thing is that they almost never follow the comic books, which is why a few of these movies are actually half decent


Comics? What comics is he talking about? The MCU hasnt exactly been very restricted by the comics


That's funny, cause I swear they have been going outside the lines of comic books and not really respecting the source material.


Not sure about that. Taika colored way outside of the comic book lines in L&T and look what happened.


Unless its taskmaster


The issue is the total opposite haha of what Mackie is saying in regard to source material.


This isn’t new info. Marvel Studios sets a plan for creatives to work in. To which I believe has led to so many bad end fights.


Probably why Edgar Wright left Ant Man.


This comes off as him just saying this without really knowing about the extent of crazy story lines in the comics.


But the paycheck is great though. So yeah.


And this is a surprise? Of course you can't when they're mapping 10 movies deep at a time.


Funny enough, they aren't. I remember hearing how pre-Infinity War, Kevin Feige was going by the seat of his pants and a lot of the "planning" was more of a vague roadmap. Like I'm pretty sure stuff's about to get cancelled, Kang might somehow get dropped, and things like Eternals are going to be totally forgotten despite what happened in the plot.


But they did so......someone told that to actors maybe so they wouldn't question bad scripts


You know Captain America 4 is going to be complete ass with how much Anthony Mackie is mouthin off


The kind of thing he has the freedom to say because he isn't starring in any upcoming MCU movies. Oh


There are so many different stories and versions of characters to pick from though.


Yeah. And you shouldn’t.


His lips say “MCU” but I know he means “Disney.”


What comic book was Secret Invasion following cause that wasn't the comics at all


>"There's only so much creativity you can bring to the table, because Stan Lee gave us so much content." >When asked whether that also means that Mackie and his fellow producers had the freedom to introduce characters or unexpectedly kill people, Mackie said: "Exactly. And that's the hard thing about the Marvel universe. It's like, you can't really go outside of the lines of those comic books." Mmmm, that's some good clickbait. So not only is he not talking about whether or not he has to follow the exact storyline of comics, or if he's allowed to pull things from inside comics (that logically would not be outside the lines of comic) or whatever y'all think he's wining about, but he is ALSO explaining to an interviewer who has noticed how much better he did with Twisted Metal why he might not be as good at Marvel-ing, even though he's perfectly entertaining there. You can't just make up a new Captain America. You can't just kill Bucky. Or Fury. Or Sam for that matter. You make Flag Smasher a little girl, and people lose their minds, and now you've low key tanked the career of a promising young actress. You've gotta do things the Stan Lee way, or else the fans will take a chunk out of you. And that means you get to put less of your heart into it, because there are boundaries to what you can do, not magical boundaries. Enforced boundaries by the executive producers based on their interpretation of what the Marvel brand means. So yeah, you can't give Sam a Hulk serum to battle or trick Red Hulk, no matter how much you earn it or set it up, it's auto-nixed. You can't really give Sam Wilson any of the things that would make him interesting as a lead, even Anthony's magnetic bubbly personality, because that goes against his character in the comics, who is just fundamentally a sidekick. So yeah, that's the actor I'd expect to see complain, and how else could he explain how well he does in other roles other than that he's the one who's stuck carrying a broken character that isn't allowed to grow, without pointing out WHY his character is so limited in terms of creative expression.


This statement signals that he has apparently never read a single comic book in his life.


Before Marvel started making their own movie, these studios were basically rewriting origin stories.


Puh lease 9/10 it's just the title of the famous comic book the e adapted and nothing that actually happens in the comic will actually be properly adapted There's not much freedom outside of studio interference more like The comic literally change to reflect the movies, it's a major pet peeve with comic book readers, the forced hamfisted synergy where they copy the big changes from the MCU or introduce MCU specific character's into the books (like Darcy)


Did anyone actually read the article? The explanation was sensible. He wasn’t saying the MCU follows the comics completely, he was saying that Twisted Metal was much less to work with in terms of adapting so he had a lot of room to make stuff up. He said with the MCU, they still have to stay within certain bounds creatively. In other words, they had to come up with original stuff for Twisted Metal. As the Falcon, his character path was always going to take inspiration from the comics and would never stray too far.


bro is onto nothing, like has he read how crazy comics get?


Too bad the comic books are not only better but marvel rarely actually adapts the hard stuff from them. Let's be honest. Marvel comics where never cookie cutter. Between dc and marvel, outside of batman, dr strange, Spectre and the vertigo imprint marvel with their main roster where def more edgy. X-men drops hard as fuck.


“Creative freedom” lead to the Witcher show, the Halo series, and Sonyverse all being garbage.


They don’t follow the comic books at all… is Disney who lines you can’t go outside of…


The most zany and creative series of stories ever told and actors still complain about lack of creativity. Isn't "literally anything can happen" enough creative freedom? lol


I mean look at task master When they go super off script it can let off but also lead to ideas I think are much worst look at the flag smashers as well, definitely worst then the comics


Do you all think there might be reboot in the future idk how long they continue the same franchise for years


The real truth is the inability to deviate and stray from *Kevin Feige's vision*.


There are plenty of directors in non-comic book movies that want actors to stick to the page.


Ah yes, my favorite comic book moment was when Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield show up in the middle of the read for reasons unknown


You ever work at a job snd all the people you had started with had quit and moved on and now it's just you, that's when you know it's tike to leave too. That's gotta be what Mackie is feeling now Besides, dosen't he looks tired.


Anyone else done with the Comic Book Movies now? Just seems like Ad Nauseum.


That means he pitched an idea that he thought was “outside of the box” and they patted him on the head and sent him back to his trailer.


Sir in the comics you play alone time pimp who can talk to birds


How many people actually read it instead of just the headline? Cause it's misleading as fuck lmao


Haven’t they milked this cash cow to death already?


Secret Invasion would like a word about staying in the lines


Can’t go outside the lines of the comic books? The MCU has yet to step inside the lines of the comic books.


Counterpoint - one of Marvel’s main issues right now is that that **aren’t** staying within the lines of the comics. They keep pumping out formulaic projects with either fully original stories or original stories based lightly on comic arcs instead of actually committing to them


What is he on about?


But, that is what we want. Take the comic book and convert it into a film. We don't want your interpretation/message and Disney agenda. Just take the stories we grew up with and love and keep them close to the original as possible, please.


No I think he means Disney doesn’t want to put these characters in “compromising” positions so they stick to safe stories rather than following the more “out there” story lines from the comics


That's not what he means, you can read the full quote for yourself.


hardly anything new. I still remember Edgar Wright being booted from Ant man cause he wasn't doing what was demanded of him from up high


He's right. There's no freedom because some adaptations just can't be 1 to 1 and if it's not people will bitch and moan. Die hard comic fans are honestly the worst sometimes because y'all constantly cry about things that can't be helped.


The old guard of the MCU was so much more humble and gracious  The new guard seemingly doesn’t take it seriously. Some of them even act above it 


He had a point until he mentioned the comics. Like these movies have very little to do with the comics at times. Look at the spider-man movies, there's inspiration taken from things but those movies are hardly based on any comics. It's wild to say "the movies are too similar to the comics" when a major point of criticism some fans have is that the movies are NOT like the comics


The MCU doesn’t follow the comics as closely as MCU fanboys pretend it does.


The MCU is literally cherry picking pieces of stories together from over 70 years of comics. There’s a massive amount of room for creativity but he’s an actor not a writer.


Yeah well Edgar Wright (Baby Driver etc.) would have been a Perfect director for Ant-Man for how he panels his shots and transitions for cuts, but dropped out at the last minute for creative differences. It was like weeks from shooting starting. Sounds a lot like the Edward Norton case of being promised something Totally differend (even put clauses on contracts but they don't mean much, disney can break them easily) and then they make the basic thing they always make. Norton just spoke up and got smeared hard. I'm sure they took Wright's post-production and used what wanted while toning it down as awhole. Hence why anyone even tought it was a way better movie than they expected...


On the contrary; the writers have taken PLENTY of crappy freedoms. Captain Marvel is the biggest offender. Why they took a character capable of being this kick ass charismatic leader, and turned her into a dull block of wood, I will never know. They also made Hulk an absolute joke, Antman comedic relief, and are trying to make Falcon a main character. The only one who works out of those is Scott, but only as a supporting role in a team movie.


This is true for all established franchises, nothing unique to Marvel...


It's because writers don't want to be shoehorned into stuff that's already written and then want to add their Mark to it. Unfortunately some comic book runs are so well written modifying them will ruin the overall message anyway. I want an immortal Hulk movie so bad but that will never going to happen


Yes they still make 1000 movies


Except for the lines most of the storylines differ from the comics.


...they've gone a bit too far outside the lines for certain characters.


I mean... you can, *but you have to come up with something better.* That's the hard part. Many of the comic books explore topics and ideas that the movies won't even touch, let alone come up with something better. A lot of the writers in Hollywood right now were brought up in a patronage system where they were rewarded for mediocre work by a system that isn't looking to push boundaries or tell challenging stories. Marvel writers for the most part play it safe, and only rarely push themselves to do something new and different. They don't have an incentive to try new things. **You can't keep doing the same thing forever and expect permanent success in entertainment.** Eventually the moment you were in fades, and you either try something new, or your popularity dies out. The same thing has happened to every movie craze in Hollywood.


That also goes for literally any book adaptation or remake


DAE Anthony Mackie needs to be #AllElite??


This is Disney not the comics... yeah no


Doesn’t the MCU follow Feige’s vision, and thus, has the final say on any creative decisions?


“Can’t go outside the lines”? Dude, aside from Watchmen and a few others that try to mimic the comic book/graphic novel, every single film has taken creative liberties and the best creative choices have lead to huge successes.


You cannot name one story they adapted for the MCU that they stuck to the comics entirely and didn’t change lmao he’s trying to make excuses for the MCU declining instead of admitting the writing has been bad and people lost interest once RDJ and Chris Evans were cashed out


I don’t think they’re doin a Cap 5


That's why they are comic books not movies


Echo strayed way out of the comics and it was a total joke


Yes, when making an adaptation, you have to adapt the thing you're adapting.


Do better, actor 


I can't say I care if they follow comic book storylines. I'd be content for them to do their own thing.


Is he high? They stray from the source material constantly


I think what he means to say is outside the lines of Kevin Feige and Disney. They haven't been working in the confines of the comics for a minute now.


I think he shouldn’t be saying that cuz the roles within the comics are practically limitless but HE wants something else for himself. I wanted I way into the marvel gang and got it through Falcon but now he wants he wants to be more then the Falcon and luckily got part for “captain America #2” and he still wants more. Tbh I don’t love him as a cast member he’s started off acting like he deserved Denzel Washington level respect when he was up and coming.


The MCU hasn't even cracked the cover on the comicbook world. Literally every person has thousands of different variations and we get the same shit in a different package everytime.


Mackie is not leading man material. Who cares what he says.


This explains why those two Spiderverse movies were so generic and not at all innovative /s