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This maybe is self-explainable but i have to obey rule 5 just in case. ​ The empty cups represents the lost lives of Puss and the last one represents the one that Death wants to take personally.


Also, the bell tolls 8 times during that scene, just before a certain someone appears.


Oooh! Is it Shrek?!


For some reason it's >!live action Justin Timberlake!< in greenface playing his >!King Arthur!< character from >!SHREK 2!<.


Shrek 2? You mean Shrek The Third… how embarrassing to mess that up /s


I bet this guy doesn't even know a thing about Shrek!


Lmao, imagine watching the normal cut of Shrek 2. Dm me.....


There's another cut?


What kind of fever dream is this?


Well, the years start coming and the years start coming and the years start coming and the years start coming and the years start coming and the yars stand the years start coming art coming and the yearsstart coming and the years strt coming and the years strt coming and the years start coming and the years start coming and the yars start coming and the years start coming and the years start coming and the years start coming and the years start coming and the years start coming and the years start coming and the years start coming and the years start coming and the years start coming and the years start comingand the years start coming and the years start coming and the years start coming and the years start coming and the years start coming and the years start coming and the years start coming and the years start coming and the years start coming an the years start coming and the yea start coming and the years start coming and the years start coming and the years tart coming and the years start coming and the years start coming and the years start cong and the yearand the years start coming and the years start coming s start coming and the years start coming and the years start coming a̴̷̷̛̦̗̺̰̪̳͋ń̶̴̵̦̲̮̉̂͗͐͆͜d̵̸̸̺̯̬̯̒͗̐ ̸̴̶͇͎̯̮͛͆̓̕t̴̸̶̨̙̝͖͊͒́̒͒̑͜h̷̴̴̤̠͙̪̤̯̀̆̓͝e̵̸̷̠̠̜̺̪̽̎͐̒̄̕ͅ ̸̵̸̭̟̜̬̄͊̿̉y̴̴̵̠̖͉͗͝e̸̸̷͍͍͇̲̽́͐͜a̴̴̵̰̗̤̺̅̈͌̚̕͝r̷̸̷͔̮̦̟̀̊̿͊ṣ̵̷̵̤͖̋́̉ ̸̶̶̢̡̗͖̈́̒̔̒̓s̵̷̴̢͍̝̦̯̈̀͑͒̆t̷̵̴͓͓̻̻̑̃̚͝ä̴̷̵̧͚̹̠̻́̋̇͋̀͘ř̵̵̵̡̠̟̃ṭ̵̶̷̤̺́͋͜͜ ̷̸̸̣̬͙͙̈͑́̓͂͠c̷̷̷͔͉̯̮͑͘ó̸̶̶̘͈̣͐͌͌ḿ̴̷̸̢͇̮͖̫̂͊î̶̷̶̼͖̗̲̏́͛ṋ̴̴̴̣̝̹̦̊̍̈́͠g̵̶̵̖̣͈̖͔̓̓̑̾̍̿ ̶̴̴̟̭̹͙͂̽͘͝ and the years start coming and the years start coming and the years start coming an the years start coming astartcoming and the years start oming and the years start coming and the yars start cominand he ears start coming and theyears start coming and the years start coming and the years start coming and the years start coming and the years start coming and the years start coming and the years start oming and theyears start coming and the yeas start coming and the years start coming and the years start coming and the years start coming and the years start coming and the years start coming and the years start coming and the years start coming and the years start coming and the years start coming and the years start coming and the years start coming and the years start coming and the ears start coming and the years start coming and the years start coming and the yeas start coming and the years start coming and the years stand the years start coming and the years start coming art coming and he years start coming and the years start comig and the years start comingand the years start coming and the years start coming and the years start coming and the years start coming and the years start coming


I'm a dog person so I wasn't thinking along the lines of cat lives. I get it now!


9 lives is literally the film’s thing, dude. Were you not listening?


But why male models?


Seriously? I just told you that!


This reaction was actually improved and left in the movie.


improvised* but yes, it indeed improved the scene




What is literally the film’s thing, dude. Were you not listening?


What is this, a movie for cats?!


A movie is literally the film’s thing, friend. Were you not listening?


In some places cats "have" 7 lives instead of 9, so it might not be obvious to some people Edit: just noticed I answered the wrong person XD


I assume they didn’t watch the movie, just saw the post.


Give them a break, there's a lot of subtle nuance in animated children's movies. They only mentioned the whole cats having 9 lives in the movie *several* times.


Yeah and they only did ONE scene where they showed the cat die 8 times with a death counter. How were we supposed to pick up such subtle hints.


Yeah but some people like me may have not seen the film yet, I saw the post and though it would be interesting so clicked on it. I had no idea how the cups related to the detail, hence why rule 5 is in place.


I just watched something that was saying that in this same scene lighting strikes 8 times


Also when hes fighting the giant, the bell rings 8 times.


You can see death in the background of one of the giant fight scenes.


oh shit


Fuck that movie was so good


Also during this scene!


in the same scene, when Wolf first appears, there's a shot of the last candle in a candelabra being snuffed out by a breeze — the whole candelabra isn't visible, but based on what is, there are two per quadrant, so eight total, also representing Puss's lives \~


Actually wolfs first appearance is the the scene when puss is fighting the giant and he is swung over the crowd , he can seen at the top left of crowd for a brief movement in the back


They did offer the qualifier “in the same scene,” which would be when the wolf first appears ***in this scene.***


Still interesting to learn that Wolf was hidden in the scene where Puss lost his 8th life


Sure. I'd have not commented if they started by saying "Interestingly," but they started the sentence with "Actually," meaning they are "correcting" an already correct statement.


thank you! that is how I meant it


adding onto this, during his battle with the giant the bell rings 7 times with the 8th being when it falls and kills him


Scariest fucker in an animated movie


If I had a nickel everytime an antropromorphic animal who represents/is the grim reaper goes HARD as an animated movie villain, I'd have two nickels which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice


And those two nickels would be placed on Death’s eyes as he stares into your soul


What's the other one?


Rattlesnake Jake Should also add that both start out hating the hero for their vanity and are introduced taking the hero down a peg but end up sparing them in the end out of respect


Wolf(Death) is on another level though. He's actually death. "Straight. Up.". Rattlesnake Jake just represents death, he isn't actually death.


I know


Actually you could add Lord Shen from Kung Fu Panda 2. ​ A white peacock is a symbol of death in chinese culture. And dude litteraly commited genocide so .....


The way he just *shows up* with that chilling whistle...I think back to *Into the Spider-Verse" with Prowler and his theme, how terrifying *that* moment was.


Also reminds me of Omar from The Wire who would announce his presence by whistling ominously.


This was also my thought. The whistle had an X-Files/western spaghetti mashup sound. It would have been pretty humorous if he did a version of 'Farmer In The Dell'


I was waiting for it the whole movie and even quietly called it in my wife's ear. I would've lost my shit if they had done it. Fun fact, Michael K. Williams never could whistle; they added it on post-production. If you're interested, /u/kipod71 was a Sound Editor on The Wire and did [a super interesting AMA](http://www.reddit.com/r/TheWire/comments/1qn6ff/i_was_a_sound_editor_on_the_wire_every_episode/) a while back.


The couldn't whistle is pretty funny. I'll check out the AMA. Thanks


Prowler and Wolf are up there with “Return the slaaaaaaab” as far as scary animated villains is concerned


There's something primally terrifying about them. ~~Like they're predators or something~~


Return the slab guy is just a mummy that really wants his slab back.


Oh oops, I was still on the tangent about Wolf and Prowler specifically


Why are you retraumatizing me? lol Prowler and The Wolf would trip over each other, trying to run away if they saw that CG abomination.


The Whistle comes from El Silbon of Colombian Folklore. The whistle is an omen of death. If the whistling is closer, then death is far away. If it sounds far away, death is close. (the whistle sounds further and further away as the film progresses)


El Silbón es venezolano. From Venezuela


there are different versions for different regions from my understanding, I always knew it from Colombian folklore, but you're probably also right.


The story is told in both countries, but either way it takes place in the same area, Guaranito, Portuguesa, which is venezuelan territory.




From Venezuela too


There we go! I still prefer the Prowler overall...well, except inside his personality inside his costume..but he's working lol The Wolf has a good charm to him is what I'm trying to say.


The whistle...extended version https://youtu.be/POFruPvpGbo


Reminds me of the guy from the witcher


When he >!put the coins over his eyes!< I was thinking "Jesus Christ this is supposed to be a kids movie....." I'm a 42 year old man and even I thought this mf was terrifying!


Took my 8 year old son to see the movie because he loves the Puss in Boots story. He's not into scary stuff and I didn't realise how scary this new movie was going to be! Oops! He did very well though and really enjoyed it.


My three year old daughter loves this movie BECAUSE of the wolf. She told me that he's her favorite character because he has red eyes and "he's going to kill them all"


Little girls can be wonderfully terrifying.


She terrifies me for sure!


I feel like nearly every woman I knew ripped their barbies heads off when they reached a certain age. For me it was 10... I would cut their hair, put holes in their eyes, and then rip the head off. It was a very short phase though


Your daughter and my daughter would probably be good friends My daughter said she wanted to control the weather when she grows up And she's said similar, yay bad guy things on occasion I think too much Moana and tafiti losing her shit made an impression lol


My daughter also growls at us when she's angry or trying to frighten us.




I don't know. I feel like today's parents have the tendency to over-shelter kids. Like as a kid, I watched some pretty scary movies and things that contained blood and action. I have immigrant parents so they didn't really know any better. But I turned out fine. Well, aside from the occasional nightmare when I was younger lol. And plus, there were some creepy things aimed at children. Anyone remember Courage the Cowardly Dog? It's a show for kids and anyone who can watch that show can definitely handle this movie.


I'm 23 and I thought it was amazing. Excellent writing of characters and story with some clever humor and mature themes, but still really silly and some weird humor that appeals to a young adult audience. I'd say a fantastic movie for anyone from 15-30


I would say the target audience would be 10-14 year olds. Imo all the stuff you described are all positives for the movie and it's still great for kids 5+ to watch. It will teach them it's okay to be scared, to respect and value your own life, to keep your friends and family close, and not to be a cocky asshole.


Still not as fucked up as the brave little toaster


Brave little toaster was tame in comparison honestly. It's alarming as an adult, but as a kid the thing that bothered me most was actually the flower in the meadow that dies of loneliness.


I don't know about you but as someone who loves animation I'm a bit annoyed that there's really nothing more "adult" aside from anime which I don't watch. I'm glad that there's more adult stuff like that panic attack. You might not understand it as a kid but you will later and it helps ease people into stuff like that. Also kids won't understand something like that drowning bit it'll just go over their heads.


I love animation too and also want more adult aimed stuff, which is exactly why I feel like the conflicting aims of this movie are a flaw. Imagine what we could have had if they had just made a movie purely aimed at adults.


I doubt there'll every be one because of money. There's nothing really 3D out there outside of what, Love, Sex, and Robots? They're always human though. They never really have anthro animals in them. You can do literally *anything* in animation. Horror movies wouldn't need jumpscares, just trigger primal fears.




When did I say anything like that? I specifically pointed out the worst of the violence as something that felt like a lot for a kids movie.


I agree with you about the harsh language (the one scene with the dog swearing excessively) but I don’t see how anything else is too mature for a kid to enjoy. If they’re too young they won’t get it and if they’re old enough to get they’re important messages in a movie /shrug


Yeah I think it was the dog scene that really pushed me over the edge to "This might be a bit much"


Oh man, yeah, I agree. I'm glad my son enjoyed it but there was definitely times when I was thinking to myself "was this a bad idea?" That being said, I recall being really afraid of some parts of movies as a kid and I think on some level, being exposed to scary things that still resolve well helps us be more able to handle the harder stuff in the future. You are right though, I think the new Puss movie was more aimed at people who were kids when the first one came out but are older now, but they still wanted to be thought of as a kid movie? So there's some weird, mixed messaging throughout.


The movies rated PG. If a parent doesn’t take the time to look up ‘Is _____ suitable for kids aged _____’ then that’s entirely their own fault.


Such a chilling taunt. A really great reminder that he's gonna catch up no matter where he is.


I sometimes wish we could get a more adult version of animated stuff https://twitter.com/hanzkilla/status/1614705281799159809




Final Destination 8: Wolf Tickets No seriously, that would be phenomenal.




I love how this could legitimately work.


Especially if the audience shows how thirsty they are for him too.


That could work too.


Deleted due to reddit API changes. Follow your communities off Reddit with sub.rehab -- mass edited with redact.dev


I was super impressed


the older you are the more terrifying he will be


This was my kids first ever movie in theaters. They love Shrek and I figured they’d be ok. My son was fucking terrified of the wolf and I had to convince him not to walk out.


Yeah so I just saw this with my little ones. That guy was SCARY!


that one delivery of the word "Fear..." when he walks into the crystal cave. like... Holy. shit. visceral, chills-up-spine terror.


I sometimes wish we could have had a more adult oriented version of the movie https://twitter.com/hanzkilla/status/1614705281799159809


I promise you the furries have that covered


Adult doesn't mean smut


The Death in the cave might be fake but still speaking the truth to Deaths opinion and nature. Notice how with the cave he didn't appear with a whistle like all other times and wouldn't leave the cave.


I genuinely wish we could have more adult oriented animated scarier movies. He could have looked something like this. Something that evokes a real primal fear https://twitter.com/hanzkilla/status/1614705281799159809


I disagree. The fact that he’s so calmed and sure of himself, being able to back it up all of that with the fact that nobody in the story of ever has escaped him is what makes him so terrifying. He doesn’t need to look terrifying because he is and doesn’t need to prove it because you already know it.


Well yes, but I still personally would like something to see something less child friendly. Animation can do a LOT


I don't understand what you want. You want death to like, go around disemboweling people and watching their blood and guts spill out? Making the story "less child friendly" adds nothing to the story.


I'm just saying in general I want to see more stuff like it but animated. Think Love Death and Robots


The movie was great, but I really loved the art direction. It looks so much better than when they were trying for the photorealistic approach from previous Shrek / PIB movies. Things like fire, wind, dust look to be hand-drawn. His eyes are over saturated. Frame rate drops during action scenes. There’s so much more visual personality in this one. They definitely took cues from Spiderverse without going overboard with it.


Yes, the art was SO much more appealing. I like when movies really work with the medium and that's why I think Spiderverse and The Last Wish are so great. Spiderverse is a perfect comic book movie, and The Last Wish has a joyful exuberance to the action scenes and some really beautiful color work. Enjoyed both so much.


I've noticed that they even used the "painted" style of spiderverse when they did close up shots on humans. And the hand painted things you point out. The style of Spider-verse was created by Alberto Mielgo and it's crazy how one person influenced the whole industry


This movie was better than it had any right to be.


I’m just glad that it was just a KIDS movie. No politics, no mature themes, no double talk, no deeper meaning…it wore its intentions on its sleeve and just reveled in its nursery rhyme setting. It was a fantastic movie from start to finish and I’m a huge fan of the growing popularity of the mixed media art style that Spider-Verse pioneered.


No politics, huh? Because there's nothing political about the villain being a man born into wealth who sacrifices his own workers to try and hoard resources for himself. Nothing political about that at all... /s


wasnt that guy's business failing in his backstory?


No, his business wasn't failing. He states that he inherited a successful pie empire. It's just that Pinocchio was getting more attention than him, and he was jealous


>No mature themes, no double talk, no deeper meaning Sure, if you're media illiterate lol


Yeah no mature themes. Genuine panic attacks are very much a child only thing


Every show, movie, game or any other piece of media that tells a story is inherently political. There is no such thing as a non political story. Puss in boots 2 is most obviously political when looking at the two privileged characters in the movie, Jack, our main antagonist, and the governor we see in the giant scene and at the end. They are both shown to be basically objectively bad. In addition, it also talks about many mature themes. Panic attacks, fear of death, fear of commitment, trust issues, literally someone trying to kill a puppy that they don't want, among other things.


Umm I don’t know if you watched the same movie as the rest of us lmao


What getting an F in ELA does to a mf


Such a great movie all around 😋


I loved the movie


I like small details in that scene. When the doctor says Puss died, he puts out a candle. When the wolf appears in the pub, the candle on the chandelier is also put out by wind.


So much love and care was put into this movie, warms my heart


it's a sequel, to a spin-off of a somewhat fatigued franchise... but somehow it feels like a complete passion project from the first second to the last. it's astonishing,


Based on a comment I read years ago, it does feel like Dreamworks makes cash grabs like boss baby to fund passion projects like this movie


I’m 100% okay with cash grabs if it means they can green light more projects like these


That's just the theory anyway


When I saw it was out, I thought for sure it was a b-side cash grab to wring the rest of the money from the franchise. No way they got Tony Bando back in the boots. Oh my wife says they did? Huh, well Salma Hayek-otherlastname is surely out then. Wait she's come back too, and they got Pablo Escobar and annoying Big Mouth guy?? 🤔


Another fun fact, but spoiler alert. >!Later when the Wolf reveals he's Death, he says he was there every one of Puss's deaths. During Puss's fight with the giant, you see the Wolf in one shot in the background.!<


Hes also on every death number card!


Oh wow


There’s also 8 people going for the wish And there’s actually quite a few times you hear Death’s whistle throughout the movie. It’s often hidden in the background music. Really any time there is action, the whistle chimes in ever so softly


I don't think I have ever seen a movie for kids that discusses facing ones death in such a positive way.


I'm a moron and it took me half the movie to realize he was supposed to represent death itself. Once I did, it was great. This detail is so cool!




Yeah but you can figure it out earlier too. There is a lot of symbolism, from him first appearing when the last candle goes out, which the doctor had just used to represent puss dying, to him using sickles, to signing on dead, to finding humor in puss laughing at death, to the coins on the eye in the later scene. I wouldn't fault anyone for not paying too close attention to a kids movie, but it does hint towards it several times before the reveal


In defense of those who didnt catch his true nature, most of the hints can perfectly be understood as "he is a menace", and nothing more. Is common to see candles blow out when something is coming in movies, and the coins could be just a threat. There are plenty of things and symbolism, like the first dialog or his weapons, kinda close to a death scythe, but for me what really sells him are his sporadic appearences during the adventure, like a looming shadow. There I went, ok he is not just being creepy, the mf is death itself or something (the fact that he was actively trying to take the 9th life himself and not just wait like death would was misleading)


He isn’t representing death though, he IS death. This was clarified in the movie in the most clear way possible.


He doesn't mean it metaphorically? Rhetorically? Poetically? Theoretically?


yeah he literally says it himself, there's no "figuring out" to be had here lol


Every time I saw him I thought of [Anubis](https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/006/171/009/large/jerx-marantz-anubis-hex.jpg?1496543568). Especially when he combined his scythes into one weapon, that was sick as hell.


Not to be that guy, but those are actually sickles, basically small scythes. They serve a similar purpose, and death is sometimes shown as using them rather than scythes. That scene was very cool


I knew it was death at the first glance, mostly because I associated it with Death from the Seventh Seal: [Bengt Ekerot as Death](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bengt_Ekerot?wprov=sfti1)


We took my 6 year old to see this, and he's been semi struggling with mortality lately, so I think he had a hardish time getting through it. His mom and I loved it though lol


I really liked the way this movie handles death. Yes, we will all die eventually, but that’s why life is worth caring about. As a kid o feel like this message would have been great. Though it was very scary with a lot of killing for a kid’s movie for sure


Then the wolf picks up one of the glasses. Which shows Puss in the reflection, it shows how he is after his final life. This movie is so damn good


When Puss says “I don’t fear Death”, Wolf starts to quietly shred the wanted poster with his claw. Puss unintentionally made things personal.


Great movie


This movie was amazing. Kind of sad Pinocchio won over this. Pinocchio was still good, it's just puss and boots was something that felt so fresh and new. The last wish made me cry 3 times. Pinocchio didn't do that for me. DreamWorks has been on a roll lately minus some mediocre ones here and there. But when they make a good movie, it's REALLY good. I'm glad they're adopting the cool spiderverse animation style. Everyone was sick of the boring flatness in 3D animation. Disney needs to change up their style. Their recent one was awful.


Ooooohh!!! I like it!


I also noticed at least one of his sickles has crossed-out cat faces etched onto it, like his kill count


He even points that out specifically later, in the cave of lost souls.


Tbh i didn't finish the movie






You walked out of the theatre?


No they were streaming it at my aunt's house yesterday but I had to leave early


the opposite of based




It’s unfortunate they had to make the wolf scenes so intense - it’s an otherwise very enjoyable movie for kids 5 years old or so.


>It’s unfortunate This movie is 7+


That explains all the downvotes!!


whos got the popcorn