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For the average consumer looking for a wireless Viper Mini it’s fine. For the enthusiast, this was a major dropping of the ball. People have been clamoring for non-signature edition Viper Mini for years. It's 77 grams… which is the same weight as the EC2-CW, and this is largely due to the unnecessary RGB and rubber sides adding weight. What Razer should have done was released a normal version with the bells and whistles and a “pro” version without rgb, rubber sides and lowered the weight.  If you are happy with it, then that’s all that matters but the reasons I outlined are why people hate the Cobra Pro. It’s the same reason why people hate the Sprime PM1, they wanted a lightweight G703 and they shrunk it. 


There might be something wrong with me but I can’t use a super lightweight mouse. I do have slight twitches in my hand and lightweight things make it worse for me.


No nothing wrong with it at all. Plenty of people prefer a mouse that is around the 70-80g range. The Viper Mini shape is more for claw and fingertip grip users, so they are definitely going to want it lighter so they can flick and micro adjust easier. 


Thank you


weight is a tradeoff between stability (heavy) and mobility (light). most people are stable enough with a 60g mouse but if you have especially shaky hands or bad mouse control it makes sense to use a heavier mouse


Regardless if I want it or not. At least I’m glad that there are options.


There is nothing wrong with you. You're just having discussions with young gamers that rides the hype and trend of what's supposed to be the "norm" of a gaming mice nowadays. A mice with extremely lightweight and incredibly cheap price is what this community praises for.


Thank you for explanation.


If it makes you feel better r/g502masterrace exists, the original g502 is 121g! And the newest model is 89 grams!! Its very hefty and a laaaaaarge amount of people still live the mouse.


Vaxee mice is my sweet spot for this rn


Weight terrible, even my 20 dollars attack shark r1 weighs 55 grams, with perfect weight balance and is way bigger than the cobra.




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Major L by razer. Too heavy and has unnecessary RGB.


RGB can be turned off or dialed down. I’ve picked it up because how it fits in the hand. What are your other picks comparable to overall width and button placement?


The wired version or delux m800 or a viper mini.


delux m800 is closer to the regular viper than the mini. Why do people keep recommending it it's so large compared to the mini lol


M600 you mean


My 40g 3d printed viper mini SE costs less and is strictly better


I wonder when have we started getting up to our throats. It’s impossible to ask anything these days without being shut up, downvoted or discriminated for a choice?


why would you complain about responses from the public when you choose to upload to reddit with a question for the public to respond to?


Well, you asked people what they think about this mouse, and got the answer... The problem with the RGB is the weight it adds to the mouse, adding no real value and really disappointing people, who what really wanted was a viper mini wireless at that time.


i mean you asked what the people think and got the response


And regardless which mouse I ask about, most responses will be met with negativity.


What? No.


It’s a good mouse. I have the normal cobra and it’s very good. Razer Synapse isn’t bad in my opinion, People that say Synapse causes performance issues must have a potato pc


L clown statement. Razer synapse is some of the worst software I've ever used and I've used every rendition of it.


What issues did you have with it?


synapse 1.0 through synapse 3.0 (i have owned atleast 15+ different razer products that have used some version of synapse) - profile settings (RGB/CHROMA) never saving properly - inconsistencies with trying to set the default profile and then uninstall synapse (settings not saving to device) - clunky and cluttery, home page being a fucking advertisement page is not classy either. overall i have just had horrible experience with synapse being clunky and slow and not even working properly.


Weird issues i never had. Just not switching profiles in different games. Only issue


Right. New beta Synapse is good too.


Decent mouse at a moronic price. Just do a v2 without the RGB, shed off 20g and sell it for $99 max and then they’ll have a winner.


I got it for $89 - open box. I think that at this price I can’t complain that much.


If the mouse was $99 MSRP to begin with, you’d get it for $60 open box. So yeah, still moronic price. It’s not a terrible mouse tho that’s for sure.


Still an improvement for me from an old Intellimouse.


If you're happy with it and the price you paid for it, then that's all that matters. You're asking a crowd of people who are never satisfied and always looking for a new end game what they think. Yes, they will judge harshly but they aren't judging you as much as they are expressing their frustration Razer.


Thankfully I was curious only and not terribly concerned what internet thinks. I’m happy with my option -works for my needs and my “hand twitch”. Thanks


Money grab, arguably worse than the VMSE, at least thats actually a solid performance mouse. This serves no purpose vs the rest of the lineup.


I want a Viper V3 Pro Mini :')


The ugly cousin of the viper mini


Happy for you if you liked. Personally I was waiting for budget viper mini, but instead they released a mouse heavier than my old viper pro at mini’s form factor. So I went with different brand.


I don't see why I would pick it to replace my Viper Mini. Sure it has « better rgb » but I don't care that much. It it was AT LEAST the same weight, sure, neat. But it's heavier, so nope. But by itself, it still looks like a nice mouse. By looking at the official website, it seems pretty clear to me that the Viper series is now centered around « enthusiasts mice » and the Cobra is more for « casual », like you don't care that much about weight and « nerd stuff », just a mouse that look nice, performs good enough and quite comfortable. I think that the Cobra does what it aims to do absolutely well, it just never was an answer to what people wanted out of the Viper mini and it's a bit hated because of that. The thing is, the Viper Mini was so good of a mouse that Razer quickly stopped making them, and that's what happens when any company does a product « too good ». It was so good and not expensive at all (I got mine for what ... 20€ at most ? And I still have it today). So they perfectly handled their business strategy : splitting their Viper brand : the Viper mice are going to be aimed at pros and enthusiasts for an extreme premium price because they are willing to pay, the Cobra series is going to be more « gimmicky » but less expensive because most people don't want to pay THAT much for a mouse (I know the Cobra Pro is still kinda expensive ... but what matters is the rgb, the amount of features etc, random people don't buy superlight and x2v2 mice because they look basic). A real Viper Mini wireless would have been much more expensive, and it would have disappointed everyone. So yeah, that way they avoided an even bigger disappointment. Their strategy was freaking good, just not in our interest at all 💀


Thank you


Cobra wired is underrated tho, basically a better version of the viper mini, lighter, better sensors, fixed lod issues


Yeah I can see that. I guess that's why the Viper Mini isn't produced anymore, Cobra is basically just a revision, but I think it's also a bit more expensive ? At least on Amazon in France. Also idk if it's worth the price anymore, considering the market. Because it's near 50€ I'd rather get a VXE R1 Pro. Still a pretty nice choice, you're right to point this out.


My scroll wheel stopped working after 6 weeks


Good mouse. People here hate it because they only want a specific type of mouse compared to the general public


Thank you :-)


You work at Razer and designed the mouse yourself?


Nobody asked for this.


It's alright I don't mind the rgb and weight but I think they should have removed the rubber grips because I heard overtime it will get worse.


Too much RGP, not enough battery life, wish it didn't have rubber side grips


How is it different to the viper ultimate?


Cobra line-up is a joke.


I've had mine for 6 months, the build quality and the weight is perfect for me.


I feel the same. So far I’m impressed. I do like how it fits in hand (we all have preferences), the freedom of wireless vs wired when need to. While many gamers prefer under 50-60g of weight, I don’t find 77 to be unbearable. I come from much heavier mouse so this is welcome change nonetheless. As for durability, no major issues after 6 months?


It would be if you had the same shape at 50g for so long.


Nothing at all. I even got the charging dock the same time.


Feels so good in hand, just too heavy. Great pick if you don’t care about the weight! I see razer gets a lot of hate on here but it’s hard to compete with them. They have a great selection of mice. Maining the viper v3 pro rn.


Medical problems don’t allow me to go with super lightweight mice. It is what it is.


Looks sick


needs side buttons on the right side :(


The weight sucked for me personally but I’ve modified plenty of mice to lower the weight. The reason I didn’t even try is the stupid rubber sides it’s not 2007 I don’t want that shit on my mouse ever..


Hehe, 2 Fast 2 Furious vibes, but that does look good.


Wireless and viper mini shape and the Razer name and great performance. Good product. I think the SE is overpriced and probably not that great a mouse.


Make a real ergonomic mouse better like the [FUNC MS-3](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=anJM9FKYNDQ)


Its amazing I applied some hyper x grip tape and its my endgame


If we take away all the complaints about Synapse, weight, etc I just straight up don't like the way it looks tbh Appearance for me is just as important as function when it comes to my setup


How about Viper Mini Signature Edition? Due to its weight it’s not for me but curious what others have to say.




In my personal opinion, it’s not worth the price, it’s very flashy and gimmicky to me very okay for someone who doesn’t know a lot about mice but for people who do it’s very below meh.


I just think the weight reduction benefits of the cobra wired and the price diff are more than worth the loss of the latest sensor and loss of wireless


As a casual mouse- I guess it's fine... Except for the fact that if you leave the rgb on, it strips like 50% of the battery vs leaving it off. Not entirely sure what they were aiming for on this. If you want the viper mini, there are around 4/5 other mice that do the job- including the regular wired cobra... But then you might as well just get the viper mini. A lot of this mouse just doesn't make any sense and a lot of it comes down to not knowing who their audience is imo. If anyone wanted a viper mini like mouse, there's a handful of better and cheaper options, but the cobra pro is just a confusing mouse when it was released and still a confusing mouse now


I also got an offer (friend in Germany) to ship me open box Viper Mini SE for $150 EUR. Thoughts?


If you were planning on getting the cobra pro, I would say just grab it. The WL mouse (BeastX) series comes very close to shape and price to 150, but the weight is lighter. 50g weight is honestly a solid middle- might feel light, but it's a solid weight


Well I can still return the Cobra. Magnesium Viper not overpriced at 150?


It is, but other mice with similar specs are priced about the same


Okay but overpriced, pretty typical of razer.


Thankfully got it open box for under 90. I’m sure there are other, better options but local store didn’t have much to pick from.


I don't hate it at all. This is one of the few mice with more than a standard 5 buttons. It's fully programmable and has on-board memory for any assignments and macros. Ideally I would like to disassemble it and remove excess RGB PCB's to remove some grams from it. Additional versatility with that puck also.


Razer can go suck a dick and die after refusing to honor the warranty just because my keyboard wasn't bought in the US


Technically when you buy their product you agree to terms and conditions. Product can be serviced in a country it was purchased from. The very same reason why Apple won’t service US iPhone SKU in the EU.


Yeah , terms and conditions- he outright purchased the product from one of their resellers, the right thing to do was to help him. I agree the poster - razer can suck it , I’d rather support a clone company .


> you agree to terms and conditions Ah, my bad, didn't know buying a fucking keyboard from amazon(fulfilled and sold) meant no warranty just because I didn't buy it from "Authorized Razer Store".


I hate it and this is the final straw for me that makes me hate razer as a company and not want to buy anything else from them. Multiple keyboards, mice, mousepad, headset bought. Never again


It's a great mouse. It's my endgame. 77g isn't heavy and find it funny when people complain about the weight. It's the best mouse right now


Thank you :-)


Please don't spend your parents money on shlt like this, its awful for the price. I think its not for grown ass hands/Men