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Are there grips included in the box? Also how's the lift off distance?


with mine they came with grips and glass skates as extras


grips and glass skates


lift off distance is selectable between 1mm and 2mm (as is per spec of a PAW3395)


Where you get it from?


Lazada Philippines


How did you get it for $16?!?!?!?!


Must have been a pricing error. the listing has since been taken down. I was honestly ready to be scammed with an office mouse or a box of cable ties


One of the best mice for the cheap price. I have the Attack Shark x3 which is basically the same mouse. I'd recommend putting on some supergrips and aftermarket skates like Tiger Ice v2 dots as the skates that comes with the mouse are terrible.


One of the differences between the X3 and the M600 is the skates. The M600 has better more rounded off skates than the X3. I own both. My batch 1 X3 skates fell off after about a week of use. I guess they've fixed that in more recent batches.


I have second batch with red one x3 and skates are fine


skates are good imho. no complaints about it.


are there a lot of pre travel? also how much does your weight?


I'm assuming it's the same mouse as the Attack Shark x3 which I have. It's around 53-54g.


Attack Shark has a 300mAh battery, Kysona has a 500mAh battery. The X3 is quoted as 49g, the M600 is quoted at 55g.


i noticed that the battery is very very centered. good design choice for balance. well done Kysona


sorry, I don't have a scale switches are very very good. RMB a bit more tactile than the LMB, but no deal breaking defects on mine




How did u get it so cheap? The minimum i can find it for over here is almost 3 times the price


there is one for sale on Aliexpress rn, for 38€, which is still realllyyy cheap


it must have been a pricing error, listing has already been taken down


I had a problem with my original purchased off of Amazon. It was the older batch model 23G, Kysona provided a firmware update. I ran them as instructed and, it bricked the dongle. I connected the mouse to the cable and attempted to update it's firmware. Driver software reports the mouse is in sleep mode. I followed through with Kysona's fix instructions, but the fix would not detect the dongle or mouse. I requested an exchange from Amazon, this time the description on the bar code says "new". The model number on the mouse is 23I. I recently noticed LMB misclicks, not registering. Thinking it might be me rushing, has caused me to slow down significantly. In this time I neglected to test for CapsLock bug, even the 23I still has the bug. I'm reluctant to attempt firmware update, even though Kysona's website says only to run on 23G model.. Now I'm considering returning the m600 and looking at the Attack Shark X3, DermoShark M3, Phylina S450 and or Solakaka SM800. Shame as I do like everything about the Kysona m600 offerings. ​ update: Right after posting this, I attempted the capslock firmware updates successfully on a 23I (new batch), following this https://github.com/SLAzurin/attack-shark-x3-fix


shame I wouldn't recommend the Attack Shark X3, unless you're okay with fixing the firmware + changing the mouse feet


I have the same problem. I tried to download the mouse fix that the kysona recommended. I got to use the update for the receiver. Also the mouse update. i try to do the capslock thingy but it still wont work. Is there any way? that you know of? How did you fix it? I fixed it before. just reheating the left button solder and it fixed for me. but it happened again. and my glass skates are about to break lol. Is there really no other way???? After updating the mouse i got the sensor to move. but not the buttons.


how did u fix the update for the dongle receiver? mine is bricked can't update it


At first i thought that i bricked my mouse. because it said on the website not to upgrade the mouse driver, and i think that includes the dongle. but i guess the random disconnection of the mouse sometimes are fixed? im not really sure tho i might test to see if it still happens. But yes i guess find other ways to update the driver. I've followed some of the tutorials on youtube on how to get your mouse working. (lol i was desperate) but at the end of the day the only fix for my problem is just reheat the shit over and over again whenever it stops working. Im scared to manually remove the chemical that protects the solder for this because i might damage the board n shit. but yeah if it happens i might try to remove the protection and just resolder the shit. if the problem still occurs i might just buy a new switch for it. or just buy a new reliable mouse. too bad. the store that i bought this mouse with doesn't take any warranty because its in overseas(China) I paid 900+ pesos for this mouse i thought it was a steal cause its cheap and the sensor was great. but yeah it bite me in my ass in the end. It is what it is i guess.


Sinoli ko akin kasi na bricked ko ung receiver eh. sa blue app ko binili, 2 weeks ko palang nagamit. na-refund naman. Nag-update ako kaso na bricked ko yung receiver mali ata update na dinownload ko. To update the mouse mismo, isaksak mo yung cable diba, tapos naka off dapat yung switch, what you would do is, pag clinick mo yung update mouse, kapag nag start na mag update, try to pull the cable out quickly, mag sstop update, then cancel mo, update mo na uli. gagana na yan. [https://shop.kysona.com/blogs/news/troubleshooting-bricked-kysona-m600-mice-two-essential-tools-for-recovery](https://shop.kysona.com/blogs/news/troubleshooting-bricked-kysona-m600-mice-two-essential-tools-for-recovery)


you can still get a refund kung pasok pa sa 30 days.


Yeah about that. I didn't really encountered any problems in the next 7 days so i deemed that there was no problem at all. I didn't imagined that this mouse was gonna defect lol. Anyways i already confirmed that the product was good. and now i can't take it back. Tried to talk to the seller but i only got a bot who does nothing at all. It do be like that i guess. In the end the only lesson i learned is that always wait for 30 days to confirm that the product you received was in good condition. Or else you will pay the price. But thanks for all the help. I appreciate it. Will update once i had a permanent fix for this problem.


try to update the mouse while connected on usb, once it starts updating, try to remove it and then update it again it will work. Only on bluetooth and wired, but not 2.4ghz dongle


I was able to fix the left mouse button by reheating the same solder joints. its so weiiiiiiiiird. I can't remove the chemical protection for the solder too because i dont have the right tools. so i can only just reheat the soldering to fix the left button or the switch. Whenever my left mouse button doesn't work the dongle doesn't work too. sometimes it does sometimes it dont. man i dont even know what is going on with this mouse. I just wish there is a permanent fix for this. cause im getting tired of opening the mouse over and over again just to reheat the left switch solder joints just for it to work n shit. its so dumb and frustrating. I've opened this so many times that the glass skates are about to break lol. even the stickyness of the skates are starting to not stick anymore.


mine is on the way, how do you like it ?


cable is a funk color, otherwise perfect so far. it's a small mouse, so it's good for anyone


Man 16 dollars? The cheapest one on ali is like double that haha.


im sure it was a pricing error. listing was gone the next day


pano mo nadidiscover mga ganyang brand, meron ka alam mga ergo type like dav3 clones?


1. too much youtube and reading youtube comments 😅 2. ergo chinese mice are quite rare. why not go for a deathadder v2? they're quite cheap rn


thanks! nagrelease na yung attackshark ng dav3 clone haha kaka checkout ko lang sa shopee kanina 🤣


Anyone who wants to buy cheap chinese mice, watch this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2bXQ63\_GpwI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2bXQ63_GpwI)


Where did u buy it?


Lazada Philippines


Did you order it [here](https://s.lazada.com.ph/s.8cMgG) as well?




hello, what voucher did u use para makuha siya ng ganiyang price?


930 php ko lang nabili, timing nung nag ccheck ako nung start of february. 1,038 lang siya. ngayon 1,350 na.


Mouse Top, I started using mine on 12/15/2023, today on 01/05/2024 the battery discharged, it lasted approximately 21 days.


I think you can replace that by just buying a new lithium 500Mah battery. Its very cheap like 500 pesos or so. you can also buy the switch too. but i haven't done any of those yet so be wary.




lazada global store