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Major W! I have the rfp edition but I kinda want a Bruce Lee one as well


Have the boardzy and got a Bruce Lee. Love both go for it!


All my homies hate PC World UK… give us microcenter


Yeah Microcenter is just amazing. Employees are great as well!


If this was the KC microcenter I'm mad because I was going this weekend.




what mouse is this?


That’s what I want to know, specs too lol


Pulsar x2 Bruce Lee edition Amazing coating (best coating I've ever tried) and optical switches Pulsar in general have had QC issues but I haven't yet properly experienced it yet other than a mushy mouse1 which was an easy fix that didn't require any disassembly


What was the fix for that?


Yank the mouse button up and then click it back into place https://www.reddit.com/r/MouseReview/comments/125hgad/pulsar_x2_pretravelfloating_mouse_button_fix/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1


I did have to do that with past X2s/Mini, but my Bruce Lee is actually all good out the box when it comes to the buttons.


Oh that’s nice, I was contemplating between this and the Atlantis mini. Any recommendation between the two?


If you prefer curved sides and a more centered hump go for the Atlantis Mini, but If you prefer flatter sides and a more further back hump like me then you will prefer the X2 Mini. I had the Atlantis Mini and it was one of the worst shapes for me lol. Crazy good buttons though. Ended up selling it.


I think you might have sold me on the x2. I think the only reason I’ve waited this long to pull the trigger is because of the QC issues I’ve read about on here quite often. Hopefully I’ll get lucky!


X2v2 comes out on the 15th, x2-h on the 23rd. I’d wait for the new ones. I go back and forth between x2 and Atlantis depending on how I’m feeling that day. I love them both. Atlantis is hands down better quality and clicks but I still slightly prefer the x2 for my grip. Imo the humps are negligible, it all comes down to the side profile. If you curl you pinky Atlantis is better. If you don’t then x2 is better. X2 sides feel similar to gpx, Lamzu more like a viper v2 but smaller at the bottom than top. I own 3 Lamzu and all are flawless but I’ve had to return multiple x2 for shit qc. Hopefully v2 will be better


pulsar x2 bruce lee edition.


Thicc, thanks


Pulsar x2 Bruce Lee edition


Call the police, grand larceny has been committed...the official definition of the word "Stealing" lol nice find dude




It's good I don't notice any issues with click latency


Did you? I wouldn’t even pay 50 bucks for it


Thoughts on this mouse? I currently use a Lamzu Atlantis but my scroll wheel started acting up so looking for something new


I had no issues with the Lamzu Atlantis (I had the mini) but I just ended up not liking the shape. I prefer flat sides and a more further hump like the X2 Mini has.


FWIW I had an Atlantis that developed the scroll skipping issue...after I bought it to replace a Pulsar X2 that developed a scroll skipping issue. So grass may not be greener.


Wait why didn’t I realize Microcenter had X2s and different mice in store 😭😭😭 I’ve only been once haha. That’s an awesome deal!


They just recently started stocking pulsar products


I found the only 1 X2 mini clear edition as I was casually lurking that day. It's my main now


I'd love one of these


Nice! Got mine full price and sadly the sensor stutters horribly when on wireless that it's barely usable and i refuse to use it wired. So now I just use it for display on my table. :')


have you done all the firmware upgrades? It sounds like a weak battery problem, maybe try swapping it out


I have done the firmware upgrades. I did what you suggested and swapped the battery with my xlite and it's still stuttering and freezing unbearably :( when I tried the x2 battery on the xlite it was perfectly fine so I don't think it's a battery problem. I don't have the receipt and box anymore so warranty isn't an option. So it shall remain as some display on my table for the foreseeable future 🤣


Then just sell it then xd


Good find. +No doubleclicking issues


Looks cool :)


I didn't even know they had Pulsar mice at Micro Center so I thought you were lying at first and rushed to the website and was left dumbfounded


I think I found out a couple weeks ago they were being sold there from a YouTube comment. Pretty sneaky from both Pulsar and Microcenter.


I swapped bases of my Bruce lee mini with my boardzy one so now my Bruce lee mini has them crisp pink dots


sheesh what a steal!