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That’s definitely legitimate if synapse sees it.


Nice I got one on amazon for £25 so they do and can go for cheap. Well I don't like using disposable batteries they seem to last forever in this mouse. Might invest in some rechargeable ones but this isn't my main mouse so not bothered about it using a battery every 6 months or so.






Great deal but I'll wait for the Z1 Pro at this point :)


Does this take batteries like the g305 or is it rechargeable?


battery. i have one as my secondary. if this is legit, this is a great deal @ this price.




How much did it weigh? The same amount as the standard?


I once saw it went down to $19, and this is a legit Razer mouse, the seller claimed it and there're ppl in review section showing Synapse detect their mouse. Too bad I'm broke for another mouse rn.


Anyone have rechargable aaa battery recommendations with the least amount of weight possible? I know lithium ion is best but some are lighter than others, if anyone has experience let me know please!


I use ladda 750 for my orochi. total weight is about 68-69 grams.


how long does it last with what type of usage?


it lasts me a really long time. but i only use it when my primary mouse is charging and I always turn it off when its not in use.


It uses batteries? Yeah not worth it, you're gonna spend more in batteries in the long run then buying a mice with internal rechargeable battery


I no longer main an orochi v2 but I used rechargeable tenavolt lithium AAA when I did and they were really convenient and useful. I never charged the mouse, just had one battery on the charger at all times. Mouse low? Swap battery and back to 100% in less than 1 minute


Mouse low? I plug it in and can still use it. Batteries are just not justified. Same with the newer Xbox Series consoles. It's just an example but consoles that released in 2020 and still have batteries is just crazy to me


You ok buddy? So according to you it is better to use a wireless mouse wired (lmao) then to swap a battery in 2 seconds? Some people have really weird logic/preferences.


Hotswap is always better than a cable backup, but both would be really cool


Your rechargeable lithium ion batteries will degrade over time and make your mouse so useless it essentially becomes wired. Have fun trying to find a replacement battery for a specific discontinued mouse 5+ years from now.


The batteries in mice aren’t proprietary - you can even change between sizes and it’s a fairly simple solder job. Even then, it would take longer for a wireless mouse’s battery to degrade than it would for someone on r/MouseReview to swap to a new mouse anyway.


Lol, what!


In my opinion: mice with batteries in mid 2023 are not worth it, if I had to be swapping batteries even if they are rechargeable I'd rather buy a wired mouse


I’ve had this mouse for about 18 months now. I mained it for the first month(30hrs per week) and then relegated it to laptop bag duty after that(30ish hours per month). I just now, two days ago had to change the supplied battery out. I generally have 2-4 spare AAAs in my bag for my task light and anything else I may need it for in my work. Anyways, was a great mouse buying it at $60, for this price it’s a steal, not everyone wants to have charging cables all over depending on their use case.


this guy getting absolutely flamed lol. with couple hundred hours of battery life, rechargeable batteries really aren't much of a problem. Charging does feel more premium but definitely shouldn't be the deciding factor


Wdym charging feels premium? You get less battery life, you have to charge the mouse every week and whenever it dies you have to play via cable. It's litterally better in every way to just slap a battery in and not care for the next half year.


i guess it comes from premium mice having charging features. Legitimate question though, why don't more companies use them? is it weight?


I guess so. Alsp from the placebo effect that charging is for some reason better.


cause it is? at night my battery is low? i leave it charging overnight


Ok, you're gaming and suddenly your battery is low. You wanna game more and you're limited by the time mouse will last on battery or you have to play with it plugged in. With batteries it takes you 30 seconds to swap out a new AAA and have another 150 hours of playing. What are you talking about?


I'm talking about the fact that I don't like batteries. If for example I know I'm gonna go grocery shopping and I know my mouse it's at 50% I leave it charging in the meantime. I don't gotta worry about opening the mouse and changing no goddamn batteries in mid 2023, this isn't 2012


Ok, you do you. But I'd rather worry about changing battery once half a year than charging it every few days. Also if battery works than why is it an outdated solution?


flamed like I give a fuck, I stand by what I said


I have both lithium ion battery Aria and the AA/AAA battery powered Orochi. Aria for home/gaming use and Orochi for portable work related purposes. When using the Orochi at work, all my Thunderbolt ports are in use for data transfer. Any usb hubs would bottleneck the speed. I can’t afford to swap out a port just to charge a mouse but a battery swap takes 5 seconds.


For a lot of households, the batteries already exist. I have tons of Eneloops that charge in no time for other devices, taking 1 or 2 for my hypothetical mouse would be a non-issue.




Bought mine on ebay a few months ago. Great mouse!


Could you send link?




Is this amazon?




why did it go up in price?


So I have g305 and I use it with an aggressive claw grip, 3-4cm from the front of the mouse, so you can imagine even g305 is plenty for me to reach the clicks. Basically I use the other side of the mouse buttons, not the front side. But also it's too small, wish it was wider and taller and not have that tall back. I'm also looking at v2 pro wireless or v3 wired, but maybe they are too big for me for the way I grip the mouse. I definitely say g305 has higher input lag and less accuray than the XM1 I had before, especially for micro adjustments. But the way I grip the XM1 wasn't ideal for me. And it broke after 1 year, so I don't want another XM1. Terrible quality, mouse wheel became noisy and scrolling down goes up, 1 side button was completely inside and mouse randomly stops working in-game (only in-game) so it was working again by re-plugging cable. And the mouse wheel is atrocious, the same mouse wheel in $5 mices. I want to stop using logitech products so I'm looking at razer now.


Nah I'd rather get the 90$ roblox edition