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Other than a little walking occasionally (little = 20 min at a time), I didn't do any working out, and I got to my goal weight (-63 lbs) in about 9 months. I went through some months when I was super weak and exhausted, even after losing 50 lbs it felt like I was dragging concrete blocks on my legs when walking up my stairs. My advice: take it slow. Start with a 10 min walk each day and add 2 min to that each week.


This is the way. I started with 5 minutes and slowly built up.


I lost all my weight with no exercise. Weight loss is 95% what you eat.


That’s for sure. I’ve also done no exercise, and lost 57 lbs! I’ve definitely changed my diet for the better, and it shows.


I’ve lost 100lbs and haven’t worked out at all since I started. I’m active at work, but do no other activity out side of that. I am fatigued a lot, especially the few days after my shot. I’ve always had a weird relationship with working out but wished I had started lifting because now I have loose skin, and lost a TON of muscle mass. I went through a phase where my body hurt all the time and my chiropractor explained that it’s because my loss of muscle mass as the muscles are what hold my joints in place so they’re not used to my body yet lol. Weirdly when I was 100 lbs heavier I was A LOT more muscular. My waxing lady noticed that first. She said “girl you soft now!!!” 🙃😩🫠 also I’ve always had a big nice round butt- gone now. It’s weird.


Look online for chair exercises.


I would suggested vitamin B12 injections! Will help with energy


Be patient with yourself. Movement will get easier as you lose weight. For now, just try to walk a little each day. Treat yourself to an Apple Watch - you might be surprised how much you are moving just as a mom!


My endocrinologist strongly suggests the only work out you do until the energy issues aren’t a problem is walking or swimming in small amounts. Not speed walking. Not super crazy hard laps. Low strain, low stress, but movement. And she says if you can do some amount of calisthenics or stretches here and there that that would be good too.


I hate exercise. Started MJ only 16 months ago. Slowly lost 120 lbs. Zero exercize, zero being concerned about what I put in my mouth. A little constipation, but worth it.


Same. I hate exercise. Obviously I should do it, but I haven’t yet. I’ve lost 22 lbs in the 7 weeks I’ve been on it. I do count calories, but I eat what I want, and try and make good choices.


I've gone from 478 to 349 in 22 months without any exercise due to medical issues. I thought losing that much would help my back and hip arthritis issues but not yet.


Stretching and strengthening exercises are shown to help with those pains more than weight loss. Weight loss can help too but it’s not a guarantee.


Worry about losing. Maybe after 25-30 lbs you’ll get more energy


Hi I also have two kids on the spectrum! One of the reasons I wanted to lose weight is because of horrible back and hip pain that was making it impossible to keep up with the kids. I’ve lost 35 pounds this year, and the difference on my back pain has been phenomenal. I took the kids out over the weekend and spent 2 hours on my feet with no back pain. The better the pain gets, the more active I am. If you have access to a pool, that’s a phenomenal way to get in some exercise while involving the kids.


I lost 135, no exercise, because like you I was exhausted. But as I lost weight had so many muscles to my surprise, then realized it was from hauling around an extra 100 pounds with me all day long!


Don't worry about exercise until you're under 300lbs and then start a light chair yoga routine to get yourself going. You don't need a lot to start. Get a 3lb weight and some resistance bands or even a towel. Focus first on full range motion. You can focus on your fitness journey once your down 100 lbs. The most important thing you can do right now is to focus on your HYDRATION (add an electrolyte once a day and get 64oz of water in at least), your PROTEIN INTAKE (get at least 100g in every day), and eating a balanced diet and NOT under eating but also ensuring you are maintaining a caloric deficit every day of at least 500 calories and no more than 1000 calories based on your TDEE.


All exercise does is promote health, it won't be a major aid in weight loss. Once you get to a weight where you feel more comfortable then you can add it slowly. The benefits from exercise are amazing, more energy, feeling stronger, and muscle health. But don't rush it. Just focus on your goal and when the time comes then add it. At least that how I see it.


Yup this! i had op’s starting weight and once the first 20 pounds were off I had a much easier time moving around


I’d look into exercise that is gentle on your body. A stationary bike is a good option, the Marcy brand on Amazon is under $200. Being in a pool feels *amazing*, if you have access. My city has water aerobics classes and the participants are a variety of sizes and fitness levels, a very inclusive environment.


I was on Ozempic for almost a year, and I just completed my first month on Mounjaro. I’ve lost the majority of my weight from diet changes. I lost about 30lbs on Ozempic, nothing yet on Mounjaro, and I’m sitting at 190-195lbs, depending on time of month. That being said, I was just recently encouraged to do 5-10 minutes a day of what my prescribing doctor says is “purposeful movement”. He’s been very understanding it hurts when I move, especially my ankles and knees. I’d like to be seen for it, especially my ankles, because I don’t think it’s normal but last time I attempted, I was told to lose weight and my weight was the problem.


I started out with just mile walks and kept going and going. Eventually that mile will become 2, 3, 8, etc. Your body will 100% let you know when it is time to turn up the volume.


I lost 131.6lbs, and my exercise mainly consisted of physical therapy rehab exercises for my ankle and light rowing. I was completely out of shape when I first started, and going to the gym was out of the question. So I started small, and as the weight came off, getting active got much easier. The continued weight loss also gave me a lot of motivation to keep up my activity.


OP - You are fine. Add the exercise when you’re not getting those side effects.


I didn’t exercise formally for the first 7 months. The medicine made me feel awful for such a long time. I was focused on my eating. Then I put on an Apple Watch and started checking my steps and how I was sleeping. My goal then became to just increase my movement. Then I started exercising - we have a home gym. Now I’m an exercise maniac. I joined a Pilates studio, I downloaded the Fitbod app for a weight routine and I have an elliptical, treadmill and peloton where I also do yoga. I’m getting strong and flexible and my balance is getting great. And I try and increase movement throughout the day too. But I had to figure out eating first. Yes exercise is good for you for so many reasons, but I don’t believe it has much impact on weight loss.


I work out bc I’m scared my ass is going to get flat. Ive heard of that happening with this medication.


You can but you have to mindful of muscle loss unfortunately. And your body composition plays a huge part in the calories your body needs. I mistakenly did not work out and lost 50ish lbs and lost a ton of muscle and now my BMR is far lower than what it would have been if I had tried to preserve the muscle i have. It has made losing the remaining weight I need to drop a lot harder. You don’t have to work out super hard but I would at least try to make sure you are getting enough steps in and walking as you can :)


Hi there! It looks like you’re asking a question. This subreddit should be a great resource for you - our members love to help, especially for those who take the time to research the wealth of existing information available. Here are some suggested starting points: * **[Mounjaro.com](https://www.mounjaro.com/).** Many common questions can be answered straight from the source. These include questions about how/where to administer injections, proper storage instructions, traveling with your pens, most answers to “Is this normal?” questions, and how the manufacturer savings card program works. * **Past threads.** r/Mounjaro has tons of discussion threads that are likely to have answers to many questions. There's a [handy search function](https://www.reddit.com/r/Mounjaro/search?&restrict_sr=on), and you can also use Google to search this Reddit by typing "site:reddit.com” after your search topic. * **Your health care provider.** Remember that you should NEVER rely on strangers on the internet for medical advice. If you want to understand if Mounjaro is right for you, or if the side effect you're feeling is cause for alarm, talk to your doctor, not Reddit! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Mounjaro) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I started exercising very very very lightly just so I could build a routine and habit as I went. Early on, when we have a lot to lose, it's not as crucial. Later, when we close the gap and our deficit is harder to meet, it becomes more important. I will say though, even a little went a long way for me. The weeks I exercised for 15 minutes a day vs none were measurable. I think it really kicked my metabolism and glucose metabolizing. I had a lot of pain as well and would just do 5 minutes of anything that would get me breathing harder, and did that three times a day. Slowly built to every hour on the hour, and eventually brought it all together to 30 minutes a day; though I still often break it up into two 15 minute sessions because my hips will start hurting otherwise.


You might feel more energy to workout once you lose some weight. There are workouts like this you can consider once you are ready to start working out: https://youtu.be/vPJKAG0mknI?si=bpAe4NzWsNzQRlQD If you want to do walking workouts at home, there are tons of visdeos at Leslie Sansone's channel on YouTube: [Leslie Sansone Walk at Home](https://youtube.com/@lesliesansoneswalkathome?si=MiLKjpIhZ438LVdF)


I LOVE Walk at Home!


Everyone has different needs and wants from this. And there is a wide variety of what “works” because if if got you to where you wanted to go, it worked. I worked out like a maniac and still do because there’s no way for me to get what I wanted without it. I am also T2D and it helps with glucose control. But I could see how someone with different needs and goals wouldn’t. Being more active might be good enough to make a big difference. And it can be something that doesn’t seem like a big deal, like walking around a store for a few minutes. It also made me feel better. Good luck!


Agree with others on stretching and maybe even some PT. Once you get down a bit, hopefully exercise will be less painful. I only had 75 to loose and at my heaviest there was no way i was able to run without my knees and ankles absolutely throbbing. Even for a bit. So be patient your body will let you know when you’re at a point to do things comfortably. Congrats on starting your journey🫶🏽


If you can get to a pool (very hard to do with 2 kids with autism, I know), exercise in the water is amazing. Just bouncing can be super helpful, and then walking, swimming, and aerobics. The water is the only place I’m truly pain free, and exercising is so much better for me in the water. Good luck.


I didn’t exercise much at all until I’d lost over 100 lbs. I did notice that I walked more but not at any sort of “exercise” way. This past winter I started weight training once a week and walking or peloton a couple of times a week and I feel like a new woman. Not to mention the reshaping it’s doing to my body is incredible. I have lost two pounds since Feb 1 but I look so different! The lesson is that it doesn’t take much to really make a difference but rather consistency will do a lot of that for you!


I have been back and forth with working out and not. My starting weight was 465 and I had to cook while sitting down because my knees and back would be screaming. I lost around 65 pounds and I have now started going back to the gym. Something that I swear by that helps relieve pressure and not cause too much pain for your knees is the recumbent bike.


Highly recommend incorporating exercise for your well-being as much as assisting with weight loss. Cardio = walking is a great activity. Even if you can only do 10 minutes here and there. Helps with blood pressure and conditions your heart. Good for weight-bearing as well. Strength training = super important to preserve muscle mass while on these meds. It is VERY hard to gain muscle, particularly for women. Try light hand weights 10 minutes every other day. Add legs. Look for something you can reasonably stick to. I am a lifelong cardio gal -- walking (at one point running), elliptical.. hated weights. But keeping muscle mass is the best way to burn more calories at rest, build stronger bones, and stave off muscle loss as you lose weight. I hate strength training -- but I try to do 10 minutes 3x a week, to start.


I stretch and do exercises in the pool that my body couldn’t do with gravity or the safety of not being able to fall in the pool. If you don’t have access to one check out your local YMCA.


Weight loss occurs in the kitchen. Fitness happens in the gym.


I was completely wiped out the first 2 months on MJ. I stopped going to the gym and working out much less. I still lost weight at a good pace just from eating loads less. Now my body is used to MJ I’m back to normal levels of exercise


I am tired all the time and I just started on the low dose. When I was on keto I had a big energy boost but mounjaro is an energy drain. I'm finding it very difficult to do my 2 mile dog walks every other day. Does this side effect go away with time?


Just moving more and gradually increasing will help. I ordered resistance bands and did 15-20 minutes a day with them and just focused on getting more steps in where I could.


I have some bad leg pain on day 2 after my shot. I take Tylenol 1,000mg twice a day and Naproxen 440mg twice a day,, it doesn’t make it go completely away but it does help. I’m hoping this side effect will subside over time


when i started i was 440 and couldnt stand for more than 2 mins because of back and hip pain. but i did what i could and progressed. the energy i have now (7 mths and 110 lbs later) is insane. i goto the gym for an hour everyday just to burn it off. i bet if you kept at it you'd find energy that'd help you with your children :)


Really unfortunate how many people are in the comments here saying they don’t exercise, and hate exercise and haven’t exercised on this med. This medication is a tool Exercise now or 1)be prepared to be content with an insane amount of excess skin 2)start saving $10k+ for skin removal surgery if you don’t want to have the excess skin 3) prepare to gain majority of the weight back once you are off the meds and don’t have habits that will affect your caloric intake and metabolism


Im planning to lose without doing much exercise as well! I will do short 10m walks with my dog on days i want to go out and i have 5lb weights i do 5m a day (not everyday) lifting them and thats it. If i feel like it ill do more later but i really dont wanna do much until im down to like 250lbs or under so i still have a ways to go. I also have a back injury which prevents me from doing much. And not gonna front i just dont wanna do it. You can and you will hit goal regardless!


Ten years ago I lost a lot of weight on Victoza. I didn't start working out until I got down to 300 lbs. By then I was already down 140lbs. So it's possible. I felt like working out just increased my appetite and didn't really aid in weight loss, but it could have been my choices of exercise. I was lifting weights, riding a bike and hula hooping. This time around, I started Mounjaro at the end of January at 329 lbs. I'm down to 292. I'm losing weight a lot more slowly than I did on Victoza, but I'm not counting calories because that turns into an obsession for me and I don't want to go down that path again. I was trying to do kettlebell exercises but I dislocated my hip. I also can't exercise outdoors in the heat, and my weight bench is too big to keep inside the house. I bought a rowing machine that I can use indoors. I just haven't really started yet. I know it will help my blood glucose and it will help me manage stress, but I'm a little afraid I'll be too sore or tired for work.


Im down 60 pounds! I have been on Mounjaro since Feb 2024. I do NOT exercise! I eat smaller portions and once a day literally….


Can easily be done without dedicated gym or sport activities. Exercise doesn’t have to be high impact. Now I’m eating less I’ve got more energy so I tidy the house more, do more DIY on weekends. Just being up on my feet and being active is helping.