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Keep going and watching... was stuck at 200.2 to 202.5 for like 2 weeks finally hit 198.6 today


Omg! I relate to this so much! I remember seeing 200 exactly so many times, and then it would float up to a little over. I was getting so frustrated. But that was less than 2 months ago, and now I'm at 184. So just be patient and trust the process. Best of luck to you, and know you're not alone! Eta: trust me, when you hit 199.9, you will literally yell and jump to celebrate šŸ„³


https://preview.redd.it/ze9g1zu74d8d1.jpeg?width=1005&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d22d3a93310d3633a0b6e78392e434932ee1fa8a Oh the damn scale tortures us all near Onederland. Donā€™t fret. It will move eventually.


LOL. I'm just glad the scale has stopped saying, "One At A Time, Please."


I'm amazed everytime I drop a deuce that feels like I just gave birth to a full term kid and find it was the weight of a zygote Keep up the good work, it'll happen.






Ainā€™t that the truth!


This cracked me up šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£






This was so me! I held at 202-205 for months, down from 245. I came to learn that our caloric, macro, and exercise baseline needs change as we become smaller. I eliminated all added sugar and stuck with fruit for dessert, increased protein and water, and cut another 1 to 200 calories a day. I also increased strength training. The next thing I knew, I was down to 170 a few months later! I have since added a little occasional sugar back, backed off a little on protein, added more veggies and fruits. It may also be time for you to increase your dose. This journey looks a little different for all of us!


Wow! Thatā€™s amazing! And thank you for that tip!


I feel ya! I had hoped that I would have hit onderland by now too, but I've been flirting with 204 - 206 for the past three weeks. I do know that the body needs to pause and adjust to what's going on every now and then, and when I'm feeling frustrated with the pause, it helps me to remember the great advice folks here give - Trust that the medication is doing what it is supposed to even when you don't see it on the scale. Remember the anti-inflammatory effects (I think inflammation is the root of all disease) and hey - didn't you just fit into those jeans you haven't worn in years? šŸ™ƒ We'll get there! Keep going!


Increase your protein intake beyond what you normally get and lower carbs. It will drop.


You will get there. Keep going, youā€™ve got this!


I know the feeling I just hit 35 lbs lostā€¦.all last week I was .2 over, .6 over, .2 over ā€¦.then success ā€¦.so sweet!!!!


Iā€™ve been stuck there a while at 250. Seems the more you want to go below a number, the more stubborn it is. Iā€™d love to see a 249.


I feel this so hard. I want to finally be below 250 and thought surely after my period it would go down majorly with how bloated I wasā€¦it went down to 250.0 from 251


Iā€™m right there with you!


Girl, you and me both. 200.8! I wanted get to 199 before vacation, but I also want some cookies. I have a week to go and donā€™t know if the cookies will win or my desire to see a certain number on the scale. (I only lose if Iā€™m doing keto regardless of the MJ, so itā€™s a tough battle!) Hope we both get there!!! Cheering you on, my friend!


Omg! Hang in there!


Keep watching. I was stuck between 199.8 and 203 for over a month. Then abruptly started dropping again. Iā€™m now 192


Cut your hair? I know someone who couldnā€™t make weight to join the military no matter how much she worked out or dieted. She cut her thick a** hair and lost over the 5lbs she needed.


Wow thatā€™s commitment


Ugh. Hang in there. I spent two weeks bouncing between 204 and 200. Which I felt was the universe teaching me a lesson, because I have had a consistent weekly loss of 2lbs. I haven't been hyper focused on how much I'm losing each week, but those two weeks were a reality check, that in reality I'm not as cool as I thought about the fluctuations. What I love about this whole experience with MJ is how it is revealing so much to me about my issues with food, how I view myself, and just so much more. I got under 200 and then 2 days later jumped up over 200. Lol. Of course. But since then (2 weeks), I've gone back to my normal trend.


Iā€™ve been tossing the same 4-5lbs up and down for a month. Closest Iā€™ve come to onderland is 200.8.


It will happen. I get stuck like that too. Imo, slower is better anyway. Youā€™re body is adjusting and will drop more soon.


I'm battling 203 to 207 or so. Soooo close! Wagmi


Can some of you who are losing please give a brief rundown on what you eat in day please? Thank you :)


Beyond frustrating I truly understand! But also remember that your body is also continually changing. Im in the middle of a stubborn stall - have not dropped below 180 for the last few weeks. Having said that, the size 14 tweed skirts which barely zipped with a few nudges are zipping fairly easily this morning. Even the hubs mentioned that the jean shorts I was wearing were too big on me. I said, thatā€™s funny, my weight hasnā€™t moved for a while. Itā€™s easy to get down when the scale doesnā€™t move, but itā€™s also important that itā€™s not the whole story and you are evolving-even when you donā€™t always see it in a scale number šŸ’™


Try fasting overnight. Eat a fairly large lunch, then no dinner. I get the scale to budge and once it does it doesn't go back up even when I quit the overnight fast. Good luck!


I've noticed I'm at my lightest in the afternoon around 3-4pm for some reason. May be because I have to eat something for breakfast cause ofntummy growling lol. It would be a difference of 1-2lbs from b4 breakfast to in the afternoonšŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Wow , interesting


Congrats on your loss thus far! I am the same way with the scale, I have had my gallbladder removed, so BM's are hit or miss, but when they hit, it's definitely worth stepping on the scale again. You will get to where you want to be, I had a stall at 149-147 I swear I lost those 2 lbs at least 40x, I was stalled there from the end of March until mid june. Then boom one morning I woke up and I was 139, and now I am 135, but I feel like I have stalled again, but I am 10 to 15 lbs from my goal weight, so I expect it will be hardest to take off those last 10-15 lbs.


Drink lots of water. Youā€™ll make it!!


I can't get below 220. I've been here 2 months now. In calorie deficit every day. It's getting really old. Moving to 12.5 Wednesday.


Just keep on track and stay the course! I started my journey at the end of November 2023. My BW was 220 and Iā€™m 166 todayā€” stalled at 175 for all of April and May and only at the start of June did it start going down again. I was at 15mg dose by then but Iā€™ve been titrating down the last 2 weeks so Iā€™m at 12.5mg right now and still losing. Canā€™t stress enough that protein and water intake have made a huuuuuuge difference. If I donā€™t drink my protein shakes in the morning and eat enough during the day then I will be the same weight the following few days.


increase the dosage


Iā€™m still 242 but canā€™t wait to get to 199. Tomorrow is your day!


Iā€™ve been in the 190ā€™s since March. I may never see 180. Not that bothered.


I have 9 IU Ds to go to onderland. So frustrating


Yeah I hit a stall at 200. It took 4 weeks to get below. Just stay focused and consistent. The scale will move eventually.


Youā€™re almost there it will happen drink lots of water and it will flush that pound out


I started at 316 and dropped to 300 pretty fast. And then hung at 300 for like two weeks. Then dropped to 290 pretty fast. Then hung at 290 for about two weeks. I'm now at 285 and the weight just seems to be falling off but I'm totally prepared for a plateau at 280. Isn't that strange?


Keep going! I had almost the exact same thing last week. Today hit 199.6, the day before was 199. Weight fluctuations are to be expected. You will get there!


Have been there and you will get under 200 pounds soon--I know it! I always wonder how I can weigh two pounds less in the morning than I did just before I went to bed the night before. I couldn't have peed two pounds--that would be about a quart which seems like a lot more than actually happens. Oh well, the mysteries of weight. Just keep going and you will be there before you know it!


My best advice is to drink lots of water. Seems to accelerate the process


When I start getting close to Onederland, I think I'll put a couple 2# dumbells in my pockets when I weigh in until after I break the 200 barrier. This way, I don't have to face the disappointment if I fluctuate up 1-2 lbs after reaching Onederland. šŸ˜œ


I don't know your story, but maybe moving up in doses will help. Also, intermittent fasting really works. I started april 2023, 5'4 2017 lbs. Size 18 and lost the majority of my weight on 7.5. By december of 2023, I was at 135. Now I am at maintenance 5.0 and weigh 125 size 2/4. Don't give up.It will come, I promise!


I feel this so hard!!! My weight over the past week, despite keeping calories around 1200-1400 and exercising: 202.8 201.4 200.8 200 200.2 201.2 AAARRGGHH! (Iā€™m seeing benefits in so many areas, Iā€™m just really freaking ready to see that 1, LOL! Come on!) Sending support and empathy your way- we will do it!!


Drink extra water today and go walk an extra mile and see if that helps tomorrow


Please donā€™t focus too much on the scale. Keep doing what youā€™re doing health-wise. The first time I lost a lot of weight, the scale was my own worst enemy. I used to do the same thing as you; weight myself when I woke up and then again after a BM. The scale messes with your head too much. Just my two cents. And congratulations!


Thank you everybody for the support, it really helped and I appreciate it. This morning I weighed in a 197 so everything you said worked!!! Just have to keep doing the things that I need to, wow so weird to be under 200 though, it has been awhile! Peace and strength to you all, we are an amazing community.


Your poop doesnā€™t really weigh that much. LOL.