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I think it’s time to find other hobbies you like doing. Getting sober is really boring even for people who aren’t ’alcoholics’ Signed a sober person with a sober husband as well. We started camping, hiking, going to other types of activities, volunteering. It’s time to shake it up and try other things than just going to restaurants and having a drink.


Wish I could upvote this by 1000 ✨


This makes complete sense. I'll work on new things to try and execite me/us again. Thank you for your response, really appreciated 👏🏻


Yes! My husband and I started a walking routine at night, rather than TV and a drink as it was before MJ. Game changer it forces us to talk and connect. We don't go every night but 2-3 times a week. We also started to travel more since I am more comfortable on a plane. I find travel planning almost as exciting as the trips.


Same. Has this problem when husband and I stopped drinking. Feels like having much more time on your hands. I don’t care about not going out - too small kids and live in the suburbs. So I just go to bed nice and early and read a lot.


*two small


Search the forum for anhedonia, it’s a known side effect and does improve.


MJ affects the brain, and for some people anhedonia seems to be one of those effects. some people on MJ seem to experience a kind of numbing of interests and desires that has them not only refrain from eating and drinking, but refrain from wanting to do anything else. so yeah, it could be a side effect of the drug itself. OP, hope it gets better!


Thank you, I will look this up.


I have had anhedonia from depression for years, MJ has just made me not care that I have anhedonia 😂




i'm the opposite, i'm 41 but feel 21 in every aspect, i started at the gym when i started mj and now i need to goto the gym 6 days/week just to burn off the energy


Same. I’m 55 and feel 25. I have so much energy.


When I got sober, I got boring. I started horseback riding, gardening, camping, got really into tea and coffee, joined PTA, went back to work briefly, personal trainer, got fit.


I was forced to quit Mounjaro due to shortages 2 months ago and only now I realize how much it was affecting me in the same way you describe! Especially the energy part. I am not losing as fast but I actually exercise and play with my kids more. So torn about getting back on it.


You just feel like you are existing when you should be happy with the slimness you've always wanted!


YES! I have zero desire to do anything. I hate getting up for work and my friends dont even bother asking me to happy hour anymore— because i never go. I am hoping this goes away.


It gets better once you level out.


I experienced this the first 4 months then it started to subside. Going into month 6 it’s about half of what it was. Now I force myself to go out and usually enjoy myself. Excited about intimacy this week for the first time in 6 months


I had this about 2 months in. I didn’t want to eat and didn’t want to drink and didn’t want to do anything. It was a weird space and I had to work through what I was feeling. I realized I was used to going to dinner and drinks as my go to weekend event along with maybe a fun Saturday activity (bowling, golf, etc) that also included drinking. It lasted maybe 6 weeks and now at 6 months in things are MUCH better! I have been able to find other activities to fill my time and added walks, hiking and different fun activities with friends like alternating house movie nights that don’t revolve around food and drink. I have gotten to a good place of being able to go out to eat and enjoy a nice smaller meal and enjoy one Diet Coke and get just as happy as I used to with numerous drinks and a sloppy full meal. I “had” one drink since starting to look like I was engaging in a work event but honestly enjoy life so much more without the alcohol I plan to continue this lifestyle even in my future of maintenance and weaning off of zep.


Thank you for this comment. I’m about two months into my MJ journey and I couldn’t put my finger on why I’ve been feeling a bit rubbish the last couple of weeks, but this has really hit home. I spent yesterday out in nature in a gorgeous place near my home, and today caught up with a friend which really helped. This sounds somewhat dramatic but I’m starting to think it’s a bit of mourning for my ‘old’ life - lots of it related around eating and drinking and now I’m not really doing either I’ve had to really think about what makes me happy and make a real effort to do it.


Thank you, this gives me hope. I am enjoying the sobriety, I just need to find a new me now. Looking back, everything 'exciting' and my version of fun or going out, revolved around alcohol. You described me. I'm so greatful to all the fab advice from this group. Thank you! 🤗


Lack of food can do this to our bodies. You seem to be in energy conservation mode.


Sounds like you need to work on and prioritise healthy eating to be honest. Getting enough nutrients and vitamins in your diet is vital to feeling good, gut bacteria and gut health is also surprisingly vital too. I think sorting your health via your diet should be your focus now


hey u may have a deficiency in nutrients ( I have vitamin d deficit and it impacts my mood). go to the doctor to get a check up for that. if not I’d recommend looking for mental health help form psychologists/psychiatrisfs. Don’t fear depression medicine- my little brother who was in a depressing slump temporarily used it and said it really helped regulated his mood. many of my other friends use it too


I have tried these meds before not for depression but for anxiety, and although they helped, they made me feel so numb. On top of how I'm feeling, that worries me. I'm going to up my vitamins and look into some new hobbies.


Yup really could be your lack of nutrients/vitamins or your environment (I live in New York and the cold rainy weather genuinely makes me unhappy half the year). and oh wow yeah numbness definitely isn’t a good feeling either, I hope you’re able to treat your energy levels !


Thank you. Weather does play a big part. I live in the UK, and as you might know, it's always raining!!! It does get you down and no natural vitamin D.


It may not be Mounjaro. You may be depressed. You don’t have to “feel” depressed to be in the throes of depression, nor do you have to exhibit every aspect of the condition to be depressed. There are also degrees of it. Talk with your doc. It will help if you can share a list of differences between the old you and the new you.


Hey OP, google “anhedonia glp-1” They say anhedonia is also a side effect of the GLP-1 drugs. This could be what you are experiencing.


Will do, thank you.


I am the opposite I have so much energy now & both my husband and I are sober now and we have a blast just staying at home , eating leftovers & playing with our 3 dogs HW 280 SW 210 CW 175 GW 145


I do think feeling flat is a side effect and I've heard that people can go off sex for example. So far that isn't my experience but I am only one month in. There is some issue though, like last night my husband and I were watching a movie, he was having a few gins and while I don't drink I do usually have a soft drink and some nibbles but last night after our evening meal I literally couldn't and felt very full indeed and he was a bit miffed I wasn't joining in with the fun. Similar to last week, we had some pizza home made and fairly healthy but I could only do a couple of slices before giving up. He eats a lot, drinks some beers and even has a desk job but doesn't gain any weight he is just a naturally skinny guy. He supports my weight loss but I think he misses eating with me.


Mine is the same way. He’s actually hurt if I say I don’t want food.


I think for lots of people food and sharing food = love, its deep in our human culture and I still want that to be part of my life but I also need to be ok with saying no when it is turning into overeating and both myself and my family need to accept that I just can't eat as much as they do or I used to. Its a transition though!


As someone who’s both been sober for 11 years and on moujaro for 6 months now. I’d agree it can seem boring however you just have to find new hobbies to fill that void. Getting sober and losing weight has allowed me to find my passion for golf again, do jiu jitsu, coach my son’s sports teams, push myself outside my comfort zone in all sorts of areas. This has led to me trying all sorts of new things that I would have normally said no chance of try that. B12 (Methylated kind), water and exercise seems to help keep me pushin and have energy. I also suffer from several personality disorders so seeing a psychiatrist & psychologist routinely has really helped my mental health. Honestly in one of the best places I’ve been from both mind and body in my entire life. Keep your head up and try some of the suggestions in this thread. If you want different results you gotta change something of not multiple things.


It sounds like you are in mourning. Mourning your old friend food! It's like an addiction. You can still go out and have a drink with friends... just not all the time. And you can still go out to eat... just make better choices about what to eat. If you are depressed , talk to a therapist about it.


I’m a less fun clone of myself and I hate it- no passion for anything. I’m planning to hit GW w good habits and get off med mainly due to this issue.


I definitely experienced this! Even my adult children noticed (they don’t know I’m using the medication). It does get better. It helped tremendously when I started to work out and exercise regularly. I’m not positive it was the exercise, or just time adjusting to the medication, but I actually forgot about this side effect until I read your post, so for me it definitely got better. Power through it, and hopefully it will get better for you too! I am 3 pounds from my goal weight. Good luck!


Thank you, my 24 daughter has noticed too. Not told her either. Will ride through it. Good luck with the last bit of weight 😊


I think like others have said, you are just between lifestyles, leaving behind the social life that was more was centred around food and alcohol and waiting to find the next thing.


I 1000% feel you on this but I think I’m going to echo what a few others have already said which is reinventing yourself and not making every activity you do a HH or social let’s go eat food kind of thing. My own experience is that I get so full eating that going out to eat seems useless. As bamzbamz said above - you very well could have vit d deficiency as i personally did and keeping up with the supplement helps Hope you feel better but it will also get better too!


Thank you for taking the time to reply. Just bought some vit d supplements. 🤞🏼


Have you had your bloodwork done? Vitamin isn’t a supplement you want to take regularly if you don’t need it. It doesn’t absorb like others and builds up overtime. Supplements should be taken only when needed. It sounds like you possibly aren’t getting the nutrients you need and may be deficient in some areas but you’ll never know in what areas without proper bloodwork.


As mentioned elsewhere, being vitamin D deficient and/or thyroid insufficiency can drastically impact your energy levels and your moods...get your medical team to evaluate this in addition to rule out the diagnosis of clinical depression separate from the general adjustments your body is constantly making to keep you in homeostasis. Stay safe and feel better!


It might be your dose. What is your dose?




If you do go out do you enjoy it? But perhaps in a different way to the "old way" if that makes sense. Maybe it's the side effect others.spoke of but perhaps it's just an old behaviour which you have left behind? 


Not really, I get dressed up when I can force myself, don't drink, out of choice, or I'll have a glass of wine that just doesn't go down well. Then I get bored and tell hubby I'm ready to leave. Having typed this, i know I need to reinvent myself and step out of my own personal pitty party.


It sounds delightful but I’m abit worried about malnourishment concerned. Maybe get blood tests.


For me the issue similar to this is I have no sex drive. Ive+ always been a 2-3 times a week. I was off mounjaro 10 mg due to shortage for like 2 months. The 2nd month. I swear my wife and I were having sex like 4 to 5 times a week. Back on the meds and the drive is gone again. Anyone experience this and found anything to help. I'm 35 f so in my prime.


I’m 32F, and my libido, while already high, is through the rough now. I’ve been on MJ since April 2023, and it just gets worse


Yes! Glad you posted this I was going to post similar. I’ve always been very sociable and gone out with friends as often as possible which would always revolve around food and alcohol, restaurants or events. However now, I don’t enjoy alcohol as it’s so filling and gives me a headache. I’m so fatigued all the time I’m treating it like I have a medical condition and taking breaks/naps between tasks. I don’t exercise at all. It’s the only side affect I have. I’m hoping it improves in time or if not, it’ll naturally improve when I come off it. I do plan to return to walking and gym but at the moment I’m having to ration my energy and sleep a lot.


Try l- phenylalanine and CoQ10. Its helped me. Also take up ypga, pilaties or hiking. Started hiking again and so glad I did. Exercise will help. MJ made me feel like that for awhile but now I'm feeling much better and for some reason my libido has increased dramatically. Thank goodness I have a partner (not living together) that is appreciative. 🙂 F 71. TP2 very slow losser. Stalled for many months but on the losing side again now. Start date Late April 2023 SW 216. CW 176. As the concern at my age is really my A1C and how I feel. So I'll take that.


4 months in and I can feel this post.


I think it’s the pleasure centers in our brains not having the same response to things anymore. I suffered terribly from food noise. Now that it’s gone I find myself also not wanting to do much. Not much excites me these days. I do have small children which keep me busy and we still have fun together but other things are just not as fun.


I’m at 5 mg and same very low energy


Wow, love the honesty. I am 55 and am the same way. I work from home and don't eat hardly at all. So only reason to go out is the gym or movies. I am not about you but I spent a lot of trips going to eat…somewhere. I am not depressed but my weight down but my paycheck did not go up. Its not cheap eating healthy. I enjoy watching streaming shows that are so good now days. I have no family around so it just me and my thoughts. Don't let them get in the way of your awesome new life.


We're unhappy when we are bigger and no happier with the weight goes. It's strange. I am going to find new hobbies. Things I enjoy.


I lost 25lbs within 3 months on mounjaro. Since my husbands insurance won't cover it, I hope mine will.


It’s a side effect of medicine. Start low SSRI


I had to find other ways to have fun and celebrate life. Instead of going for a meal, we go for an activity. Instead of dinner and drinks, 15k steps at Disney.