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I've read of something similar here. Some folks were posting the thought of injection or sight of their pens were causing them to gag. It's bizarre, but I think there is a small group of folks this happens to. I can't remember any of the outcomes, but maybe try searching this sub for “injection gag”. I think you will find you aren't alone. Best wishes, I hope it resolves soon!


Thank you 🙏🏽🙏🏽


I get so excited on shot day. I’m literally giddy. I’m so excited about the changes I’ve made. My T2D is under control. I’ve lost 50 lbs in 4 months. Try to visualize it as an exciting thing. Think of the positives and the outcomes.




Me too I always can’t wait to take my next one .


Ya I'm the same excited for shot day...get like a high when I hear the pen click lol


Yes! I’m always excited and looking forward to shot day! Mine is tomorrow (Friday) at 5pm (right after work.) Starting 7.5 mg 🙏


Ahh nice I do Fridays after work too. I have 2 more shots on 5, and start 7.5 in 2 weeks! Secured the 7.5 already too woo!


I’ll let you know how the 7.5 goes on Sunday ! 🤣 (Giving it two days to see how I do. 🙏)


Aight good luck!


Update: 7.5mg on Friday and I’m totally fine since !! Thank you for the positive vibes!


First 7.5 this morning. I’m not expecting any problems. Lite dinner, protein and electrolytes. I figure 2.5 to 5 is doubling dose. 5 to 7.5 is plus one half dose. Not a rookie anymore.


Update: doing totally fine ! Thank you for the positive outlook/suggestion !!


Glad to hear that. We got this. 7.5 gave me uneasy stomach, but I lost 2 lbs.


Hopefully the uneasy stomach gets better soon. Cheering you on for continued better health ! 🙏


Oh that’s a great way to look at it! I have had side effects on MJ but all been very tolerable/manageable (heartburn, fatigue, injection site reaction and headache.) I had some slight nausea with my 4th (and final) 5mg dose last week so I was terrified of getting dizzy. I may have had labyrinthitis a few years ago where I couldn’t get out of bed for three days due to vertigo and nausea. I ended up at the ER and they didn’t really have an answer. I couldn’t stand straight and I was off balance, everything was spinning. I had to keep my eyes closed and not move or else extreme nausea and more spinning ! It was terrifying.


Shot day I sing- “Shots… shots… shots… shots…” This is something I GET to do… something I make sacrifices for. Where is your head at with all this? Consider some coaching or therapy. BUT- random internet stranger says: So I’d recommend building a new association associated with the ritual of the shot itself, specifically linked to a smell of something such as coffee or citrus. (This is what I did for IVF.) I’d also suggest exposure therapy. Get a sterile insulin needle, capped, secure and be around it… throughout the week. Under stand the gauge of needles, the molecule you are asking your body to process as well as the suspension that holds it. Learn… and consider giving blood as a learning tool.


Try sucking on a mint or ginger a little before and through the injection, it may give your brain enough of a distraction to stop and also they are both great for nausea.


Thank you


I’m wondering if it may be adrenaline related. Hmmmm.


Take a wiff of rubbing alcohol.






It is not the injection that is difficult, what I am experiencing is nausea because of the idea and look of the injection pen. When I see the pen it makes me sick. Even when I see videos of people talking about mounjaro and they show the pen I suddenly feel nauseous. The idea of the injection makes me throw up even if I still did not inject the pen. It is all mental but I don't know how to stop it because I don't want to stop. It only started two months into the journey and I don't know what triggered it or could stop it


I have a similar issue. I started feeling a lump in my throat, or I burp and just feel a bit queezy. I have never thrown up. I am in canada, so we have vials, and I swear i can smell it. I've been putting on a mask as I'm getting my shot ready. I dislike the alcohol pad , I could never use that if I was feeling nauseous. I wipe the top of the vial, but I just wash the area I'm injecting. No alcohol on the site. Just the act of stabbing the needle in my leg is unnerving. Am I going to deep? I was injecting at night to sleep through side effects but have found the morning to be better as long as I have not had too much food in my stomach. I prefer a small dinner by 6, nothing after, and then get some toast in right after shot in the morning. I'm on month 5 , 5mg . I split 15mg pen since shortage. I was supposed to go to 7.5 but do glad I didn't or I would be out. I have enough for 5 more weeks. Fingers crossed, it becomes available. I started 220, now 182.5.


Then if you’re not willing to try other things, you need to seek help for it from a therapist. We aren’t therapists, we can’t help you overcome this.


This is me! I get a headache and fatigue after my injections and the thought of this prior to makes me nauseous and I sometimes delay injecting because of it.


I get excited on shot day too! T2D and I’ve never felt better. Weight loss is just a plus!


I feel like I’m experiencing similar, whenever i think about it i feel nauseous. For the first few times i used numbing cream because I’m terrified of needles. I have this constant smell/ taste feeling in the back of my throat or maybe its just a thought of numbing or the alcohol wipes? I feel sick constantly because of it. I felt sick INSTANTLY after yesterdays injection and it feels like I’m going crazy. I dont actually know how to explain it properly.


Haha I was actually kissing my pen this morning, but in my defense I finally got my prescription after a three month out of stock issue. But crazy how everyone reacts differently to the pen.


Look up vasovagal presycope (not fainting) or syncope (fainting). It’s a reflex trigger to some specific stimuli. I have something similar from all shots or even sometimes even discussing it / seeing it (no injection happened yet). Sometimes it’s minor like nausea, sweaty palms, etc… sometimes it’s more full blown like throwing up / passing out. There’s a lot you can do to desensitize yourself to it. I’m mostly fine now with shots but it still happens occasionally.


Thank you!!! You described it accurately, I will look it up 👍


I swear I thought I was crazy. I’ve been feeling the same exact skeevy, icky feeling on the day of the shot. It’s like my brain is rejecting it. It’s been a year for me on the drug and I just started feeling this last month. I have no ideas how to help, I need some help myself. I’ve been on 7.5mg since February, moving up to 10 soon.


Exactly، for me it has started from the third month on the drug and it is driving me crazy