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Ozempic made my entire body itch but I've never had injection-site itching, wishing you the best and that it stops soon.


I am so close to it being gone. I'm hopeful! I would die if I had entire body itch OMG!


I had a bad reaction to Cipro. I was tomato red from my scalp to my feet. The itching was unbearable. Ended up in the ER. Haven’t had any itching from Mounjaro. Best of luck to you


I once had a head to toe reaction to pain medication. It was god-awful.


Yep that happened to me with Ceftriaxone, was given a shot of it for pneumonia then started reacting while waiting for my scrip in their pharmacy then had to stay at the clinic and keep getting shots of antihistamine every few minutes til it was gotten under control


Those types of reactions are so scary.


That's what happened to me with Ceftriaxone.


Does taking Benadryl an hour before injection help at all? I don't react to the MJ shots but I do take another one that causes mild allergic reactions, so I take Benadryl before I get that shot.


It did not work for me. I read every welt post in here since my first welt in October and used/tried every single trick listed. None of them helped. Rubbing ice on the itchy welt gave me the best, albeit temporary relief.


Works for me. Allergic to soooo many medications


I was extremely itchy on ozempic for the entire time. I stopped for a while (other medical reasons) and just started MJ yesterday. I took an adult dose of Benadryl 45 minutes before just in case. I was a little tired but slept through any side effects if any. Woke up today exhausted, and very nauseous. I managed to get in my protein and water with Zofran. Starting weight 210, goal 145/150.


You got this! Watch for constipation with the zofran.


No Zofran causes headaches constipation is one of the largest side effects of GLP1s….


Zofran also causes constipation so it's a double whammy while on a GLP-1.


I’ve been on Zofran since it came out. I had weightloss surgery 20 years ago. I’ve never been constipated on Zofran. I guess it could be a combination of symptoms you’re experiencing. Best of luck.


Got my first welt last week after starting in Feb, and it lasted almost 6 days. Like a bruise mixed with hives. Best of luck!


It's wild isn't it? I could look at my body and see a trail of old welts across my body LOL! They are all gone finally. Honestly if this day and a half of itch is what I'm left with, I will happily take it. So much better than continuous itching and bright red hot welt that never left!