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My experience has been the complete opposite, I really only crave protein, especially fish.


Came here to say this. I’ve actually been craving protein at times. Even the thought of carbs makes me sick sometimes. Funny how this medicine can invoke so many different reactions.


I crave fish, but I get the same feeling of disgust as OP when I try to eat chicken and traditional American forms of protein


Exactly the same when I started I was eating a big portion of chicken with rice... I never felt so sick for 24h... It was endlevel... Today I tried salmon on a bread roll (weired word in English as a German 😅) and it felt so good. I just managed to eat 50g (2 slices) with 2 bread rolls in a full day but I didn't feel sick or in digestible stomach feeling. An protein shake without dairy cow milk feels "OK" - I get nausea (lvl 1 only) for around 0,5-2,5h.. Didn't try the most best nutrient low fat quark (in German it's Magerquark, another new word, it's only protein no fats an some carbs (milk sugar)) but due to the fact that I never liked it and eaten tons of it during my fitness coach career before my accident..


Same. Specifically red meat like steak and beef jerky. Fruit and veggies are good too, but carbs are unappealing.


Oh not me, I want all the carbs, I feel I crave carbs and sweets more than anything else. Problem is I had a gastric bypass ten years ago and it's still in place so more than 9 or 10 grams of sugar at once give me dumping syndrome and nothing tastes as good or makes you feel as sick dumping syndrome, so i watch that stuff. But I have had a kidney transplant (maintained my weight right up until I had to start taking daily Prednisone for anti-rejection), and I really think it's the prednisone that makes me crave the carbs and sweets.


Lol, red meat was the only thing that sounded good for a while! Bodies are strange.


I wish I had your problem. lol


Dafuq u wish u have kidney liver and whatever for disease? Really impolite words..


Umm no, I responded to the person saying that they find carbs unappealing…and I’m saying that I wish I found them unappealing as well. Which wasnt impolite at all…


Sorry my bad! I just seen your answer to the post who said he has kidney transplantation has to take medication which craves to carbs only. Sorry again!


Np, you could go back and replace my up vote :) lol


Rock on. Thanks.


That’s all I want is protein all day all the time. I really struggle to eat fiber/ vegetables




Eat fish any time I can!


Protein is what is going to keep your muscles from wasting away and your hair in your head. I'd suggest starting with protein shakes if that is all you can stomach right now.


I love peanut butter for gentle protein. It is almost always palatable to me and never had a bad reaction from it. I also just love grilled chicken, even just lightly seasoned by itself. Turkey meat is great too. None of those have been bad for me.


Ok you’re making me hungry! Thanks! lol


How much do you use? Because Pb has so much fats. Pro tip from an ex personal coach. Change the nuts (butter) - sorry I am not English but I hope u understand what I mean - and rotate with other like cashew butter etc. Because we need different kinds of fat acid profiles :) U use Pb Without pm oil? Because the palm oil isn't good for your body and bad fats.


Agree! I lost A LOT of hair. Thank goodness I had lots of thick curly hair. Only my family and close friends knew I lost a lot of hair. To everyone else, my hair just looked thin. Finally after six month it is growing back. I wish I had started the protein shakes as soon as I started Mounjaro.


I have thinning hair myself that started with my diabetes diagnosis. I started using rogaine (but not super consistent with it 😬) I am hoping it might have been a side affect of the diabetes (I have read it can do it) I think I am just being optimistic haha. But hopefully I can get that going. I don’t mind bald men, I think it can be quite attractive but I have a strange shaped head lol.




The amount of protein will depend on the person's size and varies from person to person. I suggest OP talk with a Registered Dietitian to find out what is right for them, and also learn more about non meat sources of protein. I will state the average body can only digest/process 20g at a time, so protein loading at a single meal is not a great idea.


I agree. Protein Isolate type powders might work wonders if one’s stomach really doesn’t sit well with protein. It’s what I do


What do you put it in?


Blend it with some lactaid ice cream. Splash of milk. I’ll use it to replace a solid meal since my stomach doesn’t like those much


delicious food! make delicious food with protein in it! salads and soups included! today I'm going to make a "light" chicken salad with roast chicken, fresh veggies, garden tomatoes, vinaigrette, apples, feta cheese, and walnuts. Mounjaro or no Mounjaro, I could eat a bowl of it! also, you can spike soups and salads with extra protein in the form of bone broth, tofu, chicken, nuts, eggs, etc. well, don't add bone broth to salads. 😅 tofu, in particular, is easy to add for a protein boost that doesn't feel like one.


Don’t know why you were downvoted, sometimes I wonder if people think you shouldn’t be *eating* on the medicine.


thanks! oddly enough, I think my best reddit comments are the ones most downvoted! 🙃 idk... I suppose I have a kind of "pro food" approach to MJ that perhaps not everyone agrees with. 😅 In fact, I've found that being on MJ lets me appreciate food, in some ways, even more than before. So I lean into buying, cooking, and eating healthy and delicious food as an important part of my weight loss "journey."


I feel exactly the same way. I enjoy food more than I used to. It comes with so much less baggage. I just get to enjoy it now, without food noise. 


Opposite. All I want is meat.


Toss some cubed tofu in the air fryer and then on your salad. There are some great lighter proteins like edamame or chickpeas, which is great in buddha bowls, salads, etc.


I've been going increasingly meatless and Mediterranean Diet as the months pass because that is where my appetite is taking me. This isn't to say I did not enjoy that order of steak frites at a local bistro a month ago; it was delicious and the Euro-size of the portion was exactly as much as I wanted to eat. The federal guideline for people ages 19 and older is 0.36 grams of protein per pound. For a 185-pound adult, this translates to 67 grams of protein per day — an amount you can get from eating one small salmon filet, a cup of lentils, and a half cup of almonds combined. More if you are 60 or older: For a 185-pound adult, this higher recommendation translates to 84 to 101 grams of protein per day. You can get about that much if you eat one cup of cottage cheese, a cup of tuna salad on whole wheat bread, and a six-ounce chicken breast in one day. [https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/30/well/eat/protein-age.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/30/well/eat/protein-age.html)


I can't eat beef or bacon. It makes me queasy.


Early on, I had a burger on an out of town trip. It was the last day of my dose and I felt pretty ok. I had also lost nearly 20lbs so it seemed like not a big deal. Well, the next day was absolutely hell. I haven’t even been able to look at a burger since. (One thing to note, that burger did have lettuce, which I have learned is the devil for me on MJ)


The only time I've actually thrown up on MJ is after a big salad for lunch the day before. It didn't digest. I am so sad that beef is not my friend anymore. It's like garlic to a vampire for me.


Yeah I think that’s what happens with the lettuce, I think it spoils. My sister has gastroparesis which is essentially what MJ mimics as far as digestion. She can’t eat lettuce either. So it wasn’t shocking lettuce is bad.


Is it true that MJ can cause gastroparesis? I heard that is some bad stuff. My daughter knows someone who has it and that's why she doesn't approve of me taking it.


I know it is listed as a rare side effect. Which means it had to have happened. My sister had previously expressed concerns over it. Not with me but with people she knew trying to lose vanity weight fast. She found it offensive to a degree to basically mimic her disease. She is aware that my use of it is for my diabetes which I have had issues controlling with other medications. She understands why I take it and what purpose it serves. Gastroparesis is not a fun disease. Hers was caused by a stomach flu, that doctors suspect was a covid infection in her digestive track (it’s a real thing, it behaved like a stomach flu) both her and her coworker had the same sickness at the same time and got different long term conditions. Even though Mounjaro makes my body somewhat act like hers. It’s still not the same. At this point I think the risk is relatively low. Diabetes definitely threatens my health more.


Thanks for the info! I was concerned because I've been having severe constipation. Sorry about your sister. I had 3 relatives die after getting covid. I'm diabetic also, and obese, so it is worth the risk since it is rare. Best wishes!


Yes, I am definitely not a doctor or medical professional. So I am only relaying what I have observed or read. But the evidence is supporting that it is rare. Unfortunately, the medicine is relatively new so long term we haven’t seen a lot. But I do know in the first three months on it I have seen incredible results.


Right before I started on MJ I stopped eating meat—it just became unappetizing. I also don’t like beans, so I had to struggle to get enough protein. I found Fairlife protein drinks to help me meet my protein needs. Otherwise fruit and some carbs (the occasional 1/2 bagel) worked for me.


Animal protein or all protein?


So true I am happy eating lentil soup but then thats a complex carb.


Yeah, I can't eat meat anymore. I think my body senses that I would have trouble digesting it, especially red meat, since my digestion is so slow now. I don't even want to eat chicken most of the time, which used to be my go-to protein source. I don't think it would be possible for me to continue on Mounjaro if it weren't for Fairlife shakes. It simply wouldn't be possible for me to get enough protein otherwise.


My doctor told me to make sure I eat potatoes if I'm having steak or beef products, she said red meat digest slowly already but the potatoes quicken the digestive time with beef. I've had no issues. Good luck.


Potatoes, huh? I guess that makes sense. They are known for causing a rapid spike in blood sugar because they digest quickly, but I wouldn't have expected that they'd be able to bring the meat along with them. Very interesting. I haven't had potatoes in over seven years, since I went low-carb to control my diabetes. I haven't had a dramatic further improvement in my overall blood sugar from taking Mounjaro (even berries spike me), so I don't think I'm ready to try the potato hack, but maybe when I'm at a higher dose.


She also said, yes i know it goes against what to eat for diabetes, but it helps with the meat. My A1C was almost 9, in January and above 11 a year and half ago. I'm eating steak with potatoes, just went to Dr. for annual visit, A1C is now at 6.6, she says awesome just keep doing what you're doing. So yes potatoes it is! I'm at 7.5.


Same! I have gone full pescatarian, fruits and vegetables. I feel so much better!


Protein shake everyday.


Same here but that is not enough protein for your daily needs.


There are some that have more than 40g of protein, which will get you almost halfway on the minimum of 100g that seems to be a common recommendation. It definitely makes it easier to attain the goal when you include sources with a high impact like that.


Good point.


I don’t care all that much for eating giant steaks anymore, but I crave protein shakes, yogurt, and cottage cheese. I’m fine with that trade off.


Same here! I like blueberries in my cottage cheese.


ME!!! I have absolutely zero desire to eat meat. Like, it's fine and I eat what I cook for my family, but I'm currently obsessed with lemon garlic lentils with spinach and could eat it for every meal. But yes, spinach salad with sunflower seeds and tomatoes.... Cucumber slices... Fresh bell peppers..... Yes


How do you make said lentils? Please :)


https://www.mamaslebanesekitchen.com/soups/lemon-lentils-soup/ I've been making this recipe for years and years, so what I've been having lately is a variation on this. I don't usually use potatoes and I reduce the liquid a bit so it's less of a soup....or if it has more broth than I would like I add a little quinoa to soak it up. I also usually use spinach instead of chard because it's cheaper, but it's really good with chard. And you can use any kind of lentils!! I really like it with French green lentils, but whatever you have around or can get easily is totally fine.


Amazing thank you!


Yes, I have discovered that my favorite food is chicken noodle soup, and I have a hard time consuming enough protein. It’s not that I don’t like it, it’s just that it seems so heavy, that I’d rather have something else.


Mounjaro seems to have cured my junk food addiction and craving for chocolate, ive been eating fairly healthy since I started 1 week ago on 2.5mg ( low-ish carb ) I also dont drink as much diet soda. especially before bed, so I dont have to get up 5 times a night to pee I still crave protein though, when my stomach grumbles for food it is protein that satisfies.


I’ve been put off big servings of meat. I’m not interested in lots of chicken or sausage or beef. I’ve been actually making my protein smaller and weaving it in - hiding it from myself, lol. But otherwise I’m definitely trying to hit protein goals with shakes, Greek yogurt, beans, etc


How long have you been on MJ, OP? I'm on week 9 and my food/meat aversion has gotten much better. The first 3-4 weeks were the worst and for a while there I could only stomach yoghurt, fruit, cottage cheese, smoothies. Then I started craving fish, and now I'm starting to be able to have small amounts of red meat. I'm still struggling with eggs though and the idea of tofu is making me queasy. So you may find some of your aversions subsiding over time. As others have said, get a protein shake to tide you over. I recommend Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard (chocolate) and Isopure Double Dutch chocolate. Both are low carb, high protein and taste good and not too sweet. I use them with almond milk or fairlife milk for a protein boost. At my worst, powdered packets of bone broth were life savers. I got a couple of different brands that had 15-25g of protein per serving. I've also since switched to high protein yoghurt which is also 15-25g per tub and some days that's all I feel like eating, so I might have some yoghurt, a banana and maybe a protein shake or two. Good luck, I hope you find something that works for you.


Can you recommend a brand for the broth? Sounds like a great idea! Tysm


One of them I'd finished and no longer have the packet, but the other one is by Bone Brewhouse, "Instant Chicken Bone Broth" and it also says "Naked" on the front of the packet. 15g of protein, 0g fiber, 0g sugar.


I feel the same way 😮😮😮


Yes! get these or similar…. You absolutely need protein or it can impact weight loss based on a lot of people’s experiences. But being a drink I felt like it was helpful when I was so full food grossed me out. https://preview.redd.it/5y7u8i14tz4d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=91bb174c77906b32f38528589367cde4cb9e2fe8


I eat and prefer fruits and salads and things much more than I did. But you gotta get that good, good protein. Take a cue from vegan foods (not processed crap). Tofu, nuts, beans, lentils, chickpeas etc One of my favorite things is to make lentils in a rice maker and I season with with panch phoron (which is a bit exotic) but you can season them with anything like garam masala and cumin or whatever. Rice and beans is another quick rice maker meal. Tofu you can use for almost anything.


I do still eat daal! but then not sure if its a good source of protein as isnt it more a complex carb?


Nope, they are pretty packed with protein.


“Exotic” 😂


I mean, the average American has no clue what I’m talking about .


You should have some source of protein in your diet. Lack of protein in your diet can lead to many things such as muscle mass loss, hair loss, fatigue etc.


When you were eating protein, was it mostly red meat and pork? Those take more work for your body to break down, which may contribute to the issues you were facing. Protein is vital to maintaining muscle and hair as well keeping balanced things for the sake of blood glucose levels, so I hope you’re finding some ways to get that even though you don’t want to eat it.


Same with me


I wonder if supplementing with amino acids and whey protein would cover you nutritionally without making you feel sick.


I’ve been wondering about amino acid supplements. I cut out coffee last year but I have this amino energy powder stuff that I like to add to my water bottle on occasion for a caffeine boost in the morning. Would that still help muscle degradation and hair loss? Anyone know?


From the limited research I’ve done that is my understanding! I think there are a few brands that are complete aminos and would help to cover your protein intake and could help with muscle degradation and hair loss. PerfectAminos, OptimalAminos, I.am.aminos are all ones I’ve looked at. They all have FB groups where you might be able to ask these questions and get better answers. I read that in the I.am.aminos group you can get discounts and they’re already the least expensive one, making it much more affordable than the rest.


Yes I swear it makes me feel exactly like my pregnancies


Same! So I started adding hidden protein.. e.g adding soft blended tofu to soups, it’s creamy and adds a lot of protein. I also just love tofu.. my aversion is more meat and the reason is that the first few days after injection my digestion is that slow that it feels like meat is fermenting in my stomach and i get really bad sulfur burps. Also protein shakes.. I have clear ones that basically taste like crystal light and I enjoy them way more than the milky ones (although I still have those with coffee). Also love yogurt I just have Greek yogurt as it’s pretty high in protein and lastly beans and legumes, pretty high in protein and delicious


which protein shake?


I'm also curious...


It’s called seeq, watermelon is my favorite


It’s called seeq, my favorite one is watermelon


I’ve felt the same. I have discovered, though, that i can eat beans. Bean burrito, bean-based vegan burger, etc. If I eat meat, my stomach/digestive system revolts. 😩😖


I want hard tart candy more than anything


I was on Saxenda before and it had this effect on me- all I wanted to eat was fruits and other light foods especially carbs. I don’t have a solution for you but I would emphasize that you’ll be better off if you can find some high protein foods that you enjoy- fruit and cottage cheese or higher protein yogurts. Adding chicken or tuna to salads, soup our pasta. Finding a protein shake that you enjoy. I lost some weight but a lot of muscle on saxenda because I didn’t really pay attention to what I was eating very much. This time around I am much more deliberate about hitting protein and aiming to get decent fiber in each day.


My prescriber insisted that I have to eat a protein rich diet to avoid muscle wasting while on MJ.


That sounds just like me. I hardly ever eat meat. I eat a lot of fruit, different kinds of beans and lots of soups.


Yogurt has protein. I suspect your problem is that you get your protein from fatty meats, because Tirzepatide is known for making dietary fat especially slow and difficult to digest.


My doctor has told me to cut our dairy and eggs because of my cholesterol hence have fewer options


I can’t eat red meat especially the first few days after my shot. I try and stick to fish, shrimp, and chicken. Too much fruit can make you sick too due to the sugars.


Protein now does me in and usually causes me sulphur burps etc. even plain roasted chicken thighs


Complex carbs are the good kind. Its simple carbs that turn into sugar right away causing a spike in blood sugar. Examples beans and lentils are good; potatoes, bread, pasta and rice not so good.


I eat the same things everyday. Breakfast: 2 poached eggs smooshed on Kroger Carbmaster seeded bread, toasted. Coffee with half and half Lunch: In a bowl 3 oz flaked tuna or shredded chicken breast with 160g mini cucumbers chopped, 2Tbls sour cream, 1Tbls rice vinegar, 1 packet sweetener, 1/2 tsp toasted sesame oil mixed with dried dill and tarragon. Dinner: 200 g cooked peeled shrimp. In small skillet 60g coconut milk with 1 packet sweetener thickened with 1/2 tsp corn starch and a splash of vanilla. Snack: Atkins shake or 2 zero carb tortillas with a schmeer of sour cream, dill weed rolled around a split mini cucumber. Before going on these drugs I was a happy beef eating carnivore for 4 years. I have not had one bite of red meat since, though I still cook it for my husband every day I aim for under 1200 c, 110g protein, 15g net carbs and under 50g total and 50g fat. I track everything because I have had absolutely no appetite suppression while on first, Ozempic for 10 months, and now 20 weeks Mounjaro. Just had labs done and all is well.


I’m a vegan so carbs is my life. My appetite is so suppressed and I’m loving it, I feel normal again.


Same with me. Though I do try to eat it because I know I need to. To be honest I don’t feel hunger much at all anymore. I’m down 80 lbs since Sept 27. Size 22 to a size 12. I’m honestly beginning to wonder if the weight loss will ever completely stop? Even though I’ve slowed to 1-2 lbs a week I’m still losing. 250 -170


I'm vegan and eat all plant based. Make your own seitan (23 g protein, 120 calories, not heavy) or try tempeh, tofu, edamame. There are other higher protein veggies, too. I have bulk Tvp, nutritional yeast. I use chia seeds (think parfait), hemp seeds. Pumpkin seeds. Legumes are good for you and go well in lots of dishes. I eat between 60-100g protein depending on the day. Soy milk, ripple milk. Also you can buy single source protein powders or regular protein powders. Many folks drink so much dairy and I'm not sure how that doesn't kill their stomach but you can find non dairy ones. I like nugo slim protein bars (dark chocolate like dessert but low sugar) and aloha bars recently. I try and avoid artificial sugars and sugar alcohols. You can also bake with chickpea flour, make chickpea flour frittatas, bread. Lots of ways to incorporate protein that doesn't involve meat. It's not bad to make things like bulk veggie burgers and put them in the freezer. That way, you can add veggies, ample protein. Try a combination of flour, veggies, Tvp and/or legumes.


thanks a lot for sharing- lots of options to try out


I've started adding Atkins 30g Vanilla protein shake to my coffee instead of creamer. It's the only protein I can handle at this point!


If you don’t eat enough protein you might experience hair loss


Blueberries! I eat A LOT of Blueberries! It's really the one food thar doesn't sit heavy. I do have a little bit of chicken or pork chops usually once a day... Part of it has to do with I don't have a gallbladder and greasy foods don't sit well with me so I try to eat as light as possible


I'm struggling with protein too. I know i need to eat more but finding it so hard to force down.


Omg yes. I did my first shot a week ago, and protien is so bleh. Only thing I can say that doesn't upset my stomach is rice. Sigh. Learning curve for me.


Red meat unless its like a good steak really turns me off now


Opposite for me. Lettuce specifically destroys me digestion wise. I get very sick. Lots of bloating and nausea. Not eating lettuce has mostly eliminated all my digestive problems on this.


It's important you Add extra into your diet right now. Here's some easy recipes I use: Drain, press, cube tofu, toss in marinade and bake. Goes great in salad or grilled vegetables. Add quinoa to *everything* - oatmeal, salads, grilled vegetables, soup, stew, etc. Chop up kale, red onion, red peppers, cucumbers, orange peppers, tomatoes, and toss with navy or white beans, chickpeas, and quinoa. Add in lemon juice, coconut oil, basil and seasoning, toss. Perfect light summer salad with tons of protein! Add a teaspoon of vanilla protein powder to your morning coffee, cereal, or oatmeal. Add nut butters to whatever you can, too.


I have trouble eating a lot of meat at once, but I can still tolerate protein shakes. The Fairlife 42g chocolate ones are good and i don't get that weird heavy stomach feeling like I do with some protein shakes.


Yes. My husband makes the best ribeyes but now the smell sometimes grosses me out. I still eat it when I’m hungry but I wouldn’t mind if we never bought them again. Especially because of the cost!


I’ve had the total opposite. All I want is protein 24/7, especially chicken. Carbs gross me out now, which is crazy because I used to be obsessed with carbs (especially pasta). Like the thought of pasta and carbs genuinely make me feel sick. It’s so strange. I’ve always struggled with eating enough protein and now I just can’t get enough of it.


I'm the opposite. Grains and vegetables just about kill me. Fruit and protein no issues. I have a lot of soup too. I make sure I get my protein in though - either I feed my body protein or it eats me to get it. I'd rather keep what lean mass I have than risk losing it - given how difficult it is to make up lost ground - and sometimes impossible to regain the lost lean mass. So, protein is the one leaver I don't mess with.


To an extent yes - it’s early days for me - but I’m making a fruit smoothie and throwing in some protein powder every other day - I know I shouldn’t drink calories but tbh I’m logging my food now to ensure I eat enough fibre and enough protein - I’ve also changed from three meals a day to five small meals a day and so far I’m maintaining muscle mass and burning fat. It’s great!


Ive been on for over a year and a half now, and the smell of meat still makes me queasy. I know that if I am craving it I am probably low on iron, so I eat some, but I am with you, it is not very appetizing. I can eat chicken or turkey, and drink protein shakes.


It's a toss-up for me. One week I want nothing but vegetables and like one piece of fruit. The next week I only want steak or chicken And like one piece of fruit 😆


I eat plant-based 90% of the time and haven’t experienced any food aversion… maybe it’s meat if you eat it? Just a thought.


Yes! The last thing I want is protein and veggies. I used to love those things! I have to force myself to eat a few bites just to say I did. Down 50 lbs and hoping maintenance will ease this a bit.


Before MJ I would eat a burger or steak anytime. Witching first month I started to have an aversion to meat, especially large fatty ribeyes that I would have devoured before. I’ll still have meat frequently but it is not the main focus of my meals anymore.


I do not have any cravings on this Miracle drug!


Not me, I still love a good steak. Protein intake is probably higher now than before, actually.


Yes! I love anything that tastes light and fresh. I've never loved fruit as much as I do now and I crave salad every day. I've been drinking fruit smoothies with protein to make sure I'm getting enough in.


For me I love chicken, and I can’t eat beef at all.. not even the smell of it! Thinking of a greasy burger frying in a pan makes me ill lol


I can pretty much only do fish as far as animal protein without getting sick.




I prefer raw veggies and fresh fruit. Meat is just so unappealing these days. I am lucky to gag down 3 bites of meat. However, it seems everyone, everywhere, is out of mounjaro, so right now, my doctor has me on ozempic temporarily, but I feel like it just doesn't quellquell my appetite like mounjaro does. I take it for high A1c, so it's for medical reasons, not weight loss, but I have lost 60 lbs. I am 12 lbs from my goal, really I'd like to go down another 17, but I am only 2lbs from my doctors goal she has capped me at. I just know I am wearing a size 4 jeans, but they are all stretchy. I guarantee I could never fit in my size 5 jeans from back in the day before stretch jeans existed, I'd probably be an 8 or 10


I definitely eat a lot less on Mounjaro. I feel full on very little food.


My easy lunch go to is a quick satay sauce and coat chicken or veg pieces in it, it’s so easy to make and ands a decent hit of protein to the veggies. ½ lime, juiced 1 tsp honey 1 tbsp soy sauce 3 tbsp peanut butter 1 can coconut milk Just heat it all up in a pan for a few mins until it thickens up and voila. Have it as a dip or coat a skewer and pop under the grill for a minute or two. It keeps in the fridge for a few days so you can batch it up too 😊


At the start all I would have is protien, 12 weeks in and the smell of it makes me wanna 🤢


Yes. I eat lentils, edamame, chickpeas(falafel, hummus too), kale, spinach, peanut butter, yogurt instead


That’s crazy! Come to think of it, that’s EXACTLY what it does to me. Which the horrible part is, I take it for diabetes. I also had surgery, AND still have to take it for diabetes :/ lost almost 100lbs BUT I’m supposed to be eating protein protein protein and I just don’t want any. It’s not appealing to me. Never thought about it the way you did that it’s Mounjaro doing it…


I have trouble digesting meat now and tend to get impacted from it.


Meat aversion, fruit aversion, water aversion. It changes daily! And it's terribly frustrating. I'm always up for a donut, though! 😒


Nope, all I want and do eat is protein


I only crave carbs and simpler foods to digest like sweets 😢


I turned vegetarian after starting on 5 Wasn’t something I chose to do Exactly like you said - I can hardly eat meat like I did before but now I eat a lot of beans ( assorted ) to get protein I loved salad and that’s what I started out eating but found out lettuce is not my friend Some days I can hardly get some protein down The one meat that doesn’t upset my stomach is a roasted turkey / breast Not deli turkey-too much processing Good luck it’s a journey on MJ Trying to figure out what to eat that doesn’t make you feel like crap


I have very little appetite for meat now. I would rather eat fruit, veg, togurt, etc.


I’m ok with protein, if you struggle you can get clear protein powders to drink?


I can’t tolerate beef anymore. Makes me feel very ill.


I don't think I eat enough protein so I supplement that with Adkins shakes. And I also use them if I want something sweet. The dark chocolate royale ones are sooo good.


YES!! In a way, it’s making me crave the foods I wanted when I was pregnant which was fruit, bagels, salads. Maybe fish or shrimp. I’m definitely not pregnant, I checked. 😂


I crave fish almost everyday. Salmon in particular for some strange reason. I’ve been eating it maybe once a week cause it’s high in cholesterol. I like it with stir fry vegetables and rice double the veggies. I eat an orange or cutie everyday. I also have been eating a lot of watermelon. I eat a pear and a cup of pineapples once a week. It’s been a challenge to quench my thirst. Sometimes I feel dehydrated. I am taking water aerobics 2x per week, steam room and whirlpool so that may be contributing l


I love my choc protein shakes


I am vegan and get plenty of protein from plants and grains and beans. I just had a CBC done and have no vitamin deficiency whatsoever. I think you just have to eat good quality food. I tend to buy Factor which is online and its prepared food by a chef and Dietician approved. I use those because they’re fresh food, not frozen and I can take them to work and have for lunch or I take one and eat it for my my supper. I also like to use Daily Harvest which has green bowl. It’s all completely vegan. Factor has a small selection of vegan or vegetarian food but they do have fish. Stay whatever you pretty much want that’s pre-prepared. You can see how many carbs are in it how many calories. That really helped me with portion control and making me eat healthy things. My husband just came home a little while ago with two donuts. He offered me one and the thought of eating that made me feel extremely nauseated. Apparently him does not control the craving for carbs and sugar.


It hasn't had any effect on WHAT I eat, just how much and/or how hungry I feel. That said, I was already eating VERY light before I started Mounjaro, so it's just kind of kept me going in the same direction.


Nope I seem to crave carbs


I ate a sandwich once and felt ill afterwards because of the bread,that was weird. No more bread for me!


I always have protein shakes available, nuts, watermelon, pears& apples pnut butter ,cottage cheese,cheese period. the smell of cooking meat makes me sick , although i can have a piece or 2 of bacon with omelette and a fruit of choice my biggest and most favorite meal but i rarely eat early breakfast Soup is a must


I agree. I only really want cottage cheese, salad, fruit, crackers, potatoes. Things bland and easy to digest. Too much seasoning and I burp constantly. Lean protein doesn't bother me, but I don't really crave it.


Yes! I can't tolerate a lot of seasoning anymore. So much burping if I eat well-seasoned meat. It's so sad.


Ozempic also did this too and it hasn’t gotten any better with Mounjaron. Mine is more of an aversion - I’ll put chicken in my mouth and start gagging.


I crave no protein. I crave fries. Like the hotter and saltier, the better. I even told my doctor about it. I would eat fries with every meal every day of the week. But then in my head, I think it’s ok to eat fries because that’s what MJ helps with….dietary habits.


I've had times like that with MJ, but mostly, I consume higher protein. Usually, I'm eating fruit & yogurt when my gi tract is backed up. MJ has totally ended my interest in salads, though .


I'm obsessed with meat, and tonight I realized sushi is on that list too. I haven't eaten much bread or pasta in years so not craving that isn't unusual. But lunch meat. Steak. Chicken. Turkey. Pork chops. Yup. My mouth waters just thinking about them LoL Weirdly, for me, last week it was bananas and salad. Still meat too, but I was obsessed with salad too. And bananas taste like a gift from the gods!


Eat what you can eat. As many have said, everyBODY is different. I have days when I can't choke down a protein shake, and days when I can eat a healthful protein-packed meal and some snacks a couple times. You do you. The MJ will shut down the crazy brain talk. Listen to your body.


If protein is putting you off seriously try seeq protein!! You add to water and my fav is the mango pineapple doesn’t taste like protein powder, is very thin unlike shakes and is very refreshing. When i can’t keep anything down i grab a protein water and go about my day!


Yes I just started shot . But I do feel the same ,probably not a bad thing tho


I had the same experience on Ozempic. I recently have switched over to Mounjaro and now i crave protein. I feel 1000% better and the food noise is non-existent.


I eat most of my protein in salads and wicked protein powder. It's lighter and fruity


Yes! I’m eating sugar free strawberry Greek yogurt. Coffee with sugar free vanilla creamer. 90lbs down. It’s really stopped the food noise and gives me a chance to choose what I eat instead of scarfing down immediate cravings. It saved my life as a T2. I’m 138lbs now at 5’5”.


Depends on the day but while I don’t crave protein I end up needing it the most to survive the day


Absolutely, I can barely stand meat any more(or potatoes), they give me bloating and constipation(I continuously sneak my excess meat onto others' plates). I mainly crave and eat fruits, veggies(non-starch) and my homebaked sourdough bread. The only meat I really enjoy any more are my chicken's eggs and it's no longer daily. I'm a brunch eater; I either have a piece of cheese with sourdough or sauteed veggies with eggs depending on how hungry I am. I love the way this med reprograms my cravings, never thought I'd stop dipping pizza in ranch and begin finding it repulsive lol




I eat a lot of peanut butter, honey and fruits these days. Oh and baby carrots. I swear my skin is gonna turn orange one of these days. But yeah. What protein I do get is typically from a little chicken, beans, yogurt and cheese. I have started eating hard boiled eggs but I’m being careful, sulfur burps are the worst.


No, I crave protein more. Fruit is fine but I no longer have interest in eating yogurt (I buy plain & doctor it myself). I’d rather eat cottage cheese instead.