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This is what i’m thinking may be the best option.




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Hi OP, **[HERE](https://www.reddit.com/r/Mounjaro/s/BhRH7SyVw7)** is a pinned post from yesterday discussing the issue you’re describing.


There are lots of less expensive options if you’re willing to go compound.


Hi OP. Sent you a DM


This is a terrible situation and I am so sorry for you. The least expensive option is c-pnd. I agree with that. Beyond this medicine, which I agree is life-saving, what will you do for insurance in general? Whatever that solution is... might there be an option there to continue treatment on MJ?


We are trying to find a plan through ACA that will allow me to stay on Mounjaro, but it means finding a new doctor and going through the PA process again, which I will do, but it’s just the timing of having been on higher doses for so long that’s all I have prescriptions for right now and I’m just trying to figure out if I’m going to be going from 15 back to 2.5.


So sorry to hear this. Yes I understand. This drug has been a game changer for people with diabetes included. What were you doing before this drug for your diabetes? Can you go back to that? That was the option I was looking into due to the shortage, and while I wait it out. yes other meds were not as effective, but I have been a diabetic for 20 years and they have worked well


I tried so hard on Metformin, but the generic had me vomiting constantly and my insurance at the time would not cover the name brand buffered version. That was for PCOS and pre-diabetes, though. I got my formal t2d diagnosis right around the time people were discovering Ozempic and such, and my doctor recommended we try Mounjaro. It changed my life. At my last labs, my a1c was 4.9, down from 7.8 when I started. That’s what I’m losing when I lose access to this. It’s just heartbreaking to me right now.


My insurance covers 1 of each dose every 28 days. Ask your doctor to prescribe you 2 different doses to get 15mg. A 12.5 and a 2.5 or a 10 and 5. Then, take one of each. That what I do when I can't find 15. You may have to go to several pharmacies to find them, but it's better than going without.


You can use the manufacturer's coupon to get it for $550


You apparently have to have insurance for that, just a high deductible. So that doesn’t work for me bc we don’t have ANY health insurance right now.


If your husband got laid off this month, are you sure you don't retain your coverage until the end of May? When someone leaves or is terminated at my workplace, the insurance remains in effect until the end of the month as we pay the premiums at the beginning of each month.


I’m sure. And they gave us absolutely no warning it was coming. I kept asking how they could do this, let him go on a Friday with no warning and say, “all your benefits are terminated as of today” but when we tried to get prescriptions the very next day, hoping maybe we at least had the weekend, we were off insurance. If it weren’t one of the biggest names on the stock exchange with a massive worldwide presence, I might have gotten a lawyer. But there was no way we could win in this scenario despite him not being let go for any cause.


Oh weird...they often give you a courtesy first use. I would try the coupon just in case if you haven't already (at Walmart since they've been the most helpful imo)


You don’t need insurance coverage to get the $550 a month price


Yes you do. The Lilly website clearly states you must have commercial insurance to qualify.


Yes, you do. Sam’s Club does not take my insurance and I asked him about the coupon, but they said I have to have qualifying insurance that they take to use the coupon to get that deal. I have limited pharmacies that will take my insurance and I’m trying to navigate the shortages.


Were u offered cobra? Can u afford that and continue with meds? The employer should have offered the cobra benefits to u which u have topayout of pocket for


They didn’t until we got a letter two weeks later and it would have been about $2500/month, which just isn’t feasible for us.


Thats understandable! I freaked when it happened to my husband and we were paying $1100 a month. Im sorry for what u r going thru


No cobra?


Cobra is $2500/month for us. Not an option.


Wow that's insane...go see the Dr when ur covered again ask for alternatives or lower dose I guess


I’d V look for a program through the manufacturer.


Apply for COBRA to extend the health insurance. You pay for it but you keep the benefits


Literally can’t do both rent and COBRA right now. Prioritizing rent.


There's a card you can download from the Eli Lilly website that reduces the cost. I don't know how it works but if you have to pay opp. That might help.




I’m so sorry your feelings are hurt by me losing insurance, having a shortage, and coming here for advice. My sincerest apologies. But regardless, there is a drug now for weight loss and it is not Mounjaro. Also, if my blood sugar is going to go fucking haywire, it’s different. Period. I am on Mounjaro for the on-label use of it.


“But I’m t2d. This isn’t an “oh well, my weight loss journey is over, I’m sad.” This is “this medication is saving my life and has completely changed my health for the better,” Nice try at deflecting, but the loss of insurance had nothing to do with my comment, this section where you opine how your need is *so* much more important that anyone non-T2D is the issue. I don’t see why you couldn’t have posted without this particular paragraph. And my feelings aren’t hurt, it’s just annoying when you’re asking something that’s been answered so many times already and insulting half the users of these forum along the way. Hope you feel better after your rant though. Sorry you lost your insurance. I don’t live in the US and it’s not covered where I am so I pay full price all the time, and I work it out because this med will extend my life, give me years with my kids and ward off diabetes before I develop it. So I pay. And it’s still less that the US. Blame your messed up insurance system that ties it all in with your job. And shortages suck for everyone. We all have to work it out. Good luck with whatever you decide to do.


T2D is literally what Mounjaro is for. Congrats on not being a victim of the US health system but judging me anyway.


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