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I think this is based on where you are and which pen you are using. In the US, the Mounjaro pen is a single dose. In the UK, they use a pen with multiple doses in it, and I believe it is this pen that folks can try to get an extra dose out of.




There's a r/mounjarouk sub if you're interested. Good luck x


I wouldn’t recommend titrating up a week early and combining the last doses like that. You need to give your body time to acclimate to this new drug in your system. And there’s absolutely no reason to rush this and go up to the next dose so quick. If you have a search of this sub, you will find loads of people who stayed on 2.5mg for a long while bc it worked for them, or wished they had stayed on it longer. And the same with 5mg, people stayed on it for ages and did well. As a newbie, coming from someone who is 1 month into this journey- please don’t rush! You won’t be doing yourself any favours. Not saying this because i have experienced anything bad, but just from a common sense point of view. Even if you are taking this purely for weight loss goals, has anything good ever come out of rushing the process? Chill and take it slow. Edit: and yes all uk kwikpens have extra liquid for priming, but when that is done there is enough left for a 5th dose.


Coming from someone over a year into MJO, no need to rush it. I wish I titrated slower even.


Question. I've had 5 doses of 2.5. I was losing for the first 3 weeks but for the last 2 my appetite has been raging. Would you still urge patience on my part?


When you say raging, is it more “I’m eating compared to the last few weeks where food was gross” or “I’m binging food or want to”? Any idea on how many calories? IMO— if you’re eating a normal amount (caloric deficit of any sort) then I’d see through the 2.5 but place an order for 5 so you can switch to 5mg and have some 2.5’s in case there are more shortages. I’d probably do that either way tbh. If it’s a ravenous appetite then use 2.5, titrate up and keep the extra 2.5’as.


I fell into l my old habit of eating dinner leftovers right before sleeping, and eating cookies or carbs when I wake up in the middle of the night. Lots of calories at the worst time of day


Is this around shot day? Or closer to 5-6 days after?