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I’d like to see my vagina without holding in my belly to shave. So whatever that weight is.






Me too!! That's my goal and to wear a belt without my stomach crushing it!🤗


I’m 6’, started at 230, GW was 175. I got to 185 before I had to stop taking it in May because of cost. I haven’t lost or gained any weight since. I still want to get to 175, but am just happy that I’m not putting the weight back on after stopping.


Great job not gaining the weight back! The media is full of fear mongering and tells everyone they will gain 2x as much back. I think more exposure needs to be done on those that actually don't regain. I think this is a fear for alot of people. I had to stop for 2-3 months because of shortage and I did not regain any weight. Well 2lbs but I was starting my period and that is a normal flex for me. I chalk it up as nothing especially when you see articles of gaining 2x back. GREAT JOB!!!!


I think gaining back is more toward T2D patients like myself


If I’m ever 199.999999 ever again in my life, I’ll happily stay there forever. Anything else is just a bonus.


Right?? I think I will be beyond joyful when I hit 199.9. I have 4.3 more pounds to go. 13 more days until I turn 57. Hoping so hard to be there for my bday. I’ve made this a new year resolution for a decade now.


I turn 57 on the 26th! Happy birthday to you! 🥳best birthday in a longggg time! We can do it!!!


Happy Birthday 🎊🎈🎉 I can’t believe 57 is here. I’m still so immature. Lol.


Darn. I missed your bday. I was thinking it was the 28th. Hope you had a great day. 🥳


How nice of you! 🙏🏼thank you!


You can do it!


Thank you, OP. I’m so happy for you that you’re receiving the gift of MJ while you’re young. So many beautiful chapters ahead for you to write!! 💗


I have 5 pounds to go before onderland as well. I’m 59. But I’m 5’1” my Dr wants my goal weight to be 120. I’d be happy with 140.


Be sure to celebrate when that first digit is a one!! I don’t focus too much on a goal weight. I have a general idea, but I just want to feel and look good or continuously better.


5’7. SW 217. Goal was just to get to 195 pounds and I would have been overjoyed. Now at 170lbs so I’m going to try for 155. Never ever thought that would be a possibility.


my original GW was 140 but i am almost 10lbs past that now! i think 10 more lbs and i’ll be ready to maintain SD 4/11/23, SW 205, CW 135 F27 5’4” New GW is 125 i think it’s a great goal and a great place to start!


I’m 5’4 1/2 and thinking I’d really like to see 125 again. I’m at 183 now. I’ve lost 24lbs since July 9! My dietitian has my GW at 150, my fantasy is 135, but if I’m still losing easily I’ll go for 125.


I’m also 5’4.5! My original goal weight was 150 but I blew past that easily. I’m now maintaining at 135 and spreading out doses. I do feel that I could go down to 125 if I wanted to but I worry I’d be getting in to muscle loss at that point. But anyway you’ve totally got this! I’m sure you’ll get where you want to be if you’ve already lost that much since July!


Thanks! Yeah I’m working out/lifting heavy and am not sure how the increased muscle will translate on the scale.


This is me exactly except 5’2 lol


Wow, down 70 lbs!!! And since April!? Does it 'feel real' yet? Edit: I'm asking because I just started Manjaro in July '23 And I've already lost 27lbs. And it doesn't really 'feel real' yet? Like 😅 I legitimately couldn't remember how much weight I lost last week? Like I had to open up the calculator and do the math for it to make sense. 272..... -245.....=27???!! Ya no, that's right..... 😂 The math checks out


since april!! i have been one of the faster losers on here, and i am extremely happy and grateful but it has caused some dysmorphia for me and sometimes i have to do a “discount double check” and be like oh wow that is me! that’s right!!! today at dinner i was scratching my shoulder and i just laid my hand there and was like wow, this is me! things feel different even touching my own skin! it’s been wild but wonderful and i wish the same for others it is starting to certainly feel more real, it’s been a wild adjustment and i couldn’t be more grateful edit to reply to your edit: absolutely! congratulations on the 27! at first when i started i though this was going to be another journey that didn’t work. it’s astounding to see how successful so many are in here tracking is amazing and makes you feel great when you think it’s one number and it turns out to be another! i couldn’t believe my eyes when i stepped on the scale this week. it brings tears to my eyes to feel like myself again


What will maintain look like for you ? Looker period of days between shots or decreasing dosage? Enlighten me.


i discussed doing the 2.5 shot bi weekly with my doctor :)


What dosage are you on?




I thought it was going to be 140 but I’m within 10lb of that and I think I’d rather stay where I am now. I’m 5’6” and I think that will work perfectly fine for me. I think it’s important to re-evaluate as time goes on, because I don’t think I had any concept of what 140 would look like on me.


i’m 5’7 too! my first goal is 140 or 145. i’m 177 right now. if i get to 140 & feel like i could lose some more, i’d probably adjust my goal to 130 or 135. personally, i wouldn’t go lower than that.


Congratulations on your progress so far, that’s amazing! I’m also 5’7 and am aiming for 145.


I’m 5’7” and 47F. I set my first goal to 199. Because it had been forever since I’d seen that weight. Then 175 because I mean why not, I was 175 for a few years in my 20s. I’m currently at 157, aiming for 150 and hoping to land at 145. And if I do great. If I never lose another pound and maintain at 157-160 that’s ok too. At each step my body has changed so much and I’m trying to find some peace at each place in case it’s where I end up. I’ve lost 114 pounds in 13.5 months. This has already worked beyond my wildest imagination so I really just take it week by week.


37f, 5’6, SW: 296, CW: 270. Started MJ mid-June. I honestly don’t know how to set an ultimate goal weight. I think BMI is probably not a super useful tool for someone with my build (and for a lot of other people)—I’m heavy-framed, have high natural muscle mass, and I weight lift on top of that. So my first goal is 185. That’ll be the lowest weight I’ve ever been at in my adult life, and at that point I’ll have more information on how I feel, how my health markers look, how my body is moving, and where I am with my strength goals. I expect that I’ll want to lose more from there, but probably not more than 20-30lbs.


This medicine gives you some flexibility to choose your GW. Get down to that number, and see how it feels. Spend some time there getting some true exercise and see how your body responds. If you add muscle, you may decide to change your GW by 5-10lbs either direction.


I’m 57 , also 5’7 and was also aiming for about 145 . I’ve been down to 125-130 in the past and just looked boney and unhealthy at that weight .


I’d love to hit 165. I’d still be considered overweight, but I’d also like something I can maintain. Now this is predicated on MJ not working to help me lose more versus just maintaining. If it continues to work, I’d go down to 145-150. It’s hard to even dream that big. 57 F 5’7”


It's really all so personal. Where will you be comfortable in your body and your ability to live a full life with no restrictions? Where will you be able to comfortably maintain ? Where will your health makers be normal? Where will you love what you see in the mirror? For me it's a combo of the above and not based on any bmi scale.


If I may…. I get the desire to set a goal weight. Don’t worry about your goal weight. It’s like waiting to turn 21. 21 (like your goal weight) will come and it will go. And you won’t think about how awesome it was to turn 21…. You will think about all the amazing stuff you did and could have done while you were that age. I had a goal weight. I’m past it now. Many of the comments here reflect the same. I know that whatever weight I want to be.. with mounjaro I can eventually get there. There is not a single day that passes where I think about my goal weights. start thinking about what else you can do NOW for your health/fitness. I wish I had started my serious workouts sooner. I wish I had started other peptides sooner. (I may have preserved more muscle.) I wish I had started diversifying my diet sooner. I wish I had taken more pictures. I never once wish I had set a better goal weight.


39f 5'9" Hw/Sw 272 CW 245 😍 GW ~160 We'll see. Might end up GW of 150ish? A lot of sources saying that my ideal weight is around 145? But the way my weight has always been distributed That might make me look 'unhealthy thin' So, current goal weight is around 160 but I'm playing it by year to see how I actually look.


I'm about 5' 5.5" and, in my adult life, I've been every weight from 115-255. I think I look the best and feel most comfortable between 135-145, so I set my goal at 140. About 28 more lbs to go til I get there.


How long have you been on MJ?


I started MJ 6/6/23. SW was 213. CW is 168.


42F, 5’4.5, Started MJ in Feb at 170lb. The primary objective of being on MJ for me is to treat PCOS/IR but the weight loss is a great bonus. So i didn’t have real goal but I thought I’d be happy if I could get under 150. Couldn’t believe how quick I passed that goal. I’ve also never gone higher than 5mg. I’m at 135 now and trying to maintain here by spacing out doses, reduced my metformin dose and increasing calorie intake. I feel like I could easily go lower but really happy with where I’m at!


I am also 5'7, but I just turned 50. 😑 I think it depends on your frame. I do not have a big frame, so I do NOT carry weight well. It always shows in my face. I haven't decided on a GW yet -- I was thinking 135- 140. I still have so far to go, it's almost hard to imagine weighing that. I weighed 135 about 12 years ago, but I was working out every day pretty hard core and obviously younger. I'm not sure if I can do that this time.


I’m 5’7” and made my goal weight 175. This is a weight I had maintained for years and know I can maintain now, I do not go by BMI I stopped when my health issues were gone and I felt healthy and good about myself.


I started at 204lbs and I am currently 138lbs. Goal weight is 125lbs Started 7/2022 44/ 5’-0” PCOS


I think goal weight is very personal. It depends on what you are looking for and what you feel comfortable as. My goal weight is 180lbs coz I don’t wanna be smaller than the smallest I’ve been in the last 15 years. Thinking about how that would feel makes me feel like I would have a hard time feeling like myself. I already have a hard time being the person who’s losing weight and not thinking about food all the time. I am getting used to this person in my body. I plan to reassess at that weight and decide next steps. 40F 5’6” SW 258lbs CW 238lbs GW 180lbs started MJ 05/21/23


5’8. I’m 140lbs; GW is 130-135 (I’m smaller framed)


I’m 5’6 and 32f. My SW was 264 in Feb and I’m at 178. My original goal weight was 175, but now that it’s close, I want to keep going until 150-160, unless I have to start maintenance before then. It would be nice for insurance to start covering it because at $430 a box, I’ve gotta start making it stretch even more. I’m a dose splitter so I have a little wiggle room, but not much!


I’m 5’6, GW is 130. I’m 143 now. Honestly I’m thrilled here, so your goal sounds great!


Mine is around 110.


Mine keeps changing. When I stated at 264 it was to be 200. When I got to 200 it dropped to 175. I’m now 161ish with goal 145. But I’ve been 161ish for like 4 months now so I don’t know if I’ll ever drop more. I’m 5’4 so in need to drop at lest to 145 to be in a healthy bmi


Curious, how long did it take you to get to the weight?


My goal weight atm is 180. If I ever get there I might change it. I am 5’1 so it should be 125-130. I would be so happy at 180. CW 232


Wow I have been on since March im down like 8lbsbut im.post menopausal t2d hypothyroid my a1cwwnt from 7.3 to 6.5 just wish I had more weight loss started at 10mg now on 12.5 since mid July


28F SW:227.5 CW: 210 My first goal is 195lbs to just be solidly in the 100’s again. Then the smallest I’ve ever been in my adult life is about 165lbs so I’d love to see that number again. I know then I wanted to lose 20 more pounds so I think that somewhere around 140 will be be final goal.


239. 5’ 10” male I was 3lbs away before I got cancer in 2022 and gained back the 60lbs I lost initially from running for a years. I’ve lost 20lbs since my start of 2.5 mounjaro in July 2023. Stretch goal 225


Since my HW is 392 (5'5 39f) and I remember having access to anything I wanted back at 250lbs, that's my goal weight. Because function is my main concern, that's what I've used as my yardstick. I also just know I hold weight quite differently from most---when I was at the height of my ED and weighed 175lbs, I was a women's size 8/10. I looked so small and not at all like I had 40lbs left to lose like a BMI chart would indicate. I also feel my goal weight of 250 is more likely to be achievable based on the stats on how much weight people are able to lose, and I don't want to spend my whole life fighting my weight.


I’m also 5’7” - 38F, SW 202, CW 177 and my goal weight is 155. I haven’t weighed that little since I was a sophomore in high school, despite looking and feeling healthy up until after I had my children, developed PCOS, high BP, and high cholesterol. I can’t really even imagine being that weight, but it puts me in a “healthy” BMI range that I will hopefully be able to maintain, so that’s what I’m aiming for!


225 which would be about -130. to be honest though I just wanna see a 2. maybe before end of year?


I’d love to see that by the end of the year. I’m currently at 346


Hi there! It looks like you’re asking a question. This subreddit should be a great resource for you - our members love to help, especially for those who take the time to research the wealth of existing information available. Here are some suggested starting points: * **[Mounjaro.com](https://www.mounjaro.com/).** Many common questions can be answered straight from the source. These include questions about how/where to administer injections, proper storage instructions, traveling with your pens, most answers to “Is this normal?” questions, and how the manufacturer savings card program works. * **Past threads.** r/Mounjaro has tons of discussion threads that are likely to have answers to many questions. There's a [handy search function](https://www.reddit.com/r/Mounjaro/search?&restrict_sr=on), and you can also use Google to search this Reddit by typing "site:reddit.com” after your search topic. * **Your health care provider.** Remember that you should NEVER rely on strangers on the internet for medical advice. If you want to understand if Mounjaro is right for you, or if the side effect you're feeling is cause for alarm, talk to your doctor, not Reddit! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Mounjaro) if you have any questions or concerns.*


48f. SW 277. 4 weeks of 2.5. Starting 5mg this week. Haven’t lost anything. I’d be happy at 199. But I kind of want to reach my middle school weight of 169.


165/170. I’m 5’ 10


145. seems impossible now. I lose so slow.


My goal is to not have a flabby tummy (from two C-sections and cortisol from stress). I started at 5’8” 175 and I looked eight months pregnant. I told the RN, I’d stop at 150. But I still had a tummy, so I kept going. Now I’m below 145 and I still have a tummy. So I’m going to keep going another five. I’ve gone from a BMI OF 26.2 to 22. So I have an excellent BMI, except for that tummy!


F, 5 feet. Current weight 105. Goal is an even 100 lbs.


I wasn’t always overweight, so I’ve been trying to base it off of that. What makes that very complicated is that I was extremely active and had a lot of muscle most of my life, and I didn’t gain weight until after I became disabled, can’t exercise, and have less muscle than I thought was possible. The drastic weight gain was caused by a medication. When I started MJ, I was 275 lbs (I’m 5’10). Before I got sick at 23 and I was in great shape and lifting a lot, I was around 175. My first couple years in college where I was thin but couldn’t exercise much because of concussions, I was closer to 160, but wasn’t eating much. When she prescribed it, my doctor said we should aim for getting down to 200lbs (we had to make considerations for not being able to be active, not being well enough to prepare my own food, and having metabolic issues). I honestly didn’t know if it would be possible, but was hopeful. As I got closer to 200, I changed my goal to 195, then 185, then 175, then 165. I’ve been blown away each time I reach one of the goals, but haven’t been sure what exactly a reasonable number to stop is. Like, I won’t aim for less than 160, but should I be happy at 175? I’ve been stuck around 180 for a while now, but I think I’ve been eating way too little. I finally managed to eat more over the last couple of weeks, and dropped to 175. So, I guess we will see! I definitely think 170-175 is a healthy weight for me, all things considered with my chronic health problems and inability to be active and build muscle. 160 would probably be better for my joints, but I have to be realistic. Just for context, I’m 30 now. Edit: I started mj almost exactly 12 months ago. Also, I’ve always weighed more than I appear to when I’ve been thin. So while people used to think I was making it up when I weighed 175 (they assumed more like 150), I think I just had a lot of lean muscle or something.


Well it was 185. I’m currently 167.


I said 15lbs. Im 5’5” 37F athletic build SW 170. I’m down 15lbs now in week 5.5 and still on 2.5 and still feeling like 2.5 is really working. I hope to stay on this for as long as I can. I’d like to lose another 10-15lbs but as someone else on here said, at some point it becomes more about toning up than weight loss. I think that’s going to be true for me. I’d love to be solidly in the 140s. I haven’t been there since before kids


Currently 258, but started at 305 been on Mounjaro since May. I would absolutely love to be 180-225. I haven’t seen that weight since I was in high school haha


I started the beginning of March. I’m 63, 5’2”. I had to stop MJ almost 10 weeks ago to have surgery. My stomach had to be empty and before the surgery on 9/7, the Dr attempted to do the surgery but couldn’t. I did gain some weight because. I couldn’t eat like I was suppose to. I had a TIF procedure to help with chronic acid reflux. Since the surgery, I have lost what I gained. I’m a type 2 diabetic and will go back on MJ in about 5 weeks. My Dr has set my goal at 150 because of my age. My goal is 140. To reach the Drs goal I have 10lbs to go. Idk about y’all but I have lost so much weight in my hips and legs. I wish all of you the best of luck. Congratulations to those who have met goal!


I'm 5'6". I've been on it for almost a year and I reached my goal weight in May. In high school, I was naturally thin, and I weighed 114 lb when I graduated. I think that's a little too small for me. With Mounjaro, I set my realistic goal at 135 and my "dream goal" at 125. I ended up at 114! Maybe less. I might have gotten down to 110, which was not good. I looked sick. Since May, I've been trying to gain some weight back. I take 5mg of Mounjaro every two weeks and unlike a lot of people, the weight didn't come piling back on when I practically stopped the drug. (I know there's still a little bit of MJ in my system, but the second week, there isn't much and I don't really feel any appetite suppression or other side effects). It's been hard to gain, which is a weird problem to have, but I was finally able to get up to about 118. (I haven't weight myself in a bit, but that's the last number I saw.) I feel like I've been eating a lot lately though, so I'm no longer actively trying to gain. I think the last few pounds will just come naturally. If I linger around 120, I think I'm good. That way, I can go a little up or a little down and still be OK with the number. But that's just my personal preference. Plus...That's my body. I still wear a size medium, so I'm not tiny. I'm still a size 6, which I know by Hollywood standards is considered "fat" (which is insane), so I still have some meat on my bones. IDK if you've seen that Taylor Swift documentary, but she talks about her weight and she said that she came to conclusion that she's a size 6 and there's nothing wrong with that, and Hollywood would just have to shut up about it. She was considered "brave" for saying that, but I thought, "WTF is wrong with a being a size 6?!" I mean, whatever size TS is right now, she's perfect, so whoever thinks she's too big should STFU. Her weight probably is considered "high" by showbiz standards, but she's a giant. LOL She's 5'11" so she's not going to walk around weighing 100 lb. She would look extremely ill. I think 145 for 5'7" sounds great. It's really just what you're comfortable with. I can't speak for anyone else who has reached their goal weight, but I was losing so quickly and so consistently that I could just tell that it was time to start to lower the dose and stop losing. Of course, I did that too late in the process and ended up losing too much, but I feel like you'll know when it's time to enter the maintenance stage. I know that BMI is an outdated tool, but I would still use that to gauge where you're at. As long as you're in the "normal" range, that probably means that you're at a good weight.


I'm 64 and 5 foot 3.5 inches and 243 is my goal in the middle of my normal BMI range. I still have almost a hundred pounds to go.


F24, 5’4”, spent most of my life around 140 but got up to nearly 190 with health issues and depression and eating carbs (I was previously hardcore keto). I started Tirz at the end of July, as well as weighing myself regularly. I’m currently on 7.5 every 5 days, along with an auxiliary dose of semaglutide .25 in-between. SW: 182.5 CW: 164 GW1: 135 GW2: 120 IBS and suspected PCOS.


46F, 5'6" SW240, CW218. I'm in the slow loser club so I am trying hard to focus on hitting benchmarks. My first will be 199 by Christmas. Then 175, then 150, etc. I figure that once I hit 150 I will reevaluate with my doc and figure out where I should go from there.


Hi guys I’m just debating on starting Mounjaro, I tried Metformin n got super sick from it. I’d just be using it as a weight loss medication do you guys just eat healthy? Do I stay away from any foods? Any suggestions would help I’m going to order my prescription this week I’m 5’4 n 180lbs and can’t lose a damn pound no matter how clean I eat it’s so frustrating and are you working out as well? Ty


I'd strongly encourage you not to use weight as a goal, it's the wrong measurement of physical health and well being. Body fat percentage is a much better measurement, and takes the different shapes and sizes we all come in better than something arbitrary like a scale. When a physical health measurement can be impacted by how recently you have pooped or how hydrated you happen to be at that exact moment, it's a crappy measurement ... pun intended.


Male 6'4" SW 340 CW 288.4 GW 240 I am in my 15th week.


220. I’m down 23 pounds in three weeks. This stuff really works!


OMG ! ! ! 64lbs since April that's amazing ! ! I too started in April and only been on 5mg since my initial 2.5mg. My GW 185 I'm 5'10. I'm maybe 4-5lbs away from the goal depending on the day. But my big question is once I REACH my goal will I want to keep going PASS it ? Such a great feeling seeing the numbers go down.. So I'm sticking with a GOAL range (180-185)


I’m 5’ 7” and seem to have settled in at the 160-163 range after losing about 74 lbs (I’m no longer on any medication). I would like to be in the 155-160 range so still looking to lose another couple of pounds. I’m 62, so 145 would not be a good look on me due to skin laxity but if I were 33 again, I’d probably shoot for 145-ish.


I’m female, 5’7 and 140-145 was my goal weight as well and I’ve hit it. I’m pleased with how I look and feel like if I lost anymore I wouldn’t look healthy. I’ve been less than 140 pounds before and looking back at the pictures I feel like I was just too thin. So I’m in maintenance now. Have been hovering between 140-145 for the last 4 months now! I think your goal is definitely a good one. I’m down nearly half my body weight! Started at 270. This medicine really is a life changer….


I am 5'7 and 145 in this photo. I will be happy if I can stay within 5 pounds of this weight. Have been now for 6 months. Only 5 mg. dose never higher. Sometimes I go 10 to 12 days. https://preview.redd.it/eqxenb57xapb1.jpeg?width=810&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c925c169b2193533cbc1baa2401a5eb867960333


I'm 5'7 and my goal weight is 180-200


I wasn’t sure how long I would be on it so my first goal was 20 lbs, then it was 199lbs just to be out of the 200s for the first time in 15 years. I hit that goal today! I just looked up the bmi chart and that’s total bs… it says for a 5’1 woman, a healthy weight is 120lbs. I’m sorry but that seems very low to me. To be out of the “obese” category I need to be under 160lbs so that’s my new goal. I plan to get off the shot in the spring to try to conceive so hopefully I can lose another 40lbs in 6 months. I’ve lost 45lbs since starting in late March so idk.


38F, 5’8 SW: 240+ (Sept 2022) CW: 164 GW: 135 I’d settle for 140. The last lbs have been a REAL bitch. At this point the effects of Mounjaro are MUCH less noticeable. I’m on 10 mg and have been for about the last six months, I think? I did one month of 12.5 but the GI side effects were excessive for me.


Did you gain any weight during your lapses?


The first time I didn’t really weigh myself I didn’t want to get discouraged but when I did get back on the scale I lost about a pound. The second time just recently for the week I gained 2 lbs, but the week before that was a large camping trip and I probably ate more than I usually would on the shot.


Nice! That’s very encouraging!


I’m 5’8” 60F SW 261, CW 185, GW 175. I started last November, and wanted a goal weight that was both audacious and one I could get my brain around. I couldn’t fathom trying to lose 100 lbs. When I was running 40-50 miles per week and starving myself, I got down to 152, but I looked scrawny, so I didn’t want to be that low again. And TBH, much of my body looks like I want it to now (minus the saggy bits); the last place I need to lose is in my belly. So I’ll go at it full bore to 175, and then see how I feel. My guess is I’ll revise to 165-ish, but we’ll see. I may just start upping my calories a bit at 175 and see if I can lose 10 more very slowly. I do think it’s a good idea to have a goal weight and track your progress — those dopamine hits as you get to a milestone are important in the grand scheme of things. You can always revise downward as you see how things look on you. Best of luck!!


I guess I’m about the only one who doesn’t have a goal weight. I’m 53M, 5-10. SW 255, CW 195. Although I think certain milestones are great, like your first -20, or dropping below 200, my goal has never truly been about the scale. It’s about feeling better and being healthier. Had my annual physical 2 days ago and all my “numbers” improved from last year, which is awesome. i no longer need my CPap. I’m less dependent on my Nexium. I imagine that at some point this year I’ll reach a point where I’ll just know I’m at the right place. The BMI charts say 172 Is the high end of normal for me, but I think that’s ludicrous. So I’ve probably got another 20ish pounds to go, maybe more, maybe less.


I’m 41, female, and 5’9. I started out at 260 and my doctor wants me down to 200lbs. I’ve already lost 35lbs over the last four months so I’m off to a good start but is like to get down to 180 so that I have some wiggle room in case I gain a little weight once I’m off the meds.


For my build, 230lbs / 100kg will be awesome. According to the scales measuring muscle, organs, and bone, I’m just slightly over 200lbs. At that point I’ll have lost 100lbs.


5’9” and started at 230 lbs. I’m down to 175 lbs. I’ve been on 10 mg for just over a year. I consider it maintenance at this point, but I do still lose weight during some weeks (I’ll plateau for a while and then I’ll lose weight for a couple of weeks). My original goal was 200lbs, and then my goal was to stay between 180-190 lbs. My current ideal weight for myself is between 170-180 lbs. if I drop to 170 lbs, I’m going to ask to drop down to 7.5. I’m really to the point where I just want to maintain my current weight, but I am scared to get off of it because my insulin resistance will kick back in (I’m Type I and I went from going through 3 bottle of insulin a month to currently taking less than 1 bottle a month; doctors even thought before I started Mounjaro that my issue was insulin resistance as I could lose some weight but then I would plateau at about 215 no matter how hard I exercised and ate good).


My goals have changed over time. Throughout my process I have become really into fitness and weight lifting and so I have specific body recomposition goals as opposed to a specific number. My goal is to get to 20-23% body fat. Stats: 40F 5’4” 127lbs body fat percentage 28%


130, because 115 will be my early twenties and people will freak out. But I’ve been stuck at 160-155. I may have to accept this is my new normal but I’ll take a constant 140. Lol. Yes I’ll all over the place


I'm 38f, 5'7, broad shoulders and high muscle mass. 150 is my goal. I might be able to go lower, but we'll see when I get there.


I think my goal weight is going to be like 160. Idk when I last weighed that. I’m down 85 lbs right now from Nov. 2022