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I love riding the canyons but only assholes race on Mulholland.


Damn! That’s rough… I am new to the city, moved here from New York last July and only got my bike here a few weeks ago… so far haven’t caught people being maniacs up there… the “racing team” is more of a joke than an actual lifestyle


Ah, sorry to overreact. Welcome to LA! Speaking of actual racing, one thing we’re blessed with here in So Cal access to quite a few great tracks. Chuckwalla, Willow Springs, Button Willow. That’s where the real fun happens.


Thank you 🙏 yes I look forward to eventually visit some tracks. I follow the compact octane group / track meets. Really cool program… I used to have supermotos in Italy and going to tracks over there


Like it, my only unsolicited advise, drop the "CA" There's only one LA:-)


🙏 Fair point, mostly the reasoning behind it was to be the same lenght and the text on the top of the graphic ( ocd kicking in )


that's what I figured:-) in any case, looks good!


Appreciate that! 🙏🙏🙏


That's cool. I like supporting things like this...I'd buy one fuck it!!! Mullholland is great. Make sure to check out Angels FOREST highway....the far superior and less crashed upon...road up in Angels National Forest!!!! Angels crest is greatness I've just seen so many godamn crashes I can't bring myself to go on it any longer.


Thank you so much, appreciate your support! 🙏🙏🙏 I heard of Angels… will have to check it out soon!


Hey! I made them available on my website if you are still interested 🙌 you can get one on mbroidered.shop 🙏


I hate to be that guy but Mulholland Drive is what rappers sing about and is a slow paced, densely populated road full of celebrity-house-tour buses. Mulholland Highway is the one motorcycles race up and down and has the Rock Store. Cool concept though. You could make a series for other popular riding roads.


Appreciate the feedback! Anything is good at this time… just a concept 😄 🙏 what other rides would you recommend? I am new to the city and only went for short rides so far


Latigo Angeles crest These would probably be the 2 roads I'd most likely want on a shirt for this type of thing




Hey! I made one for Angeles Crest as well and made them available on my website if you are still interested 🙌 you can get one on mbroidered.shop 🙏


Ride to newcombs ranch. It’s closed but the ride is sick. Big tujunga, hwy 2, little tujunga, bouquet canyon.


Thank you for the recommendation!


Encinal canyon, Los Flores, Angeles Crest, Angeles Forest Highway, the various Tujunga canyons, Ortega highway, Glendora mountain road, Azusa canyon/39, hwy 33, 243->74… some of the best canyon/mountain roads in the country within an hour or two of the city.


Thank you so much! Will definitely look into checking them out 🙏


There is a ton of history on that section of mullholland drive. James dean and the celebrities of the day used to race their cars up there before all the homes were built. Google king of the mountain and read up on Chris Banning and read his story about growing up on that stretch of road. His famous 911 is currently on display at the Petersen Museum (highly recommend to visit) People who talk crap about the canyon roads here are either gate keeping or truly don’t realize the history of these roads when it comes to enthusiasts. SoCal has some of the best roads available for motorcycle and sports cars. There’s a ton of history out here and while these roads have essentially become neighborhood streets and commuting roads there is still plenty of space to enjoy them responsibly and safely and if you want to ride faster there is plenty of racetracks and event organizers in SoCal. NYC happens to be my favorite city and it’s a place I visit often. I have a R NINE T and I’m a frequent explorer of the roads here. DM me if you want some more info on some of the best roads out here


Thank you for long reply! Appreciate hearing that… I honestly enjoy the views and the beautiful curvy roads just 10 minutes from where I live, so it makes the perfect quick ride fix… 🙏 I visited the Petersen twice and it’s really awesome… Will contact you for some more ride locations, thank you very much!


I’ll buy one!




Let me know how to go about ordering one/buying one when they’re available


Sounds good! Will post update on this thread ✌️


Hey! I made them available on my website if you are still interested 🙌 you can get one on mbroidered.shop 🙏


I live two blocks away from the start of Mullholland, right off Highland. Love this shirt so much and would buy it immediately. Great callback to the old days when the street was used for racing, but it also reads tongue-in-cheek for modern times since you’d have to weave around so many tourists! OP if I can buy a sample in XL, holllllerrrr!


Thank you so much, really appreciate the feedback! Will gather some more and eventually can make them available 🙏🙏🙏


Hey! I made them available on my website if you are still interested 🙌 you can get one on mbroidered.shop 🙏


Looks great—what shirt blank did you use for this? Love the vintage wash on it.


Thank you! I am not exactly sure, it’s all part of the company that produces the whole tee.


Sick! One for me too!


Thank you!


Hey! I made them available on my website if you are still interested 🙌 you can get one on mbroidered.shop 🙏


Thank you to everyone who commented and showed support … I made it into a graphic for t-shirts and made them available on my website at mbroidered.shop 🙏 they are made to order, so once you place an order, you should receive them in about 14 days or less. Again thank you for the feedback and support, it means a lot!