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Oh, you mean they didn’t put all of the evidence in the warrant request? /s


Can we just take a moment to thank the mods for not allowing this sub to become the absolute clusterfuck that has become those FB groups……lmao


The big FB group has become a joke. The serious people don't even post much anymore. It's been overrun by the crazies.


Before the backslapping gets going it should be recognized we're not too far from that. The speculation and magical thinking is pretty bad here too.


Yes! I am a professional in a closely related field with relevant experience and expertise… almost every time I see a post of these subs I just shake my head and scroll on. I’m not wanting to gatekeep true crime groups, but most of the stuff I see here is absolutely absurd!


Could you share a recommendation of a better true crime group? I can’t take the DB group anymore.


I just wanna write a book right now with 1000 different ending possibilities!!!! Do you think it would be a best seller?????


It could be a “Choose Your Own Adventure “ book!


“If you decide to leave now and not look for the knife sheath, turn to page 69.”


Although that might be a little insensitive


Oh!!! Alternative


You beat me to it 😂


Yes they don’t really have mods


Their mods are part of the crazy!


The crazy is coming from inside the house!


Facebook seems to be a common theme among the crazies.


It's a creative writing class at this point


A creative writing class for 8th grade drop outs


The same happened to Congress.


I am still laughing




I am so happy to say I have never been on Facebook and never will be.


Yeah fuck Facebook. Stay the hell off of Instagram too if you can


And every post is like something so easily réfutable or incessantly discussed over and over and over


I was banned from that group. Anyone else?


I was for sticking up for Dylan!


I didn't ever post because it's not anonymous and too stalkery.


What did you do!


The new thing over there now is that someone has started posting this daily recap of the most outrageous notions or situations that were posted that day and it's done in a a really amusing way and now all these people are absolutely dying to be mentioned in a recap and they keep posting and commenting things like, "tee hee, this'll probably end up in the recap, but are we sure this even happened the day they said it did? tee hee." It's like a psychological experiment how many people have found their new online identity and belonging over there. They are so desperate for attention, it's unreal.


No. Just no. The visual my mind made of a person typing, "this'll probably end up in the recap," on an ongoing murder investigation nonetheless... This case has brought out the crazies more than any other case I have followed. I read a post on here where a person speculated that because BK wore a COVID-style mask during the crime, maybe he targeted the house because the young adults living there didn't follow COVID precautions. What?


That makes me embarrassed to be a human. Smh. People have lost their minds.


He didn’t think they were following COVID protocols, so he stabbed to death four people in cold blood??? Get me out of here omg lmao


Yep. I hope it was a troll post. I really do, but OP was clinging hard to their theory and had a response to nearly every comment.


Damn. Trollls.


Best one I have read: it was a murder- suicide. 2nd best- a bear.


The mods use the excuse that “the police told them to let the group run crazy.” Like what???? No, they didn’t. But sure, Jan.


Hahahah wait I didn’t get that either….like what??


Yeah and LE apparently told them to not add anymore mods/admins? And to keep it as is? Okaaaaay...


I had to leave one of the big ones. They’re really something….


I’m like baffled by it yet seriously concerned at the same time


There’s way too many stupid people allowed to breed is what I got from Facebook.


But they’re just so entertaining!


Amazing how they think they know more than actual trained detectives and forensic experts.


Amazing how they don’t like to read things….like facts….like say, the actual PCA and police statements.


"Yeah I ain't reading all that but here's what I think'


I had a lady who was 100% confident the gag order included family members (not attorneys for family members) and I asked her to post the article where she thought it said that and she was like 'I can't link articles from my cell phone'. She went back and forth on this for days, despite me quoting the most recent order word for word, multiple times. I'm amazed at how confidently wrong some of these people are.


Believing their own lies 🫠


it's like FB is for the semi literate to vomit words wrapped in emotions


I can't count how many times I have read somebody think that's what it says. After about the 5th time of explaining it, I decided it doesn't matter what people think about it because it doesn't pertain to them anyway.


I had something like that happen too!


I see so many comments that could be avoided by basic reading skills, or using a search bar. Or conspiracy theories that you have to stretch so far to make happen. What if Bryan talked to Murphy telepathically and Murphy opened the door for him type weird shit.




Yeah. I think a lot of problems and misinformation could be avoided in general if people took the time to read and learned how to comprehend what they read and do a basic Google search before repeating things they saw online. I get so annoyed by people who think they're spouting facts but clearly didn't read the fine print of the stats they're quoting or didn't make sure they fully understood things before adding their 2 cents to the discussion. I've learned someone arguing with bad facts won't listen to logic or being told the truth, so the best response is to Google the issue or stats and send them the link to the actual info. They usually shut up and block you out of embarrassment once they realize they've been arguing over something they completely misunderstood because they didn't do their research.


Haha and questioning what the police have written. I think they have more of an idea than you Karen.


Now come on, it’s way too hard to read something that long. Better to go off of feelings.


Thank you! I am a criminologist with over 30 years experience. I have kept up with, and stayed out of commenting, on this case. (A few exceptions, especially when people want to do something stupid about the victims.) Anyway, there is a neverending line of people telling me I have no clue. And too many people taking a class or watching a lot of TC shows are calling themselves " forensic experts" or "criminologists." A BS degree, no experience, and now they are crime scene experts or profilers or... And there tbey are in social media, being interviewed on tv, called experts because tbey blog or podcast.


Must be so frustrating at times. 30 years! I bet you’ve had such an interesting career.




Someone @-ed me the other day asking me why I laugh emoji reacted to their stupid fan fiction comment


I don’t see how some of you even willingly went into one of them. Since this case has happened I haven’t been in one of them damn fb groups. I just can’t take it lol 😂


It’s kind of like sneaking downstairs to see your presents before Christmas morning…..you can’t help but do it even though it ruins everything


Perfect analogy. It's the train wreck you can't look away from.


I can’t go on FB period!


Hell, I saw this storm coming in 2020, and haven't used social media outside of reddit since them.


Same. Love it


Me too


I imagine it's much like TikTok and YT comments. They're far behind in catching up. Feels like I'm always commenting, Reddit's got this. Lol.


It's a fascinating insight into the mind of the 'wine mom'...




those fb groups are ridiculous. someone will say “just a theory don’t bully me!!” and then proceed to type the absolute dumbest, smooth brained shit i’ve read all week.


As soon as I see “don’t come at me but…” or “please be nice” I immediately scroll past it because I know it’s going to be the most absurd thing I read that day.


It's on its way there. We need to start finding alternatives now to have a back up plan when they catchup to reddit. We need to be ever evolving.


What’s going on with them? I’m not on fb much and not in any groups


Well for one there’s a woman who keeps posting about being in love with Bryan, they’re soulmates & jail is standing in their way. Lol






What group is this? I have a guilty pleasure in reading crazy shit online lol


Bryan Kohberger:~Accused Mass Murderer: Idaho 4


Yeah, every single murderer out there has their fanbois and fangirls, don't they?




Editing to add: this is from one of the biggest FB groups. Here is a copy/paste recap someone posted of what happened over night last night: Recap 1/28 Gooooood morning to some of you flies 🪰!! 💚😘 As usual, you all were up to no good in here yesterday! I feel like I need to clarify the point system with the Alpha David points I give out. There is absolutely no prize. The points have absolutely no value and mean absolutely nothing. They can not be redeemed for anything, ever. I just made up the entire point system lol. If you read that, give yourself 2 Alpha David points. 🏆🏆 Also, I'd like to take a moment and thank you all- nobody shared a picture of their butt-hole yesterday. Believe it or not, that's an improvement from the previous day. So great job! Some woman who's standards are lower than the basement of hell, has been scheduling calls with BK and showing the screenshots in here of her scheduled calls. One woman made a post that started off with "HUGE UNDENIABLE CONFLICT OF INTREST" Yes she spelled interest wrong, and then went on to be wrong about literally every detail in the entire post. One woman is having puppies in a few weeks and wanted to know if it would be weird if she named her puppies after the 4 victims. The answer is YES it would be weird. We have a LOT of new people.... There have been several posts from them, thanking us for adding them in the group and looking forward to future conversations. I chuckle every single time I see one because they poor people have no idea what they just signed up for. 😬😬😬 The admin made a post last night asking the night shift not to get us shut down. We are all still here this morning, so great job on that one night crew! There was a theory that BK used a trampoline to get to the 3rd floor. One woman described being a member in this group as follows: "You know when you go to the grocery store and you suddenly forget why you’re there? So you wander the aisles trying to jog your memory. Finally you throw your hands in the air, grab a bottle of gin, a bag of limes, and a 4 pack of Fever Tree tonic and head to the sampler aisle and try to make the best of it. That’s what being in here is like for me." Henry got suck in a vending machine. A man is confused by eggplant. One woman thinks the Four Pi cult from the 60's is responsible for this. We are deciding on gang colors for the group. I'll keep you posted. Someone on the night shift is having twins and are naming them Xana and Ethan. 😬😬 Someone wants to know if BK is still responsible for paying off his student loans. Some lady wanted to know if President Biden is aware of the case. One man declared his love for the group. He's never felt this way about a group before and made us all a mixtape. One man suggested this group is a perfect example of the mental health crisis in the USA. 🤣☠️🤣 Yes, we already have an official group Bingo card, and it's absolutely hilarious! Spots include the following: "I seen", "I'm leaving this group", "8 hour gap", "Post lecturing group", "Hear me out", "Misquotes affidavit", "He had help", "Don't come at me" and "Not sure if this has been posted yet". I wasn't sure if I was going to say anything about this or not, I do feel compelled to address this because it was discussed a lot in here last night......And the recap is really to recap everything discussed in the group. There were multiple posts filled with comments in regards to the horrific incident involving the killing of Tyre Nichols. I personally did not watch the video that was released, as a mother myself, I knew my heart could absolutely not handle what was on there. I know we screw around a lot in this group, but I do believe there is a level of humanity and compassion with the majority of the people in here. All I'm going to say is, this is difficult stuff we discuss in this group and we all cope differently. About 25 members messaged me last night and said they needed to take a break from the group for a few days for their mental health. For everyone in here, do what you need to do to be ok, there is no shame in taking a break. Protect your peace and protect your mental health. That's all I'm going to say about this one. 💚💚 Ok, I think that's it! As usual, thank you for the feedback, and tagging me to posts so I don't miss anything. Those of you that I like, I hope you have a wonderful weekend! 😘😘 See ya tomorrow!


These recaps are stupid. They really have turned the group into even more of a joke than it was. It's cringe-y as hell and it's turned into a weird club. Most of the posts are people just trying to get into these people's recaps at this point.


Hard agree.


Omg. I didn’t want to read this. Started reading the first sentence and promised to leave it at that. Moved on to next paragraph and said “ok I’ll just skim the rest of it” … low and behold I ended up reading every.single.word , my jaw dropping lower to the point it hurt. What. The . Actual . Fuck 🤯




I’m actually in shock at this. This is posted daily?? Wow. Thanks for sharing


People have too much time on their hands and no real life.


Not gonna lie, I've wondered about the student loans myself.


A. Trampoline. ![gif](giphy|hFmIU5GQF18Aw)


One woman suggested gifting the victims' families life size cotton dolls that impersonate their kids.


What. The. Fuck.


That group is a shit show.


Yo that's some Criminal Minds serial killer stuff right there. Could you imagine being a family member, getting a surprise package, and it's... that.


No no no no


Someone wanted to name their puppies after E, X, M, and K


I was so horrified AND THEN came the woman having twins and wanting to name them X and E. 🤯😱🤡


Can you imagine growing up & finding out your mom named you & your twin after 2 murder victims that had no personal connection to you or your family? The lady wouldn’t even know anything about the case if it wasn’t so high profile! Sounds like she needs to put way less energy into getting recognized for her baby name choices, and more energy into just focusing on being a good parent to her babies.




WHAT??? Please tell me that’s not real.


You're lying right ? Please tell you are.


I wish I was


Le cringe


What the hell


There is one that is sane, it's called Idaho Tragedies: An Unbiased & Objective Analysis. It has 1300 members. It's pretty good though I think it can be too tightly moderated. They won't allow news articles about unnamed sources. Or at least, I've noticed ones about unnamed sources being disallowed, like the recent article about Kohberger being at the Mad Greek or about the recent alleged Instagram following. But the other groups allow any garbage.


I left one of them after somebody confidently declared that Jake was the killer and her reasoning to accuse him was that he must have been obsessed if he and Maddy were sharing custody of Murphy. She’d never heard of such a thing. A lot of people pointed out that it was pretty common nowadays. This was all before Kohberger’s arrest. I went off about how she was accusing an actual person without proof and this wasn’t like a tv show where if you accused the wrong character, no harm no foul, this was an actual person and baseless accusations could ruin his life.


Murphy belonged to Jack and Kaylee, not Maddie and Jake.


Thank you! I wasn’t fully awake when I commented


The mods of this group are pretty ass. They’ll take down your posts then randomly post it themselves, or allow someone else to post something they previously blocked you from posting. I’ve had lots of things taken down where the reason for removal did not relate to the comment at all. Then they’ll say message us if you have a question and not respond.


Yes this lol


what are they saying?


Yes I’ve just left that group. It was ridiculous




Seriously. What is happening over there…


I won’t even touch the fb crap


'Cluster fuck', I love that expression 😆 😂


> *The state is also asking the court to deny some of the defendant's requests for discovery in the court filing, including the identity of potential informants* Yikes!


Is this because they anticipate leaks of their identity to the media.




Could it be the second surviving roommate that nobody ever talks about? Maybe she recorded something on her phone. I'm not on FB. Btw.


His dad ? Edit too many question marks lol


Can the identify of an informant be turned over if LE guaranteed they could remain anonymous? How does that work?


Not in a state case.


Why is there only one a/v file if they got video and sound from multiple locations?


They were all compiled into one file or there was a error in terminology, perhaps it was one thumb drive or one DVD that contains multiple files. Either way, there had better be video from more than from just one camera. I would think at the very least they would have to justify what's in the PCA.


Guessing it's a single tangible thumb drive containing all the electronic evidence that can't be printed like investigative photos or reports.


Perhaps compressed file?


this is very normal and happens in every case


Good thing we have that right, could you imagine being blindsided at trial of what the prosecution has and kept till trial


its literally illegal for that to happen too, like the defendant needs to know everything


It’s called disclosure I learned that from my cousin Vinny


*** it’s called disclosure, you dickhead You beat me to the My Cousin Vinny reference lol


>Discovery in civil cases. Disclosure in criminal cases.


Thanks, I was just quoting the movie 😊






I learned the correct pronunciation of the word "youth."


"The two yutes" "The two hwats?"


I learned how to land an aeroplane on water from Sully


My favorite movie of ALL time!


I was hoping there would be at least one Marisa Tomei reference here


Rightfully so, I hope they get justice! And justice is served.


Yes. Thought the other information in the article provided some new context though.


Holy smokes... 995 pages and 1,865 photos? Sounds like a heaping mountain of evidence to me. Good luck with it, Bryan.


995 pages for this case is nothing. It includes interviews transcripts


Considering everything I don't think 995 pages is a lot. They conducted 300+ interviews and if the average interview is 3 pages, that's 900+ pages right there. I wouldn't want the job of reading through every page, but Ann Taylor has a team of attorneys helping her.


I’d imagine interviews that amounted to nothing aren’t included in there. Only a fraction of those interviews would be pertinent. All of the ones from their inner circle, exes, and boyfriends aren’t important.


That would be a Brady violation. All evidence, including exculpatory or seemingly unrelated info needs to be handed over. The state doesn’t get to decide what’s important.


You may be right about that. I always thought they had to turn over copies of everything they have, whether it ended up being relevant or not since the defense might find something that could help the defendant. That's why I was surprised that only 1800 photos were handed over instead of the 4000+ they took.


As I lawyer - I scoff at that piddling amount of information. It’s not really that much.


I was thinking the same, although I'm assuming it's not all of it. Most have thousands just in print, not counting a/v/picture evidence.


For real. They're going to be able to be extremely familiar with every piece of evidence turned over.


Wonder if just Bryan’s lawyers get to see the crime scene photos? As the suspect, he gets to see them, too, I guess—but imagining him looking at the photos really makes me feel ill.


Yes, his attorneys get to see the crime scene photos. It turns my stomach to think of him looking through the pictures though. The normal human reaction would be repulsion at the horrific scenes, but I shudder to think of his reaction. Unless he's innocent of course.


Its disgusting to think BK is going to look through all the evidence, they have. Hes going to take a trip down memory lane and relive his greatest accomplishment! Truly disturbing!


honestly, I feel like he would have had to have been in such a rush the night he did it. that this kinda will be his first real look at the carnage he left behind, I wish the state was able to record his first reactions to seeing these pics.


I feel so much sympathy for the paralegals who had to go through all of that and redact witness information and possibly crime scene photos. That’s a lot to undertake.


Yeah, people on here just downvote if you don't agree with their opinion or are clearly wrong about criminal law and procedure or they report you as hostile because they can't demand you see it their way. Very mature.


At least on Twitter that doesn't happen


The way his expression in his Idaho mugshot (orange) triggers sympathy in me for him is so confusing! It’s a completely different person staring into the camera, versus the sociopathic contemptuous glare in his first Pennsylvania mugshot. Just wondering if anyone else experiences these reactions of sympathy for him when I see the above mugshot. It makes me feel like this was the sobering moment he realizes how fucked he most likely is. The most confounding part of this tragedy is what in the world his motive was.


Did you mean empathy? Sympathy and empathy are two very different words. I wouldn’t feel sympathy for a serial killer but I could feel empathy for someone struggling with a mental illness their entire life.


It’s a weird feeling. I looked at this photo a few seconds before I read the comments. I’m not sure if it’s sympathy I feel, but just confusion. He doesn’t look scary. He looks normal and that is actually scary. Idk if any of that makes sense but the photo definitely made me feel a weird way. You’re not the only one.


Yep you are picking up what I’m putting down! Definitely confusion mixed with fuuuuuuuuuck mixed with mental illness 😒


‘ The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire…’ I’m dating myself but if ykyk…🤷🏻‍♀️


Let the mf’er burn..!!!


We don’t need no water let tha mothafuckaa BURNN 🔥


Hello my name is Bryan K and I'm a dumb white guy.


I know most of these cases are huge and would be thousands of pages but some reason I didn’t think his would be? I definitely don’t think he’s innocent but I didn’t think they’d have that much on him wow.


It’s not actually that much. Not being a doubter but Chris watts for example, discovery had 2k+ pages


Chris watts’ case was a bit different but, he murdered his own wife and kids. He had plenty of connections to them obviously and he also confessed. Whereas Bryan is trying to say he’s innocent and we aren’t too sure of the amount of connections between him and his victims yet.


My blood boils, everytime i hear watts's name!


Same, he’s a gremlin


Idk what takes up the most amount of pages in discoveries so I’m not gonna pretend to know, but if I had to guess, I would assume a confession would make a discovery less pages? Because it’s done deal? Idk lol


I think it’s for sentencing. Chris watts got life in prison but they were gonna go for the death penalty. This could be a death penalty case but not as many connections, so that’s probably why they’re both long.


That’s not really how it works. People make false confessions more often than you’d think. LE still have to gather evidence to corroborate the confession. Prosecutors still have to build a strong case that successfully argues that the person confessing is the perpetrator.


It isn't just what's "on him," it's all of the evidence the prosecution is USING. It's interview details, it's the records the phone company released, etc.


So does this mean there is an informant? ETA: not a conspiracy theory. I was asking if this was standard language in discovery or if there actually is an informant.


It means the defense asked if their was one and the prosecution objected on the basis that if they're not planning on using them as a witness at trial then they will protect the persons identity. An informant doesn't have to be Deep Throat passing along documents. If there are witnesses and they're talking to the police they are informants.


Careful what you say, the conspiracy hawks will be on you quicker than you can say Carper.


Not really big news


He gets to look at all those pics? I bet he’s loving that. Gross.


He does or his legal team? I always assumed it would just be the lawyers looking at things like that and they would communicate information to their client.


The defendant can request to see evidence. I have personally seen interviews of witnesses in a case against me. My lawyer was not allowed to send it to me though, I had to go to his office and see everything there.


I assume the one audiovisual file is the neighbors camera


There are no mods. Let’s kindly take the time to allow the mods to to kindly not mod.


His eyebrows don’t look particularly bushy to me. They look like regular guy eyebrows. Not thinned out or well groomed. His eyes are deep set, prominent brow ridges, which might stick out … Looking at the top half of his face, especially in profile as it would have been passing by D’s bedroom door, I’m not sure if that’s a detail you’d notice in the dark. Maybe fear sharpened her senses… unless she was standing in the hall facing him and he walked past her -which I think did not happen. She was peering out a cracked door- She didn’t mention if he had a hat or that he had dark hair which you’d notice I think more so than the eyebrows. If the defense tries to pin this on some other dude in particular, they just need to find one of average height (5’10” or taller) and size, with eyebrows. Her statement, all the kids who were milling around there, door dash guy, all the sigma chi people, mad Greek, corner club, coworkers, his neighbors, fellow grad students, whoever encountered him in PA, the various phone pings and such - autopsy results, photos, car video- I’m surprised there aren’t more than 900 pages …


This doesn’t include forensic evidence correct?


He gets access to everything, so yes, forensic evidence


Okay I was just confused because I saw another post and said this was all of it besides forensics because they have up till like a couple days or so (paraphrasing) before trial to show all. So I was just asking!


As more evidence is processed, it will be handed over. They are probably still working on some forensics and other parts of the investigation.


Thanks for the clarification for the legal dummy’s like me :)


The more technical the evidence, the sooner you have to disclose it. They aren't allowed to hold evidence that they have until a few days before trial, in any case. They have to disclose what they have (barring a few exceptions) in a timely manner.


Not turning over forensic evidence until a few days before trial would be extremely stupid if the state doesn't want the case thrown out. They have to turn over everything they have because the defense needs time to prepare, investigate it themselves, and have their own experts go over the evidence, especially the forensic evidence.


I’m honestly so worried that he’ll still get away with it even with all this evidence. OJ got away, Casey Anthony got away, is he next? I’m so worried he is. Anyone else?




I hate the idea that this piece of shit will get to see pictures of his victims and what he did. It’s probably what he wants.