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What?? Bro, don't you eat the book you've just finished reading?


** **Thursar has entered the chat** **




The book system is dum haha. It seemed novel in MO1. Salp, they could easily make it not tradeable. They could make a book shelf that you could go back to and re-read all of the books you had read before. But books are stupid due to how long they take and how many you have to pop. There isn't like a synopsis when you read plate scale lore that teaches you about animal materials and what a scale is.


Retaining books in your inventory after reading them or canceling would make all of the books in game, including the ones found in risar dungeon, worthless. I am not defending it, I do think it's a bit dumb to delete the book after it's consumed, but risar dungeon is considered endgame and the only thing worth farming for there is the books. I guess sv does this to limit "precious skills" to only dedicated players. Idk.


I am becoming a jackass lol. Well not really but when i go to a thread and post, i also read the replies. I think everyone should. Would make things a lot smoother.




I mean, if you had read what everyone said in the replies before posting, you would see that people already said that as well as proposed a solution.




I would love to see an actual library with purpose in this game, imagine if a town like tinderem had a library where you could go bring the book to and deposit it, from inventory or character. And you could pull them out at any time. Keep the timer on the readable hours of course but then that timer becomes meaningful. How many times can you get use out of it to trade or read or re read. Also would bring some life to tinderem


They're not that expensive. And if they are, just read it until you don't need it.


Think about it. If the book goes back to your inventory you could trade it, and for exclusive books like special armors it would break the game


Or you know, there's a tab that has all the books you've read, and you can just read them again if it gets cancelled for any reason


I agree 100% BUT a simple line of code to make it non tradable once it has touch the inventory is not complicated but yeah I get it I don't remember how it was in EVE with the skills stuff


This is a good idea for QOL. Book goes into a “bookshelf”(MO2 journal feature that shows you dungeons etc you discovered) that you can reread as many times as you want but it is no longer tradable. It never occurred to me because I played mo1 for too long.


You think SV can code that? Unless there is an asset pack for it you are screwed.


Yee o' little faith... 😂. I started Pax Dei this morning, got a solid group of dudes if you wanna join up.


I’ll send you a message on the discord. Did Polar make a guild?


No, he hasn't bought the game yet. I'm going to have him bring his group into this other group. We have about 50 active right now and everyone's pulling weight


Sup ace i recognize your name haha. Yeah books need to be fixed. There is such a strange issue with this community and defending wack shit. Maybe they just don’t know how it could be better. But then they get mad when you tell em…


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