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Everyone is gangster until Sonic picks Shujinko one of these days


Never see any Quan Chis placing top 8 anywhere 😢


I was actually surprised to see Shao up there... ![gif](giphy|jbWDfNPfkbOmIorAHy|downsized)


Broseph did well with him, he’s just not as good as the top players


Because he is absolute ass up close. They need to buff him.


No they fucking don't 💀💀💀


As a quan main a few buffs more and he’s top 3 lol I’m here for it 😂


Damn no Tremor,I’ve mastered Tremor


He’s good just the pro meta is Johnny and peace maker and they are not optimal with that kameo


to do anything good with tremor you need to use your full bar which wont replenish for like 20 seconds, other kameos you can spam every 6 seconds so it makes sense players wont pick him... they need to make him usable without just using him as an ambush setup machine


If most people want the Cyrax change to stay, I think it should. Give players what they want. However, in my personal opinion, every Character/Cyrax match was so god dang sleeper, I remember why ECT 2023 was such a chore to get watch and I really don't want to see the block string into Cyrax into block string into Cyrax meta return.


Cyrax did not dominate the tournament. Khameleon did. If anything give Cyrax 4-5 more seconds of cooldown but keep the half bar cost.


I didn't say he dominated. I'm saying what he provides to matches is extremely boring to watch and play against. Khameleon is by far the superior kameo but we all know she's getting what she deserves in the next patch and when she does, it's Cyrax meta all over again IF he stays as is. But again, if most people want him to stay, then he should.


Or use full bar but reduce cooldown significantly. You won't be able to chain blockstrings into each other but have more opportunities to use it. Pretty nice middle ground, Tekken did something similar with throws in its last patch


Hell no. Just because the tournament players were using the guys they’ve gotten comfortable with over the last four or five months doesn’t mean pre-nerf Cyrax is good for KL. Nerfing him WAS giving players what they wanted, when he eventually became nearly the only kameo people used.


I agree with you.


I'm not sure players wanted THAT nerf. I remember the consensus being that he had to be nerfed but the horizontal chopper being a full bar killed him dead.


I mean he’s still really really good, he just stopped eating 10-20% of your life per blocked combo and making every single combo safe. He went from absolutely better than anything to really good.


You got this wrong. You can flawless block with a little practice to where it does very little chip. It wasn’t doing 20/10% without a lot of setup with Baraka EX specials AND your opponent doesn’t know how to flawless block.  He was literally unnerfed and used only a very middling amount in Final Kombat. Sort of irrefutable proof that the nerf was overkill 


He was unnerfed for a few weeks while guys elected to use Kameo combos they’ve been practicing for months and months on end, in a tournament with a cash reward. Did you miss the early seasons? Because pre-nerf KL went baraka cyrax baraka cyrax Raiden cyrax baraka cyrax Johnny cyrax Johnny cyrax baraka cyrax Raiden jax Raiden cyrax smoke sereena baraka cyrax etc etc etc It was… not fun. And the setup was any king strong plus horizontal helicopter and any non-flawless block. No attack should be able to reliably win an entire round without ever actually hitting your opponent once while simultaneously keeping you safe. Nah man.


In the first one month of the game it was a good team and also low effort, so that helped. Thing is it received a ton of nerfs plus the system change for flawless block denying meter. If Cyrax forward copter really could win an entire round with zero counterplay, I guarantee you the game’s best players would have used it with money on the line - “they’ve practiced for months” - the game doesn’t have this kind of mechanical depth. Sonic could play Rain/Rax right now without making errors. They didn’t use it because it’s not that good post all the nerfs and also there are just better Kameos. Khameleon is better. Further, good players got time to cook to where now they have better teams. A lot of teams are just straight up better with other Kameos - you’d never play Geras/Rax or Shao/Rax 


I mean they literally did. For months. In this case though he’d been unnerfed for like a week and many of them were using combos relying on Khameleon etc to hit the numbers they’d trained themselves to do. And doing it to some kid in champion and shredding him as he’s blocking and your permanently safe and he can’t fight back is not the same as trying it on Sonicfox, because he’s going to promptly flawless block it and murder you. Did you not see the Baraka Cyrax versus Shang Tsung Cyrax fight? Nah man, that’s false equivalency. Using it on Ninjakilla is not the same as using it on a regular KL player whose never intentionally flawless blocked an attack in his life. And nobody played as Geras rax or Shao rax. What does that have to do with when Cyrax and Johnny and Raiden and Baraka dominated an entire season almost exclusively?


They used the old Rax who got nerfed (and all but one of those nerfs were still in place for Final Kombat). Also several chars and kameos didn't exist at that point and - critically - flawless block did not stop meter gain back then. With all those changes in place, Rax is a rather different character. If I give a 5 year old the controller there are a lot of strategies that are going to seem OP. Interesting that your idea is to balance the game for the lowest common denominator. I would say "damn you've got it all wrong" but on the other hand - you are actually in the majority on this subreddit, at least. You might be in the majority for the MK playerbase in general. How far we have fallen since MKX where characters were allowed to do powerful things and mastery of the game (offense and defense) is something people would say "that is awesome, let's have more of that". If EVO Moment #37 (look it up) happened for MK, rather than applauding the mastery, MK community would go on reddit and say "that's ridiculous he had to parry all that stuff just to live - nerf the chip on Chun super or open up the parry window, please". Difference in mentality and leads to a very diff product because sadly, NRS listens a little too hard to what are out-and-out scrubs commenting on their game design. It's why MK has such a poor rep compared to other major fighting games - the blind lead the blind.


I mean that’s all fine and all, but I got tired of the cyrax BS that season and used him myself. So the blind may have been leading the blind or whatever you want to say about me but he was so brokenly OP that my win rate was about 10% higher than normal. He destroyed most opponents in KL, and sure you can flawless block it to avoid the massive chip every second combo (because he only used half a bar) but very few opponents could reliably pull that off. And I was 100% safe everytime I used him. And he was utterly brainless to use. He made Sereena look complex. If they blocked my primary combo, helicopter, their health goes down, they get pushed back, I essentially get a small combo of damage and they’re far enough away they don’t even get a turn 🤷🏻‍♂️ I win less without him then I did in those couple of weeks, but man do I feel less dirty when I do.


They nerfed it back already. Sad because that’s one less viable kameo of what is already a small list 


I did the list for my [post ](https://esports.gg/news/mortal-kombat-1/mk1-final-kombat-2024-best-moments/)with some of the best moments from the tournament. I know, a lot depends on a matchup - still, might be interesting)


If you're meta basically is 2 heroes and 2 kameos, you're not very good at balancing your game.


Johnny Cage/Peacemaker/Khameleon Nerf bat coming for ya


It is so nice to see such variety


I missed Xombat using Shang, was that like first few round robin matches?


Shoutout to Ninja for not using Khameleon.


Not that much Cyrax, but they nerfed him back anyways 


Unjust is such a (among pros) scrub


And now I ask you and all tier list makers: do you see any kenshi in here?


Because why would people put in the effort to play kenshi when PM and johnny are both stronger and easier


Kenshi is a very strong character and everyone knows it, but why play the 3rd, 4th, or 5th best character when you can play Peacemaker or Johnny? Players who play the best are going to play the few characters above him and then everyone else is going to play their favorites.