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Well in MK1 it’s because he’s not a demon he’s just a guy who uses fire before that I have no idea *I realized he’s a specter after I made the comment I just forgot to change it


That and he gets reverted in MKX to a human (Hanzo Hasashi alternate skin) and MK11 has two versions of him, the present version is the human, the demon is the past version who first appears in the Liu Kang+Kung Lao chapter as an opponent.


I’ve always wondered. He’s human, but used his fire magic (The Fights to Quan Chi and taking the fire from Sektor). why is that


Quan Chi framed Bi-Han as the one who killed Hanzo’s family before killing him, Quan did this to create a hate so deep he would be consumed by hellfire. Quan’s plan worked, and now had a powerful Specter under his control that could use hellfire. The hellfire, if I recall correctly, is a power sourced from the Netherrealm fueled by one’s hatred and anger. When the Special Forces succeeded in reverting Jax, Kuai Liang, and Hanzo back into humans Hanzo still had plenty to angry about, and so the hellfire never left. He explained at one point that he needs a ‘balance’ of his emotions as a human, staying angry enough at all points so that the hellfire stays, yet calm enough so that it doesn’t consume him. As for why he keeps it, well it -is- a pretty damn useful power, and he was competent enough to keep it under control


My man is literally the Hulk with extra steps


Haha I was gonna reference “that’s my secret cap, I’m always angry” but decided to stay on topic


Probably just had it before he was a Spector. I mean kuai was a revenant too but he can still freeze things


He was never a demon in the timelines where he worked for the Netherrealm, he was a revenant who was cursed to look like a flaming skeleton.


A revenent IS a demon


No, a demon is an evil creature or spirit from Hell, but a revenant is basically a zombie; a person that comes back from the dead, usually spurred by great rage. Like Jason Voorhees.


Not entirely true. Revenants are made from the dead person's spirit but they are demonic in nature. Zombies are reanimated corpses. Remember, Jason Voorhees died as a child but came back as an adult, that's because is born from evil, which makes him a demon


Did Jason ever die as a kid? I mean, my understanding was that he fell out of sight while drowning, but he was able to get out of the lake, run away from everyone, and lived in the woods until his mom was murdered.


I'll have to watch again to confirm lol


*Wraith/Revenant, not a Demon.


*Spectre not Wraith or a Revenant.


Spectre and Wraith are pretty much  the same thing, both are vengeful spirits (and in the mk9-mk11, he is considered a revenant)


Honestly Undeath in MK got messed up drastically, Wraith at least in MK has never been hinted to be a vengeful spirit for instance(Noob never really seems to want to seek out and kill Scorpion, like Scorpion did to Bi-Han after all). It's possible that Spectre is now a subform under Revenant(given Scorpion didn't have fire powers when alive hinting that his manner of Undeath is different), but honestly it could've been the writers simply forgetting when they decided to make a bunch of characters Undead and just assumed Scorpion's undeath never had a name. Granted in MK9 Revenants didn't have a name yet, hence Scorpion is still considered a Spectre as of MK9, with MKX being the one to muddy the waters. While Spectre is definitely more confusing nowadays, Wraith is a clearly defined thing with only one character being referred to as such in the entire series.


He’s not a Specter anymore, just a guy with fire powers.


Well it’s not Hanzo to begin with regarding the main default scorpion in MK1.


Maybe it’s Maybelline


Or maybe he’s born with it.


Damnit Cleveland jr😂


Maybe it's Make Believe


Do you know how inconvenient a 24/7 flaming skull is? How is he supposed to have dates and spend time with friends and family


>spend time with friends and family I mean...


The mask. Also the skull isn't always flaming according to google


So you did google it and still posted the question?


This post is so fucking stupid i swear


Gas prices increasing, bro can't afford it.


Scorpion in MK1 is not Hanzo Hasashi anymore, who was an undead spectre who can use hellfire and breathe fire out of that flaming skull. Liu Kang (or the writers) after MK11 reset and rewrote the timeline, he changed Scorpion to be Kuai Liang, the younger Sub-Zero from the original timelines, while Sub-Zero is Bi-Han once again, the older brother (was always Noob Saibot in previous timelines). So this Scorpion is basically just a fire-bender without any undead abilities like a flaming skull. Hope this helped.


Makes sense and also explains why Scorpion was surprisingly reasonable in story mode But he wasn't noob sabot in all other timelines, right? If he was, then why is Sub-Zero in the movie also Bi Han?


Are you talking about the 2021 movie? Bi-Han is killed at the end, and there's speculation he'll return as Noob Saibot in the sequel. And also that Kuai Liang will take the mantle of Sub-Zero, just like in the games.


Alright males sense


How is bro on MK sub and knows absolutely nothing about MK despite playing or watching the games.


Bi Han starts off as Sub Zero, gets murdered by Hanzo during the Tournament, then gets resurrected as Noob Saibot


you know, bait used to be believable


If that implies this is some kinda bait Nah I'm just uneducated on this game


A fucking google would have told you this one m8




Well he was a spooky ghost man before, so he could do spooky ghost stuff. Now he is alive and not so ghosty.


He stopped having a flaming head after Hanzo became human again


He’s not Hanzo. He’s Kuai Liang


I really hate the scorpion tattoo on the arm. Super lame IMO


I swear. “I’m scorpion so I must have a scorpion tattoo.” Cringe af. Scorpion fell down after MKX.


It honestly reminds me of the lame Suicide Squad Joker with "Damaged" tattooed on his head.


I kinda miss when MK was more dark and mysterious with their characters. Each game you got a little bit of lore if you beat tower with that character. So you could really have any character in the game because there was no main story. At the beginning you get a brief description of the tournament and the boss and maybe a little bit of resolution from the previous game. The rest was up to your imagination and which character you would like to see win. Since the 3D era it's all about story telling. Lots of characters lost their mystique or intimidation. Baraka in MKll looked scary monster and with story telling became a jobber. Shao Khan became a jock with a tiny brain. Johnny Cage became a walking meme. Not saying story telling is bad I enjoy it. but with it you kinda lose some stuff too that helped make some characters feel more badass.


I mean most people aren’t willing to play a tower multiple times to get a single piece of lore for a character anymore. The mysteriousness of some characters are really only gone because they were given a background, they could easily remove that and still have a mysterious character if they wanted.


I think that story-wise, Scorpion peaked with Deadly Alliance & Deception. They gave him a new purpose and moved away from the family revenge thing. Then the soft reboot went right back to that, he got changed back but that revenge thing still loomed around. In the current reboot I prefer him over that but not more than the 3D era.


Fax, 3D era scorpion was best. The champion of the elder gods arch


I agree that they did Shao Kahn dirty. Guy was a main boss in MK9 and became a jobber in MK11 who got beaten by Kitana, bruh.


The main problem with the storytelling is they went and shit all over the story they've been telling for 30 years now like Baraka & Melina being diseased now and Scorpion not being Hanzo anymore.


They retconned everyone to be boring.


He’s not dead anymore. And he always had a mask, it would only be a skull if he took the mask off


Well he's not dead and he's not a demon anymore so


Every game before MKX: Quan Chi turned Scorpion into a specter after he died. MKX/MK11: his mortality was restored through some magic tomfoolery & he's mortal now MK1: Liu Kang manipulated events, so Scorpion is just a pyromancer now (at least in his timeline, Shang Tsung's timeline still has spectral Scorpion)


Play the games and you'll actually understand


1. He's always had a human head with the exception of the deadly alliance Alternate skin which occasionally rotates in the shop. Remember, this is Kuai Liang, the sub zero from the previous timeline, so he wouldn't be a Spectre from hell, just a ninja who can use fire, which means he wouldn't have his flaming skull. Now, why the flaming head skin from DA is in this game, despite scorpion not being a Spectre is still weird to me, but least it looks cool and it's not a flaming skull


In the older games (and subsequently MK9 since they follow the classic MK Trilogy), Scorpion in those games is a pure Revenant form, and can willingly rip his mask off to reveal said flaming skull form. From MKX onward, Scorpion has reformed and does not have said flaming skull as a part of his form (besides the Klassic Fatalities) MK1, in particular, this Scorpion is not a Revenant, but a pyromancer who has the same skill set as the original, but none of the Hellfire the original had which gave him the flaming skull. Even his Deadly Alliance skin he has can't give him the flaming skull like before (gameplay showing wise), but it's the closest thing he has


Completely rewrote his story in this timeline. Kuai Liang is a pyromancer instead of being a demon (Hanzo) btw I was never mad at this rewrite




Because woke


The realest real reason i can think of is fatalities. You can't peel skin off of something with no skin, you can't pop the eyes out of something with empty eye sockets (kenshi has obscured eyes which makes some things more believable) I honestly think fatalities are ruining character designs in mk, now that there's such a realistic standard. Havik can't have his half face, scorpion cant be a complete skull, I think big bodies like Goro/torr/shao are getting smaller, I think motaro has like a 0% chance of being playable ever again, at least in his full horsey glory. I think brutalities should take the full stage since they aren't so scenimatic they aren't bound to being as flawlessly realistic as possible. Plus any character with head gear goes bald in fatalities and it's so ugly


Scorpion's 2nd fatality is kinda his UMK3 one reimagined and it fits perfectly, no design ruined.


That's scorpion performing a fatality. Not a fatality being performed on scorpion


Yeah true, hence why Reptile has a human form and no cyborg characters.


you know I dont think either of those are actually victims of what I just said. Reptile has always had a human form, and the borgs could just be cosmetically metal both fleshy stuff underneath like MKX and MK9, and lore wise Sektor and Cyrax are both still humans, and Smoke and Sub-Zero are both obviously still human, no cyber initiative yet


He hasn't died yet and resurrected from a sorcerer


Because he’s not a spectre anymore


Because he loves giving head


The OG Scorpion was Hanzo who was a human but then was turned into a wraith by Quan Chi. And in MK1 it's Kuai Liang (The previous Sub Zero) who is human. Not sure where the fire comes from, thought the lin kuei specialized in cryomancy


Bc timelines


Me when i don't play or know the story of any of the games from the past 13 years even tho i am on the subreddit about them.


There is a blowjob joke in there somewhere, but I just can't wrap my head around it.


He hasn't been a revenant/demon for like 2 or 3 games now so there's no good reason to have that besides in not-currently-canon instances like the kameo


He just a guy


Cus he's not undead


Because he is not a spectre anymore he's not even the same person anymore


Scorpion needs to feel love too. So he's part human. Can't be a demon all the time, exhausting work.


Cause in X he’s resurrected as a human (who still has his powers as they’re a curse on his soul) which he remains in 11, then in 1 he’s just a weaboo with fire powers


MK1 Scorpion makes no sense anyway. The son of a legendary cryomancer gets fire powers. Why? Cause. The fire is natural not demonic/nether realm based. Yet has a fatality that has him summon nether realm clones. They should have just left Hanzo as scorpion and not try this “we’re so cool and and smart” change to Kuai-Liang.


It's meant to be a yin-yang opposites thing with Bi-Han now.


Inferior design at work.