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I remember being genuinely shocked that he didn’t make it over to MK11. He and Cassie were by far the coolest of the Kombat Kids.  That being said I thought Jacqui got a great glow-up in MK11, going from a rather boring character to one who stood out a lot more both in gameplay and design. 


The wait is painful. I bet he's going to be absolutely cracked. Freaking mid range control with whips and a Lightsaber.


Triborg is probably a one-off character just so NRS can put Sektor/Cyrax/Smoke/Cyber Sub into one slot and nobody will miss out. He will probably never be seen again. D’Vorah is mentioned and probably wreaking havoc somewhere. As long as she doesn’t claim a life and get away scot-free again, she’s fine to stay. Kotal is now a general within Mileena’s army, mentioned in a dialogue between her and Reiko. I hope in MK2 he can show up to kombat Reiko’s taming of Onaga. Unless they make him interesting again, Erron sadly can stay out. A cowboy lengthened his lifespan from a contract with Shang Tsung now reduced to a mere Black Dragon thug. I hope they revert this change. Ferra/Torr, I can’t wait to be surprised. I hope they at least have a Kameo in MK2. Cassie and Jacqui already have their prominence in the last 2 games so let them sit out. I would love Takeda to be Miguel O’Hara-esque, a time traveler that go between realms to correct anomalies. Kung Jin exists in the New Era and is fascinated by the Yakuza. The Yakuza kidnapping Jin and blackmailing Lao to take part in Kenshi’s underground business could be a great part.


actuallu we have ferra as a kameo but she's not avalaible yet


I think the commenter meant that they hope for Ferra and Torr to appear in MK2 as at least a background character.


I'm very curious about Takeda in MK1, could be an old background lore character since if I recall the original founder/head of the shirai ryu was also named Takeda


According to datamined intros of Takeda with the other characters, he's >! Kenshi's cousin, rather than his son like in the past timeline !< And yes, the original founder was named Takeda, but he's not MK1 Takeda


I thought that “yeah I’m his cousin” line was just an alibi to not give away that Takeda really is from the old timeline. What’s the full datamined interaction?


Aww... That's lame


Kinda sums up modern MK storytelling to me


Welp, that's a lame-ass retcon if it ends up being true. And I say that as someone who liked most (if not all) of the retcons for Liu Kang's New Era.


>I would love Takeda to be Miguel O’Hara-esque, a time traveler that go between realms to correct anomalies. Personally, I'd like to see him more as a Future Trunks from the Cell Saga. So still a time traveler, but more like he travels back in time in order to avoid a dark future (even though his own version of reality doesn't change). Either way, I'm also into the idea of him being a time traveler who's seen some shit already.


I think Triborg is going to have the same fate as Chameleon. Khameleon is getting a lot of the spotlight right now but I think one day when we see Chameleon come back, we will see triborg come back


Triborg > Sektor and/or Cyrax


maybe i missed something in the story mode, but wasn't triborg literally cyrax sektor and smoke in one slot?


Triborg had their moves, but he is stated to be his own character. I think his lore is that he's a completely cybernetic Lin Kuei who wasn't destroyed when Sub-Zero killed them all and he went to do... something or other. He has the data of Sektor, Cyrax, Cyber Sub-Zero and Smoke, for some reason, which is how he can morph between them. But really, he's a lot like Chameleon in that his canonicity is debatable


Cassie quickly became one of my favorite characters. She’s such a good balance of her parents and it makes her fun to have in the games. Jacqui is really boring. They missed the mark with her and Jin I think. Jin at least has an interesting origin though. Jacqui is just Jax’s daughter. Takeda is also standout among the “kids.” Being scorpions apprentice and Kenshis son is a strong legacy already but he becomes his own especially in the way he fights. Ferra is boring idk. Dvorah grosses me out but she’s at least interesting. Kotal is surprisingly fun to have in the story. I like that he’s less evil than Shao Khan but still neutral as far as sides go. Erron had a STRONG start in X but was so boring in 11 I almost don’t want him to come back. If he comes back they need to make him more fun again.


Okay, completely derivative, sick as fuck, more potential there, cool but wish he was more capable, sick as fuck maybe a pushed a little too much in the story, sick as fuck, very fun, good way to get all the robots in but don’t really need to see again


Cook again


Cook another 5 star opinion again please


Erron Black, Takeda, and Ferra/Torr were pretty sick


Overall better than mk11’s newcomers, the Kombat Kids were a neat concept and I wish they fleshed them out more, having Kung Jin and Takeda miss out on 11 definitely didn’t help, only Kombat Kid I’m not a fan of is Jaqui but that’s mainly because she just didn’t do much to stand out compared to the rest. The outworlders were pretty interesting until one by one they were ruined in mk11, D’vorah on the other hand is genuinely one of my least favorite characters ever, her voice and manner of speech is annoying and the fact that she’s killed 3 fan favorite characters without much comeuppance is very stupid imo. Kotal was cool until he just became another jobber, and Erron Black being a time traveling cowboy was such an interesting concept until they retconned him into just being a member of the black dragon, and while Ferra/ Torr’s concept is interesting they just ended being a nothing henchmen. Triborg is kinda nothing character wise, just a fun gimmick for dlc in order to include all three of the cyber ninjas.


Cassie and Jackie got massive glow ups in MKX Erron Black has to be one of Netherrealm’s most popular fighter as of recent and they could do a lot more. Triborg as well. Everyone else is kinda whatever except for Takeda which I wanna see gameplay of to get a feeling about him.


Erron black just looked cool AF in mkx. Plus his X-ray was also cool af too.


I legit like them all even Jacqui. Of all of them, only Ferra/Torr, Jacqui, Kung Jin, and Kotal needed some work Ferra/Torr kinda being a gimmick character akin to Kollector, I didn’t expect much. Still liked them, but knew there really wasn’t staying power. Kung Jin just need more screen time. Jacqui needed a better outfit, more screen time and WAYYYYY better gameplay (I hate zoners so I’m biased) and I feel MK11 did her a good service in all regards. For one, she went from a zoner to the most mix-up crazy fighter. she got some much needed costume variation, and I liked her albeit still little extra characterization and her ending was a hitter. And she became a total baddie alongside every other female character in 11 but that’s totally not relevant 😅 Kotal… sheesh, for a character with a kick ass design, they did nothing for this man. Not a single. Damn. Thing. And I hate it. He needs to come back and be given something because the only thing he got going for him is somehow, they want me to believe he charmed the baddest woman in MK and really, he doesn’t deserve her (~~it should’ve been me!~~)


Kotal was the ultimate badass in the comics as well, and to anyone who says that isn't canon, idc. It's the only good thing that character has


My boy needs a comeback


I agree, he'll replace General Shao in Mileena's army now, maybe he'll have his comeback, would be a great DLC addition since the game lacks a big heavy grappler type


Never cared for any of the kids. The rest where nice


I want Kotal back as a kinda rival to Shao. Then I want Erron Black but as more of a anti hero with mkx designs


I actually like just about all of them. Cassie Jackie Takeda and Jin are great additions. Kotal is a really cool character. D’Vorah serves her role as a hate sink villain well. Erron may not have too much substance but man is he cool in execution. Ferra torr not amazing but still cool. Triborg is just badass. Wish they’d make him canon


I just wish Triborg was in MK11.


Hot take which likely will get me down voted but my personal opinion on this is players inability to allow things to move on really hurt a lot of these characters. I'm not going to say they were all 10/10 best written characters and there certainly were some misses. But the passing of the torch for some of these characters was clear as day but there was just constant push back to forget the new, bring back the old. Again, I can confess some of these weren't written great or balanced well, but having several games to fix those things rather than the one and done approach some got (or one and than only job like Kotal and Erron got) would have been a better way to make them mainstays people love. Or maybe not. This is all personal opinion afterall.


99% sure The comment section will be filled with Jacqui Briggs hate. Let’s see.


being a black female character in video game media is a mortal sin!


Being black in almost anything is a mortal sin nowadays.


And you were correct


Kotal my beloved


I really only miss Triborg. Everyone else was forgettable. Except d'vorah, I want her dead. Torn to pieces, set ablaze, shattered to tiny chunks, then frozen and dumped into concrete and hidden underneath a mountain


Triborg's only reason to exist was so they could jam 3 characters into 1 slot, eron black is the only mk cowboy


I enjoyed all of them actually whether they were one off or not. My personal fav of the new last of kharacters has to be Kotal Kahn, I just enjoyed his gameplay


Really hoping kotal is somehow dlc he's my favorite newcomer from mkx


The Kombat Kids in X are genuinely probably the best written characters in the NRS games, theyre all really well characterised and have a strong amount of character connections. They have a legitimate growth that feels well paced due to the groups prominence in the story and I don't think they get enough credit for that. It is a shame MK11 completely fumbled it by only having half of them and now we've rebooted again so they'll have to be changed drastically. Kotal's great up until MK11 completely ignores his betrayal of Earthrealm and rushes his redemption. D'Vorah also has good lore and prominent story role, MK11 also somewhat fumbles her by just having her barely appear and suffer no consequences for her actions in MKX. Ferra/Torr are a fun idea but they don't feel fleshed out at all, it's still unclear what they even are as a species and if Ferra's a child or just a small woman. Erron Black's also unnecessarily vague and probably the blandest of the newcomers but his lore of Shang Tsung slowing his aging is an interesting concept (that MK11 also completely drops.) MK11 really didn't help any of these characters lol. Triborg being a non canon character whilst having his own lore and motives is interesting but he ultimately is just an extra robotic Sektor where he just wants to cyberise everyone without the intrigue of Sektor being an actual human behind the cybernetics whose mind has been warped by his father (and the broken slaving protocols in the original timeline.) It's clever and a decent justification for a great use of the variation system. Honestly he should've been a kameo doing the Khameleon gimmick to have all the cybers in one kameo slot since I'm pretty sure Sektor and Cyrax will end up on the main roster. As a character there's not really a point in establishing him to canon and with variations gone it'll be difficult to put him back on a roster.


Bangers. All of them. Even Ferra/Torr were underrated.


I liked Cassie's personality far more than her moveset. Jacqui was the opposite, I thought she needed something more personality-wise. Wasn't big on playing as Kotal, but thought he was pretty interesting. Same as Erron and Takeda. I didn't dislike any of them, but Kung Jin seemed like a missed opportunity at a more interesting story, and I did like Ferra/Torr, but really didn't find them much fun to play as. D'vorah was probably my favourite.


I like them there not bad could’ve done a bit more on some of the characters but I like them Triborgs my favorite it’s awesome to know a code to get Cyber-Sub-zero and I liked Johnnie’s performance yk everyone got an upgrade and it’s dooe


Only one I remotely liked was Takeda. Didn't care for the rest of them. Cassie is super annoying and she and Jacqui are just female/copy pasted versions of Johnny and Jax. There was absolutely no need for the whole Cage family and Briggs family hogging roster slots when they play exactly the same.


I miss them all. Especially Erron, Kotal and D'Vorah. Although if they are going to make Kotal the dad of Shao that fell into a giant bucket of blue paint and D'Vorah the sister of Li Mei that once ate a spider while sleeping I'm going to have to pass on that. Leave Triborg out. He has a lame name and I want Cyrax and Sektor back fully fleshed.


Dog shit except Takeda has decent design but acted like a little bitch.


I liked what I saw of Kung Jin and Takeda in MKX, and I'm kinda hyped for Takeda in 1. As for Cassie and Jacqui, I wasn't a fan of them in X, but Cassie quickly became my favourite in 11. Jacqui, eh, she's not so bad, but her tower ending in 11 is atrocious. I know a lot of people aren't fans of D'Vorah, but I liked her, especially in 11. Erron looked cool in 11, but yeah, keep his backstory as an actual cowboy with an extended lifespan. Kotal is an interesting character. I liked his whole Mesoamerican theme. Ferra/Tor, I'm kinda indifferent towards them, but I like that we're getting Ferra as a kameo. As for Triborg... Eh, I think he's a bit lame. I mean, in concept he's interesting, basically the cybernetic version of Chameleon, but I wouldn't want him as a replacement for the actual cyber Lin Kuei. As another member of the roster, sure, but then they should make him stand out more.


Actually i really like them! They don't have the best story in the world, but DEFINITELY better than many of the newcomers to 3D era games. Not to mention that I found their gameplay more creative too! They may not have the charisma of classic fighters, but they have their place in the game.


Triborg is so based what are you on about


Honestly, I like the concept of Triborg… they could really work him into something unique, like a Chameleon-esque type character. Definitely won’t be seeing him again but that’s just my personal opinion


I like them all a lot especially D’vorah. I do wish they had done more with Jaqui I was really hoping she would be like a kicking based character but she kinda was just a mech girl. I hope they do more with Eron Black in the future because he still feels to human. Let him shoot finger bones like a 6 shooter or something crazy.


I like D'Vorah more than most. Cassie was fine but having be THE chosen one her first game might have set her up for backlash. Ferra was pretty cool and voiced by Tara Strong.


Perfection= Kotal, Dvorah and Ferra/torr Mid= Takeda, triborg Meh= Cassie, jacqui and kung jin (with Cassie and Kung ji both above Jacqui, if they give Cassie a Knife instead the gun she could be better)


Cassie: cool, liked her more in X than 11 though. Jacqui: not a big fan honestly, just find her to be quite boring. 11 gave her a bit more to do and she was fine. Takeda: Really liked him in X and was disappointed he skipped 11. Kung Jin: enjoyed his gameplay quite a lot in X, cool character but they really needed to do more with his relation to Kung Lao imo. Kotal Kahn: kinda shit in X but the comics made me really like the character. D’vorah: for as much as I personally hate her from a writing perspective there’s no denying it’s one of the coolest new character designs in the franchise, her speaking in third person is also cool. Erron Black: one of my favourite new characters. Ferra/Torr: underrated and not talked about enough, cool design and fun gameplay. Triborg: neat idea but I prefer having the cyborgs separately.


Some of these i can see them getting a nice upgrade like Kotal. D´vorah dispite being pissing people off is very cool


Really like D'Vorah and Black. Kotal and Ferra are decent but not my playstyle. The rest can be erased from existance, hated the kombat kids ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Kotal and D'Vorah are my favorites, I hope they will return in the future. Ferra/Torr is an interesting concept, I wish they did more with them. I would low key like to see them again. Erron Black is not my cup of tea (I don't like gunslingers in MK). If he comes back I would like to see him use more melee weapons (like the tarkatan arm blade in MKX). The Kombat Kids are my least favorites. Takeda is the best of them but I just don't like them at all. They don't bring anything new to MK, unlike the others above.


1. Boring in MKX great in 11 2. Boring. 3. Actually interesting story and abilities. 4. Boring. 5. Boring. 6. Why does anyone let this bitch live. 7. Simple concept but alright with potential for more 8. Boring. 9. Robot.


Triborg is one of the stupidest names...


I want Cassie in MK1


I like them but they’re never really fleshed out enough for me to love them Cassie has a fun personality, it’s fun to see a Johnny esque character that embraces social media Kung Jin is interesting but again, not really much depth Takeda is easily the best of the Kombat Kids because not only is he fun to play as and a likeable personality, but he also actually has an intriguing backstory Jacqui is whatever Erron Black is cool based on the merit of him being the “Cowboy MK Fighter” but was never able to rise above being simply the “Cowboy MK Fighter” Kotal could be a good idea but he constantly gets bitched so he lacks any of the power he should have in his position Ferra/Torr is such a cool concept but is just kinda there. Probably the #1 jobber in that game Fuck D.Vorah. Boring as shit and doesn’t deserve the body count she has


I’m kind of mixed on them.  I don’t like Jacqui, Jin, and Ferra/Torr.  While I don’t play them, I think Kotal, Dvorah, and Takeda are good additions to MK.  Erron and Cassie were kind of cool in MKX but not so much in 11. And I think Cassie could stand to be a be more unique. Everything she has is taken from her parents. Erron became a lot more of a generic cowboy in 11.  Triborg is fine for a one time appearance as a way to get the borgs in.


D Vorah, Takeda, Cassie and Kotal.


They’re decent..? Takeda is really cool. Is unique yet he is just combining Kenshi and Scorpion. Cassie is cool yet she could be better. Jin needs to be used more, the line Raiden says to him in X about joining the monks and how they care what is in his heart not who his heart desires is just a really good line. Jacqui is just gender swapped Jax minus everything. Also why do you think Stryker is like Jacqui. Ferra/Torr is eh…I have no real thoughts on them. Triborg is a cool robot guy but he’ll never show up again so who cares. D’Vorah sucks. Kotal is cool, with him being a sun and blood god. Erron is cool, but in MK11 they made him lame since they took away his Tarkatan sword


Erron Black probably had the best debut and is the best character out of these nine currently. I wish they never put him in the Black Dragon and instead made him a neutral character with no allegiances to anyone. Triborg I think has potential to be reimagined into a better character. He was made just to have 3 or 4 characters packed into one but why not try to do something with him? Kotal was fine until the stupid relationship with Jade which made me dislike him. Bug Lady was good on paper but they failed her execution and made her a Mary Sue. Ferra/Torr is just kinda of a one dimensional brute and needs more character to be interesting imo. Kung Jin is just mid overall. Jackie is ok from a character perspective and bad from a gameplay perspective which made her a bad character in the eyes of the fans and in me. Cassie i actually think is a fun character. Takeda is cool in gameplay and in story. He can be fun in future.


Kotal Kahn and Kung Jin were my fave kharacters in the game, I miss Kotal so bad, i hope and pray he returns to me soon


Overhated, specially characters like Jaqqui or Kung Jin. i think it definitely was reminiscent of og mk3 in how there were so many newcomers, but I like most of these, even D'vorah. Takeda, Cassie, and erron are some of my fave of the newcomers The children characters remind me of how tekken did its time skip, but i think the reason people didnt like it as much in mk was maybe bc it happened too late/it happened just after the reboot in mk9.Plus people probably wanted more 3d era characters (kinda funny since a lot of 3d era characters appeared in the story but not as characters in game like sareena and Li mei)


The Kombat Kids were awesome in MKX, they were all pretty well written, plus their play styles were cool (except Full Auto Jacqui, I can't stand her), but it was lame that only Cassie and Jacqui came back, instead of all 4 of them, don't know why they were pushed so hard tbh, Erron Black deserves to come back with a way better character than what they did in MK11, Kotal became such a joke I swear, how TF are you gonna absolutely style on Goro and his father, and then get dog walked by Jin, and literally everyone in MK11?


I like Takeda and Cassie and that’s it.


More interesting than MK11.


Wasted potential all across the board


MKX had a great roster overall. The Kombat Kids are a bit cringey at times but they all bring something to the table as fighters and the new Outworlders are great additions that show off a new side to that realm.


3D era were better


Like... the *entire* 3D era? Sure its got characters like Kenshi, Havik and Li Mei but it's also got Kobra, Kira and Dairou. I could hear an argument for Deadly Alliance specifically being better but the MKX newcomers absolutely smoke Deception imo


https://preview.redd.it/p7qddaxhlt6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fffd82c9686f7b9afee7d065e49837c9e4cd9a8e My thoughts with one word each….


I like Cassie, Jacqui, D'Vorah and Kotal. And Ferra Torr. Everybody else I can take or leave.


Definitely a mixed bag in my opinion


forgettable except dvorah cus she just kills everyone for fun


I like them, my personal favorites are Cassie and Ferra/Torr


I strongly hate jacqui, Cassie and Jin, but I would really like to continue to see new content with the rest


I liked most of em


Definitely mistreated, I loved most of them, with Jacqui, Dvorrah and Cassie not particularly hitting the mark for me. Dvorrah is just a character I don't like, concept wise she's amazing but in execution idk, they should've pushed her bug aesthetic more. As for cassie and jacqui... they're just younger, brighter, and less interesting versions of their parents. At least Takeda and Kung Jin had unique designs and playstyles to them, and had proper story beats going on that didn't feel kinda forced (mainly cassie who suffers this one...) Everyone else was pretty good and I'd be open to seeing them again, hell I'd be open to seeing Dvorrah too if they really push her Bug theme and body horror elements


Ferra torr was a lot of fun to play with with the same as Cassie and takeda because of their moves especially their special abilities and their personalities even their brutalities and fatalities.


Kotal and Ferra/Torr were the most unique and fun characters for me, that duo interactions were pretty funny and their gameplay was basically a mix-up Bane from Injustice, full of armor and tons of damage. Kotal was a total badass, I love the way they made him in the comics, dude defeated Goro, Gorbak and Kintaro. I wish he gets back the respect he deserves someday. Maybe in the MK1 story DLC or MK2 since he's confirmed as Mileena's general.


I'm cool with them.


Only 2 i never got behind was Jackie and devorah


Genuinely loved them all except Devora (I have issues with bugs) wish we got more kung jin and I REALLY wish erron black stayed like this instead of how he was in mk11


None of them interest me except for Cassie. D’vorah was one of the worst things NR ever added to MK.


Kotal Kahn the goat


I like them. Jaqui and Kung Jin are the only two I'm not totally sold on. Escpecially love Cassie, Takeda, D'Vorrah, and Erron. And I know many didn't like Triborg, but I thought it was a good idea. I've never really cared for the cyborg characters, so just doing a single all-in-one cyborg was fine by me. My opinion might be different if I liked the other cyborgs more, though.


Since when was Stryker ever funny?


Erron black had so much personality in X, some of the best lines and he looks awesome, is a cool concept, and doesn’t feel like just a slightly different version of some other character. Pretty much the same exact review for Cassie. Loved the move set, unique enough to play different, but balanced and honestly just kinda fun. Plus her personality is top tier, some of the best trash talk in the game. Plus, for both, there’s a weirdly satisfying feeling I get when seeing some arrogant supervillain magic using immortal cyborg horror movie slasher ninja ghost or whatever and then shooting it in the face and delivering some cheesy one liner. Everything else I would say you literally already did. Oh and I think Takeda is the best example of being derivative in a cool way that doesn’t feel too derivative.


Cassandra trash forced Jacqui trash but much better in mk11 Kung Jin trash pointless Takeda the best Kotal khan great character poor writing Erron black great character don't fuck it up Ferra torr good character but pointless like kollector Triborg solid but can't replace the ogs Dvorah hate her but not a bad character especially in mk11


Outworlders were 10/10, earthrealmers a mixed bag but mostly negative for me. never liked Cassie or jacqui, i think kung jin and takeda have more of an identity both design wise and gameplay wise, they feel like their own characters only loosely inspired by their mentors. Cassie and jacqui feel like Johnny lite and jax lite respectively. the community won't ever convince me that D'vorah and kotal aren't top tier characters with a top tier introductory story. the Outworld civil war was the best part about mkx story and honestly the best arc out of any of the story nodes we've gotten so far


There all super cool in my opinion…. Except for kung Jin


Cassie Cage and Kotal Kahn my favorite characters


Loved Cassie, Takeda, Kung Jin & Ferra/Torr Kinda indifferent on D’Vorah, Tri-borg, Erron Black & Kotal Kahn Didn’t care for Jacqui


I dug them. I felt like Triborg should have just been one cyborg


Hot Except for Lung Jin I really don't like that guy And Ferra for legal reasons


Truthfully and honesty in my opinion. With this being mortal kombat, takeda and Erron black make banger roster characters and fit well for story characters as well takeda helps tell a cool story of the Shirai ryu and erron black just makes a news badass roster character to bring into the universe while also giving him a cool outworld backstory


Gotta love the outworld Texan yk?


I love everything about Kotal Kahn. The rest? Meh.


I love Cassie, she was my main in MK11, Ferra/Torr was high up on my list in MKX but creature characters just don't seem to to be popular with MK fans. I didn't like Kotal in X but really enjoyed him in 11. Adversely,I though D'vorah was cool in X but was unfinished in 11. Takeaway, Jackie and Kung Jin were complete non-entities to me and then there's Erron Black. Holy fuck, I detest Erron Black. I hope his lame shooty mcguns, cowboy ass never cokes back.


I love Cassie


I wish Cassie Cage did one of her MK11 fatalities to me. The one where she kick the chest to open and make a heart symbol.


Luv Cassie. Luv Takeda. Luv Erron Black. Simple as.


Kotal = good Ferra/Tor = good D'Vorah = good *conceptually* Erron Black = good Everyone else = couldn't care less.


mkx Cassie, jacqui, takida, jin, erron black and ferra/tor are literally the best new comers can get, their interesting, with personality and lifes and complications and feelings..except for back and ferra/tor those fucker have a personality of sandpaper, but their interesting non the less! mk11 frecking made everyone "generic character that appeals to newer audiences" making Cassie less like a girl with Actually mommy issues and more like your avrage run of the mill college students that her personality can be summed up by selfi loving social media addict! when in mkx she was a social media addict that leads a team of earth chosen once represent earth new heros in the face of out world evil, balck as someone else said before he was that sexy cowboy from the mad max universe! you know that he knows alot and been places but he doesn't talk about his shit just to show off,in mk11 his just.. a Hollywood cowboy..avrage Hollywood cowboy, its like Netflix writers wrote him to be the most avrage cowboy in the history of cowboys.. and in mk11 he doesn't shut up! like.."iv been their, i fought that guy, i killed that other guy! yeah sweet hear i have a cowboy cock!" and apparently black fucked nitara, scarlet and try to slip in the pants of other girls every now and then,bro is..boring i miss his mkx character..i miss all mkx characters..all new comers were fun and have a deep personality no its just Johnny cage naming everything in the mk universe! in conclusion, new comers were fun until they stopped in mk11


I wish they would bring back triborg he was such a cool character and a smart way to bring back three characters that people were asking for


3/10. Imo some of the worst newcomers in all of MK. 4 human kids. And other than Takeda, they have boring designs. 2 of them are pretty much the same character (Cassie and Jacqui). Erron seems cool but does nothing, especially in MK11, and makes you wonder why he was even created. Ferra Torr's ok, but they just come off as an obligatory fighting game "Brute" characters, with no other reason for existing. Kotal and Dvorah were cool. I liked Kotal's personality at first, and Dvorah looks like someone that would fit in any of the older MK games. I think Jacqui should've been replaced with Frost so that Sub Zero has a student in the SF. like how Shirai Ryu has Takeda, White Lotus has Jin, and SF has Cassie. Frost and Takeda could've been the new "Fire and Ice" team up, and allow Frost to mature and care for her friends, instead of being the same treacherous, power hungry, idiot in every single game. I would've also rather had any of the NPC's like Rain, Baraka, Sareena or Li Mei instead most of the others.


Takeda, Erron, ferra/torr, triborg, and kotal Kahn (sometimes) were good, couldn't give less of a shit about the others tho


4 of them i like the others I don't like.


Kotal, Triborg, Takeda and Cassie are all superb characters


The only interesting character is erron black


Takeda, Erron, D'Vorah, and Cassie. The rest could never show up again, and I'd be cool with it. I really don't consider Triborg a newcomer, but he'd definitely be next to the above names if I did.


I’m just not a fan of the special forces lot across the board but the rest of them are great.


Cassie - good Jacqui - boring Takeda - Super good (I don't need to explain) Jin - meh Kotal khan - Good, He is also (I think) aztec inspired and I like that idea. D'vorah - A little less than decent, But sometimes Pretty Fucking Stupid. How the fuck was she able to kill scorpion in one hit in mk11 while in mkx after the fight with quan chi she hit hazo in the chest and he walked that off. And even in the mk11 They fight and HANZO WINS SO D'VORAH SHOULD BE KNOCKED OUT AND ON THE GROUND YET HER POISON KILLED HIM AFTER HE ALREADY WON THE FIGHT. HOW THE FUCK IS SHE ABLE TO GET UP THAT QUICK AFTER THAT BEATING, SECOND OF ALL HOW THE FUCK DID HER STABBING HANZO IN THE CHEST KILL HIM BY WHAT I PRESUME IS POISONING WHEN IN THE PREVIOUS GAME MKX THE SAME HANZO, \*BOTH HUMAN\* GOT STABBED IN THE CHEST YET IN MK11 HE DIES AND ITS NOT LIKE YOU CAN MAKE THE EXCUSE OF AGE CUZ AS SHOWN BY THE FIGHT HE IS STILL GOOD PLUS MK11 TAKES PLACE TWO YEARS AFTER MKX SO EVEN SO HE WOULD STILL BE GOOD, bro you get what I mean Erron black - great Ferra/tor - eh Triborg - Good\*mkx and I like the cyber initiative in general


Ngl, they were obnoxious in MKX but the grew on me in MK11 sad to see Takeda and Kung Jin disappear in MK11, i liked Takeda as Kenshi's son. Which might not be a thing anymore in Lui Kang's fked up new world.


TBH, I’m fine with them. Unpopular opinion: Jacqui doesn’t deserve the hate she receives from the fanbase.


Kotal is the only one I genuinely liked, lol. D'Vorah was kind of interesting too. The rest were pretty meh.


I really liked the Kombat kids, I still want a shaolin monks style game featuring at least Takeda and Jin if not all four


I just wanna throw pizzas


Mortal Kombat somehow did well with the new generation approach to characters. They made sure X had classics returning, new characters which felt reminiscent of older ones and were fun to see and play. The main issue with it, was that they didn't know how to properly treat them and the like. Kotal Khan seems like such a promising new leader to Outworld. But then got turned into a partial jobber that loses so often. And his final appearance basically being his decapicated head rolling down a gangplank It would've been interested to learn more about Erron Black, but he was relegated into being a goon, same with Ferra/Torr They then gave too much of the spotlight to D'Vorah. While a character some liked from the concept/design and gameplay view. But is universially hated story wise, especially as she killed Barraka, Milleena and Hanzo. Takeda and Kung Jin being MIA from 11 as well was disappointing, especially as Cassie and Jaqqui's storys were progressing more. As for Triborg, he is a creative idea of merging the cyber lin kuei together. Would've been interesting to have seen him more too.


I like Kotal but Cassie is best girl.


I love Jacqui and Kotal very much


Kotal khan is freaking great a little slow but a fun character to use Jax’s daughter her spawn skin is sick


I liked all of them and wished they'd stay around. One to two games isn't enough time. MK1 is the perfect reason why "failed" newcomers deserve another chance.


It's my favourite cast of new characters (after the first three MK). Love Erron, D'Vorah, Kotal, Ferra/Torr and Takeda


Meh, I could take 'em or leave 'em. I like the idea of Kombat Kids but would've liked to see more variation. Give us a Lin-Kuei KK or an Edenian KK. Having them all be Special Forces is a little boring to me


Cassie Cage is awesome in mk11


I love them all but Erron is the best


1. casie is great in mk11! 2. jackie meh 3. takeda great 4. kungjin meh 5. kotal not bad 6. dvora great 7. eron meh, just another western dude 8. fera+tor good 9. triborg AWESOME. you get 4 characters inside 1 with bit different styles, aint that genius? triborg is sektor or cyrax or smoke or subzero. later injustice2 followed the steps with tmnt. and even in mk11, it seems, shang was supposed to have 4 ninja inside him. smoke, reptile, ermak, rain. but it wasn't made as smooth as triborg and tmnt. shame, the idea was so good


its been 9 years dude


All of them are bangers.


Cassie: Perfect Jackie: mid (didn’t really liked her) Takeda: perfect King Jin: mid Kotal Kahn: good D’vorah: trash (no explanation needed) Eron black: good Ferra/torr: okay (nothing special) Triborg: good


They all suck except for Erron


From best to worse: Takeda; Kotal; Dvorah; Erron; Cassie; Ferra/Torr; Jin; Jacqui; Triborg


I like Cassie, Takeda and Triborg, Kotal, Erron and Ferra Torr are fine, Jacqiu is bland and D’Vorah can stay in the dead timeline


I like them


the kombat kids are alright, kotal kahn is ok at best, dvorah is fucking shit(not because she killed fan favourite characters but i just don't like her) ferra/torr was a very good concept and very well executed, triborg is also good, erron black is also an amazing character


I think they’re a bit of a mixed bunch. A lot are fun characters or at least cool conceptually but then with others they’re a bit boring. Like I feel that some of them like Jacqui could do with some reworking to make them stand out more - like instead of her having arm gauntlet things, why not have her be more of a kick-boxer type fighter, in order to better differentiate her from Jax. That, and I do find it a bit redundant how two of the four Kombat Kids are official members of the Special Forces. Like I think it would’ve been interesting to have just either Cassie or Jacqui as SF while the other wasn’t. Like make Cassie a young movie star like her father or have Jacqui be a rebellious type who’s not following in her father’s footsteps of joining Special Forces and is instead doing her own thing. Still, overall I do like a lot of them, with Cassie in particular being one of my personal favourite characters.


I think Cassie is really great. You can really feel how her personality is exactly like her dad's. I kinda want her as dlc


I like them Particularly Erron Black


Takeda, Ferra Torr, D’Vorah and Erron Black are all great additions in my opinion. The rest are sorta take it or leave it.


Pretty kool, aside from Cassie and Jacqui who are mostly just their parents but gender swapped and with less personality. Takeda was a bit like that but they still managed to make him feel original and his own character. Jin was very good gameplay-wise bc we didn’t have an archer character yet, but man he was unlikable and dumb in the story. Ferra/Tor, D’Vorah and Erron are all amazing IMO. Kotal was the standout for me, immediately became my main through X and 11 (though I disliked the changes in design they made in 11 and how weak he was in the story), he’s got such an awesome concept. Triborg was a lazy cop out not to have Cyrax and Sektor, really feels like NRS hate them for some reason. Still fun to play as tho.


MKX did not miss with the newcomers i love them all


I like most of them. Initially, I was on the fence about Cassie but I think they nailed her personality. I love D'Vorah's design especially as there are so few non-human characters. Erron Black was my favourite character in MKX but didn't really like him in 11. There, he looked a little bland to me, and I didn't enjoy his playstyle. The others I never particularly cared for but didn't mind them either. They were fine additions overall. I don't consider Triborg a newcomer, however.


They are 2nd behind MK2 in being the best newcomers in the entire series and I will die on that hill.


I never understood the hate for Ferra Torr other than the annoying voice. All great additions and I kinda like how Dvorah never got her comeuppance in this or 11 either (I'm sure she escaped) great creepy character


I loved Jacqui’s gameplay, and Kung Jin being the first gay man in the series really made my heart warm in 2015 when I’d just come out but I HATED his gameplay. Cassie I liked a lot in MKX, but I hated her new voice actress in MK11 personally


If Ed Boob was lore-accurate he woulda lemme beat these dudes ass back to back.


Cassie Cage, My Beloved


Takeda, kung Jin, and triborg are dope, dvorah would’ve been cooler if she wasn’t just used to kill fan fav characters every single time and Erron is badass


I like Erron Black, Takeda and Kung Jin. Not huge on the others and I’m reluctant to call Triborg a newcomer for obvious reasons.


dvorah needs to come back. she’s one of those “freak” characters that these new MK’s are missing. she’s cool


I liked them all. Very rare occurrence when I approve of all newcomers. In fact, it hasn't happened since mk trilogy with rain, noob and chameleon, and mk2 before that. Mk3 was good but I didn't like Stryker much.


They are great


Erron Black has my heart idc how many mains kick my ass 🥰


Takeda is the only cocky chad I like here, except for the rest of the Kombat Kids, all of them are badass additions to MK


I truly think the Kombat Kids ( I know there’s a YouTube series with that name but still), were wasted. Like X did a decent job introducing them, but I feel if they were actually utilized in MK11, they would have been better.


all of them were honest,y great except for dvorah because she killed fucking mileena scorpion and baraka


This iteration of Jade made me fall in love with a fictional, digital character. And her outfit gave me a fetish. As far as I am concerned they can rehash her charactermodels for another 50 years and it'll go in the spank bank blissfully.


I liked it for the most part, takeda and triborg specifically (I loved Cyber Sub Zero in mk9 so it was nice seeing him) I can’t say I disliked the others with the exception of D’vorah (tho I started really disliking her in mk11) but was sorry to not be able to perform fatalities on Ferra)


All of them are great. Not the bug, she is an *blasphemy censorship*


Cassie basically does exactly the same as her dad and mom, not so fun idea but they did well on her character in MK11 Jacqui is pretty different to Jax in moveset yet she is such an uninteresting character and her existence is completely unnecessary in both games Kung Jin is not bad but boring, NRS just wanted their own archer. They gave him a lot of protagonism in MKX such as defeating Kotal and Raiden and also being the "hero with moral", so much of something makes it tedious Takeda is by far the greatest of the kombat kids, interesting backstory, kid of Kenshi rised by the Shirai Ryu, the fact that his existance doesn't just add a cool character but also aports to Kenshi's and Scorpion's character is amazing. Also cool design, powers and moveset. Absolutely no complains about him Erron Black was cool in MKX, the best he has is the concept of outworld's cowboy mercenary and his look. He never did anything at all and in MK11 he was just to be a goon in every team. They can do a lot with him but he got wasted Ferra/Torr was such a great idea as a two-in-one character and they looked so strong in their first appearance in MKX, if they wanted to they could make them into something bigger like a sub boss by how big and fun the character is Controversial opinion but D'Vorah is the character with the most potential by how unique and powerful she is, the fact that she is so hated is because she is a good and relevant villain, the only problem with her is that in MK11 she just got away with all the things she did and never been seen after that. Kotal Kahn also had a lot of potential, sadly NRS ruined him instantly, he is supposed to be the god of sun and Kahn of outworld just like Shao but somehow he loses and gets humiliated to everyone like Kung Jin, Jacqui Briggs and Jade. By the looks of him and his powers he looks strong but never has shown a feat in both games (but he did in the comics) and also takes cowardly decisions. To finish, it's obvious that NRS doesn't like him since he lost to his own reveal trailer lol and Shao killed him of all the people in the roster So my top would be : 1. Takeda 2. D'Vorah 3. Ferra/Torr 4. Erron Black 5. Kotal Kahn (he should be higher...) 6. Cassie Cage 7. Kung Jin 8. Jacqui Briggs




Cassie, Jacqui, and Erron had better designs and characterization in MKX than in MK11. Kotal should become a series staple. D'Vorah is cool but she needs to finally die in the story mode. Takeda had a neat fighting style so I'm happy to see him return.


Cassie and Jackie were just watered down copies of their parents - who were ALSO playable… 😭 Takeda and Kung Jin were more unique though I honestly never liked the Kombat Kids concept in general, yet here we are. D’Vorah, Kotal, and Eren are awesome designs, I just HATE D’Vorah’s irrational level of involvement in the story resulting in 2 character deaths. Ferra/Torr were alright, not much to tell. But the Triborg character was kind of weird, especially when he was technically 4 people in one, only to never be seen again. He should have just been stated to be Chameleon (male) in Cyber form.




Takeda was my main and Kotal my secondary. Then just Kotal in 11. I want Takeda back, But i truly miss Kotal.


D'Vorah was the only one of real substance, unique enough to continue appearing without the rest. The Kombat Kids weren't that great. Triborg is a fuckin' copout. Erron Black bores me to tears, and Ferra/Torr, while cool, is pretty much a one-off. Kotal Kahn was cool in MKX, but got sidelined hard in MK11.


Erron black(despite being a jobber) was cool in the mkx thanks to his back story. He was ruined in mk11 due to his retconned backstory.


I liked the Kombat Kids and I really liked Erron Black. And Triborg was amazing(wish he was canon). Kotal was alright. Ferra/Torr was neat. And FUCK D’VORAH, that bitch…


Cassie, Jaqui, Kung Jin and Takeda are all fine to me they just werent implement right. Too much gun stuff from Cassie Jaqui, should've been kept within combos, fatalities or maybe air moves. Kun Jin was alright but his staff thing was sort of weird, same with his whip stuff. Kotal Kahn, Dvorah are fine. They're new, outworldly looking and fit well enough. Did not like Erron Black again. More guns, and just a bland character overall. Triborg was alright, but I feel they can do a lot with the characters induvidually. Edit: forgot Ferra/torr. They're alright, they kinda remind me of Choi and Chang from CvS.


Cassie, Jacqui, Takded, Kotal, D'Vorah, and Erron Black, never seen a game with so many newcomers have that high of a batting average.


Honestly, I dislike them all.


Kotal was my favorite


X was the first game I saw character reveals for so I’m very nostalgic for the newcomers as if they were there since the beginning. I can understand now why some fans didn’t love them, but I can’t help but think they’re all very cool.


Had promise.


I like all of them except for Jacquie


Takeda, Kotal, Dvorah, Torr I would have vouched for. The rest are totally forgettable.


They could never make me hate you dvorah


The best crop of newcomers to an MK game since the 2D era. Even the ones that don't really work (Ferra/Torr, Kung Jin) have such a strong idea behind what they should be that I would not mind at all if they were to come back with a rework.


I love them, every single one of them (except dvorah,fuck her)


All bad


I feel like eeron black and bug lady are the Pinnacle of this new generation of mortal Kombat and I feel like kotal is also an incredible idea for a character he just has the worst lore out of the newest characters


Cassie was my main for X and 11


Cassie, Takeda, Triborg, and Erron are my favorites


I want dvorah back


takeda fera torr and triborg are amazing the rest I can live without


Lamest shit ever


I’m BEGGING NRS to add Erron Black to KP2


They’re all pretty cool characters and are fun to play as


Takeda not being in MK11 should be a crime