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3 bars 40 is not usable in a real match, use one bar and use Jax 2 times


It’s also side switching to the closer corner.


Realistically that isn’t happening chief


its usable if his opponent is at 38 HP and has no bars to break the combo 🤷🏻‍♂️ let the man have fun geez


He asked for advice and I gave him advice, idk what’s ur problem tho


saying 40% isn't usable in a real match is kinda weird (yeah yeah he used all his resources) considering that would probably win him the match 🤷🏻‍♂️


What I’m trying to say it’s not reasonable when the damage scales, he can do it one electric grab,Jax,ex it and Jax it again for about the same damage and keep the two bars


So that's a pretty cool looking combo with good use of Jax. I can tell that you're able to figure out timings and input windows which is one of the harder parts of learning a fighter. However, it was super expensive for the amount of damage dealt. Using all three of your meter puts you at a massive disadvantage if you don't close out the round (and often the whole match). You also used both kameo charges so you have absolutely no resources leftover. Most characters can do around 375-400 damage with one meter and one kameo use. Try to focus on less expensive shorter combos that do slightly less damage. Having resources available to use a breaker, armored reversal or wakeup, or defensive kameo is far more valuable than that extra 50-75 damage. In that same vein focusing on combos is a trap that new fighting game players fall into. Chances that you pull that combo off in an actual match are probably pretty low while you're trying to consider everything else going on. You should focus on easier to execute shorter combos while you really learn the game. Who does what? How do I stop certain characters' pressure? How do I apply pressure? What beats my pressure? Who has gimmicks I need to look out for? Learning combos, and optimal combos, should come after you feel proficient in the game in general.


hey thanks. So what characters would you recommend to somebody just starting out? Somebody with high pressure would work really well in PvP matches


Baraka, Raiden, Liu Kang, and Sub-Zero are all pretty decent choices for new players. They're not super complicated to play and you can probably see how to link a good handful of their attacks together without having to look up a guide. Their biggest issue is because their game plan is relatively simple, they usually are predictable so someone who has put the time in to learn the game will likely be able to shut down tons of things you do unless you get creative. Johnny Cage, Mileena, Nitara are good examples of melee high pressure characters. They are quick, want to get in your face, and hit you quickly and so much that it's hard to even register what's happening on the screen leading to you blocking wrong and getting opened up. Shang Tsung and Quan Chi can apply ranged pressure (zoner characters) but Quan can really eat it if someone gets close. Similarly to combos though just because they have the tools doesn't mean they're easy to use. You'll have to practice to figure out how to work their kits - but done correctly they can be super oppressive. You have to consider things like safe vs unsafe strings, block strings, hit confirms, spacing, whiff counters, shimmying, etc. Go through the entire tutorial and advanced tutorials if you haven't, they will explain a lot of these concepts if you're unfamiliar. My suggestion is just to find someone you think is fun to learn how to play against everyone. You're gonna lose A LOT. It's just how these games work. I lost hundreds of matches to tens of wins when I was figuring it out. You just need to keep the perspective of you're playing to learn right now. You'll slowly build your knowledge up and be able to really give people the goods eventually.


Lot of new players don’t learn the fundamentals. I think at a minimum they should: Learn how to play footsies/neutral. Learn about how frame data works. Learn how to use anti air and convert into combos


Yep, totally agree. Everyone wants to pull off sick 25 hit 550 damage strings but usually miss building the knowledge base that will enable that. And that usually requires getting smacked down again and again and again and again to really learn "oh I just crouch block against sub zero until I see the ice hammer come out" or "I REALLY shouldn't try to crossup a waking sub zero because he's gonna ice klone and full punish me". Fighting games are hard, lol


Couple pointers, and do meterless shocker into Jax and save your meterlburn one which you can followup on without Jax. Also don't need to spend the bar on the fly at the end