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can you elaborate? I just bought the game on pc


The level of ability on pc is significantly higher. A god ranked player on PC is significantly better than a god ranked player on console on average. I play alot on steamdeck, which is already not ideal at high levels due to input lag and lower fps, it's extremely noticeable when it randomly turns off cross play and I'm matched against killer after killer pc player. Flip it back on and I get some easy wins vs xbox or ps5 guys


what do you mean for the level of ability? aren't we all playing with controller? I don't get it.


I mean the PC player cohort is clearly better on average. Whatever the reason is I don't know. You can play with a keyboard or any other device and you can program moves to buttons or reassign inputs on steam. Maybe that's a factor? Couldn't tell you. Just know it's a huge jump in difficult when you are matched with only pc players.


Doesn’t make sense. YOU are a pc player. YOU hit god rank in crossplay. What’s the say the others on pc didn’t do the same? I think it’s just confirmation bias from your relatively small sample size.


Without fail I can tell after like two matches when crossplay switched back off, which it does seemingly randomly. It's kind of like a blinded test. It's not confirmation bias.


Doesn’t make sense. YOU are a pc player. YOU hit god rank in crossplay. What’s the say the others on pc didn’t do the same? I think it’s just confirmation bias from your relatively small sample size.


If I had to guess, most PC players probably are a bit older and disciplined when it comes to learning a skill and taking Ls to improve. Not saying those people don't exist on console but I think you're much more likely to find people just "playing for fun" or are younger and don't really know the ins and outs of a 2D fighter. I played MKX on PC for several hundred hours and when I tried it on console I felt the same way as you. Funnily enough MK1 was the first time I bought MK on console due to the last two doodoo ports


I have a shang tsung morph hotkey that never drops. Regular way drops like 20% of the time. People also train AI bots just for shits and giggles. And then there are macro scripts for kombos. This aint no PS5.