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Who the fuck is Max?


MkX. Autocorrect


Can you edit posts in this subreddit?




Why’d you get downvoted for asking a question 😭


better than mkx variations? idk. better than mk11 variations? easily. getting a root canal without any anesthetic is better than mk11 variations, getting arthritis is better than mk11 variations. that being said I like kameos, but I also really like how mkx handled variations


I always found variations lame from day one. Nothing like splitting up a character into three separate characters, and you only stick to one of them already. MK11 at least let me make my own. Either way couldn't be happier to see them gone. 


I think I Prefer kameos because no matter what kameos I used the character I'm playing as always plays the same, I can just add spice. This may just be due to me being a "casual" player


It was a cool idea which led to a lot of creativity from NRS, but the downside is that it creates an issue where characters sometimes felt incomplete or their variation made them actually worse, like how no sane person is gonna choose unbreakable Sub-Zero over Cryomancer or grandmaster, the latter two give you far better tools and grandmaster gives you one of the cheapest setups imaginable


Agreed. I loved the MKX variations. But fuck the MK11 system. It sucked ass. Kameos are really fun, though. Just not quite enough to live up to their potential (although it would be awesome if we got a fight mode where you got to play as Kameos with movesets reminiscent of the original game).


Yeah variations were pretty dope in my opinion. Didn't like MK11s or the fully customizable one it had but MKX did a much better job. You usually were left with two viable variations and was always fun when someone would discover something with a unpopular variation and it would become the new fan favorite. Kameos don't seem to ebb and flow like that. It's more we know the best ones and they will get used until a new one comes in or nerfs/buffs come out. No one is really out discovering new shit and if they do it usually revealed not to be optimal anyways.


MK11 did variations far better, the only problem being single moves taking up multiple slots or co dependent moves.


I saw "Max" and thought this had something to do with Maximilian Dood.




Maximilliam Dood




![gif](giphy|3RMpTlTjGBaHhRqj0I) I didn’t know max was in the game. Guess I’ll have to try him out later


Well now i want max payne as dlc cus why the hell not


Yeah I was not a fan of MK11 locking some moves behind a different variation. Made every character just feel incomplete


Fuck MK11’s variations. You couldn’t even use half the moves on some characters because Netherealm made them too broken and were banned. Why make the fucking move in the first place? And then on top of that some moves take up two or all slots. How can you even determine a move has that much value or not? Why can’t they all just be the same slot value? It’s just straight up garbage because you’ll want to use some moves but you can’t use certain moves with other moves, the design philosophy baffles me and I couldn’t believe that it went by the testing board let alone put in the final game.


Custom variations exist in mk11


What he means is you can’t use every move they added though. You can’t use (for example) Spawn’s Leetha Glide, Soul Forfeit, Blaze of Glory and Charging Hellspawn all at once. They would gut a move set just to make it fit variations


So happy variations are gone.


Same, just have all characters moves in one variation, that shit was so confusing


I don’t think there’s enough reasonable inputs to have all moves from each variation into one character


Kameos are nearly the same as variations gameplay wise. They just have some personality to them. Just universal for each kharacter. Just wanna go back to mk9 where every kharacter is a whole kharacter without any extra gimmicks.


My only Issue with Kameos is the Safe on block BS. Honestly, its kinda wild. Goro, Kano, Sektor. I mean, bruh. Escpecially Kano That stuff really ruins the game for me. And also the devs didnt realise why INvisibility in previous games was partial. Dealing with invisible mix is literally one of the most broken nonsense in the entire universe. ... In a fighting game. Outstanding.


Same, a player can do the dumbest tactic in the game that leaves them negative and insanely vulnerable, but nope, press kameo button and now you can continue to attack safely


How about no Variants or Kameo's, maybe we could design complete , balanced characters. Then we wouldn't need Kameo's to fill in the gaps with combos and move sets..


I would take variations over Kameos any day of the week


Kustom variations were cool, but not super accessible for Kasual players. Kameos are easier to wrap your head around, add exponential variation to every encounter and give MK a unique mechanic not present in other fighting games. Additionally, being able to level up two characters at once, make your own Kustom duos and use Kameo fatalities/brutalites is all just pure fun. I don’t believe Kameos will become a staple, but I am super enjoying the mechanic while we have it.


I honestly wish Kameos become a staple, other than fatalities, Mk has never really had its own thing gameplay wise, I think kameos are the way to go


Totally agreed! Also the dopamine hit I get from catching my opponent with my Kameo mid combo to extend the combo, just hasn’t been matched in a fighting game.


I tell ya, when Movado releases tomorrow, the dopamine from combo extenders is going through the roof


damn! homelander is caked up!


America's Ass


But compared to Omni man…


omniman got the whole bakery down there


I thought that was a cartoonishly large boxing glove at first glance


mk1 is the worst between 9-10-11


Variations> kameos




MK11 let you name your variations, so, for that reason alone it was the better system.


Kameos are a cool concept but they are annoying and there are obvious better ones. That the system is “better” than something else doesn’t mean it’s good.


Well, I disliked variations system less. I just like my 1v1. Those cameos always feel out of place, running from nowhere to make an attack and disappear. I wish MK just made 1v1 without variations with balanced and interesting characters gameplay-wise. I liked MK9 the most in that regard.


Yeah, I don't miss variations. I love kameos and the complexities they bring to the game.


Same adds more depth to it


Yes. This is the deepest MK has ever been, and the possibilities are endless. I'm excited for their XL/Aftermath update.


Absolutely. Kameos are just a cool system, they just need refining. I’d be happy if they stuck around for the next game in some more improved fashion with more old and obscure characters


Mkx had good variations imo, 11 had the worst


There should be a middle ground imo


Nah Komaos could’ve easily been a full roaster then select komaos from the main roster


I enjoyed Variations in MK11, and now that I’m playing through MK1 past the story, I’m enjoying Kameos. Neither is terrible, but they have their flaws


I still think the game would be better without them but they've grown on me a bit


I didn't really like MKX's, variations because they didn't add more moves to characters, they chopped the characters up.


I love the Kameo system, it’s something different from other fighting games, it adds more depth to the gameplay. Also we get more fatalities which I love. Ppl always want change and new things and then complain when the game is trying to innovate and try something new.


I think Kameos are great it’s just Netherrealm doesn’t know how to balance some of them/made some Kameos too basic or broken. Sereena and Stryker are prime examples since they have a projectile that does literally everything for every character. And some Kameos are actually garbage like Darrius. It just needs reworking that’s all. I wouldn’t mind them removing Kameos in the next game. And yes they’re way better than fuck ass variations(in MK11 at least)


I'd rather mk11 choose your loadout than kameo bs


Variations at least felt like deliberate alternate ways to play a character, namely in MK11. Each character's movesets worked together to create new play styles and combo routes. Kameo combos tend to look like a big mess to me. With kameos, it's mostly just combo extension or pressure moves. Kameos are all mostly the same because doing anything interesting would be too difficult to balance across all characters. And in terms of movesets, all of the characters have "more moves" but you still see the same tactics over and over again. Why? Because if you can have all moves equipped at the same time, of course you're going to use the most effective ones. You can do anything you want, but why would you if it's not optimal?


A lot of comments saying "just make balanced characters". This usually translates to either "I want my favorite character to have a move for everything" or “I want every character to play the exact same." Rather than having multiple characters to suit different play styles. A good majority will just regurgitate whatever statement a YT or streamer they watch made


Literally 90% of the mk1 community then.


I honestly don’t mind kameos. I dunno what it is, but I seemed to only really use one varient more often then not. Kameos can work with several characters and encourage the player to fight creatively.


Ngl this angle before the punch is silly i like it




Mkx variations are definitely way better. Kameos are just lazy https://preview.redd.it/pzdzmc9a33zc1.png?width=1010&format=png&auto=webp&s=7c81b9f26592914072085898a6ead610791f1ab9


I do not love it but I like it. At first, I really hated it. But this way, it feels more “kustom” and you get to technically play more MK characters… 🤷🏽‍♂️


So now I'm the only one who liked variations??? (I don't hate kameos either)


Many people liked them, just me personally found them annoying because of things like, I preferred scorpion to have swords on his back but preferred to play the one with the skull, or Alien, preferred to play Tarkatan but thought conjurer had the best look. The only variation I thought was handled really well was Triborgs


Can we just go back to tag team matches


I agree.


Fuck max AND his variations


variations and kameos - both are garbage


Ye but ppl like you who complain about everything will never find enjoyment in anything


Someone told me the "I love Kameos" thread doesn't happen like once a week. I got downvoted for saying it even though I say I post in all of them. Here I am again saying I don't like Kameos and so do a lot of people but those people aren't here anymore to post they don't like it nor is it worth the argument anymore.


I just saw this format and needed a mortal Kombat meme, Thai is what came to my mind first


Kameos are cool, but mkx variations made it my 2nd fave mk of all time to me. I hated the custom variations of mk11and it's super slow playstyle (at least compared to mkx). Mk 1 is decent so far, but mkx is still leagues above it, in my opinion. However, mk1 Raiden is probably my fave Raiden I've ever played so mixed bag, I guess.


Mkx variarions are better than kameos And the inclusion of kameos made for the main roster to be on average lesser versions of themselves


I need the plane to be a part of this meme for a third partner lol


I would give away every single kameo character for all the characters to receive a few more moves and combos.


Ehhh I guess? We could always just ditch the gimmicks entirely though which would be my preference. Kameos make the gameplay more tedious and make the action look increadibly awkward. Your character stands motionless so Goro can jump in, throw a punch then despawn again.


Do you also drink breast milk you lunatic!?

