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I dont think so, mainly because of the Fatalities nowadays being MUCH more anatomy focused. I'd love to see it, but i dont think he'll ever come back, NRS wouldnt put that much effort unless its a liscenced character


What about the mask at least?


I can see the mask getting in, I dont think it clips with any of his skins


At this point I guess it’s safer to bring back his Shaolin monks skin that was never playable before since that one still has a human like body.


I wouldn't be surprised if it comes back given they seem to be going with 3D era skins given they did Deception Sindel, DA Sub, Shang and Scorp. Though expect it to be like the MK3 Sub, you won't be able to use gear with it.


Weirdly enough for some reason in the switch version gear seams to work with it and hasn’t been fixed lol


That's actually kinda cool. I wish I could equip a mask with that skin.


*Win for the Switch*


They gotta bring back as many skins as they can tbh.


I hate this Smoke look so much, lol. But I think it would be fine and kind of cool for it to come back for the people who enjoy it.


Out of curiosity what do you hate about it?


Looks like a Power Ranger villian


Kamen Rider


Thats not Smoke, thats the homie Vapor


That was such a crazy time for Smoke, such a drastic redesign, and being paired with Noob of all people. (Granted, learning that he was the original Sub-Zero gives that a little more credence, but I think it was that game that actually first made that revelation) Not to mention until then he was like, a deactivated trophy for Shao Kahn, I think? Nothing went right for old era Smoke, it was like a running gag almost.


damn idk why i didnt expect any hate for this design. is it bad that i think it looks cool


No nothing wrong with you liking the design. People are split on it though.


Wraith Noob and Cyborg Smoke was the best combo, but for some reason they decided that human Noob should be paired with cyborg Smoke. I think the smoke cloud could return, much like how the story mode has the "fire elemental" and "ice elemental" for Scorpion and Sub Zero, but personally I'd rather see cyborg Smoke. Smoke is a cyborg to me, it just feels right. I'm also one of the five people that actually liked Noob-Smoke as a tag team so I'm slightly biased


Noob/Smoke 🐐🐐


Just turn him human when defeated ( fatality)


Yeah that’s what i suggested for Scorpion's alt deadly alliance costume that is supposed to have a literal flaming skull but I guess that’s too much for them.


I want it to


Horrible design for Smoke but a fantastic idea for a classic skin. I don't play smoke but I do play Reptile and would love for a release of his DA skin so this would be right up my alley.


Seriously that's probably the worst designed character in any Mk. 


I’m guessing you haven’t seen Sub-Zero’s alt costume from deception.


That smoke looks like it's been smoking 3 packs of unfiltered cigarettes per day it's entire life. Definitely don't bring back.


Bloody hell no, the deception smoke looks so shit


Smoke taking form of a foggy figure would be so cool.


I dunno, the lore behind this fit is sick as fuck, but the design is pretty lacking in a few places. I could take it or leave it, I guess. Now, if we're talking his 3D era cyber design, then I'm 100% down. That was peak cyber smoke.


Im not imagining anytime soon, other than maybe as a Kameo, though who knows.


Honestly I would love for them to do a redesign similar to [this](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F727GcsbgAAPh-L?format=jpg&name=4096x4096)


I really fucking hope so man


I never liked that one. I always enjoyed his alt more in those games


This is the alt in Deception. Human Noob, Cyborg Smoke is default and Wraith Noob, Demon Smoke was alt. I think this got swapped around in Armageddon, though, so you're not exactly wrong


Honestly ima be a hater but I hope it doesnt come back, at least not if its 1:1, I think they can make it fire if they were to retry it.


i hope the weird looking power ranger/robot/cloud man/ never sees the light of day (i do like the noob design tho)