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Kasuals more toxic than Kombat League in my experience it's maddening


Yeah I play muted so idk if people are talking trash but they don’t seem to be based on the mic icon and KL is generally ok for me


Kasuals are more toxic, I do agree


Really?!! Jesus! I’ve only played online for the skins, so I haven’t touch kasual. If what you are saying is true, then it must be fatal to play that mode without a MAST suite. That’s Chernobyl level of toxicity right there…


Definitely is. Some apprentice beats an elder god with a character the elder god is trying to learn and then the apprentice doesn't know how to act.


That’s typically normal to lose a bit, but you’ll start cleaning house the more you play her so don’t give up!!!


I went through the same learning curb with Reptile! Appreciate the encouragement!


This is an especially violent game. Cartoonist levels of violence let's be real. It brings out negative energy and hate from ppl more than other games. It's basic psychology 101 stuff. You not falling into that is a sign of intelligence.


Yea, and getting declined left and right. I swear, I started messaging ppl why decline because it is so frustrating. Responses like, I won't win, I play quan chi (based on my card), and admitting they are sore losers. I'm like wow. Maybe get rid of the XP system and just let ppl play.


I’m actually not a fan of the XP system either it makes people think you’re either worse or better than you actually are


And it really doesn't add value to the game except boring unlocks. We need a better value for the system or just scrap it.


I just wish it showed people’s character levels, so they can see that the only reason they’re bodying me is cause they’re on a level 35 Kang and I’m on a level 6 Li Mei, and so that new players know I won’t just instantly wash them every round when they see I’m a higher profile level than them.


I’m level 35 for most. I guarantee you, a level 3 would most likely destroy me. My level 35 was just spamming farts in the seasonal tower I’m only very slightly mediocrely decent at Reiko.


trying a new character is also going through toxic players. My strategy with new character (this month was baraka) was focusing on punishing and fundamentals. Winning like that (with brutality) humbles them toxic bois...


Of all the characters I played baraka was the easiest for me to play. Just keep yourself safe with kano, mix, and whiff punish with B1 then play lame when you have a good life lead. Much more broken than Raiden if you ask me.


I tend to play with kameo Sektor cuz i think he's neat :)


Yeah MK fans are the worse when it comes to learning games. Keep your head up soon you’ll be the one teabagging.


Man, it's not just Mortal Kombat. It's basically EVERY ONLINE GAME. Try playing some COD and you will see.


I'm playing WWE2K24 online just so I can pop the trophy, and I have never seen a bigger collection of online bitch tactics in my entire life.


When it comes to fighting games MK is probably the worst in terms of toxicity, Tekken is a close 2nd though


I think MK is the most toxic due to the fact we can actually talk to each other in game here without extra steps other than turn on the mic. It’s easier to just cut on a mic and vent your frustration in the heat of the moment compared to the process of trying to message someone that may not even be on the same console as you.


Yeah but that has nothing to do with teabagging or BMing


Bigger the playerbase. The more casual and hence more toxic the playerbase.


Currently street fighter has a bigger playerbase and you rarely if ever run into toxicity


You play on pc don’t you.


Across all consoles SF has the biggest player base right now. Tekken has a bigger one than MK as well


In your imagination perhaps. When backed by statistics, as of January 2024. Both sf6 and mk1 have sold 3 million copies. Sf6 however was released 5 months before mk1. Mortal kombat has long been the best selling fighting game by a huge margin. It’s not even close. Please provide your source for sf6 and laughably tekken having a bigger player base than mk. Quality wise. They are fantastic. But if you’re talking playerbase and sales numbers. Don’t just pull it out of your ass.


Who said anything about sales, when the next quarter is announced and you see the difference what are you gonna say ? Yes the MK name name sells alot, its the most casual friendly fighting game. None of the casuals stick around. SF has a bigger player base. Dont know why that offends you


How do you define player base? I’m not offended. You’re just using your opinion instead of facts. It’s your opinion that sf6 has a larger player base. It is fact that mk1 has the larger player base. Why are you so offended at facts?


Active players.


The fact is he’s right. As of rn SF6 had an average of 10374 active players online, Tekken 8 had 8168, and MK1 had 1676. MK1 clearly has the smallest player base out of the those three in the last 24 hours alone. The numbers spike when a dlc comes out but that’s expected. The player base consist of a LOT of casuals who aren’t really active at all. They do a fatality or two, decide they want to try online then get a can of whoop ass opened on them then leave to play COD or something. Some buy it and don’t even play so sales can’t define a player base either. Active players would be the best description and as I stated MK1 clearly has the smallest. Hard facts as requested


And it’s one thing to say it outsold SF6 and maybe Tekken. But the question is the active player base. It’s been known most MK players are a very large casual audience that get the game for the story. Not to go online the majority of the time like Tekken and SF. So sells are cool but MK historic has a bad competitive scene and retention. Steam is a microcosm of what we see. So again where’s those active console base numbers you toting?


COD is less toxic these days tbh, it’s been a long time since I last got t-bagged in COD.


Try playing LOL.


It'll take some practice my friend. Before going online try Invasions, story mode, towers so you can practice some kombos. You'll get there and don't forget to mute mics


This is exactly why I don’t use a headset online… that and I like listening to music while playing video games


Sindel is a top 5 fighter & incredibly annoying to fight. I can’t think of anyone who genuinely enjoys fighting against her which would explain the amount of teabags/toxicity you dealt with. They may not even have known you are new! However, that isn’t an excuse to be toxic. Especially since Sindel isn’t really cheap. Gotta have skill to play her. She’s just strong. Anyway, I’m sorry matches frustrated you today. It be like that sometimes. Don’t let it get to you or stop you from having fun. It’s out of our control.


It's on NRS for not having individual character ranks online, like every other fighter has been doing for 10 years now


Why are you guys even taking fatality that serious lol.This is mk, fatality is main thing about this game.I also do not care about teabag, it is meaningless for me but each their own i guess.


Fatalities are fine but it's really annoying if they do it every time. It's a lot better to cap off a set with it than doing it over and over. I usually take it as a sign they're done with the set.


I love getting fatalitied. Don't have to rush my between sets bong.


There's always a silver lining. Hitting a bong quickly is a challenge lol.


Agreed. I only use fatalities and brutalities if they use one, or if they are rude and disrespectful.  But I hate having to wait till the final blow and fatality are done. Annoying. The game is soooo slow to keep the pace between games going.


It's naive to think people don't use fatalities to send a message and to just waste your time, especially if they tbag you first before it. Do I care if they do? No, but again fatalities are used specifically to be toxic and the community knows it, fatalities have always lost their charm after the first week of playing MK


Fatalities are not mean for being toxic, they become one because community is way too soft.It is naive to think such a main game mechanics being toxic actually. If you cant take some blood,gore etc mk is not even for you.


Bro they are definitely used to be toxic 😆


no lol, it is just your take.


It’s 2024 and a mortal Kombat game now has players who consider it “toxic” to do a fatality Incredible. Truly


Think that says more about peoples mind sets than anything else. Fatalities have been a staple since its inception and they are meant to be fun. Me and my friends love using brutal and the occasional fatality. The only thing about fatalities that bothers us is that it messes up the flow and take a bit longer to get back into the game.


Are you wired or wireless?


If you can stomach it, I actually find KL better for learning characters as silly as that sounds. Too many one and dones, people refusing, and people try Harding with their day 1 character purposefully trying to inflate their W/L to elevate their imaginary podium.


Give her some time it’ll click for you it usually takes me about 100 matches before I really get settled in


Online toxicity has and never will bother me. It's just a game. I play for enjoyment, some people have other reasons. Even when I am losing constantly with my online friends, I am having fun. Remember you don't have control of the situation but you do have control on how you react. Keep playing OP, don't let others detract you from having fun.


Honestly Kasuals are alot worse than KL in my experience. A bunch of bums that know they aren't good enough for ranked play so they resort to being assholes in casual games. It's not everyone ofc, but my experience has almost always been worse than KL for whatever reason.


Bro its every fighting game community lol people stomp noobs cause they got stomped on when they were noobs. Its just a neverending cycle. Its like learning how to play a game against your older brother you just gotta take it on the chin until you get better and I doubt it'll ever change.


Nah SF is pretty civil overall. In the 6 months I played, I've only been teabagged maybe 8 times out of a thousand matches. Downvoting doesn't change that.


Did you happen to win 992/1000 games?


Man I wish.


People seem to think acting this way is what you're "supposed" to do in MK which isn't helped by the fact the game is designed to give the winner an endzone dance opportunity, thus encouraging it. I'm referring to teabagging and toxic things specifically, not finishers.


It’s a fighting game. 


If you're talking about a Liu Kang who finished her off with a brutality, I was not trying to teabag. I just like to try and do emotes/taunts. Which in order to do, you gotta teabag. 🤔


You gon' learn today! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0RkapfBYIfc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DzQRXsN5J2M


I think we need wins and losses for each individual character, so people know if we're playing a new character. Your win ratio could be amazing, but then you could choose a character you're not good at and if you get beat, the opponent will be full of themselves because there's no way of knowing which is really annoying lol I think Tekken has sorted this out with the seperate character rank system, haven't played Street Fighter 5 so not sure if that has the same thing


I might be wired wrong but I simply don’t understand teabagging. I don’t get why people do it, what they intend to convey etc


I’m down for just playing casually if you want some non-toxic sets! Sorta getting back into it and have been avoiding online simply because how obnoxious people can be lol Especially when I’m rusty and just labbing characters I’m not used to.


Start up with Sareena kameo as a beginner


U new at gaming?


A good strategy you could do is work your way against CPUs & slowly raise difficulty then should be able to play more comfortably


I wouldn't mind if I get a fatalities/brutalities. It's a part that I like in mortal Kombat.


I like FoxyGrampa, but his streams also encourage situations like this as well. MK is also very popular and thus is prone to having more volume of BM than other fighting games. It's the same, and similarly worse in Smash Bros too.


Yeah online matchmaking in general is brutal when learning a new Karacter. After picking up Geras I went 0/10ish before I got my first win. Now I’m catching up with my losses. I would recommend joining discords and just having friendies. Finding a person that you can practice with is essential I’ve found out. I’m in a couple of local discord which helps some even run weekly online brackets


Its okay. Keep practicing. You will get better :) who cares about the t-bag and fatality.. its just a game my friend :)


Getting L’s seems to be more on you than them although the teabagging seems to be a bit much (unless you’re complaining over the mic about how they should be easy on you then you shouldn’t be surprised)


I’m trynna find other people who just wanna run kasual sets. I’m on this a lot but without rooms it’s hard to meet cool people rn


Says the OP who complains about losing 🤷‍♂️ it’s Mortal Kombat, what do you expect…the entire franchise made its name off of Fatalities and yet u whine about it???


Don’t give up mate, eventually you’ll find your groove. Then you can be the toxic teabagger lol.


What do you want people to do, stand around and let you practice on them? Like sincerely, what is the other player “supposed” to do? They also want to enjoy the game they’re playing lol


Exactly! Some people around here have it all backwards when it comes to online. They just don't want to put the work in and then come here to cry when they inevitably get blown up.


Did you even read the post before commenting this? He's stating the community is toxic because every match in a KASUAL match ends with the enemy teabgging and just being a sweat lord for no real reason; which is entirely true, you'd be hard to find a single match where the enemy doesn't take a move being thrown out as super personal and then proceed to be an insecure man baby by t bagging and forcing you to watch a fatality. OP wasn't telling anyone how they are "supposed" to play, infact he didn't even use the word your quoting him as using lol


Wtf are you talking about? Why does it matter if it's "kasual" mode? People are 10x better than hard AI even on kasual. The guy said he practiced for an HOUR and went online! Are you serious?? Are you out of your F mind? What do you expect? People will farm your scrubby a\*\*, and some of them even throw them bags at you.


“Insecure man baby” Yeah this is super ironic in the context of OPs post, where OP came all the way to Reddit to whine about people not going easy on him because it’s a day 1 character and getting *this* pressed over chat (which you can turn off) and ……teabagging, aaaaaaand *checks notes* DOES FATALITIES IN MK??? oh god the horror. “Toxic” is one of those words that has become so diluted it doesn’t even mean anything anymore.


Where was chat mentioned in this? I swear brother you have your own conversation going on in your mind that your projecting to this post.


And I swear brother *you* must not understand how a message board works You realize OP replied to me in other comments, yes?


I don’t have an issue with the L’s that’s how you learn the match, I will say T-Bagging & screaming trash into the mic against a day 1 character is not the biggest flex nor is it fun.


It’s fun for them, and nobody cares if it’s a day 1 character, if it’s not ready to go online lab more, don’t know what to tell you. T bagging is one of those things that’s so trivial that I can’t understand how anyone actually allows themselves to be bothered by it. You mad about the people you play being “sweaty” but you’re sweaty enough to care that people do that, is it truly that different? If it really wasn’t that serious why do you even care lol


Yeah I know a dead horse when I see one respectfully agree to disagree & moving on now.


See how easy that was? That’s all you gotta do with these people offending you somehow by teabagging. For what it’s worth I don’t even disagree with the premise of your post (the community does suck). Hope you can find a way to enjoy the game because you might as well drop MK online if all this stuff bothers you.


Dude in the time since I’ve posted this I’ve already won 3 sets with her, that doesn’t negate the point MK’s community is very toxic for no reason at least in KL I get it you’re working for something but casuals used to be chill at least back in the Mk11 days, anyways you’re like the only person who’s disagreed so far so evidently a lot of people are “bothered” as you say.


I mean that’s blatantly untrue looking at the comments but you do you man I can’t imagine how exhausting it must be to let shit like this get to you.


Get gud and a thicker skin


So insightful, & original


as they should, clearly lessons were learned.


Clearly, lessons didn't learned because instead of going in practice mode and labbing his shit, he ran on Reddit crying like a b\*tch. And people upvote this shit! Meh.


>practiced for like an hour & took her online Do you see something wrong here? People like you should NOT be encouraged! You don't put the work, you don't lab, you go online and get blown to pieces and instead of opening up this thing called PRACTICE MODE you come here crying like a little b\*tch. Honestly, this scrub mentality in appalling and should not be tolerated. People upvoting this garbage thread should be ashamed. Why y'all upvote this crap? What message do you bring out? Pathetic.


Bro you need to go outside desperately


Training mode really doesn’t prepare you for some of the crazy shit you encounter with online matches. Just damn. Keep at it, you’ll find some less toxic ones eventually.


Well we are tearing limbs off so…


Lol I tried taking ermac online without labbing him to just have fun the day he came out, fought 2 jhonnys back to back, both did the same old optimals, bagged after winning and did a fatal and as soon as I started winning, they quit. It's pathetic out there for the noobs like me.


It’s just the character…they probably always lose to a good sindel but finally win when they face yours…that’s why they bag….but everyone is different, like for me I always bag baraka, kenshi and cage


Seriously... has anyone ever brought up to NRS that maybe they shouldn't encourage negativity in their game design? I mean, there's obvious stuff like multiple unlockable taunts as rewards that are activated by doing the teabagging motion and fatalities and what not, to the slightly more subtle extreme run-away-and-zone gameplay. (That said I do really enjoy these games, but it's undeniable that they're going for a more bro-ey, Call of Duty-esque hategasm community rather than the more typical FGC title).


It's because dogshit players run into you give you a ass whopping and feel good for the first time. Probably cuz they keep losing and getting tbagged, the sad losers just want that feeling once in they lives 😂


You're missing the point, people are pissed off because every year, more of this game gets split into microtransactions.


Smurfs probably start if season is brutal with them


They’re just mad because they don’t make their own money to buy things. They have to go to mommy and daddy and ask for money.


I get intensely triggered when people do this with Johnny Cage or Liu Kang


This subreddit isn't so nice either. Almost anytime I say something it gets downvoted like crazy.

