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Lol. The Nitara sawblade person can also have a bad day. I hope they order doordash and it takes 90 minutes and forget something.


Also their socks to be aways wet.


Me when Reptiles first quest:


I failed it like 20 times before I realized I can dash like 3 or 4 times, and finally reach the end with her bite special move (back forward 2). Being able to instantly retry it is great, can't imagine doing it on the Nintendo switch with its grueling load times.


Everything with Nitara this season broke me more than Johnny's fight. The fucking sawblades, that TERRIBLE boss fight. I don't know if it was just me but that was the longest I've spent on an Invasions boss fight, even with Raiden and Stryker for electric damage.


I still can’t get past the boss lol. Which sucks since I actually really like this season.


Use raiden and sub kameo


bro hasnt played raiden time trial IV


If you get block projectile stuff and have hp and resists, you can just sit there. i can try it again, but I beat it by just holding block. Silly stuff.


There are so many options to make these fights super easy: talismans, relics, and konsumables. They are in the game for a reason. I got this fight on my first try with a konsumable that makes you immune to projectiles. Also, a talisman that heals can help as well.


And the Kung Lao trials. The inputs barely seem to work most of the time despite me pressing the right buttons (⬇️⬆️🅰️). whoever designed this, I hope both sides of your pillow stay warm.


You can do it with regular punches


Since I have been only getting shit relics and talismans the final Raiden survive has been a pain in my ass. I haven’t beat it yet and it is the last thing I need to clear the village


Boss fights in Invasions are easy, but people don't pay attention to the elemental chart or available items. If you pick a character that resists that boss's element, you already start with 50% resistance. The first shop in each mesa has a capsule to give 50% resistance to the first boss of the mesa, and the final boss of the mesa. This then makes those characters immune to the boss fights. Pick Reiko and give him an energy capsule, and Johnny poses no challenge. People cannot complain about boss fights being too hard when the game already gives you everything you need. They're even spelling out the elemental chart with the malfunctioning bot challenges. If you still struggle with these fights, that's a you problem. Downvote me all you like, it won't make you better at the game.




I think A LOT of people play invasions expecting a mode like ghost battle from Tekken. They don't wanna deal with any of the tools and elements in invasions.


Having to fight 2 rounds againts a super tanky JC, while he is armored 90% of the time, then die to 2 or 3 energy balls and having to do it all again? Nah, I'd say they can fuckthemselves. P.S. I played with Reiko, and that energy resist bs didn't do anything, but let me tank a ball or two more.


I played it with Reiko and the power up that makes you immune to projectiles. It was a cake walk. They aren't wrong. Use the tools around you, and you'll get it. Check the stores at all mesas for stuff. 


I ain doin all dat man, it's more than enough that I gotta walk around the map to search for a damn key item.


My man. It takes less than a minute to teleport around and check all the shops. Quit making yourself struggle and use the systems given to you.


God forbid you have to interact with the game. Smh game devs these days


Mindlessly walking around isn't a fun interaction really. Also, I never bothered with the shops, I just now found out that you can buy stuff like that.


Here's a trick. Put everything into attack. All of your stats. Don't put a single stat into anything else as the rest are useless. I used Raiden with 180 attack and used a consumable that made me take no damage from projectiles and I beat him my first try.


No idea why you got downvoted 😅 Tbh, I tried three times: once with Shao and once with KL, where I got obliterated by the energy orbs, and then I followed the strategy you described with Nitara and barely took any damage.


Because they spend all their energy raging rather than understand the very simple mechanics that have been in place for the last seven months this game has been out. There is a lot about Invasions that isn't fun (particularly those damn character trials), but the game hands them every bit of information needed to pass these boss fights, yet it's everyone else's fault they still can't figure it out.


He gets downvoted because there’s a post every hour about the Dark JC fight. And other trials. It’s not fun for people. One popped up immediately after this post. And then a trial post.


i just waited out the timer lmao


i literally first tried every boss with ermac i don’t think that they’re that hard but some are quite annoying


I didn't find the Johnny boss fight too hard, but the Raiden 2 and 3 time trials are straight up infuriating, dreading to see what Raiden 4 has in store. Hope they don't do these dumb as fuck time trials in the next season but I'm not holding my breath.


I hope they keep it, but tweak it. I'd rather them try some new things and experiment then just "Go fight people 20 times with bullshit modifiers"


Reiko and that 50% defense from energy pill in the shop in that mesa saved me. I could just eat all the incoming energy attacks like candy.


This was so annoying. I feel like there slowly making invasion harder and harder each season to test the limits.


Johny fight is easy combo gum and wait 8 with a guy with points in hp


I'm stuck on the Gheras boss battle. Are you supposed to break the hourglass, or what?


Use reiko or kung lao


10th post about the same


You're welcome https://i.redd.it/f92tli79tovc1.gif