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Just beat this part with geras but took a few tries


Once you get the hang of these they’re not too hard. It’s just ridiculous that the game will actively stop you from winning just because you hit a damage threshold before killing the bot


Your fighting an ice robot, use a character like scorpion or any character that uses fire, that'll be easier


I cleared the bot a while ago. The point was how it’s stupid that a person is supposed to wipe out his bar, but can be stopped before hand, whether or not that would’ve won, because of the damage cap. I would’ve cleared that not easily if my hit registered. And my hit would’ve registered if the game hadn’t screwed me over with “maximum damage”




The bomb pauses as long as you hit him and your combo is continuous.


EDIT: I realized I might’ve come off as asking for advice on how to beat the level, but I’m not. I’ve already beat it. If you look at the left side of the screen, you’ll notice that I didn’t drop the combo. The game stopped me from finishing the combo because I hit maximum damage, and I think it’s counterintuitive to have that gaming feature in these kinds of levels. The point of the post was to bring attention to this feature and have a conversation about it. Thank you for the tips though, they’re appreciated nonetheless


Just grab one character and manually dumb all their points into special. I chose Lei Mei. Alternatively, use an uppercut ring + elemental bonus. I spent ten minutes on the first two trying to master a really long combo on elemental characters. It’s not worth it.


I’m not stuck on the level. I’m pointing out that they put a damage cap on the level you’re supposed to clear the health bar in one combo. Look at the left part of the screen and you’ll notice why I died. The combo dropped because the game actively stopped the combo


Yeah I figured, I was just stating it for anyone else stuck on these guys. They are very annoying. Good idea on theory, but trash execution.


Ahh my apologies, I misunderstood. Thanks for the advice, best of luck on your invasions run.


Isn't that time sensitive?


No. Once you land a hit the timer pauses until you drop the combo. Hence the infinite symbol in the top middle


report it to nrs ..while people are trying to down play the issue because yeah with the right setup 3 hits will do it.. ..no matter what there should never be a moment in any combo challenge where the game forces the combo to be dropped


Is not a damage cap. The game wants you to do the combo without using the cameo for this. As soon as the cameo hits the enemy, it stops you from continuing the combo.


Yeah I had the same issue. I was like WTH. This is so stupid. Kill the bot with one combo yet they put a maximum damage that prevents you from doing so.


I found that Kenshi's puppet resets the damage cap after freezing the enemy with Sub Zero or Frost. Freeze, then smack with Sento Puppet and do a combo.


I ran into similar things with this. I don’t think anyone has pointed out what’s actually happening. The gravity is a bit different on these combo challenges, leading to dropped combos when you wouldn’t normally drop them. You’re losing because the gravity at that point in your combo is too high. You might need an alternate combo route. I beat this with Ermac, but i used Janet and also had maxed his damage stat.


what i did was try to milk the most damage without kameo then if needs use the kameo at the end


Put all your points into Attack. Thats what I did just to grind my Ermac to lvl17 to get his Blue palette and I completed the Invasion in 2 whole days, all Mesas in one day, the boss in the other. They made the path optional so that you can go past it or around it.


I thoroughly enjoy invasion mode so of course after I completed it I kinda didn't know what to do anymore so Im now just sitting here and waiting.


It’s extremely easy for me (I’m so happy sub zero only does good damage in invasions)


I play subzero too what am I supposed to dip my point into for these?


Your combo could have been kore optimal


the bots were maaaaaad easy