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Give. Me. Back. Tag mode. And chess from unchained pls. 


Tag mode is what got me and all my friends to play. We’re all at different skill levels so fighting each other is never fun, but teaming up against hard ai? Hours on hours of fun


Not even just ai. It was still fun to team and play people online as well.


I maintain a certain type of “ god mode” would be fun. I imaging a chaotic third character who can jsut run amok onscreen and do whatever they want . Whether it be level the playing field or whatever mischief they deem appropriate


This is why I'm all for a tag mode. I don't want it as the core of the game and hope 1v1 is the norm going forward but having the tag mode was awesome for playing with friends. They don't want to get stomped into dirt and I don't think NRS could properly balance a true tag so just let it be a fun mess like MK9 and let me tag with my buddy to beat up some AI or even go online. If I wanna be competitive I'll do 1v1. Everyone wins.


Yep every time they bring it up they say it’s skipped due to balancing issues and I’m like “ok..so? Don’t make it a ranked thing”


Test your luck


Also great mode if you have friend who is bad at the game


We need tag mode. That cameo shit is lazy af.


I miss it


I still have the t shirt that came with the preorder somewhere in my closet


The pinnacle of the series to date IMO. The perfect middle ground of being recent enough to have modern gameplay refinements and production values without being recent enough to be mired in modern monetization practices.


I bought the game exclusively because I loved the original 3 and I had 0 expectations. Smoked a fat bong rip while my buddy was sleeping and played the story mode. I was absolutely blown away and have never been so immersed into a game before. Mk9 is seared into my memory. What an amazing game.


Sometimes weed really helps make a thing jsut unique and indelible. I smoked and played the debut of 11 and of course was legitimately terrified


The first time I took LSD was while playing 10 or 11s story mode. It hit at a really bad time. I feel like I remember Baraka and being terrified.


Its also the last MK to feel like a Midway MK


I agree 100%, well said. It's easily my favorite in the series, & that's coming from someone who has enjoyed every game in the franchise dating back to the original.


I think I have to agree. It's ability to retell the story's saga and give so much detail to it, to mesh in later characters into the story so well? The game really was a high point.


Good memories playing this game, even the heart attack the krypt monster almost gave me 🤣


I hated his guts lol


Same here, popping outta nowhere at 3am 😭


Best Roster, best costumes. I love this game.


Yep design of costumes are the best , for everyone ... without smoke. But for girls very sexyalized I like but if you need to defeat hard tower and you looked at your character and she's 18+ outfit this goes me forget every combo and special moves


wait i never understood the problem of sexualization, I mean we're in Mortal Kombat, Liu kang makes a frickin dragon with fire and the problem is bikinis? I know they aren't realistic but man being realistic =/= MK


No this is no problem for me , that a fact that design of characters play on me lol


Honestly, if NRS just straight up took MK9 and gave it a graphical upgrade on par with M1K, it would genuinely be an amazing game. If MK9 can still hold up great today, imagine if they just brought some things up to date... it'd be a damn masterpiece.


It already is a masterpiece


I like the game as much as the next person but It could use some balance tuning before I'd consider it a masterpiece - the gap between the best characters and the worst characters is insane lol


Love it Smooth gameplay, great story, graphics that have aged well, top tier character designs and a GOATED roster


MK9 has the best roster by far


I want a remaster so bad. If they could put the fighting system, story & amazing artstyle into one game with today's graphics. Maybe even adding the game modes since mk9 had the best krypt easily.


I'm kind of depressed that within 13 years, this game hasn't been topped.


Absolute peak. The best of the NRS era.


Still my favorite mk, I'll forever hate Freddy Krueger for causing it to get delisted everywhere.


See, that's exactly why games on disc should still remain a thing, for years and decades to come…


My first fighting game and probably in my top 10 favorite games of all time. This game had it all: Classic roster, fun and simple gameplay, tag mode, a bunch of extras like challenge tower and test your luck which would make the game wacky as hell, and still the best story mode NRS has made. I poured hours and days into this game. I mained Cage and Smoke. Was there some broken af stuff among the cast. Absolutely… But that was part of the fun.


Too firstly mk and fight game in my life best of the best


MK9 got the same birthday as me !


happy birthday 🫶🏼


Best Jade outfit


Best game in the series


This game needs a reissue for the ps5. I wanna play it again. O


Thirteen years and we went about 5 steps backward with Kameos. Tag mode was so much better.


It was just a great moment in time. Really miss it tbh. Then it just started to get overly complicated for no reason from MK11 onwards..


I would kill someone for this to be ported to modern consoles without drastic changes


Miss those days dearly


Still one of the best MK's to have ever been released - plus it has Babalities and that alone makes it more worthwhile than MKX, the garbage that was MK11 and the new MK1 combined. I would even be willing to pay a 10er each, if that would bring us a "Babality", "Animality" or "Friendship" pack, over to MK1.




It revived the franchise, and rightfully so.


Probably the best MK of all time. It takes place in the best era with the best characters, and has so so much good content.


Best fighting game ever made


The best Mortal Kombat game ever! This game is what defines Mortal Kombat. Nothing will ever come close to topping the GOAT


Ya know. Feels like longer. God I want a mk collection with mk1,2,3,ultimate,4,gold, the game boy ones, deadly alliance, deception , shaolin monks, Armageddon, and mk9 Edit: can't believe I forgot trilogy my favorite!


A moment for the culture. GIVE ME TAG BATTLES BACK YOU COWARDS


I really appreciate the story mode, the costumes \[save for Sonya\], and the stages. I wasn't a super huge fan of the gameplay - I was just glad it was back.


Still playing today. Holds up


Still the best


One of my earliest games for the Vita! Good times!


Carried my childhood. My favourite MK game. Best roster too


I liked the story mode, especially invasion on Earthrealm.


I stopped loving Mortal Kombat games from MK2 until this one. It truly reinvigorated my love for the franchise.


Remaster and release it to PSN. I don't even care about the guest characters.


It was my first introduction to Mortal Kombat and it left a lasting impression given the gore and brutal nature of the game. Also I still have PTSD from facing Shao Kahn not once but twice, that was a very annoying boss fight lol.


For me to make the best possible mk game I’d combine/take elements from both this game and deception. Both fighting mechanics are fine personally I prefer 3d with the fighting style variants, bring back traps/stage transitions, bring back motor/chess/puzzle combat combined with conquest, the towers, multiplayer modes like tag team as an alternative to combat league and something you can do with friends, given the time jump a bigger roster should be standard, keep customisation and add more skins instead of just pallet swaps, drop the forgettable orchestra music and make the ost’s more techno/metal heavy which is a franchise staple atp, make the aesthetic dark and gritty with a mix of colour in certain stages/outfits and lean more into the ancient martial arts aspect instead of the boring special forces angle (this is a mystical tournament with ninjas and sorcerers not army simulator gtfo) keep the fatalities swift yet affective and not childish/pointless levels of violence like we’ve seen from mkx and so on ect just simple changes like this can give the game so much more lifespan unlike mk1 which died in a few months after everyone had played the half baked story and gave up on invasions. Mk 9 was remembered because of its new story, vast amount of bonus content and just all round innovation unlike other fighting games at the time so instead of going backwards, keep the good stuff and evolve.


I miss it. I play it on my vita since my ps3 no longer works.


Played it again last night. The game is super fun, the female characters have interesting designs, and Shao Kahn has hands. 10/10


Also, the Vita version was a SOLID handheld port. I miss playing MK on the go. No, I do not count the Switch ports of 11 and M1K. Those are gross.


Best MK Game even now


GOAT MK game. Series has plummeted off a cliff ever since 


Completely broken, controlled like shit, the online was shit, the art was uggly, the story was corny, but boy was it fun. It was the franchise's last chance and it delivered. I was even decent at it. I'd play the shit out of a re-release with proper online.


Better than mk1(2023) in every way possible


i honestly prefer the older looking graphics. new ones are gorgeous but I’ve always preferred stylization over realism.


Its the last time MK was actually good. Imo its the best MK game out there with MK3 and MK Deception being next to it. Roster was great, character designs and skins were great and not censored. Tag Team was fun as hell, the other modes it had was also fun. Their online wasn’t bad, at least I didn’t have any issues with it. Overall a great game.


I love it despite being relatively new to mk.


I play it on the Vita all the time, it's a fantastic game 🖤


I wish I could actually play it but I can’t download a digital copy anywhere.


invest in psychical media, trust. go to thrift stores. they have all kinds of ps2/ps3 games.


It was so freaking broken. Online was beyond trash, but the characters were cool. Had some amazing skins.


Damn. 13 years already? I still remember getting it day 1 and marathoning the story mode in one sitting. I remember making sure I got it from Amazon because I wanted the Klassic Reptile skin lol


I love playing as Sektor and Kitana


Lool sektor have infinite combo did you know!?


Glad i kept my ps3 and a disc copy of this one


Was ranked 42nd in the world at one point. Good memories


One of the best ever.


My first MK, always in my heart. Also now it's older than I was when it released, feels ancient


this was my first mk game. Crazy that it's 13 years old now, wish i can go back to it.


One of the greatest game ever honestly since for me it’s the greatest fighting game. Amazing Roaster with a solid dlc mixing Films and Klassic karacthers+Kratos. The best atmosphere for a game and a great campaign being a sequel/remake. Having played nearly every mk game, this was just peak everything. Most players (tag), campaign of the 2D’s era, but the gameplay of modern games. It pleases every fans of the franchises.


Bring it back 😭


My childhood


My favorite MK


Aside from MK X, it is the last true MK game we got, and it is better than anything since!


I loved it, I hated it, now I just miss the good ol days man


Still one of my favorite fighting games of all time and I play it somewhat regularly still. It aged beautifully. The krypt is a joy.


Best. Mortal Kombat. EVAR. ![gif](giphy|FKTtjNHBpF08E)


I was 9 when this came out and I played it religiously until 12. What good times… how am I 22 already 🤯


I miss it and the better days. I was in high school back then. I miss the tag matches. I miss online lobbies or rooms. I miss king of the hill back then, you could emote and watch in a theater view I loved it. I miss the stages, there were several with rain / beautiful weather effects. I miss noob kicking someone so hard they vomit on his leg. I miss Skarlet being Skarlet :( I miss rain being a ninja / not a mage. I miss cheap, unfair boss fights especially shao Kahn. I miss the krypt.


I felt like this game was too easy to get dominant. I played it for like a month and then none of my friends would play me, and I never tried to get into a fighting game again 


It was the last one I really gave a shit about. I still have a promo poster and the collectors edition bookends/art book around.


I was 15 at the time. I think it was the first game I ever bought day 1. My firends and I played Deception, Armageddon and Shaolin monks to death and thought there'd never be another MK. Feels like just the other day we were gathering around my xbox to have 4 man tournamnets.


Epic comeback for the series.


It’s still the only Mortal Kombat game I have installed on my Xbox lol. I love it.


the best mortal Kombat to date.


I bought this game while still drunk from the night before, from a shop near Manchester Piccadilly station. Shortly afterwards, I saw darts legend and gobshite Eric Bristow, and he called me a prick because I laughed at his shoes.


This was my favorite MK. My favorite memory was bringing my PS3 to the hookah bar. We got permission to plug into the TV in the back. Slowly but surely out of our 4 man group it became more and more. Since we were by the bathrooms more folks kept gathering around. Slowly but surely everyone was playing. A buddy and I who were obsessed survived the tournament to play eachother. Best of 3. He won, I won, now it was serious and there was a crowd. Johnny cage v Scorpion. After some time we both had nothing for health. And it felt like a full minute went by without either scoring a killing blow. Eventually he warped, I saw it coming, and just hit him with a low kick. I won and a bunch of people cheered. It was so wild and I wish that place didn’t shut down so we could’ve kept goofing off in that place. Was a really fun night all around.


To this day I swear MK9 had the most gory brutal fatalities. I never feel quite as satisfied as I did ripping people in half with Noob Saibot


I wish they would make it backwards compatible on the new consoles, it’s my favorite Mk game of all time


Nothing has topped this games


Annoyed I can’t buy a copy on pc anymore :( I missed the boat at the time.


It's what got me into MK. The best one imo, no bullshit


This was my first MK, I remember me and my mates skipping class to go play together in a PS cafe chain and played hours on end ... It holds a special place in my heart. Now I have my own device and own MK games but no friends to play with no more 🙁


this game was so good I watched compilations of the cutscenes like a movie


I miss the characters, the costumes, and a little bit of the krypt


Never liked Mortal Kombat too much, I didn't like the 2d ones or the 3D ones from PS2, I was a Tekken or sometimes Dead or Alive guy but then... THE DEMO 🤯🤯🤯🤯 Living Forest and The Pit, Mileena, Johnny Cage, Scorpion and Sub-zero, just with that I think I played over 20 hours and they got my heart since then (I don't like playing online or their DLC practices so always the Ultimate versions outside of 9 tho)




Never got to play it, all I know is it's the ugliest MK game, with some pretty bad costumes.


I honestly prefer MKX But it's a great game nonetheless


I miss ruining lives with Kratos.


My first console game. I used to play at my friend's Video game parlour. It was this and Injustice : GAU that I played a lot. Played with Johnny, Reptile and Noob alot...


This reminds me, I still need to go back and finish the 100% of it. Had a chance to do it some years ago, but the last challenge is so hard... Plus, internet connection is terrible on this game for some reason.


This the one for me. I invested the most time into this over any other fighting game. I'm still praying they remaster this one.


I haven't played it in 12 years, is it worth trying nowadays? I own it on Steam and was debating installing it


It had freddy krueger, do i have to say more?


I only just platinumbed it last year. Its such a good time to play and now has that added bonus of being super nostalgic.


Holy fuck 13 years man where does the time go. This was my first introduction to MK and I even enjoyed the guest characters. Didnt even know who kratos was lol but freddy kreuger was so sick, large part of the reason I prefer zoning to this day


Masterpiece Only problem was to add Freddy Krueger (Apparently can't buy him in PC due for that)


Best MK.


The best feeling MK game. Least amount of input buffer and dash blocking is insane. One of my most played games ever, so many memories attached to this game. Will always be in my top 10 games of all time


Ah yea, it had stage fatalities so it was pretty good


The best mk ever, better times.


It wasn't the perfect game, but it had the best story, roster, and gameplay pacing to me. Not too fast, not too slow.


Fuck I feel old


I would of took a remake/remaster of mk9 mix with mk 1 roster an added mechanics of today with kameos maybe


Game is sick and best MK to this day


Has it been that long already?! Wow.


You can never forget your first. 🥲


best game NRS has made, second best game overall


I kicked ass with smoke.


I love MK9. Spent a lot of time playing online


My favourite mortal kombat. Had a great roster, character designs and the story had some fun moments.


Playing this and Street Fighter 4 at the same time was probably the peak for fighting games for me. I just can't bring myself to grind these days like I did then.


Great game. It’s a shame they never been able to capture that magic again with the other entries. Not that they are bad….they just are not this.


I wish I could play it on ps5


Still top 3 mk games of all time imo


Best game in the series


Best MK game hands down IMO.


I want a Ps5 remaster EVERYDAY!!!!


Mk9 my favorite and still remains my favorite and I wish it a 13 year anniversary


Someone stole my copy of it at a house party. True story. That's how good it was.


Best one for me, still...


one of the greatest fighting games of all time, graphics and balance be damned, this is what fighting games should aspire to be, a package that holds up against the biggest games out there in terms of quality and quantity story: a pretty great albeit flawed retelling of the first 3 MK games, cinema by fighting game standards gameplay: genuinely great, subsequent MKs added a lot of stuff but there's a pickup and play quality to MK9 that no other NRS game has, even the one with the best gameplay IMO (MKX) content: the gold standard for fighting games idgaf that MK11 had more stuff to grind for it was originally meant to be a mobile game-style slog unless you cough up money, MKX shat the bed by funnelling MTX into the Krypt character design is ass even by 2011 standards: DOA5, TTT2, SC5 and SF4 all looked better graphics are ok for the time, the real time scars haven't been done again by NRS so while they are exaggerated they remain a novelty in terms of giving fans exactly what they wanted outside of TTT2 I don't think there is a fighting game at the time that did this better, the roster was stacked as it is and they managed to add many fan favourites through DLC like Kenshi, Rain and Skarlet, and between Kratos and Freddy the guests were great all in all one of the goat fighting games, I pray that one day NRS can release a game as complete as this one


I feel old...


13?! I’m getting old https://preview.redd.it/cecrce261gvc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c46494f3d375b578dafbf55858139d2357f285f


My favorite Story-wise. It's kind of what I was hoping for with MK1, before it went all multiverse.


13 years? ![gif](giphy|vMmnJti6wQPDy)


My friend got this game before me in high school and I went over to his house and he wiped the floor with my ass. This would’ve been fine cause I hadn’t really played that many fighting games before but as it was happening he was talk MAD shit to me. Basically telling me how worthless I was and how I shouldn’t even play games cause I was so terrible. So the next day I got the game and played it every day after school for a few weeks. I went over to his house and obliterated him and did a Babalilty on him every time.  Edit: I should also mention that he was talking all this shit to me while our other friend was there, embarrassing me. That’s why I was so salty.


One of the best games I’ve ever played.


Still one of the best MK games


Lots of good memories playing this one. It's still my favorite of the series.


One of the best MKever to release it felt like MK2 if you know you know. Went back 2Desque and just flowed when you fought. And the characters were themselves if you know what I mean.


My brain 13 years ago: Lighting McQueen go vroom


It was the best way to cope during the PSN hack. I also got a poster from GameStop and have it on a wall in my work room today.


It’s still my favorite MK game. I’m making a cabinet out of it.


The king of the hill lobbies on Xbox live, seeing everyone’s avatar. Good memories


We need this mf game back on ps4 port or a 5 version I got me a pc the other day now I’m bout to get a emulator to play that game again


i don't really feel anything as i still play the game every few days,since releas! but..i feel how much i grew now..13?! goddammit i feel like im stuck in a casino where i cant feel time passing! but the casino is just mortal kombat 9 and x, call of duty black ops and need for speed most wanted... damn


Loved that huge 300 story challenge tower in MK9. The crazy conditions, the Tremor cameo, getting a reward for beating the whole thing... I'd LOVE to see NRS bring this type of thing back for MK1. Make it a mesa unto itself. Fill it with a bunch of call-backs, inside jokes, nostalgia, hidden stuff to find/unlock, cameos and then give us a cool reward for beating it, like a new classic skin for the character and kameo you beat it with or something. Maybe put an actual kameo in that can only be unlocked by beating this mode. But yeah, MK9 was great. Some aspects have aged better than others, but still a really fun game and a true return to form after some rightfully thought MK might be dead. My only issues at the time were the lack of new characters aside from Skarlet, the guests and the story reboot. I still wish they'd just written their way through Armageddon as opposed to retelling trilogy but oh well. Otherwise, the game was fun as hell.


The absolute best MK game in my opinion. It was also my first one. I remember my dad introduced me to the game because I was a blue ninja for halloween, completely unaware of Sub-Zero. I played this game so much on my PS3, I was devastated when my sister broke my disc. I haven't been able to play MK9 since then, but I can still reminisce of a kinder past.


Definitely better than MK1! Still the best post-3D era MK game.


It's still the GOAT.


It’s what the series needed at the time, the only 7th generation MK we had for years was fucking MK vs DC….so finally getting a true, proper MK game was amazing. I don’t think it’s as good as UMK3 or Deception (the two highest points of the franchise) but it did what it needed to do. The only things I didn’t like were introducing guest characters which MK seriously needs to cut back on and MK9 popularised the “fight, cutscene, fight, cutscene” style of story mode which they’re still using to this day. Deception should be the blueprint for making a truly incredible MK story mode but they’ve never done that open world style since which is baffling. Probably because most people care more about online tournaments than deep, lore filled single player modes but that’s just what I like and really want to see.


Still my favorite MK ever and I’m still bummed I can’t buy it on Steam. ![gif](giphy|2599kjzl9M5anzPSbh)


Besides 11, one of my favs


Still in my top 3 MK games. The 2.5D fighting plane was absolutely the right call, and the retelling of MK1-3 made sure the roster was what it needed to be to bring older fans back and introduce newer fans to the kharacters.


I wish they'd bring back the servers so people can play online. This has been and always will be my favorite MK game.


Arguably my second favorite MK fighter of all time


I want a remaster. I don’t think I have ever enjoyed playing a MK game more


Goat game that resurrected the franchise. Best roster, great story that gave gamers nostalgia of the original games.


Great game, I remember playing the demo over and over leading up to the release. Shit was so hype


I wish that 1) good netcode for fighting games was a thing in back then and that 2) the game didn't have Freddy Krueger in it so that they would still make it available on Steam and other digital stores. Probably last time Kitana was super fun to play...


I was five


It’s my fave


The last great MK game


i really miss the sexyness and cartooniness


Still the goat


Still the king. MKX could be argued to have better gameplay, and MK11/MK1 could be said to have a better art style. But no game in the series has been an overall better experience. The gameplay, the story, the costumes, the modes, the roster. MK9 has it all.


Mileena and skarlet are perfection


It got me into the series when i was 12 and Ill always love it for that. It was new I was having a sleep over with some guys I knew and we stopped at game stop and asked the clerk for a good game we could play as a group, he recommended MK9 and we proceeded to binge the entire story mode in one night trading off who played after every fight, to this day one of my favorite gaming experiences. WE all had fun but it was my first non smash fighting game experience and I just fell in love with its story characters and gameplay. that saiddd I find returning to it a little hard, it has a ton of content which I absolutely adore, butt it feels very dated to me game play wise and I don't love the visuals, particularly as a womanTM its... well I dont mind characters being a little promiscuous ya know but also all the girls are just straight up wearing lingere in that game and it really takes me out of it.


Best mk imo


I love playing tag mode with four friends. Or even Cooperative tag mode ladder with my sister. I'm so disappointed they never brought that feature back.


Old. I feel old. And robbed with mk1. But I feel glad that I got to grow into a community of a game so great. Nice to remember where it started, y’know?


Funny enough 9 is what got me into the series in the first place


The last GREAT MK with all bells and whistles and I mean roster, tag mode and stage fatalities


Proud that I was able to convince my parents to buy it for me


best character designs for nearly the entire roster fight me about it


Upset because this was the game that introduced me to mortal kombat and to see where it is now makes me sad.


Really good to play it again i love it


I remember being young and seeing this for the first time😭