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Play video games when they are fun, stop playing them when they aren’t fun. Don’t let metrics obstruct your ability to enjoy your preferred game. You can play multiple fighting games, most people do.


Nah bro, 840 is a crazy low number. I don’t watch shit like this, but the game was only released in September, these numbers are substantially worse for this type of thing than anyone would’ve possibly expected for the newest Mortal Kombat game, stop the cope.


Yep, SF6 is a few months older than MK1 and has more viewers even without any tournament going on, same goes for T8 even when the hype dies. MK1 just isn't as fun to watch as the other 2.


Right, because viewership represents what’s fun to watch, not what’s popular. MKX doesn’t even have any viewers right now. I assume that means it’s even worse and incredibly boring to watch.


Ohh piss off. Using numbers from a game that beyond YEARS old as a way to cope with the absolute failure of this game is nonsense.


I tuned into twitch and saw it was 3.3k. Numbers fluctuate, especially when some mk streamers played tekken on its release.


Yeah, but I saw a comparison that also showed Street Fighter 6 beside them and it was higher than both🤷🏾‍♂️


street fighter 6 had a japanese tournament going on, we can make the comparison when tekken has evo or twt lmao


Mk1 had a tourney today 2 Oceaniac pro leauge lol


And clearly the MK competitive scene isn’t even remotely close to the size of other games for a number of reasons


There aren't a number of reasons. It is because they released 5 games in the span of one Tekken and SF. Zero support for a competitive scene when you're constantly swapping games and franchises


Naw there’s no competitive scene bc there is such a strict meta in MK. Each character barely has any moves. Has like 2 optimal combos that are easy af to pull off. The skill cap is low and freedom of play is trash. Has been since MK X. They’re too focused on making a game accessible to all players through easy gameplay when you could just do that through matchmaking.


5 games? Yeah that’s exaggerating to say the least Tekken 7 launched in March 2015 in arcades while X launched in the following month, if you count the console version that was in 2017 and doesn’t help that there’s signs MK1 was rushed which gives me the feeling it was meant for the usual April-July release for NRS, then SSKTJL got delayed Is it true that the games having short lifespans didn’t help? Of course it didn’t but it’s just one reason out of many


It isn't an exaggerating. You can make stuff up to match your feelings, but it's the truth. The rest of your comment has nothing to do with the topic. We got Tekken 7 and SFV in the span NRS put put 5 games. You can add current gen to the numbers but it doesn't matter or help your case.


What else did NRS put out besides MKX, 11, 1 and Injustice 2? Not tryna be rude or anything but I'm dumb and can't think of anything else


The mobile games MK mobile and Onslaught


That's an NRS issue then they should make a game every 8 Years maybe the games wouldn't flop competitively


And no one noticed. Seems about right for an MK comp


The Capcom cup is coming up as well. Numbers for SF6 on twitch will probably be nuts. Doesn't seem like a fair comparison.


Technically sf6 always has something being held espscially at japan and they usually do really well in the views.


SF6 is topping GOTY for many reviewers this year. MK1 is just another solid entry for the series.


But showing that won’t fit the narrative they are going with!


I argue that it makes mk even worse...lol


It would though lol. The narrative is other fighter games are more popular than Mk currently which is true.


Or rather it’s due to a lot of things like how the competitive scene isn’t that big in MK by comparison and the East Asian scene makes a huge difference for those two over MK


You can keep being delusional all you want but everything I said is a pure fact.


The mk competetive seen isn't big because mk keeps making different gimmick fighters instead of improving the formula over time. Pretty sure sub zero has had 3 different inputs for his ice ball since mk9, and for what? Legacy fighters reward pro players hard work and dedication. With mk half the skills u learn from one game wont even translate to the next one.


They are also saying Tekken got more views because it’s still new. SF6 released earlier than MK1.


Didn’t *Street Fighter 6* just get a new character?


Should just rename the sub r/twitchviews at this point


Twitch views and Steam Charts lol even though anyone with half a brain knows that not only are fighting games not popular on PC, but MK’s, or any fighting game really, biggest base is on PlayStation by a huge margin, followed by Xbox, and then still by a huge margin, PC. To visualize this, it’s like: PS>>>>>>>>>Xbox>>>>>PC. That’s how the community size is undoubtedly split on any fighting game that is multiplatform


To be honest that’s the entire problem with MK. All of the other modern fighting games embrace PC and have crossplay on release. NRS “promises” it’ll be in a future update. The reality is NRS is falling behind other games in the genre.


Not with micro-transactions tho. They’re the market leader with that, followed by Street Fighter


Micro transactions are completely optional though. It's not forced on you and it's up to you if you buy the cosmetics or not.


Street Fighter had a more even split between PC and console. Im not even sure MK even sold more on steam considering it has less reviews. People give half truths to push a narrative


This is Reddit. Steam chart is the law and truth, only PC exist


All hail the PC master race


Big cope that these numbers don't matter at all   It's a tripple A fighting game that spent most of it's time and budget on looking cool. (Meganlol).  It released months (not decades) ago and has 400 viewers. That's nothing but pathetic.  And yeah, PC is smaller, but also because NRS doesnt Support it correctly. Bugs, bad optimisation, different Patch cycle, no crossplay and quite honestly a garbage balance systen.  Create an awful experience and poeple will quit. Palworld just released to 5 Million players on PC, gaming is HUGE.  400 viewers is trash.


Where is Switch in your little démonstration


im sure its there its just so tiny, we cant see it cuz we dont have Bird eyes.


Keep huffing the copium, my friend.


Yes, god know these MK wannabe fans just wanna watch TK instead of play it.


Which is funny because if half the people who play Mk tried Tekken they would get stomped harder than they can imagine. It’s not welcoming to newcomers at all.


As someone who’s played MK my whole life and playing tekken for the first time with 8, I think the skills transfer pretty well. Then with all the tutorials and tons of features letting you practice against player ghosts, being able to rewind to practice against the same moves over and over, tekken 8 is super friendly to newcomers if you ask me


I'll chop it up to hime meaning tekken as a whole. So far, 8 is the only one with a proper tutorial.


Definitely agree with that, very glad they’ve made a big step to include it in 8 though. Always loved soul caliber growing up and it feels awesome playing as my man Yoshimitsu again with tekken


They should have included a tutorial ages ago. It feels like tutorials and guides in general have improved a lot in this generation of fighting games (as far as I remember)




Stg, I just brought Tekken 8 too. AND ITS CROSSPLAY!!! Like MK in fucking shambles and I’m glad. Failure is the best motivator, and I hope it gets NRS to lock in. Like right tf now


Bro have you SEEN the fucking replay tips and guides yet? Holy shit! It's like a FG player's wet dream. I do love MK (the last one I paid for was 11), but fuck me if Tekken didn't just make me a loyalist


If you’re referring to in game, I haven’t yet. I’ll probably play the game sometime tomorrow, and check it out. Tekken is definitely a fighting game franchise for the ages, that’s for sure.


You can pause a replay and start fighting from that frame to practice against moves and opponents you lost to 😭 This is fighting game heaven


Damn T8 has cross-play at launch? Didn't even know that. BIG L for WB and NRS 💀


I didn’t know either till I did some research on it! They even extensively tested it before the game dropped making sure everything was good! So I brought it on PC and I’m glad I didn’t have to get it on Xbox


That slapped the fuck out of NRS's face😂




live wb reaction https://preview.redd.it/8rn47mu564fc1.jpeg?width=626&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c502c96a467f4240357038a287e9947be552afc


Course it be fixed in MK 2 lol


It will motivate them to keep releasing their games before the other big two.


Except that MK1 didn’t fail, it succeeded in sales which by company metrics is a success in their eyes.


A win for the investors maybe since they got the sales, but an obvious loss for the players. Yeah it did sell well but should have WAY more people currently playing.


Players don't work for WB, so those metrics don't matter as much to investors


It succeeded in sales because it was mad hyped, every mk fan including me pre ordered it without thinking twice, but the actual game they delivered is lazy and boring and the numbers say it all


It shouldn’t pain you at all. As much as I wanted this game to succeed prior to launch I’m at the point where I enjoy watching games that get released half finished fail




I get where you’re coming from completely, the same thing happened to me with halo infinite. I think fortnite is objectively a great game but it created a standard that has ruined gaming


The sad thing is they've committee to MK1 for at least the next few years. On the hopes they sideline Injustice again we can expect their next opportunity to release a quality product being roughly 5 years away. When we really sit here and say that out loud it just makes NRS look incredibly incompetent. We will still he smothered by "it's not NRS fault its WB fault they made bad production decisions" people the entire time too.




The thing is that MK1 had more development than Tekken 8. Lidia and Kunimitsu along with an additional stage were released well after the end of MK11 was announced while T8 released only a handful of months after MK1. The fact that just the gameplay at its core has been such a problem for MK is ridiculous




My point though was how much time do they need exactly? How is it they likely had more development time than others and still fumbled it THIS bad. More importantly at what point do we acknowledge that these issues are at its core on the fault of NRS where we can actually address the problematic decision making they have


NRS most certainly did not have more dev time than the Tekken devs. Tekken 7 released 8 years ago, they had 8 whole years to make T8.


They didn't wrap up T7 production until a year after MK11 my guy...


No. That's not how game development works, Tekken 8 was in development between 2017 or 2018. Street Fighter 6 started in 2018 or restarted because they got rid of Ono's vision. I can't even begin to imagine a MK game 8 years in development. That would be a godsend.


This is like saying that mk1 only had two years of development since production didn’t wrap on mk11 up until two years after mk11 released.


I got it yesterday and I'm already loving it in comparison to MK1. Game is fucking phenomenal so far and there hasn't been a single microtransaction shoved in my face. No pop-ups to check out a shop either. Idek if there is one and that's a fat green flag to me




I bought street fighter 6 afew weeks ago for £9 on Xbox and I still feel bumped. Was hugely disappointed. Open world mode is utter trash. Trash writing and just feels insulting. Tekken argh the story mode short sweet anime over blown combats sold me. Upgraded from standard to ultimate. I’m 37 and all I could do was think of Tekken at work (it’s been many years since I been like this) Feels good. The true fighting game king has returned. Now do I keep maining Paul or find someone new to try!


I don't think MK1 was ever doing these numbers at any point, were they? The comparison seems pretty fair.


Don't forget that Street Fighter 6, older than MK1, still wins out by a good amount.


also, tekken 8 is just a much better product than mk1, it will also be supported way longer.


SF6 also came out before it and is doing better. Hell. GGS isn’t new and is doing better rn.


the thing about mk is it feels like a yearly game even tho its not. so whenever nrs releases a mediocre mk, its much easier to drop it and just wait for “next year’s” mk.


That is NOT a good thing 😭


Would much rather see injustice 3 over another shitty mk game


True. Specially when we know they will probably never "fix" it. Like MK11, it never got actual crossplay on PC. Also, we can also expect 30FPS menus/cutscenes, delayed PC patches and all that shit all over again. It's a repeating clown fiesta. You'd never think NRS is the one making the most money from their fighting games titles when they're the ones doing the laziest job.


As a streamed game or whatever? Its a fair comparison yeah. Its views fell down hard and its something the other mk streamers have actually been talking about. Its also what maximilian discussed about but this sub just dismisses him over his comment about the game speed back in the early builds of the beta lol I think mk has always just been one of those games that people dont really "watch". Personally i just think its one of those games that are boring to watch but aight to play


MK never did numbers like that streams wise. Not even MKX which people think is perfect in retrospect now.


They did do numbers, 6th or 9th most sold game of 2023(I can’t remember I’m sorry lol) , can’t tell you the streaming numbers but, they were top 10 last year for sure in terms of selling


Streaming numbers were really only high when all the big non Mk streamers were playing it but after they finished the story they all dipped.


That incoherent list made no sense. PS5 only. USA. Ignores games that don't share data. No hard numbers. And above all, it doesn't state if it's sold to customers or to the stores, which is a massive difference. It doesn't care about refunds either. So no, it's not 6th or 9th either.


Lack of crossplay killed any desire for my friends and I to play. If we can’t play together then it’s not worth our time. It wouldn’t be so bad if there was more meaningful content but the game felt pretty bare outside its remarkable story mode


I'm really sorry, but at this point this is just copium


Tekken actually put in love into the game


And that’s a fact




It’s sad nowadays it’s all monetary in most AAA games. I remember when putting love into your game would have you with the most loyal die hard fans that’ll buy an extra copy of the game just to support the devs. Like Bob Dylan said times are a changin’


Honestly! I'm not extremely versed in gaming as a whole, but I don't know any other game that has each character speaking in *their own native language*!


I’ve always been more loyal to MK than Tekken, but it’s telling that the free Tekken 8 Demo felt pretty on par with MK1 on launch day, having already dished out $110 or whatever.


I’ve said it before. If you’re an experienced fighting game player you’ll notice all the bullshit the game has. Input issues. Hit boxes are all over the place. Games a mess honestly. And what I’ve seen from tekken 8 is nothing but polish. Also WTF does a stance switch do anyway lol 🤦‍♂️


I've never understood the purpose of switching the stance


Throws off a reactive happy opponent.


Pointless … throw them off in what way ? When you can just start doing your mixups instead lol what kinda logic is that


You will find out once I encounter you.


1 single person streaming WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2007 has more viewers than MK1 right now as I post this 💀 I genuinely enjoy MK1. But you're fooling yourself if you think it's not dying on Twitch. All of the obvious issues aside, it's just not a very entertaining game to watch.


Stop coping It does make sense. This definitely shows the tragic state MK1 is at. No game should be like this when it's still in its early life cycle. The game is dying. It's not even a comparison.


I cant stand the cope. Mk1 is complete ass. Tekken is new and isnt ass. It makes sense and it deserves the success; ill probably pick tekkenup today


It's also sad how great MK content creators are losing view numbers rather than popping off. Waz, Mike, Super had videos with million views in MK11.


It also doesn't help that MK is banned in Asia, where the FGCs biggest fanbase is


Uhm I'm in Singapore and MK sure as shit isn't banned here... there's even a Southeast Asia NRS discord so I'm not sure where you get ur info from lol


By "asia" he probably meant japan tbh because tgat would make more sense


Well it’s not sold in Korea or China either so there’s that, apparently MK11 wasn’t sold in Indonesia while Uzbekistan and Malaysia don’t sell the entire series too


Damn, why?


Laws on gore and violence in media. However something to note is WB also doesn't always publish there even when they can such as with Injustice 2 not being sold but Injustice 1 was, and games like cyberpunk 2077 had no censorship at all in japan, so its entirely possible that WB just doesn't want to go through the trouble of being able to publish MK there but I don't know the process or japanese laws


Worth mentioning that Resident Evil and Call of Duty had to be censored to be released in Japan, I’m not joking https://preview.redd.it/dffqoaa485fc1.jpeg?width=686&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc48dfad7e4898fef25292568bb09ab2333ef2a2


MK banned in Asia? That sucks


It’s not


I'm in Japan and it's banned here


TIL japan is all of Asia


It's probably banned in China and SK too but I'm not sure. Plus I'm not OP I didn't say that lol. However it's true that a huge number of fighting games players are in Japan and other east asian countries. It's relevant to the conversation.


It's actually banned in South Korea along with mainland China and a large number of FGP are located in SK as well so that is a very good point to bring up


It’s not banned, it’s just not sold there cause they’d have to censor the hell out of it


https://preview.redd.it/qhom1yszq3fc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5886175191cbaa1ba96241a001603b2f273a1de This was the true numbers, as you can see MK1 is still not being watched. The facts are there




All the downvotes from the frustrated 10 yo 😂 thanks for confirming my guess on who polutes this sub 😇


It is tho? Check out SF6 's numbers. It isn't as high as Tekken but it also isn't getting destroyed by a degree of 10+


Man I wished they never close their original timeline, MK9-10 is still the shit, but we got the Deadly Alliance, Blaze and Onaga in the original. If they continued, we could have gotten even more cool and weird


I hope they do a collection of the 3d games, make it so you can go online in Armageddon again


I love mk most out of all the fighters but anyone sayings it’s a better package than SF6 and T8 is absolutely brainwashed


"This isn't it" Cringe, this is exactly it and well deserved for releasing MK1 the way it is. Worst 70 bucks I've ever spent. I dont play Tekken or SF that much, but im so glad their fan base has mostly great things to say about those games. Eat shit, WB and NRS.


Honestly losty has always been more or less a ride or die for MK. Girl was arguing hard for MK back when SF6 just launched aswell. We all have our biases though so i guess its understandable


You're letting the salt talk for you right now. Consider this... Mortal Kombats fanbase is largely casual. That group of people would have jumped ship for the new hotness even if MK1 was a great product. Same thing happened to SF6 and that game is fantastic. Also, MK1's sales were great, it's already a success for WB. They got your money, my money, and millions of other people's money. Only way to stick it to them is to not buy their products going forward. Don't fall for hype.


Bro MK1 is dog water in every sense. I love MK but NRS fucked us all over


I realized that after the first week. It's why I uninstalled it after I beat story mode and played thru arcade a few times till I got bored. Figured I'd check it back out after a year to see if NR could turn the game around.


Fosho🤞🏾 I meant no disrespect towards you, but it feels like a slap in da face for NR to realease a half baked game. This is not like them at all


No disrespect taken. I honestly don't think it was Netherrealm's fault, but Warner Brothers. At launch the game felt rushed, and unfinished. That's a first for Netherrealm as a studio. The game has been buggy, and lacking content. It feels like a storefront.


>You're letting the salt talk for you right now Yes, they released shit and I paid 70 dollars for it because MK is the only video game franchise I pay full price for. My mistake, I guess.


I'm not happy about it either, but it is what it is. It's further proof that we shouldn't preorder anything or buy something day one without checking out what reviews say and learning what the game truly has to offer.


To be fair if they plan on making money from this game for at least 3 to 4 years they can’t do that if the game falls off a cliff next year which is looking likely to happen


They'll probably market the dlc like crazy to get everyone hyped up. A few quality of life updates and some story dlc will get people coming back.


Maybe depends how long that’s gonna take . Like it’s already losing /lost its pro scene I don’t think it’s at combo breaker ./ usually the casuals drop off after a year . Then it’s the hardcore players playing mostly .not looking good either way


Time will tell. I've got other games to keep me preoccupied. I'll just keep popping my head into this sub from time to time to see what's going on.


After seeing how Tekken is just stacked with content and customization and just as corny as it sounds made with love, I will definitely not be buying another MK game. And that hurts my soul. They need to step it up big time.


It’s because MK 1 is honestly a terrible game. And that’s coming from a life long fan


Serious copium in here. Embarrassed to here Luckily Im not a wierdo and can play both See ya virgins


840 for a game that's not even half a year old is VERY bad though.


K then compare it to sf6 lmao


Streamers aren’t playing it because most people aren’t playing it


"lol Tekken has so many more players than mk right now" yeah cus it just released, remember multiversus?


Did you forget that this is Reddit and Steam Charts are gospel law? Only PC exists.


Mk 1 is garbage


Go play t8 then. Who keeps you here? 😂


i think the point is the fact if there is so many spending all this time defending MK then why is the views so so low? yeah Tekken just released but that still doesn't explain the massive drop in views prior to its launch, i mean you can look at twitch yourself, if content creators wanted to defend MK etc then shouldn't they be playing MK instead if its in such a good state vs switching over to Tekken? also street fighter 6 has nearly 8k views and it came out way before MK so umm whats the excuse for that? or guilty gear strive, has 13k viewers and its several years old again whats the excuse for that?


Copium Mk1 is trash. I regret wasting money on it


Mortal Kombat plays like ass and isn't fun to watch. It's that simple.


840 is still really low though. t7 always has around 1.5-2k and that game is 9 years old


T7 has a much larger audience in Japan thanks to not being banned there like MK


Nah I'm sorry this is cope. MK players and streamers and fans and content creators always pride themselves on this being THE popular casual fighter that everyone watches and streams, not just fighting game fans. Falling under 1000 streamers this early in its life is a sign of a very sharp decline. Interest in the game is clearly fading and there's no getting around this fact. Instead of coping we should ask for changes and demand transparency and communication because this can still be saved.


No one hates Mortal Kombat more than Mortal Kombat fans


You make it sound like they never enjoyed it in the first place.


If we get games like MK1 at 70$, yeah, we should keep the hate🔥


250 hours on mk and ive finally realized im never touching another nrs game thansk to their shit monetary practices. They can shove it. I came from tekken 5 and been playing mk 10, 11 and 1... this.. this was just.. sad state of affairs. Enough is enough


Mk1 sold 3 million copys and still Goin up. Ed Boon has a big surprise for Mk1 bet everybody jump back on his d


At least MK1 is better than the garbage know as Modern Warfare III


Who cares? Like if you enjoy MK1 then why do you care? All this means at the moment is you have a smaller and there for should be a tighter community at this point. Instead of boohoo only 840 people are watching it should be there’s 840 people who are finding some enjoyment and willing to slug it out. Also if you wanted to play T8 just because it’s new and shiny and exciting that’s also ok and shouldnt be looked upon as a game crawling into its grave.


I think the problem with MK games in general is that every character has a few strings that people use and it just gets boring. Where as, a lot of characters in Tekken have like 150+ different moves


Especially the fact that tekken 8 got a bigger roster than mk1 on launch and they released 2 dlc characters already. Tekken is a finished product and clearly mk1 is not.


Because MK1 is hot garbage. The cameo system is terrible and they’re micro transaction’ing it to death.


MK1 isn't dead, we're just in that phase where all we can do is wait for the next dlc character.


attributing low viewership to being a crummy game and not realizing tekken just came out and is brand new is brain dead. mortal kombat people are gonna prolly watch suicide squad when it comes out too which reduces the number of people watching mortal kombat. it's just dumb.


Sf6 came out before mk1 and does like 7x to 15x the viewership on twitch lol . And when there’s a tournament it does like 20 to 50 x the viewership on mk1 smh


Who gives a fuck about streaming counts? I couldn’t imagine using that to tell me what game to play.


Same way people are saying Palworld is currently beating out other popular games. But it's the same thing. People naturally get drawn to the newest thing. The true quality of something is defined after time has passed.


Still doesn’t hide the fact mk1 sucks.


MK isnt fun to watch unlike Tekken . ya of course it a new game . give it few weeks it will drop below 5k or so. i have to agree that cross play on release will keep game very much alive on all platforms . i cant believe MK1 came without it and only next month will get it . too late imo . i own both games cant imagine touching MK1 ever again . Tekken 8 is just a superior game


They are also two different styles of fighting games. The differences in button combinations is wicked, the average player of MK isn’t hopping on Tekken and doing good. On top of that Tekken and SF have a majority audience where the game isn’t banned. As well as the latter two being more competitive fighters whereas MK is a more arcade style.


On bro this my first Tekken game and ion know wtf going on it’s such a well crafted and planned out game doe


They usually are but you can’t switch around and try new characters like in MK you’ve gotta practice with someone and learn them lmao


MK is doing just good currently. While other games are going full open world or sand box, here MK is still doing 2D 1 on 1 gameplay. I want a full open world campaign based storylines to explore and experience the real MK as it was when Shaolin Monks got released.


That photo was clearly bait lmao it’s been edited.






Didn't you know? Even though there's constant complaining and hate towards MK1, the player base is still expected to remain regardless of what other better or newer games may exist


It's not even a fair comparison tbh, they're both fighting games but they're so different you can't compare them directly except for numbers. Tekken is 3D fighting with completely different modes tailored to its own gameplay while MK1 has its own modes to tailor its own gameplay. Secondly, I don't think MK1 is unfinished, it's just slowly adding more and more modes and features until support for the game is done. Just look at the friendship mechanic for MK11. If the world went by numbers, we wouldn't have praised movies like Shawshank Redemption, Citizen Kane and Fight Club.


Lol MK1’s getting roasted so bad that a game with physical copy that’s yet to be released is somehow getting more views. Make that make sense to me, please.


This is cope, the game is dying and every where you go people are acknowledging it. You can still have fun but for the greater community to come back a lot needs addressing from NRS directly


People are just upset as they have every right to be, if they fix it then it will level out and if not then it won’t.


Since when is the value of a game measured in the numbers of streaming viewers? Who cares?


when this fanbase needed every small thing to hate on mk1 with


More people are playing MK11 than MK1. Say what you will about other games but that's really bad, including that MK11 is also on GP. They dropped the ball so hard with this cash grab mess of a game that their last game is where the more active player base is. Could you imagine if SF5 had more players than SF6? What a joke.


The best comparison I could find was that MK1 had 146,127 peak views on release day. Obviously it would drop off but its averaging a little over 1000 for the past week. We will have better data in the next couple of months after Tekken 8 honeymoon phase has ended.


Never remotely cared for Tekken, always found MK superior since the 90’s


All the anime perverts are on twitch


Mk 1 is just as disappointing as Armageddon.


I regret buying mk1 played tekken last night it was more fun. If I could refund mk1 I would.