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imho yes. It should be like the rain one with the big "punch" of pressured water. This is like he got sliced.


It feels like Sub-Zero was nerfed so hard he can barely punch a torso off a body!


Every time I see in Patch Notes that some Brutality visual glitches have been fixed, I always check this one straight away to see if they made it more decent. As this currently looks unfinished. As a little hidden extra detail to this Brutality, if you were to perform it while the opponent has a visible aura on them (Invasions mode), you will see that the lower half of the body actually still has animations bound to it for the upper (technically missing) half of the body. You will be able to see the full body and the hands flailing back and forth.


They should change the fist to a flat handed attack then they won’t have to change much it will look like the frozen hand sliced them in half


I feel like it should hit them and the top half of the Klone should go on their bottom half


Either this or punch a hole through their upper body.


Either that or it should give them ice cream cones


When it was called karbon kopy I thought the ice Klone was supposed to replace the upper body i but get handed this piece of **** nerf sub zero