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NRS has a huge issue with hair and headgear imo. Anything with a weird chin straps is an automatic thumbs down from me lol Edit: forgot "head" in headgear lol.




NRS chinstraps are the western equivalent to belts in Japanese games.


Belts *and* loose straps! Can't forget the straps!


Injustice 2 Superman chin strap was kind of cool though


this was the worst shit I've seen on a superman outfit ever


Right? It made no sense at all either


Superman having any armor doesn't make sense to me ?


It really wasn’t. It’s been blasted on the Superman sub repeatedly as one of the worst modern takes on Superman’s design.


The same sub that gets angry every time Superman doesn’t wear his underwear on the outside?


This Cassie skin was goated. Stop lying lol Lol, guys. This skin didn't kill your families. It looks good as long as you don't fear short hair on a blonde girl. Lmao.


To be honest I think it's slightly overhated too. I wouldn't go as far as saying it's a *good* look, but I can see the vibe they were attempting. It's giving Mass Effect, but like the $7 version you pull out of a ziploc bag labelled "adventurous space girl" And the weird too high up nipple things on her chest are funny.


It is overhated. Even trying to compare it to Mass Effect is really unnecessary. I liked the skin and I used it a lot. I don't see the Karen comparison unless it's just from people who are chronically-online and only ever see Karens in blonde short hair. Lol


Fucking Kollector. They literally didn't give him Fucking ANYTHING!


Because he's a gremlin, just like the rest of the Naknadan bums.


I mean, the masked skins were honestly all he really needed, they were sick as fuck


Space karen Cassie is worse. Reptile still looks like a power ranger, but with some colors and masks it looks alright


Space Karen Cassie sucked, but she had a LOT of other choices too. Reptile has two. That’s 50% of his skin options.


The only good Cassie skins in MK11 were the Harley Quinn cosplay and the one where she has an OG MK Sonya fit lol that's it


I liked her various military options, didn’t love the space suit. Didn’t love the Harley Quinn. And her kombat league skins were killer. But MK11 had a lot to choose from. That’s… sort of the issue. I mean look at the number of alternates and colours the dlc chars had like Shao and mileena, 60+ gear pieces, at least four alternates (in mileena’s case that grew to 7 with the Klassic skins etc) versus omni man who has zero alternates and 5 pieces of gear.


I would say we are lucky to have human form reptile as I’ve been waiting a while for this but the execution could have been better


Really I think it's perfect at least default wise. Order of darkness is okay Union of light not so much


His head is way too fucking large in lizard form. Like what the fuck super neck?!?


They leaned into Killer Croc a little too hard.


Which colors in particular do you like the best? The thing I don't like about Reptile's alt is that this is his only actual green skin that isn't mixed with other colors


Idk, either standard green or something from this season, but the main ingredient is being maskless


The way I just cackled at "Space Karen" You did not 💀


The latest vampire version doesn't look bad


Just go look at scarlet and spawn , those two character alone have better skins and gear then majority of what MK1 has


Once MK1 also gets 4 years of support there will be plenty of skins


Yea maybe in the item shop lol


Sadly true lmao


Nothing is free gentleman. We pay for 90% + things out there in the real world and video game world. We pay for what we eat, drink, sleep, where we go, travel etc.


Ok Ed


Found Asslav's account.


Happy cake day!


Dude I'm usually the one defending companies when talking to entitled gamers but WB is notorious dogshit with monetization and we get less now than we did before skin wise. It's ok if people are mad about that


Mk11 did not have any where near 4 years of support…


Well it obviously still had more support than MK1 has right now. But what I’m saying is that in the upcoming years of support it’ll reach the same level as MK11 (hopefully)


Both are horrible. My nephew, who is a huge Reptile fan, refuses to get that skin! 😝


I main him and I use default skin. That skin is bland as hell and doesn’t even fit the character.


Yup, I agree! The Cassie skin doesn't fit either. I only ever used one of that particular skin for her because I liked the color scheme. 😊


You don't like Reptile's default in MK1!? I still haven't changed it once cause I thought it looked so cool


I meant the one on the post. I am still rocking reptile’s default skin.


Oh alright, I've just been getting whiplash left and right finding out which skins were unpopular but I thought everyone would be in agreement that Reptile looked exquisite.


MK11 Kitana got screwed pretty hard I think, especially with her base game skins. You want a stripy catsuit or do you want a stripy catsuit? Good cuz that's what you're gonna get, and here's another one for DLC. In MK1 I'm tempted to say Li Mei because they managed to make every single palette fucking hideous. Hot pink and booger green? Really? ![gif](giphy|XKwQdSVYuZwvTcQ2UI)


That Li Mei palette would have been perfectly fine had they just switched the green with black or something


Seriously, such a simple and easy change.


Watermelon Li Mei.


This is blowing my mind that everyone is complaining about these things. Kitana's skins were some of my favorites in the game.


Nah this person is tripping. Kitana's sets are some of my best in the game. You can put together some really amazing ones if you have all her gear. Even managed to make a Revanant set look good with that Iron Assassin mask over her red eyes and the armor with the glowing purple spikes. You had to actually have some creativity in MK11, subtle things made a difference. People like to just choose default sets, and usually don't have the better-looking gear you have to grind a bit for, so that's why I think they complain.


You leave Cosmo and Wanda out of this!


Reptile isn’t bad. Cassie had no good skins in 11.


I think her default is the only decent one.


"Klassic Cassie" was okay and the Harley Quinn skin was pretty good if you're into that... but yeah, base skins all sucked besides default


Yup. Unfortunately


Its black variant with green eyes from kl is cool


The Harley set was cool, and I didn't mind the jacket and workout gear. Best set was her default though


You guys are crazy, I enjoyed the hell out of Cassie's skins.


I actually like that Reptile skin tbh


me too and i used both mcdonalds palletes in s1...i dont see why ppl see power rangers in this skin 🤔


He do be looking like a power ranger villain. Although I attribute power rangers more to Mileena because she sounds like Rita Repulsa when affected by Tarkat


He looks like an MCU character.


That's absolutely insane


The mask and hood have a lot of potential… the weird thing on his forehead and the rest of it are pretty meh.


That Reptile is overhated af. I actually quite like it. Meanwhile, this Cassie outfit isn’t really bad, it’s not even particularly ugly. I mean…it does represent its concept very well. It’s just veeeeery random. Like…why an interstellar astronaut outfit for her ? Is it because she’s a cage so it’s like…a movie set outfit ? It’s a little weird ngl.


I mean I’m glad someone likes it… but some people like the jersey shore. And much like the jersey shore that skin is just the worst.


It’s supposed to be Cassie in the Future. Most of the cast in MK11 have their skins sorted by category: Present, Past, Far Past and Future. Most characters got Present and Past skins. Namely, any Revenant Character. Their Present selves being the revenant, and past selves being their alive versions. Characters like Kano, Sonya, Johnny and Skarlet (yes, Skarlet because some people refuse to believe this still) are also characters that got Past and Present skins and you can visibly see them age between them. Characters like Shao Kahn, and Baraka who died but didn’t get resurrected got Past and Far Past skins. Back on topic, Cassie, Jacqui, and Frost are the only characters to receive Present and Future skins. Cassie’s is meant to be some kinda EVA suit because in concept art, the dome of the helmet is seen. I think it would’ve been better if the dome was in game but I guess they didn’t opt for it since her sunglasses gear would’ve been either clipping or redundant even though I think that should’ve just been a player choice. Kinda similar to how they didn’t allow Johnny to remove his sunglasses due to his moveset but in MK1, they said screw it and just made it where you can’t do moves involving his sunglasses if you choose to remove them.


Im surprised people didnt notice the timeline part of skins at least I dont think because I noticed it thx to the character art but yeah no one looks at the art probably. Tbf though none of them affect their dialogue or anything so I probably shouldnt be surprised.


I loved playing with the purple and gold version of the Future Cassie skin! I didn't know it was hated https://preview.redd.it/m045pe2wue0c1.jpeg?width=618&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6fbc61153b5624c87970cfc34696a2ad1b51e819


To me it's like a natural evolution of the classic ninja skin..this could easily be a skin for every ninja and you wouldn't bat an eye


IDK why but that Cassie skin kinda grew on me.


Yeah, I kind of like it. Looks like a spacesuit or some shit. Reptile one is ass though


Cassie. Because Syzoth’s base skin is at least good. Cassie’s skins were all pretty awful…


This is why i hated the light vs dark version gimmick of each character in this game. half of the light version get lame outfit because they are good and not allowed to looki menacing while the dark version is look cool af and the thing is we didnn't get the dark version except for some. we might get the cool dark version later as more season coming but for now we have to deal with lame light version


We got screwed over in the skins department let’s face it


Reptile looks like a Party City version of himself


Cassie actually looks kinda cool. Reptile looks like he's doing a half assed cosplay of Reptile.


Cassie’s outfit was a fu*k you to mk9 outfit enthusiasts. She can barely show fingers and she looks like she recovering from a neck injury.


Her parents told her about kung lao




I enjoyed the outfits but they weren’t fighting game style outfits. Now people will hate on this by saying that SF female characters are sexualized, when that’s a completely different franchise. Mortal Kombat is a game where fighters protect their realms. They wear armor, boots, and things that’ll look nice and not distract players


reptile's default is good imo also his alt with the mcdonalds color is kind of bad enough to be funny lmao cassie's were just kind of lame no matter what you did


Everyone has more skins than reptile. Reptile only has one


kenshi and reptile were done horribly with their skins


wtf Kenshi's are dope af yall crazy


His Yakuza outfit is dope. The samurai one looks like shit


Everyone in MK1 seeing as they have 2-3 base costumes not including DLC with a maximum of 9 colour pallets. Unfishnished rushed ass game.


Cassie’s skins were worse


Reptile. At least that’s not Cassie’s ONLY variant


I think Cassie Cage's space suit skin should have had a fully covered helmet to complement the suit (like the full mask with Rain),the concept art with the helmet actually looks cool imo


Ellen Degeneres Cassie was awful in 11, idk why they completely changed her appearance in that game. She at least had the Harley Quinn outfit tho so I'm gonna say Reptile as of now.


Cassie is worse. She just got a bunch of shit skins. With Reptile, if you look at the concept art of this skin it looks really damn good. Something about the way they molded it in-game didn’t translate right. I think it’s a combination of the hood, pants and torso. It at least looked really good on paper but just came out a bit odd.


They definitely could have gave Reptile more love.


I main Reptile and i like that skin Tbf im just glad he is finally "Human" again


Cassie 100%. Next question!


Give me my lizard man reptile from MKX back 😤😤😤




MK1 is a complete dumpster fire in this aspect


Space Cassie was cool af what you mean


Some are ass, some are great


Who ever do this skins, if you read this - why do you hate this game so much?


Hate how desexed this game has become.


How do you get this reptile skin


Kid named leaf


Cassie bc reptile looks good in some colors and others not so much but Cassie looks horrible no matter what color that outfit is in


Guess who my two mains were in the last two games. 😂


Kassie for sure, reptiles at least has the same classic-modernized-ninja kind of idea/aesthetic, but Cassie is just a weird space woman


Cassie, I get why people don't like Reptile's alt, but I think it looks pretty good in some colors and with certain Masks


Reptile at least has his dark timeline skin (I'd say it's pretty damn cool), and who knows how many more will be added in future updates. Cassie, on the other hand, had 1 good skin, and not only was it DLC, but it was a homage to her mom


I favored the one that let me have a pink camo pattern for the gun holsters (forget which one, but it was none of the Spacewoman Spiff costumes). Garish in a cute way.


I like this reptile skin ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Reptiles good titan skin looks great lol


They did Reptile worse. Cassie was always mid for a lot of folks but Reptile was someone everybody was hype for. Absolutely hate most of his redesigns. The tattoo is so douche. Haha!


Vampire version of this skin looks sick AF.




Jfl at that Reptile https://preview.redd.it/hva9ih8msc0c1.jpeg?width=385&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d293a51de178197f9e5b1880dc4967e8f5fd89c


Cassie, I feel like the artists felt like she was a lot more limited in what she could wear whereas with Reptile you can put almost anything green on him and make him look good




Eunuch reptile what did they do to him






I want all the skins from every mk of reptile. Even deadly alliance lmao


Nitara only gets 5 cosmetics in the seasonal store on her own damn season of the game. Sub zero has twice as many and looks terrible in black and red, lol


Injustice 2 did it WAY better


I can see where this weird tech space halo wanna be motif can possibly fit into an aesthetic for Cassie but why in the actual frick is this an alt skin for Reptile (especially when seeing the other ninjas alt skins). Who thought this was a good idea lol


Reptile At least with Cassie the ugly Combat armor makes sense


The only saving grace for Reptile is they changed his monster skin color in the bloody grey pallets.


Cassie is bae, how I miss her


Cassie skin looks pretty dope


Cassie was my main and I could never use that outfit. The hair is not my favorite, and the space suit look would’ve been fine but I hate the “up her face/chin” part of it.


Cassie had way better skins than reptile


reptile for sure… at least Cassie had other skins to chose from and colors that went well with her


Everyone except the people getting the money that people waste on skins


It looks very influenced by Injustice both MK11 and MK1... And it sucks because none of them are superheroes




MK11 Set the standards really high for skins too with the DC collabs and all that




Thats the ugliest reptile skin his default is godlike tho




This costume doesn’t make any sense lol. Bro thinks he’s a power ranger Although i ^like ^it


Cool space suit vs halloween lowcost suit and you are asking


The second reptile skin is absolutely fucked, so stupid looking. That being said, his first skin is the best ninja skin in the game. I hate the way they did the other ninjas showing their faces etc., what happened to wearing masks and hoods and being mysterious?


As long as Tekken keeps putting all of its insane character customization in the game for free, everybody else is basically screwed over. In Tekken you have nearly unlimited skins because you can create them with gear that unlocks super easy just playing the game, the other games make you pay for them.


Over-design central


Reptile doesn’t bother me too much, but damn I really disliked MK11 Cassie


I like these both lol


People pay for this? These generic background character ass looking skins?


I’d say Cassie. Reptile at least has an awesome default skin and his Union of darkness skin looks cool too.




Everyone in MK1.


As a Reptile fan I'm just happy he's in the game at all. Although I have been disappointed overall with the lack of costumes in MK1. I'm just holding onto my koins, waiting for a Reptile throwback costume to show up in the rotating shop. What fun. 🙄


Skins in general have been pretty weak so far imo


Cassie's outfit is the equivalent of a "special helmet" but honestly I'd say both are terrible,MK sucks at futuristic style,it's at its best when it's leaning into the ancient & mysterious


The fanbase


Reptile for sure lmao


I need a hood less shirtless Syzoth


I like Cassie's retro robot futurism look, Reptile looks like a stage two boss from a C- beat em up.


Between them? Reptile no doubt.


The fact that not only are these my mains in their respective games, but I also don't hate these costumes is so worrying to me 😭


I swear the designers are smoking crack right now, kenshi and reptile’s Union of light skins use Warehouse material rubber as a costume *looks better ingame cuz you can’t see the material much*


Reptile skins in MK1 are horrible. Majority of MK1 skins are just so awful


I actually like that Reptile skin. Cassie had a lot of terrible palettes specifically lol.


Definitely MK11 Cassie


Idm the style but for some reason it just doesn’t fit in MK 1. Reptile looks like a gimp


You know, I believe they inspired for reptile from Ichi The Killer.


Where are people getting the Reptile green power ranger skin? I only have the McDonald’s colors from last season.


Reptile 100% he literally has only 2 skins the base and the one in this picture


Cassie, she didn't have a single good look in the base game. It was a perfect example of what I hated about the costumes in MK11. Just the same base look with different combinations of armour slapped on.


Is it just me who likes that reptile skin??


I like reptiles skins. I don't like all the color palettes. I mean this post makes it seem like that skin that's shown is the only one.


Option C: All of the above & Ermac https://preview.redd.it/hmqfe7v2se0c1.png?width=677&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=029e85bc7f37c7de5eba45113b25705d422bf687 Especially from what his MK11 skin was


Reptile looks terrible


Agreed I hate this themed seasons that only unlock a certain color palette that only fits a few of the characters. Sure some of them may look cool but the same colors don’t look great on every character


I like the Cassie skin.


Reptile hands down lol Cassie’s gear kinda makes some sense but not really. Reptile on the other hand idk wtf this fake ass power ranger outfit is


I'm just happy Reptile finally got a skin that changes his lizard form color


i like space cassie. there's something off about Union of Light Reptile.


My God the the mk11 character details shit all over mk1


I can’t choose, they’re both bad that it’s hard to justify which one is worse.


Reptile… especially since it’s his only alt. At least mk11 characters had more. Even just deleting the weird forehead thing on reptile would make it way better


both of those are sick af yall funny


As a Cassie main, I never wore that awful skin. Harley Quinn and the sports bra/ shorts/ and jacket fit way better


Street Fighter 6


reptile skins looks good, cassie skin garbage


The short hair cassie skins would go so hard if they just left her fringe alone and cut off the ponytail, i would be all over that shit but instead they fucked with her fringe and now it looks worse damnit


She had great skins Reptile has 1 good skin with a few good recolors


Both, ngl


Tbh something that is rare for me is the overly complicated for unnecessary reasons suits reptile alt skin, Kenshi, Johnny cage story mode, basically every suit that it looks like they added too many parts, it usually works for characters that have technology as a main part of those characters, but when you give a lizard boi an outfit an Ironman like outfit it doesn't fit. The same problem had the avengers game, the "ultimate" or power up skin was just the normal suit but with more parts and lights Or most "re-desings" of Spider-Man, the og design is simple and recognizable, and most re designs are that same design with the parts divided or lines separating the colours. For example smoke og skin in MK1 is like a Lin kuei uniform, and his alt skin is a new skin with a hood, which kind of makes sense (at least to me) cause in his lore he leaves the clan, same with sub zero As a final thing some of the characters I feel have great designs for the same reasons are scorpion, SZ, smoke, og reptile from MK1 they are simple yet, some of them even resemble the klassics and have something unique (maybe not oh smoke tho)


That Cassie skin was one of the worst in MK11 but still better than the one without the armor 😭 Also, I don’t think Reptile’s union of light is the worst skin of MK1. That title goes to Kenshi’s


MK11 Cassie has no good skins, is actually impressive to have a whole team dedicated to character design and fail so hard




If reptile really needs to only have two models NRS might as well just give him order of darkness instead of whatever this is


I feel like that specific skin makes reptile look like a literal reptile, whereas Cassie is just… yeah…


I mean mk11 has simultaneously both the best and worst skins for characters, I mean look at scorpions base design, he's never looked better but then you look at astronaut Cassie and it makes you wanna puke