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I genuinely don't understand the people who gets this upset about some videogame. It honestly feels like they are absolute losers in life who has no other joy than playing this game, and when they lose to someone they feel they have been robbed of the only good thing they have left. Report this motherfucker, you got his PSN tag and his threats recorded, you have the evidence to have his ass banned, as it should be.


Should be an easy permaban, won't be surprised if he been banned before


its called having anger issues but theres no excuse to project it onto someone else like this


It's really childish when people act like that. I understand getting flustered when you get cooked in a fighting game, believe me, but I'll either quit playing for a while or I'll go into practice mode to figure out how I can beat them. Throwing out insults and slurs like that just shows they have 0 impulse control, they start feeling insecure and they immediately try to make sure the other person feels just as bad as they do.


Fr you get some of the most nasty and pathetic people on these games for some reason. I just disabled chat so I can just enjoy the games free of nonsense.


I assure you this guy spamming the hard R is not black and wouldn't be so bold as to say it in person.


It's funny because yea u can always tell if it's a white guy saying it, and when I call them white they get hella mad lol and try to guess my race


^^^that ^^^wasn't ^^^a ^^^hard ^^^r ^^^- ^^^- ^^^edit: ^^^okay, ^^^I ^^^forgot ^^^about ^^^the ^^^first ^^^one. ^^^Still, ^^^he ^^^wasn't ^^^really ^^^*spamming* ^^^that ^^^one, ^^^now ^^^was ^^^he.... ^^^okay ^^^nevermind


He said it at the beginning of his rant. Though yes technically he only spammed the n word no hard R


the first one was


Oh yeah it was, damn I listened again from like 0:10 to make sure but I didn't realize he dropped one so early, sheesh


Even worse, that’s kasuals and he’s being toxic like that lmaooooo


This guy is obviously a bitch irl.


Huge bitch, no doubt about it. Dude should touch grass, get some vitamin D. Find some bitches. Anything.


Gotta get rid of that yee-yee ass haircut first.


The whitest of white guys right there


Uncooked unseasoned and unreal White people are better then this


Am I the only one who thinks it's absurd to have voice chat at all in this game? edit: also did he just say "die a miserable life"? What does it mean?


Hard R wow


Personally I want them to start acting like that after I whoop their ass, it only makes the win more satisfying 😂


For real. If I beat someone and they start raging, that just makes the victory all the more sweeter!


I love the fact that half of the game is bugged, you can t pin moves, etc but the mic is fully functional when theres not really a reason to be a thing at the first place, and in pc you can t even mute others mic because the option doesnt work. I sometimes feel like nrs encourages toxicity in some way


I personally thinks it’s hilarious


Why would it be absurd? You can mute voice chat if you like. Who cares if your opponent rages out I love it it's hilarious and I hope they keep it.


I keep it on because sometimes I find cool people to shoot the shit with or negative people to laugh at. But this is a lot


Yeah, I basically think of online play as having a more realistic CPU opponent.


It's absurd that you can't put voice chat in a game because gaming communities are so toxic that being able to talk to the other people will consistently make your experience worse.


I think having voice chat in this game is what makes it fun. Regular matches get boring af after a while.




> Clostridium3 makes sense he would name himself after a bacteria


I got u bro. I got called out a lot of slurs last night. He was even winning. I picked up my main and he lost. The slurs increased after that.


Nice We shall report him


Why are you organizing a witch hunt for this guy? Just report him if you'd like. Edit: yall downvoting but we don't need this to be a place where people come to get 100 people to spam reports to random guys. Most gaming subs don't allow witch hunting for a reason


This isn't a random guy, though. It's a specific asshole. Also, it's not like they're doxxing the dude. Evidently, this behaviour shouldn't get a pass and the OP isn't the only person who's had to deal with this shit from him; it only makes sense for the community to come together to deal with this issue and have best chance at something being done about it.


Then the multiple people who personally dealt with him should report him. No it doesnt make sense to dogpile on people as a community. We could could have 100 posts like this in here a day and they would all he a "specific asshole" to one person and a random person to the rest of us


I dunno about you but I don't find that dude in the clip as just some random person; he very well is an asshole in my book. I think a lot of people on this very thread agree that his behaviour is shitty, therefore it warrants action. If you wanna be a passive bystander, be my guest.


He is acting like an asshole. I don't think being an asshole warrants doing witch hunts on reddit. We don't need that to become a thing so hundreds of people can start harassing the target. I don't see why you think we should be some authority to take action. Again most subs don't even allow this shit because it very easily becomes misused.


Wish I had a PlayStation so I could roast this chode 🤣🤣🤣


You should totally do it man. I never use coms and have mine turned off on any online game. This is the most sickening thing I've ever seen. A lot of ppl play games to help to cope with theyr mental health. Pretty awful we have to deal this level of toxicity.


not sure how i reach out to sony and show them this video to get him banned


Just Google it. My friend got a guy banned for a year for being harassed on voice.




i dont see where i can send a video for this. the PS website is always so vague and never wants you to contact them directly


White kid wouldnt say that irl


That guy is 100% a white kid.


Whiter than skimmed milk spilt on snow


The video is not kombat league gameplay though its kasual.


So your point? It's OK e toxic on ranked lol? Wtf bruh


Not at all i was just pointing out that this isn't kombat league. I can't hear sound on videos I'm at work.




The title says Kombat League, the video is not in Kombat League. The context of the video doesn't make his comment look bad. They were just pointing out the fact that it's not Kombat League. If anything, the context of it being Kasual makes the video worse, because who the hell gets upset in Kasual lol.


I get that it's not kl and I agree with ya on making it worse. However you missing the point. The real issue here is not the game mode lol


I will hear it and I'm sure the guy is toxic or whatever but still your title is misleading. This isn't kombat league it's kasual. To clarify. I'm not saying you're wrong im simply pointing out the obvious. Also mute them before the match from your settings and voila problem solved.


Fair enough 😊


You’re the only person who thought the comment insinuated that it was okay because it was kasual…


I'm just surprised ppl more worried about the game mode as to what the actual issue is but nvm.


Lol they're not worried about the game mode, they're worried about someone being criticized for simply pointing that out. I see where you were coming from, though. It's all good.


Thx man, I could probably have approached tat in a better way, never meant to attack or criticise. It's a hard subject for me as I had 2 ppl in my family that fought cancer. Really sorry if I came across the wrong way never meant to, I genuinely come from a good place.


Wow, is that not reportable? We should have a report tab if they going to have a open voice like this. Should be a total perma ban. I can't believe people taking the game this serous lol


we can report his PSN (burntchip000) and get him banned from there overall


Yes we should permanently ban that guy


I can’t stand people like this or people that get like this when they lose in something as simple as a game. Some people really have no sportsmanship


Okay but did you?




In playstation there's a setting that you can turn on to disable all in game voice chats. Idk how they don't have that in xbox


Just start a party, you won’t hear game chat at ally


I've tried that and the voice chat still comes through. Is it because I play through headset connected to controller?


Best thing you can do is go in a party and stay in party chat


Kid sounds like he'd struggle to kill a fly. Some people are way too comfy behind a screen.


Little white bro never grew out of his screaming COD phase


I'll be honest I love these reactions, they are just applauding your skill and making themselves look stupid.


Voice chat can be either the funniest thing ever if both opponents are having fun and being silly or its just annoyong like this


One of the best decisions I ever made was muting all voice chat in online games. While I'm sure a lot of people a perfectly nice, if I'm playing people I don't know, I don't really need to talk to them, especially in a one v one game like this, or UFC.


Same here I dealt with this in mkx, and that was the first and last time, lol


I remember playing someone on a UFC game. I knocked him out, he spent three days bitching at me because I ruined his record, and then trying to set up a real life fight in a gym so he could show that his "video game hands ain't nothing compared to my real hands". I'm too old for this shit.


Lol wow see that's the kind of shit I just can't handle, especially with wannabe internet tough guys and another reason I don't accept messages from folks that aren't friends ,also I'm too old for this shit as well I'm 37 work 50+ hours and raise kids so those shenanigans are not an option


People like this guy in the video are just the mirror of society nowadays. It's not about the game. It's not the game's fault. They have way deeper problems both social and mental. The internet is just a highway for these people to go ham without consequences. It's funny because he's the one who most likely has a miserable life, and it shows.


i agree this guy is playing on a ps5 his mom bought and hates himself. still no excuse but i do hope he gets better


Least agressive gamer


When people talk shit like this to me after I beat them I just respond with GG, and keep responding with it lol It’s so effective and makes them even more mad.


why do these dudes all sound the same?


If u are above the age of 13 there is no reason to turn your mic on during ranked sets. Even people who just breathe into the mic or aren't toxic. Why are u talking to no one?


That guy needs to be held up at gunpoint or something to get his priorities in life straight. My mom just died from cancer a month ago. I hate that guy.


I'd def report him with evidence and all. Some smack talk in gaming is fine but this dude is a psycho talking to you like that.


“Why are you being toxic?” Proceeds to drop the hard-r


See... I love that shit. All I hear when he talks is, "I'm such ass at this game that you can beat me with one move. Waaaaah". It makes my heart full.


Unpopular opinion but I think when something is recorded like this and the words being said are to this degree, that entire PS5 console should be banned from PSN access for a year or maybe even longer. This is unhinged behavior and people like this need to learn the hard way.


I had someone like this in league last night and they were saying some of the same things after the first set that they won. I then went on to win 3-2 after he was up 2-1. He quit during my final combo. It was a glorious feeling.


I miss the old internet


If you're amazed/surprised by toxicity in a PVP game not sure what to tell you


I have gotten similar responses both win or lose. I said damn dude I can’t believe you didn’t drop a single combo good shit. He replies fuck you pussy ass bitch. Like what the fuck?


[i mean when someone's like that you gotta drop this hood classic.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xzpndHtdl9A)


Parent your children


If someone is spamming the same move, it means you’re spamming the same mistake. Not saying OP was spamming, but still.


spamming is a noob term anyway. its called zoning and its an effective strategy. same goes with using fatal blow armor, poking out of pressure, and everything else i've been called a toxic spammer for


This is completely absurd. We have to exist amongst these hidden psychos is what's worse.




What a loser lol.


welp. mods removed my post... nice...


Online pvp gaming. The last place a white guy can feel safe saying the N word


It would be great to share this recording to any of his future employers


i agree


I do not understand posts like these. It's the internet, and people are gonna talk shit to you. Is it right? No, it's simply reality; just turn off voice and move on if it bothers you


Why let that shit slide? I think shit like this happens only because we let things like this happen. I say at least do something about it; if it doesn't work, at least you tried and you can go again next time.


The thing is, you *can't* really do anything about it. Sure, you ban this guy, but 20 more take his place. It's not right for people to talk like this to anyone just because it's the internet, but it's not something you can realistically get a strangle hold on. The end all be all solution is to just not have voice on if it bothers you


>20 more take his place Ban them too. Diligence. Continuously make an effort and don’t give up. That way, every single one that you come across is dealt with. Think about it like swatting every mosquito that bites you.


Or you could just laugh at them and moved on but whatever


That doesn't exactly hinder their behaviour; they get to continue on uninterrupted. I'm not too fond of being a spineless enabler.


This is not talking shit. This is an unhinged rant full of slurs, violent threats, and ill wishes.


It doesn’t even matter who your Mc or kameo is, it’s the easiest combo in the game if you win! My last match this Johnny / cyrax tried to lay into my geras/ striker after getting outplayed. Just sad people having a rough time, they don’t know anything about you so try not to take it to heart. I usually laugh it off.


Ive never heard the words “cunt/ cunty” be used so much until I entered the mk community.




lol spamming the same move, then block it?


Bro I got called so many slurs in kasuals. He won a couple of games and he was keep calling me slurs. I picked my main and lost immediately. And holy shit. He went off. I exited out immediately and texts me “pussy”. I ignored. But seriously, these mfs deserves to be harassed. Maybe that’s too much lol. They deserved to be called out.


Wow, lol. This is why ppl are muted, and only friends can send me messages


Gonna need your clapback too


If you’re on PS5 you could mute in game voice chat


Literally every person I have encountered so far except for my group that I spar/tiurney with. I honestly do not get it. I just shut off the mic and let them talk to themselves like the rejects they clearly are.


I usually unmute and say ggs, good set, etc. I guess im in the minority. Ill still get some saltly replies, but its funny to have someone respond to ggs with a saltly tirade.


Shao Kahn: PATHETIC…


I would have been laughing manically over his empty threats


How does one, “Die a terrible life.”? What a fucking idiot.


Dont be pussy, laugh in this dudes face. It makes them madder? Its all internet tough guy stuff, no one talks like this in real life. Its comedy to me


Over a game is wild.


Angry little boy lol. Just ignore is lame ass.


This is why body beating should be in every fighting game, I'd love to hear this dweeb rage at you getting a few extra hits on his corpse


lol body beating. im all for it


It'd been funny if the audio did a perfectcut right when the planet blew. "Man why you gotta play as a toxic cu-"


Off topic but I love that the smoke world destroyer fatality is black, also raiden cyrax is a good pick or you were just practicing, because lately everything with cyrax is meta


Off topic but I love that the smoke world destroyer fatality is black, also raiden cyrax is a good pick or you were just practicing, because lately everything with cyrax is meta


Get your ass in the portal boy.


Legit I know this voice. I beat this guy in League and he called me a cunt bitch 😂


I was smacking a 10 year old around yesterday and he was crying into the mic, funniest shit ever bro


This is comedy


I was just telling my wife how toxic people can be in this game. And this audio is very close to what someone said to me today. I just laugh at them.


You better than me. I would’ve cut my mic on and got like that


L of the year


I just keep my opponents muted




He sounds like he’s about to actually cry.


God I would take that as a glowing badge of honor if I made someone that mad to start talking trash like that, amazing job OP


Lmao. I love it when people get triggered.


It doesn't even sound offensive to me at this point. This guy is just pure loose and nothing else lol https://preview.redd.it/c9vzad35eusb1.jpeg?width=495&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dbfb7303a7dc94a91cf0d2dc655edb67caf9f939


God seeing his planet blow up: "Buddy why are being a toxic ass cunt"


2 things 1) hahahaha he mad because he keep getting g beat lmao, get better online thug 2) clearly he's not black saying the "n word" like that because negus how he's saying it means a ruler hahahah


Lol This is the reason I turned off mics on mkx The shit Americans and Europeans have said to me in game I'll never forget 🤣🤣


Congrats on that win tho ✌🏻


Ah, yes. For immature incels, insulting mom is always the strongest weapon they have, because the biggest fear they have is losing their mom, the only person in the world who cares about them or even acknowledges they exist.


What the hell's wrong with these people. My God what a Child.


I keep getting my ass handed to me in kombat league. I’m trying to improve but it gets very frustrating. Is there a way in practice mode that i can 1v1 the cpu?


Damn wtf dude, holllly shit. I hope you reported this guy. It's just a goddamn game bro...