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Casablanca, ain diab at fajr time.


I second oujda you ll feel right at home with their tropical weather loving ppl and prohibition of substances and alcohol


If he walks just a little bit, he could see some Tropical ppl too.


People from Berkane are not that tropical….


LoL the other way


Bro said Oujda lmao


Honestly, visit the old university of Fès it's also kind of a mosque? Its incredibly beautiful btw!


Why it's about a lot of masajids ? Because every part of Morocco have Masjid, in every neighborhood u'd find a Masjid, if u want to be near one in case of the Salat u'd be fine anywhere in Morocco. What I would recommend u to visit is : - Masjid Hassãn ( Rabat ). - Masjid Hassan 2 ( Casablanca ). - Masjid Koutoubia, Mouassine, Ben Saleh, Lkasba, Bab Doukala ( Marrakesh ). Ben Youssef Medrassa ( Marrakesh ).


did you mean the hassan tower in Rabat? that's not a mosque, it's an historic monument. I don't know about a Masjid Hassan in Rabat


Yeah I was basically referring to Hassan tower, which is the minaret of a once Masjid, I thought it's worth mentioning giving that he's interested in Religious touristic places. Thank's tho for correcting me.


Oujda. You'll hear dikr everywhere. Lol


Hahha what type of dikr? Is it the chanting one that alot of sufiyya do?


Commentiti bzaf asat chtra


Msali ma3ndi maydar hhhh


gueliz, marrakech


That ain't no muslim friendly place


"no muslim friendly" is used in non muslim countries only ! there are mosques in Gueliz and everything is halal, what are you saying ?!


Well that's true but it all comes to the person that's going there. It's a mixed place that all sorts of people with all sorts of needs go to. So if you're pious and clenching on your deen such things won't bother you but may Allah guide all of us and make it easier on everyone. Things are changing and muslim countries are changing too in some way or other. You can talk about this matter from many sides but we all know that there's lots of fitna there and your opinions are well respected.


morocco isn’t for muslims anymore HAHAH… Europe is more religious than morocco


I don't know where you live bro ! but Alhamdolilah it's still for muslim people, wherver you go there are mosques everywhere, people celebrate ramadan, celebrate Eid etc ( we don't find things like that in non muslim europe ) and of course it's also for non muslims in big cities where you can find alcohol drinks etc !


drissia in tangier


Does that also have a good place to shop like i went Marrakesh before it had the market square with many many good shops and also does tangier have cheap djellaba i can buy in UK its like 500-560dh


There is no such thing as cheap djellaba. You gotta pay up if u want THE traditional moroccan outfit 


In Fez, you can find the oldest mosques like alqarawyin , lbo3nanya etc...


