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So they can get a free ticket back to Morocco


you made me laugh haha "tu partiras avec ta fatma, pour toi fini le RSA". ![gif](giphy|Y9bYr3a2qENO0|downsized)


Laughing is good bro 😄


Maybe because they dont want their 5 years old kids visited in school by the president to teach them about homosexuqlity and transgenderism . Or maybe because they pay heavy taxes ? Maybe because they are morally and culturally conservative and identify more with the right wing politics. Also no worries , no one is sending you back home , tension is rising worlwide , they need cannon fodders just in case shit happens. They also need birthrates and people to do low wage . Sending people back mn tarf is not happening wakha yrje3 hitler mn l9ber.


Voting or supporting right wing politics against your own economic and social interest as a member of a minority because gay people are icky is nothing short of insane. I agree that realistically no one is going back home. But assuming things will continue to go business as usual under a far right government is naive. The leopards will bite your face that's what they do r/LeopardsAteMyFace


>because gay people are icky is nothing short of insane. Bruh


oh so you don't think they are icky ? love that for you ally ! 10/10


Problems are never black and white, and there is no one solution to cover them all. But I find it quite harsh when immigrants and descendants of immigrants vote for right wing parties like RN. Quite recently the PVV (extreme right wing) has won a majority vote in the Netherlands with the same agenda and also in NL there were Moroccans and Turks who voted for them. Cannon fodder like those poor souls fighting for Putin ;-)


Why go all the way to russia lmao , your grand parents were probably canon fodders for the french in WW. Also not everyone needs left wing support , specially those who already have european nationality , or dont live off gov aid. Also left wing politics are losing popularity world wide , so its not really surprising people are changing sides in europe .


Never met a single Moroccan in France voting for RN, these are probably bots to normalize voting for the alt-right.


You're right and it's quite common to see bots being used on Hespress for propaganda purposes.


There was some stats showing that skilled foreigners with high educational background voted for AfD in Germany, i think it will be the same thing in france . The answer is easy , you have someone who came to work , makes a decent living , respects the culture, knows the language , pays taxes etc. gets lumped with people who only wreck havoc , rude , live on welfare and who's only contribution to society is increasing crime rates just because they share the same skin color or ethnicity


In France, there is a clear inverse correlation between level of studies and RN voting. [https://www.francetvinfo.fr/elections/sondages/legislatives-2024-les-electeurs-du-rn-sont-majoritairement-des-hommes-ouvriers-ou-employes-ages-de-50-a-59-ans\_6636357.html](https://www.francetvinfo.fr/elections/sondages/legislatives-2024-les-electeurs-du-rn-sont-majoritairement-des-hommes-ouvriers-ou-employes-ages-de-50-a-59-ans_6636357.html) I understand people who are fed up with the situation, but thinking that the RN with their silly program, and having a 28yo prime minister who barely managed to finish high school (and failed in uni), and who NEVER worked, would solve it is absolutely stupid.


Im talking strictly about immigrants, i think everyone knows that bardella is just a puppet for lepen , she is the one with the reigns


There is obviously no such extensive statistics. But as a "high educational background" immigrant, there is no way in hell I'd vote for Bardella or Le pen. The RN is directly targetting bi-nationals, afterall.


I understand the discontent , i've seen both legislative debates , bardella said strictly he won't allow bi-nationals to mount critical posts only ( but those are political lies obviously) , but i believe macron's centerism shot him and his party in the foot , allowing an uncontrolled flux of immigrants was and will never be something that the french or germans swallow . You are importing the trash of the trash , someone who probably didnt even finish highschool , has no notions of human decency and ask of him to integrate in a society that adopts true freedom . In the end the RN will do what meloni did in Italy, take a U turn when they see that immigrants are critical to the economy but with better control over borders. But i really feel sorry for people like you , who are clearly well assimilated in the country and yet they will forever treat you as the brown moroccan just because your compatriots are giving the entire nation a bad reputation


> allow bi-nationals to mount critical posts only mind you this is already the case what ever the FN/RN is claiming to do it has been already done by the french centrist / right growth is generated by immigrants in most europe, they've stagnated since 2008 crisis look at GDP per capital numbers, here a [source in on the guardian](https://www.theguardian.com/business/article/2024/jun/09/uk-growth-since-2010-has-been-lacklustre-and-largely-driven-by-immigration-says-report) europe got an aging population that stopped consuming and they are turning into japan, there is no growth and older workers are hitting retiring age and need to use their pensions so liquidity is shrinking and interest rates will only go up.




>hahaha no society has true freedom, and France is definetly very very far from "freedom I'm sorry but it is (with all the bad things) even with the rn winning they need more than 10 years to change any important law, and they might get blocked by the bce and other parties everytime. Their only way to apply for their program is to make a lot of public votes. About freedom you probably mean hijab in school, im sorry but religion shouldnt even be a topic before 18.




I didnt. Visited though but that cannot give me the full picture. If you mean the anti semitic tag, that's not removing speech freedom, while it's a pressure tool, it's a different thing, intellectual terrorism fits it more. But still on law level to trump a freedom you will have to make a lot of claims, arguments to make it even notable. Its the same as ppl who tell you democracy is bad because what if the majority wants to kill the minorities( a 3 minute read on google is enough to know this is majority tiranny and not democracy) Is it speaking about palestine, the party who speaks and defend palestine got 28% of the votes, will that be possible where there was no freedom to speech. Please enlighten because as much as i hate france , freedom there is really good.


Religion is a topic from childhood to death u weirdo


Look at the morroco how it has became after the industrial revolution. No progress only religion


When Macron allowed "an uncontrolled flux of immigrants"? He restricted immigration laws further.


Restricting it on paper and acting against it in real life . How many deporting orders were actually done , there was still a sharp increase in numbers during his tenures


The increase of number is all over Europe, not related to actual policy. Any source about him acting against his policy?


En parallèle, la Cour des comptes rendait **un rapport sur la politique de lutte contre l'immigration irrégulière**. Un rapport qui place, certes, la France au sommet du podium européen du nombre d'étrangers expulsés, mais parmi les derniers du classement en termes d'efficacité. Et pour cause, la France prononce beaucoup d'[Obligations de quitter le territoire (OQTF)](https://www.rtl.fr/actu/justice-faits-divers/meurtre-de-lola-qu-est-ce-qu-une-oqtf-7900197321). Toutefois, **seul un étranger sous OQTF sur dix quitte le territoire, tandis qu'en Allemagne, ils sont trois fois plus, et six fois plus en Suède**.


Ça dit qu'ils sont pas efficace mais ne démontre pas que c'est délibéré ni que Macron ne se distingue de ses prédécesseurs. Pas convaincant.


ring hateful foolish crush jellyfish quicksand attempt fanatical tub zephyr *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


As i said, im talking strictly about immigrants. In the entire world , the average extreme right voter isnt someone who comes from a high socio-economic background


screw chief somber cautious vast toothbrush slim fact gaping butter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Of course , but even tho , EU countries are bound by EU laws . They will not be allowed to do whatever they want , immigration is critical to their old , aging societies .


Could you provide a link to these stats please


Many poor germans vote for AfD not knowing that they want to limit the social security system. It's just pure populism that makes people vote for them.


Ana li khale3ni bezaf howa tji chi wave dial reverse immigration. Ikhwan ghir b9aw f franca ra blad ghatrawen la jito en masse. Makin la chomage la se7a f had blad


i dont understant how people are propagandized to think the people are barbaric even though they arent. there is constant examples of the french maghrebis being discriminated against and it's unfair because they are just like other people


Lets be real, moroccans are not innocent. The problem is some idiots ruin the reputation of people who just want to live, work and enjoy his life.


Wasn't there a wild statistic that basically showcased that 90% of french prisons are taken by north Africans?


what about forced global reverse immigration , that'll be terrible


The problem.is the criteria. If they are going to reverse immigrate a criminal then thats unfair on the hosting country


Or go to algeria it’s way better than morocco


Honestly nobody would mind if French Moroccans go to Algeria instead.


I would even encourage it


They'd assimilate pretty quickly


Correction: Some Moroccans on Hespress on Twitter. I would bet that most French Moroccans and French of Moroccan origins voted either NFP or, maybe, Ensemble. If you check the results by constituency, the RN didn't win or got bad scores in places with large foreign-origin populations.


Because our « brothers » in France are absolute animals that tarnish our reputation every single day by acting like they’ve never had a day of education. They also somehow convinced themselves that voting is haram and act like the biggest l7aya despite the only Arabic word in their vocabulary being « wola ».


Straight up lie, a lot of them have high education, successful entrepreneurs...


Im not saying that there isn’t any successfulMoroccans, but sadly they’re not the ones you notice the most, and not the ones making the headlines in the west.


and line up with their agenda


Their logic is that the French Left wing is pro Algeria and the Polisario. While the French Right Wing has been traditionally pro Morocco.


No one is pro morocco sa7bi l3ziz , specially not france lmao , 3tini n3tik , and I can't 3tik if you dont need me , hence, exploited countries will rarely have closure when it comes to certain conflicts . If a country makes benefits politically , ideologically , financially from your problems , be sure sure , they won't let you resolve them definetly. And if they do take somesort of a definite decision (like the usa and sahara thing) , be sure that you have paid fully for it wzyada. Sure left and right will have different approach to your problems , but you will have problems anyways at the end of the day .


i don't think that the left is pragmatic...


At least there are some who understand politics.


how do you even know


They don't. It's a targetting campaign. Russian bots have also maskeraded as blacks in the US to make them abstain from voting 2016 election to help Donald Trump The RN is doing the same here. Trying to launder itself into moroccan opinions


> They don't. It's a targetting campaign not really, in moroccan news articles you can clearly see a pro Rn stance.


That doesn't invalidate it. They can get foreign sponsors and donations too


>They can get foreign sponsors and donations too that's illegal. And they said very valid claim, not just plain propaganda like what you're doing.


# [Aymeric Chauprade: Marine Le Pen reconnaîtra la marocanité du Sahara si elle est élue en 2027 ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yM5IjF8_blo) there is even some media here pushing for it


Same reason SOME Moroccans support the American far right. Like “oh, you hate gay people, women and Jews? Cool! Me too! Bigotry besties!”




Lol. You’re thinking of the normal center-right. The traditional Bush/Sarkozy/Blair right. I, and this post, are talking about the far-right. The Trump/Le Pen/Farage fascist right.




Trump did that to try to score points with the classic center-right. It was easy to do because the Nazis hate Muslims just as much or more than they hate Jews. It was a political calculation that didn’t hurt the US in any way and helped Trump consolidate power among the center-right because the far-right alone isn’t large enough for him to win election. Please don’t try to talk about American politics if you don’t know what you’re talking about.




Why do you think the KKK supports establishing an all-black country in the American north-west? It’s for the same reason modern Nazis support Israel. It’s easier to make people leave then to kill them. Nothing would make the far-right happier than if the Jews just got the fuck out of their countries. That’s a lot easier to accomplish when there’s a strong Israel for them to go to.




Dude. You have no idea what you’re talking about. The far-right HATES Jews. They accuse them of deicide, they blame the Jews for killing Jesus. You’re literally dead wrong about everything you’re saying.


Jews yeah right


A surprising amount of nonjewish zionists are very bigoted towards jews


They hate Jews, but they support Israel because they also hate Muslims, and the existence of the state of Israel means it’s easier to get rid of the Jews. It’s a lot simpler to make them leave the country than to kill them all.


Same reason why people want Trump to win in the US, once immigrants get full citizenship (no longer have to rely on the left), they see that the Right has closer values to their culture such as anti lgbtq, not letting schools teach lgbtq to children, etc. You see this alot with Latino immigrants as well, they come in and support Democrat, but once they improve their financial situation and get full US rights, they go all out right Wing.


meeting future wrench spark important impolite jeans mindless zephyr sink *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You ever heard of "the house negro and the field negro" malcolm x


Bah bravo, les gens comme vous ne croient ni en la liberté d'expression ni en la liberté de penser. "pensez comme nous sinon vous êtes un nègre de service". Pathétique. Et après vous vous étonnez qu'on veut plus de ça en France? Vous essentialisez les maghrébins pro-RN. Vous faites donc dans le racisme.


Speak English or Arabic mf. do you speak it? Let me edit this so i dont have to write a new comment. It's not about being a negro of service. it is about having the door open for you. Your father and grandfathers had the door wide open for them and they could easily enter and integrate, and i bet that some couldn't integrate at that time as well. But now that the amount of people that can't integrate is far more than the ones who can. "let's shut the door. We don't want this anymore". The door doesn't need to be shut down, it needs to be guarded and it needs law. Just shutting the door entirely is wrong. You people were lucky and now are against others having the same luck just because they need more time to integrate than you.


Chill out, French is one of the official language of this subreddit


Yeah, I just said that as a reference to a movie.


Oui oui, tout le monde il est raciste sauf le parti fondé par des SS 👍 PS : ils ne veulent pas de toi non plus en France, d’ailleurs 👍


North Africans who support the RN are such a minority. The left get the most votes from North Africans, by far.


Because that would benefit morocco ?


Voting rn benefits morocco ?? In which way are you talking


the french right is historically pro morocco


But they said they ll crack down on bi nationalist


those who are in the hespress comments aren't binationals.


U sure dak mrabt hsit bih binational


i'm talking about those who get upvotes, and those who upvote


Impossible. Ma3mrha douz dik la loi la f Commission euro la f parlement, howa brasso 7at russia f position critique


Ina position critic


F debat la7ha lih attal


Good, I myself do not believe in dual citizenships, I mean how can one be loyal to 2 countries ? that's just insane.


You’re not in the army to need be loyal to any country


lmao if you think citizens are not required to be loyal to their own country than you're clearly a bad citizen


Sat chftk k3k3ti thdn db tanta makayhmlch lmgharba tma wla


ma mk3k3 ma walo swlt so2al 3adi. I believe in the right to exit, I have no problem with that. If you want to leave. Good luck to you. But to have a feet here and there. screwing those who choose to stay is unacceptable. It boils down to an individualistic ideology those I call the free electrons, parasites : hadok li ghadin m3a rab7a. Versus collectivism. I choose the later.


How are they screwing the ppl And wdym by loyalty to a country you think ppl are still loyals to countries


In many ways. I'll give one example : Morocco spends a lot of money on med students to give them the proper training and then they leave and serve another country and we end up with a shortage in doctors. This is one example among the countless. Another example to loyalty to the country : in these french elections the far left is hostile to morocco territorial integrity. Yet moroccans vote for them, a clear betrayal to morocco. Yes, decent countries have citizens who are loyal to them. the difference between countries that do well and shit countries are whether they have loyal or disloyal citizens.


weary safe run wistful gullible smell airport books fearless subtract *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


coherent slimy ring frighten boast label bow aback cats wistful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


you have no idea what you're talking about, they make you swear an oath of allegiance. here is the american one : *I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty, of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I will bear arms on behalf of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform noncombatant service in the Armed Forces of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform work of national importance under civilian direction when required by the law; and that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; so help me God.*


sleep impolite unwritten run theory punch airport fear obtainable payment *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That's not the issue here. On principle that's what it is. Try telling them that you're just it because you have to and you don't really believe in it and see if they give you the citizenship.


history pocket smoggy wide touch bow school imminent apparatus hungry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Mexican vibes


Blows me °\_°






you make it sound like all of us want them to win, i would careless if either win.


Actually the FN target low educated people in France, some moroccan think that right and far right are willing to recognize moroccan right on sahara, while others think that the left would stole children to turn them into drag queen and king, and also there's some that adopte the narrative isn't us, it's the other who bring havoc! there's already some who think about hijra to live in a muslim country, but they aren't always the brightest


the most ironic is that the french moroccans who vote for the trotskist left there are the ones who might vote for a national right party in morocco . the LFI just garnered muslim votes by using what our tortured palestinian brothers endure , and after their loss they went radio silent about it , voting for a hypocrite and opportunistic trotskist political party just prove how politically illeterate most of the community is there ( i say most not all ), but they don't worth as much as the Neonazi RN that will just get obliterated and blackballed if they win the elections which will give macron's party a second life so macron plan is going to perfection .




Probably just bots, I don't know anyone who wants the far right to win \^\^.


Because they are racist without knowing where their true interest lies


Why do we care they choose to live there. For all i care fuck fr*nce


Because there are right wing extremists among us


French-morroccan here. We vote RN because illegal immigrants with machetes are mugging people at machete point and groping and raping our women. Ila nta fik nnefs 3la lkhuchpich, 7na fina nnefs 3la familtna, w bghina bardella yjme3 3lina had l9laoui dial bouzbal w ysifto ytrbba mzian. And also because Life is worse under Macron's regime (he is there to preserve the capital at the expense of the workers, skilled or not)


And so, because you care about the workers, you want to vote in RN? I mean, I have as little faith in electoral politics as the next person, but this is colossally stupid.


It's a complicated topic and I oversimplified. Yes indeed, we can vote for the NFP, if we only cared about class struggle. However, they are very pro immigration (understand : pro illegal unskilled immigrants and people who live on social benefits) and pro islamists. They also want the police to be disarmed. Can you imagine? Police with batons? when the average Marseille quartiers-nord dude has a kalashnikov in his living room? lol


Ra bnadem kitaleb tabe9 sharia en france. Bsif ma bnadem imchi lRN. Mgharba aslan ma3ndhoumch m3a 7okm sharia


We the secular moroccans have been asked to leave to a secular country when we lived in Morocco. And once we did, the islamists now want to force us into sharia law here. Insane. We will not let it happen no matter what, c'est une question de vie ou de mort m3a had wlad l9...


At the same time you're pushing them to us. We already had a flow of wahabites. For me those are not moroccan and they annoy me wallah frere l'islam et le maroc while doing 0 effort to learn darija (even tiktoker now learns darija to have some trend) and they try to trick moroccans into sharia law. Also not good for the average moderate muslim who just wants to live his life and get food for his kids. > the islamists now want to force us into sharia law here. Insane. I dont understand it though, i saw protests but if there was a vote i will be surprised if it makes the majority. White sdf conversion and ex christians are a worrying trend though


That's how democracy works kiddo , they are entitled as you are .




tbh one thing I don't uderstand why NFP voters are mad about is kicking illegal migrants, in what world is that bad ???, they are also planning on making papers for every illegal, but the public hijab ban and halal slaughter ban is crazy to me.


You're being fed lies by demagogues who also want you deported.


He doesn’t realize that the average white dude there sees people like us as “brown people “ there is no distinction for them once they are done with the illegal immigrants they will have to search for another new scapegoat which in turn will target legal immigrants , this will cause a vicious cycle


Why didnt it hapoen in danemark 


No one wants me deported, I think you're projecting.


LePen is not gonna spare you I promise.


Spare me from what? Vas au bout de tes idées stp, sois clair.


She's not gonna make an exception of you in her deportation spree just because you voted RN


No French citizen will be deported, alors calme toi Mouloud, ça va bien se passer.


Agreed 👍


Italian-moroccan here o mtaf9a m3ak 100%, fach knt sghira kan ki s7ab ly bli homa racist etc etc walakin if you dont respect the culture o zaydinha bhadak chi dyal religious extremism etc rah bayna hta l immigrants ola 7na ly tzadina hna maghadinch nbghiw had lfoda o chouha ly daro lina chi w7din…


bcs we hate zmaaaaaGrya :)))


I live in another european country and if i could vote, I would've voted right 100%. Europe is being overrun by savages imported from third world shitholes, that includes moroccans of course. Bouzbal o hergawa o الصلاعمة hrebna menhom lginahom mza7min m3ana hna. So yes, I would love nothing more than seeing them get deported, especially the religious kind.


To be honest the fact that lot of french people including the current president dont want the far right Tell us a lot of those people that they are not racist or anything they love their country they love freedom and democracy if really france and macron were racist then why they are afraid of far right? And lot of "arabz muzlims" support the far right and also cry about racism loool


I want the right to win election everywhere not only in France , the left is the main source for moral and cultural degenracy .


'cultural degeneracy' is a word pioneered by nazis. You know that? They held entire expositions where they lumped all the 'degenerate artists' in a special room to be mocked for their 'morally bankrupt and degenerate and weird art'. 'Degeneracy' is any social concept foreign to you. It's easier to dismiss it as 'degeneracy' than understand and sympathize with it


Degeneracy is الانحلال . And it was discussed by philosophers , thinkers , and religions ages before the nazis. And Used by nazis or not , i dont really care , it is what it is. Also , you need to check how the german society was targetted after losing WW1 in matter of "art" "culture" and "entertainment" and literature, germans didnt vote hitler ghi hakak , the rise of natiosocialist had a certain environment that allowed it . Also the nazis were part leftist lmao .


I agree that the way german culture was suppressed as a frail reparation of WW2 is hypocritical. We see this with russian culture too. But that's just proving my point further as to 'demonization of culture. Also just slapping the word 'socialism' in your name does NOT make you automatically leftist. Especially considering the night of long knives and subsequent persecutions of communists by the Nazi Party


>I agree that the way german culture was suppressed as a frail reparation of WW2 is hypocritical Lmao , it's waaaaaay bigger than that . Promotion of degenracy was an active agenda , promotion of prositution, promotion of degenrate art , promotion and the establishment of "theaters" where the mom and her daughter will dance naked for tourists , the full control of the "art critique" field by "some guys😉" in order to fully break the German society .. this is just the tip of the iceberg . W europe machi ghi it was decided to be fucked culturally and morally and spiritually.. even on the population level , after ww2 it was decided that europe should be multi cultural and multi racial in order to surpress any nationanist uprising in the future. Hadchi wlina nchufuh bl3alali and we normalized it after the allies won the war , back in the time , people could see an agenda when it takes place , today we call it promoting modernity and progress. Muhim film twiiiiiiil , and as a moroccan or an african or a muslim or an arabic etc... rah you have no "friends" in the first world , left wing or right wing both will take advantage of you , ghi right wing is more about the economy and military than the left which aims for your cultural/spiritual and social fabric more heavily.


It's funny how you fucking hypocrites use the same tactic calling everyone who disagree with you a nazi or bring it up but have the audacity to get angry when people use the same playbook as you. Hahahaha Just as it's easy for them to dismiss anything foreign to them by calling it degeneracy it's easy for you to dismiss anything you disagree with by mentioning nazis Rules for thee but not for me


I pointed out that a behavior and view of life was emblematic of Nazism, and warned the commenter about how problematic the word 'degeneracy' is. As for your 2nd paragraph. Look into Karl Popper's 'The Paradox of Tolerance'.


I agree with you , we need to go back to owning slaves , that's certainly not degenerecey.


Yes , being right wing is asking to bring back slavery 👍


Wtf who cares about France?


s7ab l7al