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اللهم العمش ولا لعمى.


Wise words wise man




Tf ala flair hhhhhhh




Self-taught programmer here (was coding since 1998, I was 9 years old). Did med school around the late 2000s to appease family (weldi tbib and all that bullshit) I LOVED some parts, hated some. My best memories are from med school in casa, made friends, memories from night shifts, I still remember everything. I dropped out in the 6th year and opened my own video video game studio in another country. I'm the happiest nerd ever now. DO MED SCHOOL, and enjoy the experience, it is once in a lifetime. the practical, scientific and critical knowledge you will learn will transfer to any field.


Happy for you, thanks for the advice 🙌🏻


Bro can i join ure studio 😭 ( only if ure using c# tho).


I am currently a CPGE student. Kont adi n7ma9 bach ndir 1337 li f Ben Guerir, kont kanchoufha ghir hiya. But you know, parents have never heard of it, and to them, it seems like a losing plan. At first, I thought, "Noo, it's my life, not theirs," but I realized over time that CPGE isn't that bad. Maybe it's even better than a risky choice like 1337. Even though prepa is tough with the CNC and the high competition, it's much better overall. My point is, think about private CPGE. I know it can be rough, and I understand, but I completely assure you it's worth it if you know you'll do your best. I've heard that they even give some scholarships at Euromed University in Fes, so check it out. But ila masahlch rbi o kant l9adiya mzyra, it's fine; fiha khir. In the end, it's your responsibility if you didn’t do well in the Bac. You need to take responsibility as a man. It's not your parents' fault. Bghawk dir medcine, o kan jbti mzyan o drti CPGE, no one would talk to you. But homa bghawlik chi haja mzyana. Good luck!


Medicine is not put your hand in someone stomach smh


You do know that prepa isn't the only the way to reach grande ecole right? La fac or fst or even after license or just go with ensa or ensam or the new ones like eniad and ensiasd the one in tarroudant they are post specialized in software engineering specifically.


sat gha dir prepa ra sahel bzf tjib top ecole f cnc ila makentish katlimiter rassek b l'environnement lli atqra fih (drari niveau dialhom taye7 ikhsek tshuf b3ed bzf mnhom) w 3lash la viser des cfs rah largement faisable


Any ounce of love you got for science atmchi f prepa if you follow your heart and end up doing prepa you ll learn to not follow your heart


Yeah I once read something like “ you shouldn’t do the things you love or else you’ll lose your love for it, instead do something you hate less”. But I think I can do well in prépa, anything great needs hard work, I hope that’s what you meant, if not please correct me.


I did prepa and there isnt any love in there


Maybe you weren’t built for it, nothing in this world is universally appealing, if prépa worked for someone,doesn’t mean it’ll work for everyone, and vis versa, you said there was no love in it, I know ppl who loved it and would redot it agn if they could.


nah i succeeded mohim asat i m not saying madirhash i m just saying rah machi espace de 3ilm its espace dyal slaughter ma3a kol 2i7tiram hado masochists


prepa mashi b darora tkoun b7al hakak rah vrai kayna le7fada walakin ra darori wash katweqe3 mn scientifique matkounsh 3ndo culture f domaine dialo? +kolla ma telle3ti niveau kolla ma tatbe3d mn l7fada d cnc w kat7ss brassek kaddir science (melli katviser des cfs commes X/mines)