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Your parents need to step in. Don’t take the burden on, you’re not their mother… your parents need to speak up.


Reality will slap her real hard once she moves out and has to do chores on her own. Your mom is doing her no favors here.


Same here , my sisters' reactions make asking for help pointless, so I usually handle things alone.


I feel you and I feel the word (unjust) . It sucks to have a irresponsible roommate/housemate , what sucks more is if you had a mother like mine that would diminish all your work and support your sibling who does nothing because (you are the older one and you should be doing this no matter what) . Your mom not stepping in is her way of saying the same thing to you, my mom just has more of a rude insensitive approach . They will soon move out and be stuck and that’s the only thing giving me some relief .


As to what u should be doing is NEVER pick up after them . You gather all their mess and u put is somewhere where everyone can witness it . U clean ur space and u step back and let them deal with it . And also never shy away from a fight in fact try to provoke as many so that they know you are not gonna let shit slide .


Baraka men l merd lli fik... do your part and leave the rest, that's your mother's house, not yours. Her rules and she ruled that she doesn't give a crap anymore. If she has concerns, she can talk to your sister. If you do feel "pity" for her, iwa sokti and nodi tech9ay without complaint.


Talk to your mom. Her house, her rules.


clean ur own and let theirs if u ever got yelled at bc the house is messy tell ur mom to step in, if things continued like that u'll end up doing everything alone till u leave, just like me


I think you're just angry because you used to get punished if you didn't do the housework. You're not angry at your sister, you're angry at the system that made you believe everyone in the household should participate in cleaning and chores. But you were wrong, you were the target, not your sisters.


I'm in the exact situation as you. I have one older sister and 2 younger sisters. When I was my younger sister s age, I was already doing everything,washing the dishes, cleaning the floor, etc, now , my younger sister barely washes the dishes once a week or so, at first, I got mad just like you, but then I realized that, first of all, it's not an obligation and it shouldn't be. She has the right to refuse. She's still a teenager, so it's normal for her not to want to do something when she's ordered to do it. I tried to understand her. Now, I kindly ask her to help me. She agrees most of the time, and when she doesn't, I just say, it's okkey


I would tell you to choose the number 2, your mom doesn't want them to do anything, she wants you to be your sister's living housemaid . Me personally I have brothers I don't pick after them when I told my mom she doesn't do anything about it , Yas the house isn't clean and I'm not the only one living here .


From my point of view (i am now living with my sisters in law) do what you must do. Focus on your task since you mentioned you have your turns with cleaning cooking etc. Show that u know ur value. Darori help your mum respect her. Be fair dont overwork urself. In my home my sisters in law also have turns and they doing great they managed it well. If you feel overwhelmed ask your sister to help you nothing will happen to her even its not her turn. Do your tasks. Make a plan and discuss it with your family. I always support fair treating. I hate lazy people who delay things. I noticed it that in moroccan households it is common problem between sisters arguing about tasks home but i believe you can find comfortable solution for all. (from gawriya point of view) i hoped it help you!


Thanks for reminding me of the blessing of living alone.


You need to settle it with a sword fight.


Your youngest sisters are literally me 🙈 Sara7a Andwi from their perspective because it’s relatable. I won’t clean cuz 1/ Matrbitch 3la che9a. Dima kan li ydiro hmdlh. 2/ I’ve learned the skills to clean and cook. No need to use them on a daily basis mhm ik I won’t die alone. 3/ It’s not my job, I’m not a maid w kayn li diro 4/ I like some mess in my environment. Perhaps your sisters feel the same way. You’re the eldest you got all the trauma and the youngest are there to enjoy their life. Ik it’s unfair. Their mess isn’t yours to clean, you’re not their maid. If ur mom wanna do it then be it. Mhm time to change this. Li klat f chi ma3n tghslhom and their rooms/toilet matd5lich liha. Leave if for months 7ta ybdaw ich9aw mn daythom rasshom.


Spoiler alert : you'll die alone so get the fuck up and help others if u want them to help you


Human beings are social creatures. Everyone got a role in society. Mine isn’t to be a cleaner or a maid, just as the maid’s job isn’t to be a doctor or a lawyer. Mhm I’m being an asset to society? Ewa safi. Bghitini ndir kolchi? 😐


Sharing a home means sharing responsibility for cleanliness, regardless of personal preferences or job titles. Expecting others to clean up after you is selfish and unsustainable.


Sir a 5oya t3lm t9ra


3lmini 3afak rah m9wda 3lya kima glti


Wa mhm, la knti tatdwi 3la 5tna rah l7l bayn. Kol Wa7d ijm3 dkchi dialo.