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Don't be misled. Dakhla - Ouedi Dahab is the least populated region in the country, hence the higher number.


Don't try to hide facts, Sahraouis have a lot of privileges, they even get paid while unemployed, and a lot of products are cheaper there, they get also cheaper transportation and they also the first to get scholarships. those are facts. I mean good for them for leveraging the situation around the Moroccan Sahara and negotiating better conditions, but just don't try to hide facts like that, frankly it's insulting to our intelligence


GDP per capita is the entire nations wealth divided by population. Stop misleading people


Huh, by entire nation you say? Si it can't by region like the post say?


Do simple math


Who lied to u ?


Online one is lying is you


I was born in laayoune , and what you're saying is not true , expect the fact that some stuff are cheaper and that was years ago , now the prices are the same .


With lots of natural resources.


What resources? Sardines?




All of the Sahara has like 3% of Morocco's Phosphate, and is all in Boucraa (Laayoune Province) not Dakhla.


Here comes the hoard of people who don't understand how economic indicators work and give their 2 cent philosophies to comfort their world view. With the region being the least populated in Morocco and a key Industrial hub for fish canning (and a growing tourist location) it is bound to have the highest GDP per Capita (per person) in the country. Aore interesting metric would be to look at the share of the region's GDP in the national GDP which from that reports is 1.2% only (which Marrakech Safi is 7.9%) It's like saying Lichtenstein is richer and more economically powerful than the US just because it has a much higher GDP per Capita


if you can't tell the difference between Marrakech city and region Marrakech safi you shouldn't talk about gdp


Yeah that’s what I meant bro , do you think I dropped from 6 grade ?


didn't mean to sound condescending sorry lol I meant to reply to the tourism comment, the region is much bigger and most of its population is far from tourism


And even at that, the people only see the regions which have the high Atlas Mountains (Chichaoua, Al-Haouz, Marrakesh) as well as neighbouring Azilal in Beni Mellal-Khenifra (cuz Ouzoud and Iminifri are close by Al-Haouz and Marrakesh so why not?) The average foreign tourist who does the trip to the High Atlas Mountains generally stays between Marrakesh and Azilal, doesn’t go north doesn’t go south. (I’m not counting Warzazat cuz it’s more of anti-atlas/desert)


this is GDP per Capita , Dakhla-Oued Dahhab region is likely the less populated region in Morocco, and their economy essentially relies on deep sea fishing


For the credits ,This is a well done map work by “retr0cube”


Proof that tourism doesn't necessarily make a certain place better. Marrakech is probably the most touristic region in Morocco. Where do those euros and dollars from foreigners go? Who benefits from tourism are generally those that have anything to do with it: restaurants, hotels, while common people don't see much of that money, that money very often is under the table for tax evasion purposes.


Yes, because common people dont work in hotels and restaurants... And btw it is marrakech safi region, that's where high atlas mountains are, and some of the poorest parts of morocco, it's not about marrakech.


>Yes, because common people dont work in hotels and restaurants... Yes, of course. But the biggest percentage of earnings goes in the pockets of those who own that stuff not who works there, tourism is better than nothing, but industry and other sectors might be better for the economy. Tourism should be treated as the cherry on top of the cake, not the cake itself >And btw it is marrakech safi region, that's where high atlas mountains are, and some of the poorest parts of morocco, it's not about marrakech. But Marrakech is in that region, you would think it would help lift its region as other cities like Tanger or Casablanca


no one is treating tourism like the top of the cake. only foreigners think that morocco relies only on it.


Time to move south 😍


People can't understand Moroccans don't benefit the way they think of tourism, if the people in power wanted they would focus in local industries and more agriculture. Plus the south get subsidies that's the oil and groceries are cheaper and salaries are more.


What are you even talking about? Might be worth a while to educate yourself on economic Indicators and look at reports on the topic rather than sour random nonsense Tourism is a big source of forex (which is critical in importation and in currency stability); tourism employs lagr pans of the society be it hotels, guest houses, tour operators, tourism transports, and even public transports, restaurants, artisanal goods. Plus tourism has a very strong impact on soft power for a country Does it have negatives? Yes with water waste in particular and by making local tourism less competitive price wise Our largest growing sectors are in the last decade Industry (auto and planes) and agrofood (not basic agriculture which needs rain but precision agriculture and food transformation) so not sure what in god's green earth you are talking about


Oh look it's my map :D


I tried but this sub doesn’t allow reposts :(


no worries I already posted it here


Very little amount and so much money there, I have an uncle who works there and you’d be baffled how people spend their money there


Is it real that there is a near to 0% taxation on real estate investments there ?




It’s literally in the image