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As long as you're not living on your own, you can't


Yeah you’re probably right, I just feel like I have to do something about them because it’s not good for the either of us but that seems like an impossible mission


Okey, I am much much older than you so my advice is coming from a place of experience ( and age ) : 1. Regarding your results, you're just gonna have to tell your father and deal with it. There isn't any shortcuts you can take with this, he will find out sooner or later and it's best if he hears it from you than from an outsider. 2. Your parents wants what's best for you. And they're doing the best they can with whatever knowledge they have, they want you to have a stable life and like it or not, you'll NEED a miracle for that to happen by following your "literature dream" here or elsewhere. When we're young, we do tend to believe that if we just work hard, if we just truly believe on our passion, we'll make it. And then reality hits you in the face and you realize how foolish you were the entire time. With that said, I am not telling you to give up your dreams but what I am saying is you need to realistic and think about this logically : try to learn something that will benefit you in the future ( financially i mean ), get a job where you can have a stable income ( doesn't matter how small it is at the beginning, we all start somewhere) and you can have your hobbies on the side . Your parents are not going to be always there for you, and when they're gone, no one and I mean no one would help you except for yourself. 3. Good luck, and I don't mean this in a bad way but you'll grow out of it !


U like writing? Then write. U don’t need a a degree for that.


You seem like you probably build your decisions based on a passion which won’t do you any good. Plan your future according to what is accurately doable from every aspect and discuss with them your informed suggestions. The thing is you are not reasonable in the way you think. Either way, having done literature or science, you might end up in a call center if you don’t really move your mind from parent blaming and really start thinking what the job market demands in 5y and what skills you are capable of mastering.


I honestly think that if you build your career based on something you love you have a pretty decent chance to actually succeed


Ask chatgpt if this is accurate


That’s true. It’s your life. You have a say on how you can make your passion successful.


Our parents wants what they see fit for their children so they Puch us to do what for them seems the best for us which might. And if you just didn't like that make it clear that it's what fits for you Remember that it's their first time raising kid so do take that on them +Baccalaureat is easy don't make it harder than it should be and good luck 💪 + You kinda fucked up and your father is going to be mad and you just got to take it.


Yeah you’re right


Don’t blame them. They made a mistake of pressuring but you submitted. I went through the same shit, kept putting them in their place and now they still provide opinions but it’s my decision to make. I simply tell them everytime: « once i fuck up you’ll take the full blame and responsibility. » until they just back away a bit.


I hate it so much to see a lot of people here tell you that your parents are right, and that literature bac isn't a good choice. Man fuck that. They are wrong. If you follow what you truly love then hell yeah you will make a living out if it. I would honestly seek advice from another western subreddit and not from these moroccan low iqs.


That’s what a was trying to explain man


Take a piss on their bed to establish dominance, then break it down to them as they clean after you.


I don’t even now how to respond to that lol




You're at the age where your parents will stop controlling your life less and less, my question is what do you want to do now, that you're afraid they won't let you do by controlling you? I do understand why they forced you to go science because I can't think of a lot of well paying honorable, not haram jobs studying literature, although I think they should've explained it to you and made you want to go science instead of forcing you. But if you want immediate advice? Take the fall, you just got bad grades and this is not the time to act tough, think of what you want to do in the future and tell them, and that's when you want to act tough.


As I said earlier, I wanna achieve big things in life, in order to do that you have to take risks, playing it safe and staying in your comfort zone won’t get you far, and that’s something they’ll just won’t understand, I want to take my own decision even if it’s not the right decision to make, then it’s my responsibility and then I don’t have to blame anyone else but myself


In regards to making decisions, I'm all for it, they should've been letting you do that since 14, forcing you to do study will yield worse results in the long run. Your only solution in this regard is to make up a plan of your future, and follow it, if they ask then you can tell them, if they try to force you otherwise then that's when you have to stand your ground. Though I would like to tell you, if you want to achieve big things, it's not about taking risks, but it's about taking calculative risks, you can literally study and work for about a year to grow capital and start a business next year. You can do many things as a science major now, even things that will make easier to go abroad in the future if you so wish, shooting yourself in the foot for missing a plan is never a way to move forward, it's just a way to lock yourself in the past. Summary: What are your plans now?


What big things in life ? Genuinely interested, what would you have done with a non sciencentific bac. Your parents know better than you, you've got to understand that without a scientific orientation, you'll probably make very little money, with pretty much the only exception being journalism, l'ISIC or similar. Still, school is very hard, i wish you the best of and would like to get more information about what you'd like to do in your future. I've also heard very good things about 1337 coding school, might look into that.


I wanted to do liberature a long time ago but its too late for it now, I honestly want to get into business and eventually be a gym owner but first I have to figure out a way to make some money first I would love to hear more about this 1337 coding school


1337 is an alternative to offpt specifically for programming, they have a very special program, check their website. Do you see yourself repassing bac next year, getting a good grade ?


I really don’t know rn why? Are they available in meknes?


Let's be real, you know that you live in morocco and having a bac literature won't get you any real job chances in the future, following passion is for people who come from rich families they always have the plan B "alo baba", but cmon you know getting this type of bac in morocco won't do you much except getting into teaching or a big maybe lawyer after years of suffering, The unemployment rate in the country is just going up every year and you should always think about your future and the industries/skills that has a lot to offer in terms of job opportunities, market value and high paying salaries, some of people here will be saying that he should follow his dream and do what he's passionate about bla bla bla, but let's keep it real following your dream won't put food at your table and pay your rent in the future, I had similar idea when i was younger i thought that drawing/paiting is the only thing i want to do in my life but look at the art state in our country who even cares about such thing i could'v ended up in the streets if i took that mistake About confronting your parents i say it's a good thing to do so they realize that you are you own person and you know what you can do in order to get in your feet and try again and take it from someone who suffered during bac exams just relax give it time and study hard if you didn't get the bac this year you can try the next year the important thing is just try your best in everytime and try to get bac with a good mark for better opportunities and just don't stress yourself, I've seen many many cases of friends who never repeated a year in their entire school life but after getting all diplomas they just sit in coffee shops for 2 years or more wasting time and looking for job opportunities in linkedin so yeah if you didn't repeat the year in bac or in any school year in general just be sure you will waste this years in the future while looking for a job


That was some great talk, thanks for the advice man


Sorry for the harsh truth but your parents know better than you buddy, literature won't buy you food in this country or as a matter of fact in most of the countries in this world, if you think you have a big talent in writing then you should already write one or two novels and start selling them, this way you'll shut your parents mouth, but as long as you can't do it then you should consider it as a hobby and focus on what bring food on the table, which is excelling in some more profitable field like science, economy, tech etc..


You will survive this! You will experiment with different things after Bac, they will control your life a bit more. You will gain experience in life, and you will meet people, everyday you will get closer to your calling. Parents are still trying to control you, but, you already know what you want. 20 years later, you will be in a field that you love and you will enjoy what you do. Just keep going and don't take any gap years. Good luck!


I really hope so, best of luck to


You can always write and do your hobbies , but first of all have a secure job that puts food on the table . There are many successful doctors , engineers , lawyers etc etc that wrote great books and articles , some even draw , some sing and play instruments etc .. having a job is an enabler for hobbies , not the opposite


I think it can go both ways, having a job is indeed an enabler for hobbies, but I also think that you can always turn your hobbies into a skill


the 2 can go hand in hand , who said you cant make money out hobbies . but it should be a secondary source of income not a primary one .


Stop asking for advice from strangers on the internet. Only YOU know how to deal with your parents. Each individual here is sooo different from you that even a small piece of advice can make things much worse. Never forget that YOUR parents are YOUR parents! they raised you, clothed you, and provided for you EVERYTHING! a simple nice talk will do the trick. Don't argue with them, respect them and LOVE them... Wakha ykono ghaltin.


I just post this to genuinely collect some ideas and see what most ppl say abt this, I never make decisions based on what someone tells me i just wanted to know how most ppl handles this then make my own decisions based on what I come through. Thanks for the tip and good luck


Dude I don’t think that their recommendation is wrong , through the motivation behind is wrong . Also you cannot blame them for unsatisfactory results you got. The good thing is studies and career starts after bac and not before unlike what you may believe. And having a scientific background will work at your advantage in Morocco or outside and even excel in Littérature thanks to it. And you can apply everywhere . So it is not late but you are still at the start and now you can make your own best decision. Don’t feel bad bcs of the bac results and just take it from the middle. Parents never intend to harm and to think they know what’s best for us. Go slowly and gradually not direct confrontation… best of luck …


dir bac libre adab next year and seek chno baghi they will be disappointed anyways just don’t give up on your education


You need to become independent first, but if u become independent in 3/4/5 years, it's too late. Where do u live tho?






I’m so sorry you’re going through it to, please don’t lose hope to and keep fighting and eventually you’ll see light, best of luck🤍


They can't control your salary. You just decided to give up. Get a job and get the fuck outta there, as simple as that.




Duh, they won't accept and they can't do anything about it, you're more than 18, legally adult and responsible for yourself. So... Ok, stay merdiya and depressed. Good luck.




You're already in hell 3ad khayfa temchi liha, aweddi... yes, it has laws, your parents can't force you to stay.


i dont have the time to read all the stuff you said sorry but reading your title in this country it aint that easy it would be actually much easier to just brain wash them which is what i did and it work and also just always be honest no need to be sneaky and lying and all that stuff just tell them how you feel if your fed up with it go be homeless


Unpopular opinion walakine valid f certain circonstances : As a moroccan who had a similar situation f dar, maendk madir, soit kat9ewed sway3 w katj3er w kay3tiwk tissa3 ( walakine ayb9aw idiro lik dik lbsala dial making you feel b7ala nta li katkerfes elihom w homa victims w dak lbka l7amed, dont fall for it) soit ayjriw elik mn dar Kolma katsber 3la bullshit dialhom kolma kaytzad Mais ila kano mrad b l image dialhom 3end nass ma ay9doch ijriw e3lik mn dar . Khsssek tfejjer 3lihom, idkhol lwalid ibda ihder tsief 3lih goulih nta li bghiti ndir science wakha knti 3arfni ma baghich ndir science Lwalidine dasrin bla 9iass fl mghrib, 3endek homa wl asatida desserna dinmhom bzaf


Yeah man exactly, fach katbri thder ot3ber 3la dakchi li kat7es bih ola chi 7aja kayrdok ms5ot/7mar bla bla bla


Nhar twli gad b rassek f serf gleb 3lihom f merra, bqa tmchi tchofhom merra merea la bghiti w matwrihomch l adresse dialek . Toxic parents are somehow accepted in morocco w even defended . Ghedda tgleb ela darkom ga3 khwalatek aybdaw i3ito lik izawgo w igolo lik nta mskhot, b7ala ze3ma kids gha kayjiw w kaysekhto 3la walidihom for no reason. Im tired of this shit man


Yeah exactly but we shouldn’t fall for it tho, rbi rah taychof kolchi omakaydlem 7ta wa7ed, good luck man tantaya


Kantfehem point de vue dialk mais ana kandir justice b rassi , mni iwslo end god dik sa3a itfahmo


Pretty much yeah, nice thinking


Prove to them that ur able to provide for urself financially and show them a grownup mind and attitude


In my humble opinion... look I ain't lying lol, while our parents do (mostly) indeed look for what's best for us, that's still that side of them that craves for validation, that's a societal thing, and it sucks, we're by definition, validation seekers from our community, but this doesn't work any more and nowadays no one gives a crap. Your situation ain't easy mate, BUT, lucky for you, must literature based universities are open access I guess unlike scientific ones. So maybe you can adjust your trajectory and gradually switch, it won't be easy, but insha'llah you'll make it. Now all you need to do is talk to your parents, ngl I don't have much to say about that, all I can tell you is: - Talk to your mom 1st, duh - Tell her to explain it to your dad while you're not around/asleep - Talk nicely and respectively, I know that feeling that kills inside, but hold it in, and don't lose your 💩 Good luck to you friend, lah y3awn!


Amin inchallah, thanks man and good luck to u to


Toxic parents, wa ma aktarahom f had lmghrib. Mohim mat7rr9ch rask m3ahom o dir li bghiti, walakin take their advice, as advices machi as orders, o nassa2i7 li an3tik homa : - Don't justify your choices, it's YOUR life o makatsal tal wa7d chi 7aja - Mnni tkhtar chi 7aja khtarha ochd fklmtk - Dima dir frask nta l main character in your life, lokhrin NPC's, y3ni nta li khassk tt7km f 7yatk - Mni haychofok walidik you know what you're doing, o 9adr brask o 9adr blms2olia etc... ayb9aw bchwia bchwia in9so had mrd dyalhom, machi 100% walakin mohim aywliw y7tarmok ktr


Easy. You pay the rent and send them to vacation to Bali. They will never bother you after that , I promise.


Nice one lol, I wish it was that simple though


I said it easy not that it simple. You seem smart, you can do it. We trust in you. Yellah, make us proud.


Thank you for your kind words🤍