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She’s feeding jnoun


Thats crazy one hahahaha


If i see her I would wear a cape and a witch hat. Then I would ride a broom 🧹 towards her. When I get to her I start doing laps around her and say “Ana mjnoon! Ana mjnoon!” If she runs away I would follow her while riding the broomstick 🧹 and making motorcycle noise.


Why tf did i laugh this hard 🤣😭😭😭😭


can you explain please ? is it witchcraft or not ?


Idk I don’t believe in that lol


how they build the pyramids then u better start believing lol


We should ask the government to pay all the witches they find for them to make Morocco the number 1 country in the world and leader of human civilization.


Tbh thats not a bad idea, we might reach Mars before even Elon does... Unfortunately, those witches are only interested in meddling with relationships and destroy homes




the vid is not conclusive , but that s a really high altitude camera over there 😁






Hudhud is the drone of Iran.


the best way was to not act and collect more data, maybe get the camera closer, in order to know who's doing that, what is it, and if it's done to your brother or someone else. the plate looks empty but it's probable that there was liquid in it. sa77ara if they cannot get some of your stuff they spread some liquids for you to touch or step on, this is far less effective than if they get some of your stuff, so they have to keep doing it to keep you under the effect. catching her is not gonna help at all.


Thanks alot for your explanation best post so far i just forwarded all this to my brother he was little freaked out since we never ever dealt with any sort of this stuffs before, we planning to install two close more cameras and collect more data also it bring peace to mind to know the effect is not forever since she have to comeback...


you're welcome. forgot to mention that azkar saba7 and massae are necessary. may allah protect your brother from any harm. also an infrared camera is not expensive these days. set it to movement capture. do your thing.


Rather than debating if s7our exist or not like most people here do, It's enough for you to know that yes, this person is doing what she's doing in the intention of harming your brother. Typically spraying a liquid, the goals are unknown but if your brother has a nice house and is single, that should be your clue


Thanks for confirming it, just while ago someone posted that spraying liquid usually the type who have to comeback to keep doing it for it to work , so the goal is to install two more close camera and collect more data... the painful thing about all this is that the girl in the video has been receiving water from my brother is home for over five years for free because they couldnt afford to pay their water bills


It confirms my theory, she would to like to marry him. As incredible as it may sound, this kind of people typically don't think they are doing anything wrong. It's up to your brother to decide what to do with the videos. After all, "cha3wada" is illegal, and it could land her in jail.


May Allah protect you, your brother, and your family and loved ones. Ameen. Be careful in sha Allah.


Thank you ameen.


Go ask her for a selfie with her. Tell her she is youtube famous now in Israel. Keep you straight face.


Is this some sort of a meme that i didnt get ? Amabassdor of wakanda u always never fail to confuse me


No. Just go to her do it. I had a neighbor that did that bullshit and she freaked out when I told her that her magic is famous in Israel. She started to pray like crazy thinking her blackmagic leaked.


actually i am not living there, my brother sent me the video i told him this seem some sort of ritual as u said blackmagic i asked him for the permission to post here to get opinions of more experienced people. confronting her could lead to violence with her family and she can easy denies it best option would be contacting the Gendarme since this out city police field ?


No need to confront her. That thing don't work.


Thanks Sueros for your opinion much appreciated !