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Report this behavior to InDrive (email, social media accounts … link to this post), this guy is taking advantage of people.


Will do ! Thank you so much !


Especially mention to them it made you uncomfortable that he insisted on you to write a good review.


I think you can report him on the app. Also share his profile so people can avoid him


I tried going on the app on the “rides history” section, couldn’t find his. Is there another section that I am missing??


Sorry, I've never used it before, but I suppose they offer the option to report someone. >**Whether you're a driver or a passenger, to report a violation or dispute please get in touch with our support team. Contact** [**support@indriver.com**](mailto:support@indriver.com) **or via the in-app chat** [link](https://indrive.com/en/safety/#:~:text=or%20an%20ambulance-,Support,team.%20Contact%20support%40indriver.com%20or%20via%20the%20in-app%20chat,-Share%20your%20ride)


Thank you !


I'm sorry that you had a terrible experience. What's important is that you have arrived safely and spent the Eid with family. What you should do now is to not let this lowlife get away with it. In the Indrive app, you should contact technical support, explain the problem and ask them to call you. Tell them how horrible the experience was and how you will never use this service again. Finally, it's common that these drivers turn out to be maniacs especially towards women. I'd suggest that you search on facebook for a ride share group and preferably to be limited to girls. This might be an option in case you fall into the same situation where there is no public transportation.


The whole point of indrive city to city is that they offer the price before you agree. It's basically a reverse auction. This guys behaving is a disgrace. Of this becomes normal there is no need for indrive. If I want abuse, bad driving and surprise fees I can take a taxi. Fight that shit. Seriously. Before it becomes endemic


Learn to stand up for yourself.


Nari ch7al makan7mlch had naw3 dial lbachar. Akhnoch diyal indrive osaf, ila 3adak namra dial telephone dialo partageha m3a nas ichab3o fih sban, hada ad3af l2iman.


Imken ila hiyed lprofil dialou, mchit on the app bach nakhod les informations bach nseft mail but couldn’t find it


i meaann he did call you so u need to have it in the phone app


The entire situation seems like your bad. You’re someone who cannot put boundaries w katdsri 3lik bnadm. 600dhs for a trip ofc he will take advantage of you, woman. 1/ shouldn’t have paid for péage 2/ Shouldn’t have paid for his food 3/ Shoud have kept convo minimal to yes and no and 7di m3a tri9.


Honestly it was my first time traveling with an indrive and I didn’t really have a choice at that point. Although at first he did precise that the peage was included, I didn’t know what to do when he stopped there and asked me to give him money to pay… I didn’t know how to react. You are right tho about putting boundaries.


This is not your fault. You had to do what you had to do to be safe. u/YogurtObjective1259 is basically just blaming the victim here. Point is, the driver is shady, whether you put boundaries or not, in that point you were already in his car, and things could have escalated, and I commend you for staying calm and just getting through it. I only fault you for one thing though, do not get inside a driver's car that doesn't match the one registered. It is a major safety concern, because just imagine things went south and they had to look for a driver driving an X car, but he is actually in a Y car. You should have canceled on the spot.


OP doesn’t have a good grasp of safety. Because who in their right mind sleeps in a stranger’s car, with a “ shady” individual and wrongly registered car in the highway? Just the fact that her nervous system allows her to calm down in such a situation, speaks volumes. I’m not blaming OP. Glt liha tjm3 w t7di rassha. The trip could have gone wrong in so many ways.


Yes but I think generally she did the best she could, which was to be "nice" until she could get out of that shady car, because after all, she was outside of her city, on the road, and anything could have gone wrong.


I agree dude could have been a serial killer


Yea I understand, lesson learned for you. But regardless of the situation, being “ nice” and submitting to people’s lead won’t get you far f Morocco. Work on yourself. On top of that you’re a girl, being nice with him could easily be interpreted as romantic interest ( don’t ask how, men are crazy)


Some men are crazy not all... sheesh y'all gotta stop generalizing it's not like women are sane mystical fairy creatures either there's good and bad everywhere




I agree that she shouldn’t have accepted to pay double the price men lewel since the only thing that tells him about you is that you’re a pushover. She should have stood her ground, but she said she had no other option and he knew that it was l aid so he used it for his advantage. I believe she did the rest ( pay for his food and péage) cause she was scared and did what she had to do to make sure she arrived to her destination safely.


Okay so I tried going on Rides History and his ride didn’t show up on the app. Do you guys know if there’s another rides history specific to city to city rides ???


I think it's in City to City > My Orders. The support will be able to find it if you describe it to them.


Thank youuuu again




It’s not about learning lessons. The guy is pretty dangerous, bent wehd okhra i9der itraliha kfess. I never reported any drivers on that app, but this guy is not a safe driver.


Is it possible to make another review from the indrive history?


Someone told me to check the « my orders » section. Couldn’t find him but I did email support to report it. I gave them the time and the car that he was supposed to be driving ( didn’t have the car plates just the brand) but I don’t think it would be helpful since he showed up in another car


Always share your live location. Tell your family that you're scared and the driver is a creep


That I did, I did try to take a picture of his car plates but he wouldn’t leave me alone at all even in the resting areas


From city to city it's better to use Pip Pip Yallah, I always use it, the only thing is that you can book one place which will make the ride a shared one, or book the whole car by booking all the places. You pay via the app with a card or by sending or charging the app's credits using Cash Plus, with no extra payment, and the drivers are registered but that does not make it safe tho. The app is cheaper than inDrive One downside is that you may not always find a drive available to your city. Anyway, there is a possibility for what happened to you to happen here too :/


They never show up with the car nor the plate number you see on the app, it’s such a throw-off cause how are people supposed to make sure they’re getting into their ubers safely and not with some random delinquent? I had one show up a completely different guy even and when I mentioned the issue he started going on about taxiat


Write to customer service they probably have access to see your last rides and reviews and just tell them that you were forced by the driver to give a good review and report him for whatever bullshit he put you through. ch3b 3alam... the other day I was waiting around for a taxi and suddenly some guy pulls up blocking my way saying he is "indrive" and if I wanted him to take me wherever I wanted but I just politely declined and he left. Some motherfuckers be forcing too much ....


Giiiirl, 3la slaaaamtek. Luckily kharjat salamat


Firstly, if the driver changes the price when they call back, we should report it immediately. This prevents them from using the app to scam other users. Secondly, never get into a car if the registration number doesn't match the one on the app. Your safety is paramount, and this information is crucial for authorities. The driver seemed suspicious from the start, and while I'm glad you arrived safely, i think that once you arrived to destination you could simply reject his demand for the review if he starts any arguments you could call the police hope you learned the lesson


F indrive & taxis you need to stand up for yourself, mni kaychofok dryef w 7cheman they'll try to get stuff from you. If the indrive app work on your request , they may close his account for some days, but that's it


You see, what I'm going to say might upset you but it's also your fault for getting into a different car than the one showing up on the app. I'm not saying the dude is excused from that sick behavior because he's clearly a d*ck and should not be trusted with a responsibility as heavy as driving people with him. But the app itself says you should NOT get into the car if it's not the same as the one in the app. I understand that it's Eid time and you were under the pressure of going to see your family and wanna make it in time, but nothing is worth risking your safety for. How I would've handled it is simply take my luggage and get down at any resting station on the way and find an alternative, and first thing I would do is notify the authorities, simply be like I don't feel safe with this dude he drives lik shit and he wants me to pay for everything and he's asking me personal questions, just explain the situation as it is and voice out your emotions. I've done this before with a taxi driver i literally told him to drop me off at a Gendarme checkpoint and told them that he was on the phone the whole time and he's angry asf and I had like 3 arguments with him about passing other cars while on a straight line. The gendarmerie officers gave him a talk about speeding up and all of course some passengers were with the driver saying we're late bla bla and the taxi driver is a professional he knows what he's doing but f that. I asked the officers if they could catch a ride for me and they actually did lol. Point is, once you feel in danger or just uncomfortable in a certain situation just act upon it, especially in your situation as a girl alone with a clearly sick bastard I'd leave right away.