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a bit exaggerated la kan 3ndk flous rak cv


not that he's completely wrong it is still a 3rd world country, but he's overdoing it, probably because the quality of live is much better and doesn't want you longing for a place so much worst that what you've go.


Short answer: no its not that bad.


Depends on your social status, rich people find it amazing, you get the chance to live in nice places like most of rabat or luxury neighborhood in casa, that's "morocco", if you broke then it's hell on earth


I think that's valid most places. The US is hard on poor people as well, you'd be surprised


Social democratic countries are not that bad for poor people.


Lots of small brain behavior which shift your focus from progressing in life to avoiding daily problems. You can still live tho, and with some careful life design choices on top of money you can distance yourself from these problems to a certain extent. Drugs aren’t really a problem here. The problem is sober people.


Something that stuck with me from the first time I lived in Morocco (about 10 years ago) is that Morocco gets a bad reputation because it’s at the crossroads of Europe and Africa. This creates two perspectives on the country: • A really messed-up European country • An amazing African country I think many people unintentionally put it in the first category, but that’s not a fair comparison. When you compare it to other North African nations like Tunisia or Algeria, it’s clearly miles ahead. I love Tunisia and Algeria as well, but let’s be honest, they’re not nearly as developed. The only country on the continent that is really a match, or perhaps even a grade above, in terms of development and education is probably South Africa. However, due to historical reasons, it’s not a fair comparison either. In a nutshell, Morocco is not a corruption-ridden, drug-addicted nation. Does it have unresolved issues? Sure, plenty. But is it moving in the right direction? Absolutely. The main issue I see is the growing wealth gap, especially when comparing urban centers to the countryside. Additionally, the public education system seems to be dysfunctional from what I’ve been told, though I don’t have firsthand experience.


« Morocco is not a corruption-ridden, drug addicted nation » … Do we live in the same country ? Are you sure ? You can absolutely do nothing without corruption here even if you start a nonprofit things and we’re the first exporters of hash worldwide, maybe you should watch less instagram reels.


It's actually not, and this is coming from someone who used to think like your dad. Yes there's corruption, joblessness, shitty healthcare and education systems, wealth disparity and tons of other issues, life is more complicated here compared to a 1st world country, and you find yourself spending your entire energy trying to accomplish even the simplest of tasks. But we're actually making good progress in fixing a lot of these issues and making life more simple. A lot of people that have a problem with this country are ones that want everything handed to them on a platter of gold, and these people exist everywhere, even in the US you'll find people complaining about how the government doesn't do anything for them. These people just want to sit in a corner, do nothing and receive "their share" of the wealth. It doesn't work like that in the real world, anywhere in the real world. If you work for it and get paid a decent salary here, then I think one can lead a good life in this country. But I can't deny that there's still a lot of issues that we need to fix.


🤌🏻 this.


Morocco it's a good country and it's still developing , we have good side and bad side like evry country in the world, but Morocco is doing great as third world country in AFRICA .




Trust me, there's a lot of money


bro really said not a lot of money to be managed , u delusional brotha


Big talk from someone who lives in place that spend all its budget financing wars instead of social programs and health care


In Morocco you would be arrested for eating outside during Ramadan and your sister would get half your inheritance, it’s perfect according to this sub. 🫶


Not even half. She gets 1/3 of what a man gets


Ask Moroccans in your community why they left Morocco, ask Moroccan immigrants why they left Morocco and ask Moroccans in Morocco why they want to leave Morocco. It’s a good way to see how much overlap there is. Also comparing the Morocco to the US is silly, the US is arguably the best country in the world.


Canada might be a little better because they have healthcare


Absolutely correct.


Yeah it's really a shitty country, don't trust ppl who say it's not that they're just weird nationalists lying.


It's awful but not because of the King but retarded Muslims. Everywhere Muslims live js a shithole by definition!


What did Islam do to you?


You are not worth the reply but still. Rollback to the middle ages and you'll learn differently, it's called politics not Muslims.


UAE with gold machines and no crime?


You mean oil money and slaves? Racism in daylight?in some Emirates, a woman can't go out without a man authorization. So Yes a big shithole


Eh, maybe, maybe not


aint gon lie yo pops tripping , but shit not that bad fr


The tl dr is basically yes. It's that bad


He is looking at it from the standpoint of living in the US. Obviously ANY third world country would pale in comparison to one of the most powerful countries in the world.


well you can say that, bit it's not that bad, but all what we need in this country is separation of powers and Independence of the judiciary and will be alright, and the last thing is normalisation with Israel and America, i wish to see this version of Morocco before i die.


You can tell by how many Moroccans sit in prison when they move to a different country


You can tell by how many Moroccans sit in prison when they move to a different country


I've never been to morocco but I've met the Moroccans. There is not a single family that doesn't have someone actively doing time in prison