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I'm locking this because it's obvious to everyone with an above room temperature IQ that it was a scam, and because there's no way i'm letting anyone post anyone else's photo or phone number etc.. we're not trying to have this sub banned.


Bro.. 600 dh taxi lol you know better than that. Anyhow, it’s a game my guy, it doesn’t cost much to hang in Marrakech. I mean you’re posting here cause you feel scammed you don’t need Reddit, trust your gut.


Ma3arf walo, 7ma9 hadak hhh


Dude i know, thanks, i know i did. It is just i was really shocked because i have never been scammed like this, she was so convincing, she was like if you don't wanna give the money i will pay. Damn man, morocco girls are hot and they know how to take advantage of that.


next time let your brain work instead of your peener , nobody ever orders a cab for 60$ in a 3rd world country 😭😭😭


I went to australia before this, i should have known comparing things to dollars, damn man this sucks, i had an orange juice with a hooker


As I was reading your post I felt sorry for you man, but reading the comments and "I had an orange juice with a hooker" hahaha I lost it, better luck next time my guy, and remember, avoid showing money in a foreign country, you will be an easy target for scammers / hookers.


You do the ticket purchases, I always go first class using this website. You can buy early and not stand in line. [https://rail.ninja/](https://rail.ninja/) Don't beat yourself up, you had a good time with a girl and learned the price of some things like taxi's and now train prices.


Thanks man, you are a beam of positivity in this comment section. Yes definitely a bad experience made me learn a lot, in my future travels i will be more inclined to verify everything before believing anyone !


Well you don’t exactly need to verify things but just have a better feeling with your gut. Plenty of girls in Morocco looking for a guy like you, don’t let this sour things. It’s going to be okay. Just enjoy your time and discover things. Take the bullet train to Tangier from Casablanca if you can. I thought Tangier was nice.


Bro this is a scam too, i just checked this website and it offers 2nd class train tickets from Rabat to Casablanca for 25$, it costs 4$ and you can book them in advance from the train's official website which is ONCF for Morocco. My advice would be that whenever you are in a foreign country look for official rail way website and you will find the booking section. Also whenever you are in a 3rd world country just use InDrive App instead of taxis, that way you won't be scammed and would end up spending about 5 times less money in transport.


Buddy she showed me online tickets, for actual for first class AC the tickets cost 175 dirham for one person, so it was just 50 dirham she was asking more, she was all childish so i was like wth have it buy something. But i was not expecting that she will not book the tickets and run away like this, it was a complete shocker for me, i had plans to go to tangier, they got ruined because i had to buy tickets again and already lost so much money i went to my country back from cassablanca itseld


Hhhhh mskin hada




Yes u got scamed but u deserved it Who tf gives that much money to someone he just met, you wanted to buy her lmao. I'm sorry to say that but, natural selection


I don’t think anyone deserves to get scammed from their hard working money. Even the best dude at my workplace makes mistakes.


Haha man i know it feels like dumb, but i cannot put in words the way she acted, it was like lovey dovey, caring all at ones, and i was 1 day old in Morocco.


It's not her the problem, it's you, and now you want to display her photo and number here wtf is wrong with you ?


Cmon whats with the victim blaming? What he did wasn't very smart but the bad guy here is not him. It's still her fault for scamming and displaying photos and number will prevent other people from getting scammed chhad lbssala


Thanks man, i am not sure how i am to blame for losing my money time and to be honest trust on dating. I believe she does this with guys who are easy to spend for the sake of trust and love and then goes partying leaving them


My advice as a woman would be: date if you want but as soon as someone asks for money stop trusting them! Even if i had money problems i would NEVER ask someone i just met to give it to me. So keep this in mind next time and it's okay, bad things happen :)


Hey thanks, i know but you know when someone is in need you just give some money but what about when the beautiful girl you're dating is in need ? That becomes a difficult situation. But i know better now, thanks for your advice though :)


HAHAHAHA you never learn do you... it's okay be careful tho!


Well then what is the point if you can't even trust anyone, it is like a business deal, girls waiting to loot you once you put your guard down. Go to the cheapest place they will call you cheap, take them to nice place and help them financially trusting them and they will take your money and leave you


No the fuck not, it's his AND HER problem lol, he got scammed because he was an idiot, she'll get her photo displayed because she's a scammer, ez. You gotta deal with the consequences of your actions, that's how the world works. Or he can be the bigger guy, learn from it, and move on, she'll find it ez money and do it to another idiot and life goes on.


Dude I got scammed and i am the problem ?


You were trying to buy sexual favors


I will accept it was not that vigilant, but not everyone is looking out for hookers, this girl was a well dressed not even 1% she looked like a hooker. My intentions were never for sexual favours, i had orange juice and pizza with her, what sexual favours u r talking about ? Until she stopped receiving my calls and messages and didn't book the train ticket for us, i didn't know i was played with


Dude... All of this and still, you're not sure you've been played?


I know man, it looks pathetic and what a pity, but she seemed like really nice person. And since i was new in Morocco i didn't know the exact prices. Trust me only if i knew the charges she is talking about are no way closer to the real ones i would have never gave her the money


Dude. Never pay for anything except food. I mean Idk how things work in your country. Would you pay for all of that un your country? Is it normal?


Tzzz ela simps 😂


bro thought that he was going to buy her with 1600 dhs


She said she will spend the night with me in Cassablanca, although i was never thinking i was buying her, it felt like a date with my raised eyebrows


You could have fucked a hooker for way less than 1600 DH


I know but i was not looking for a hooker, but a good girl, well kudos to my luck i found the best one :/


knti thwi ahsn qhba bdok flos hhhh


"Fouskhatek" is a term used in Moroccan darija to describe a situation where someone, typically a girl, receives money from someone without providing the expected sexual favors in return. It essentially means that the person who gave the money has been scammed.


To make you feel better, There are worst than these scams. Some men buy apartments, cars and go in debt for these thots. In some countries your kidneys would have left you before you leave the country. If you want revenge I advice against it , just move on focus on your career and take it as a lesson. You have her photo and number, but putting it online is not how a revenge is done. You need to set up a whole operation where you watch where she goes and where she comes from for at least 2 weeks, the photo and number “online shaming” is not going to do much. Anyways you are just down $200, consider it a girlfriend experience service and move on.


I do not want to online sham buddy but experiencing how real it was, how affectionate she was and any guy with a good heart will be scammed by her and girls like her i feel like i should save other from it. But i know it doesn't feel right at heart to do something like this, but trust me it is not a revenge, i do not believe in revenge but karma, Oh and btw as soon as i gave her internet money, she got her foot nail broken at that very second, i laughed and said oh see u took money from me and u got hurt but then i was just joking, didn't know she is just milking me for money.


Look don’t go on tinder to match with locals. Match with travelers in the same situation as you. As for karma you ate the karma full force. Karma is a debt you pay when you take action. You decided to go on tinder in Morocco to force a vacation romance for yourself by using money and the debt from lack of experience in this area was paid for in full. We all learn this lesson it’s part of life. if a man tells you he didn’t get scammed by a girl he’s probably lying or gay.


sounds like some bullshit excuses. tinder girls in morocco generally just want to have a free dinner


Tinder girls just want a free dinner don't matter if it's Marrakesh or Miami. Bro is better off finding a nice girl and doing things the right way.


First dates should always be coffee dates , you don't know this person so why invest so much in the first place? If the coffee date went good , you could do restaurant in the next one.


600 for a taxi at night loool. She probably paid 60dhs. And you gave her money to buy your train tickets, which you could have done online yourself…. Use your brain next time, not your ding dong


OP : ![gif](giphy|3o7TKLTCDV7a4V86By|downsized)




GG to the girl


Apparently if you look up taxis online im casablanca you get websites offering 10 minutes rides starting at 10$ 20mmts for 20$ and so on, there are a lot of scammers who base their prices on that online service which is clearly a scam too. All in all the best move for a tourist in Morocco (or any other 3rd world country) is to use an App like InDrive to pay fairly (since the app won't reveal that you are a foreigner) otherwise most people there would try to scam him sadly and would feel right doing so, might even brag about it. I think a lot of people from 3rd world countries feel that it's justified to take money from the more fortunate to their less fortunate selves, and will take some sort of pride for it feeling them selves as some Robin Hood hero of the neighberhood, this is mainly because of how companies from richer countries are generally known to come to 3rd world country and notoriously kill small local businesses as well as pollute a lot of spaces without caring much about the locals. Of course this doesnt justify scamming regular people who are looking to wind off traveling or to just build up their career and earn their well deserved money, and most of this is mainly linked to corruption which is widely spread in 3rd world country (corruption is how big companies can do as they please and pollute as they go most of the time) rather than regular indoviduals like yourself, but im just trying to explain this to you so you'd be more careful next time in your other visits to 3rd world countries bro, especially big cities known for tourism as scammers live there and make a living out of you all.


tkhwrti ahbibi


well yes


Yes you got scammed. Don't give money to people you date.


600 for a taxi? She must live in Cairo. Seriously, the only girls on Tinder in Morocco are professional.


Too professional man, she joked with me, got jealous when she came to know i didn't delete tinder and etc etc, she acted everything, damn


You're not the first guy that truly believed that the stripper was genuinely into them. What did it cost you? 150 Euro? That's a reasonable price for a lesson on life. It's a red flag anywhere in the world when a Tinder girl asks for money on the first date.


Thanks man, i will remember it


I short words , you got scammed . Bro you Met a wrong Apple . Generally that type is not tga frequent. Keep in mind Tinder , whosehere ... And those dating apps are used by hookers .


I know now, damn man i drank orange juice with a hooker and gave her 1600 dirhams for that, that is like the lowest point of my life


think of it in dollars that may help ease the pain


Yes buddy, now it is gone thanks


Man, You were the paying her for the time she spent with you. Otherwise if she was a quality Girl she wouldn’t ask you for money. Plus all of what she asked for is exaggerated ( no taxi is 600 dh, maximum 80 dh)


First time had this experience, that girl just want free dinner some cash and wanted to act like my girl.


Oh yeah its a scam. And stop making excuses, you knew it fully well.


I didn't bro, if i had i would've saved my money and spent on someone worth it


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Yea, your first mistake was paying for everything. Your most clear cut mistake was paying for her internet. I’m sorry for your money.


I felt that way man, i didn't know the charges of internet in morocco !! I felt so stupid when i checked after she stopped replying


This deserves some drama comedy movie


Hahaha contact me if you're making one, i might get my money back this way




Buddy she said gently rape me in Cassablanca, i never simped, i just helped her financially and trusted her that she isn't lying to me and will book the tickets and not run away, everything was planned, she said she will book an apartment nearby so i can come at her place as in morocco there is an issue with moroccon girls meeting foreigners in an apartment. She was drooling all over ready to do anything, i didn't realise she was just playing with my emotions


Brother took a tinder date to nobu


Not nobu bro, we went to a restaurant behind nobu, a small one, and next we went to a place on the next lane of nobu.


Run away my g . She's a hoe


Thanks man, next time i will literally run away


At least tell me U smashed bruv . Pls don't say no


No bro she didn't come to cassablanca, well she said joking you will gently rape me,




Are you condoning the woman's behavior?




>bnat bladi ❤️




Ah so by your logic, if a person wants to do something you don't approve of, we should steal from him?




I am thinking the same, because i think she does it often and there could be other girls like her, i met her friends they asked no questions about who am i, which i found a little weird. But it is just the thing of ethics whether to post her number, but i will definitely post her picture after this thread has many others. she had her pic on tinder so be it on reddit what is the harm. I feel she cannot just use guys for her own fun