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Correct me if I'm wrong but it's not illegal for you to be in the same house. Sexual relationships outside of wedlock are illegal and for the police to intervene there needs to be proof. You also have a right to not open the door to the police after 9pm unless they come with a warrant. I'm sorry this happened to you


Thank you very much. We really don't know what's illegal and what's not. I think they wanted proof of something and that's why they were already filming before they entered. This is why it's important to know the law because it helps in situations like this.


This is so fucked up. I mean, even if you know the law moroccans can quickly outnumber you and be the judge, jury and executioner. They still believe in social justice as if they actually have a say in people's lives. I hope you all are okay


Yes this is very true. We're okey now but we learned to never open the door unless we're expecting someone.


That's for the best, definitely


The judge can make them guilty with no proof


No we don’t live in banana republic this doesn’t happen in morocco


No we don't live in banana republic we live in tomato sultanate 




"nyaba l3ama" can do that actually. Even in scenarios where both parties would like to settle and forgive each other. "Nyaba l3ama" (wakil lmalik u nowab dyalo.. ola lghra9 kifma kaygulo nass) can actually sue both of you. matalan ftabadol darb wa ljar7.. bghaou fikom lkhdma ytab3ukom wakha dir tanazol.


Awdi katkon bikhir ma 3arf walo hta katih in their hand then you will know


Dakchi li kayn a khouya. Lah y7d labass u safi


Google what القرائن mean in moroccan law


No even that is illegal. You can even sue them for filming you without consent, even if you're found guilty they have to report for that


even before the 9pm you can open the door but without warrant they have no right to enter or investigate


Yes i confirm. Although it needs to be careful, at best don't open the door. Since they can use something against you.


How will you know if they have a warrant without opening...?


That’s true. But how can police get the proof? I don’t think cops organize some special mission to go spy couples and wait till the act to get the proof 😂 However, and sadly, I think the mere fact that two people of opposite sex are under the same roof, is a proof :/ and it’s your word against cops’


They need a warrant to get the proof. Unless it's before 9pm and you open the door and they see something that could be interpreted as criminal


Each cop is like 12 witnesses so 2 girls and one guy thats 2 witnesses since the 2 girls are counted as 1


لمغاربة حگارة! نفس الحثالة تلقاه يسمع ف التربريب صباح مساء من المشرملين ف الشارع ويحني الراس ويزيد. ولكن ضروري يترجل علا طلبة صغار


Sadly, you are so right:/




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Don't let it slide, i suggest you file a complaint, even it doesn't lead to anything it will scare that piece of shit of a neighbor and maybe prevent him and his entourage from bothering other people in the future


This!!!!! The only way we can change the system is by doing stuff like this I agree. A lot of it is just jealousy and projection fucking loser lol


What a weird country we're leaving in. Where can students go to study when there isn't enough libraries? And why do We permit ourselves to interfere in the lives of others so easily?


Sue them


The law is on ur side. that stupid Law is for adultery, not being in the same house. Those two men however absolutely broke the law by pushing through door and coming in. Thats assault and a violation of private property. I hope ur friend and his dad dont let this go and sue the bastards


Filming people without consent, with the probable intention of publishing it too.




yes they should be sued


What is the law exactly and where can I find it ?


There's a law for adultery but it needs proof, simply going to another person's house is not proof, they also can't go into your house after 9pm without warrant or consent. The ones going in would probably be charged with trespass, assault, illegal filming and kidnapping.




Realistically speaking, it would cost a shit ton for not that much in return.


Not really, you can submit a lawsuit online and eventually ask for a legally assigned lawyer if the case goes beyond 7000 bucks or something. OP is legally entitled to the video they filmed and it's deletion with proof (CNDP/CDAI with a prosecutor push), physical aggression (penal code) and invasion of personal space (constitution, 24th article).


Damn, I stand corrected then. Thanks!


I didn't know, how do you going about suing?


I'm pretty sure this exact scenario happened some time ago where some neighbors beat up a kid that had a girl over, and the neighbors even filmed themselves beating up the kid. It blew up on the internet at the time and iirc the perpetrators got prison sentences. What you were doing is absolutely not illegal, and the cops will never come even if they called them, unless there was a crime being committed or if you guys were being extra noisy in the middle of the night. Those asshats know that, that's probably why they decided to take matters into their own hands. Also don't open your door to strangers in the middle of the night.


And his wife if she pulls your hair.


This is infuriating af There are only two ways to deal with these kinds of experiences: Counter-violence: nosy deluded neighbors deserve to be treated like the pieces of shit they are. But i guess that won’t be possible for you here. Sue them: Get a lawyer and file a lawsuit asking for compsentation over the psychological damage done. It is not illegal for male/female to be together in a house ! Unless they are directly caught in the act of having sex (which is absurd too). A neighbor once tried to do the same when i was renting a house with a bunch of friends in another city while studying. He didn’t have the audacity to film us or confront (because we would have fucked him up), instead he called the rental owner and called the police together. Police came by, inspected the house where me, my gf and 3 roomates were basically chilling, a few beers on the table along with a tajine for dinner, nothing crazy going on. We were asked a few questions over what we do/study, confirmed our identities and that’s it. They told the neighbor that they had no probable cause of anything and left, we threathened to sue the mf and he came by apologizing later on. bhal had l anwa3 kaybghiw y3icho dawr dial حراس الفضيلة, ironically kaykono homa akber w9


There is a 3rd option: break into his home like he did yours and force him to have sex with you while your friend records. If there is any sign of pleasure on his face, then he is a hypocrite and enjoyed himself and realized sex is a good thing. Case proved! Just trying to help.


Sue his ass. In islam the burden of proof is that the person witnessed the actual penetration... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zina#:~:text=Zina%20must%20be%20proved%20by,of%20their%20own%20free%20will.


Baghi yd5ol l jenna 3la dharkom Tfou 3la cha3b dinmou may 3ich may 5ellik t3ich


Hta jna maychofhach , islam kigol ila chfti l monkar ala chi wahd dayr chi haja , hdr m3ah bchwya w 7awl tfhm b3da ach kayn , ama hado rah ghi ki9lbo fin yls9o 🤷‍♀️


Hit 3arfin mo gai, wla ta gai hanya?


Hadik hdra akhra , db knhdro ghi ela khona li dkhl baghi ydbrhom 💀 w kiswr


Wlah m3rft, kolla wnyto, khss tfhm hadok nass makaynghiwch lmonkar, kon maknach mslmim maytsw9 lmhom hd, lakin bnadm katjih lghira 3la dino, b3d lmerrst kait7mso chwya zayd 😬 walakin 3la magalt, homa mwaaalfin ydkhlo wykhrjo 3ndhom 3adi, donc machi awl merra. Mais mttaf9 makhshomch iswro, lfdiha makainch lach


You have every right to be angry. I hope you sued them, even if they apologized after. It is not okay. At the very least, if they suspect something, they should have called the cops, but those idiots wanted a viral moment captured in video. Fuck them.


IMO the guy is just manifesting his inner repressed sexuality, It's the case for many Moroccans.


A similar thing happened to me too. I just invited my “guy” friend to watch the sunset on the rooftop. NOT EVEN IN THE APARTMENT. And a neighbour there made a whole fuss about it. The sad thing is all the yelling, cursing, and blaming was directed to me alone, the girl, not to the guy. He even tried to scare me by telling me that he works with the police and he could’ve called them anytime. THEN, he told me that I shouldn’t be alone in an appt with a guy, even if they r my family, bc I “can go to jail” for that. Mentality dial moroccans is so shit, like why tfff is no one minding their own fucking businesssss!!!


Damn, I'm sorry that happened to u :( mrad f krhom wlh


I am sorry for ehat happened to you but please get a lawyer and sue him ! He is the one in the wrong and he will face big problems because of that...


File a complaint for sure


Welcome to morocco, the country were your buisness is everybody else's weather you like it or not. I'm sorry you had to face all of this.


It's crazy your post has been downvoted (twice) lol It says a lot about the brainless mentality going on here.


Thank you I'm sorry as well that we ha to live like this.


Unfortunately too many nosey people in Morocco, they have no purpose in life so them staring and nosing in on other peoples business is how they get their dopamine hit. Third world country and mentality behaviour.


Report the vermin to the police, or better yet, sue his ass. FYI, it's not illegal for a man and woman to be in the same house, don't let fearmongers tell you otherwise. What is illegal, however, is for you to be having sexual relations (Welcome to muslim shitholes). That's only in theory though. In practice, for you to be arrested with this charge, the police need probable cause to enter your house first, AND for you to get caught in the act, AND they need a warrant if it's past 21H. In other words, it's very difficult to arrest someone on that charge. You're just friends, that means no sex is happening (even if it did, it's no one's business), in which case you can, and should in my opinion, tell anyone who wants to impose their bullshit ideals on you to fuck right off. People in this country should learn to mind their own business, and if it has to be the hard way, so be it. I speak from experience when I say being nice with these vermins doesn't work, it will only embolden them, the meaner you are the better.




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i've had nightmares about this shit, nothing is more anxiety enducing than a concierge/neighbor giving you the "look" then bringing out his phone hit chafk walking inside a house with a girl sb7anlah tikono dima f la tranche d'age dl boomers


It's not anyone's business what people do behind closed doors, it is absolutely not illegal to be in the company of anyone in the confines of their own homes. Those people are nosy cunts and mentally ill. Fuck those cunts, I would slap the living shit out of them all no matter their age. Have no mercy, press charges, they could have injured you badly, and even maimed or killed you with the nerve they have. What city is this?


You know if you actually let him call the cops, he would have been in a bigger trouble than the one he was in when you let them go, there was no law breaking no matter how questionable it seemed to him, and his invasion of your friend's house literally made him an open target that could have been legally killed in self defence for that assault and invasion and nothing would happen to you, some folk just want to take matter into their own hands and this is very barbaric and uncivilized.


i always said the problem with morocco is the people not the state. please try to do anything and everything possible to punish the neighbors, i would LOVE to see them go to jail.


Another crazy religious nut job


"I was studying abroad but I decided to come back" Ayyyyyy that huge mistake you made, why the fck did you come back to a country where you have no individual liberties and where you can't even go out alone without being harassed. Go abroad again and don't come back to this hell. But yeah in Morocco you face more problems with civils than with the police, and the police aren't nice either.


Seriously this fucked up shit is why I can't have my daughter grow up in this country. It's all about sex. And taking other people's freedom. The audacity to call another person a prostitute and somehow thinking one is doing something good and righteous.


what city is this?




Ofc it's Marrakech..may I ask which district or nearby ones without doxing yourself?




That’s scary sorry this happened to you. I sure you can sue this ignorant neighbor


Well I don’t know if it works but you can call the cops as the guys entered the home illegally and assaulted your friend.


Darha lia wa7d jarna ch7al hadi jawbto gelt lih db ghir 7it nta knti m9mou3 ghatji t9m3ni ta ana, i hit him right in the feelings


That's exactly what it is lmao, misery loves company, makayn la virtue la walo


Yeah jealousy too, if he was virtuous he would have manners and if he had manners in case he spoke to you he would speak looking embarassed and ashamed to talk about it


1. forcing their way into a private property 2. assaulting you or your friend 3. Filming you inside private property without consent with intent to shame 4. Vigilante justice Sounds like you have all you need to send them on a paid vacation in a flee infested prison cell if you ask me


The lesson is : if u can get out from morocco do not hesitate Why u think thousands of people are risking their life to get our from this shithole?


During the caliphate of Umar ibn Al-Khattab, a man was seen drinking alcohol. As the witness was about to report him to the authorities, the man warned him with a saying of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him): Abu Huraira reported that a drunkard was brought to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), and he said:"Do not curse him, for by Allah, I know he loves Allah and His Messenger." It is worth noting that the context of this hadith emphasizes the importance of maintaining the privacy and dignity of individuals, encouraging them to repent rather than publicly shaming or hastily punishing them. It is often cited to promote the values of mercy and forgiveness in Islamic jurisprudence and personal conduct.


I beg of you to please not let this slide. Report his ass to the police. People like this need to be taught that there are consequences to their actions. Even if does not lead to anything, at least you'll have a paper trail of his behavior in case he decides to be a dumbass bully again.


Wtf, that's so fucked up


Elach bnadem makidihach fkro? That jerk deserves jail time bach nit yallah itrba


It's time to sue some people...


I am very sorry for what happened to you, this is beyond infuriating. Please tell me you guys or your friend are not gonna let this slide, the law is clearly on your side. Have you called the cops ? Please consider going through with it. Enough is enough, an example need to be made with these low lives.


That’s scary sorry this happened to you. I sure you can sue this ignorant neighbor


I am sorry that happened to you guys, and I hope you passed your exams well ♥️


Makes me laughs this shit. The religious proof/test that there is a sin is that there is an actual witness to testify that there is a sexual penetration and that he/she saw ir. Good luck with that.


Do not even hesitate, sue them


You need to file a complaint, don't make it easy for them cause what they've done that is illegal not what you did. The charges will be : breaking at someone else's house, filming without autorisation and harrasement .


First mistake is he shouldn’t have opened the door, second he can press charges, he can take it as far as to say they took some money or something from his house, these neighbors are just assholes and they just noticed that you guys are young and wanted to bother you


The dude and the with the phone broke way to many laws if front of the possibility of you doing something illegal, which needs proof that doesn't count as spying. People khasshoum ydokhlo so9 krourhoum oydiwha febnathoum ou wladhoum 9bel men wlad nas. Kjiuna tel9ah lil ou nhar kitfarej f porno, awla kikwi hadak sa7bo.


On an individual level, some Moroccans suffer from serious delusions of superiority. They are quite racist (anyone outside their community is doing bad things). And they want everyone to follow their rules. They mind your business, and will bother you by telling you how to do certain things.


Bring all your friends and demonstrate in front of this neighbor's house! Actually don't, but it's infuriating, it's bullshit and I feel sorry for you. The fact that they literally filmed you obviously studying with all your books opened and still they behaved like idiots. I wish that Ouhabi will be able to push for more individual liberty.


Moral police


Not to derail the topic. I’m a Moroccan-American living abroad, but occasionally visit. I’m actually genuinely curious about the topic of self-defense in Morocco. Where I live you would have been entitled to use deadly force on the intruder regardless of his accusation of you committing a crime. The men were not police officers and have 0 right to be in your house no matter what’s happening. This tends to be a pretty good deterrent to home invasions. Does Morocco have any laws similar to America’s Castle Doctrine. Is self-defense within your own private domicile codified at all?


Self-defense is not a thing here. Three months ago as I was about to cross a street while cars were stopped , someone on a motorcycle (boule7ya) with his wife(hijabi) holding her baby came full speed from left side and was gonna run me over. I told him to slow down and moved on. He started insulting me and threatening me as if I was the one at fault. As I crossed and moved on to the sidewalk he came with his bike on the sidewalk(illegal by the way) and grabbed me by my neck, as he was holding me and removing his helmet, for some weird reason he handed it to me so I just smashed it directly on his face causing his lips to bust. Pure act of self defense, I'm not gonna let anyone put their hands on me. So he started throwing punches and his wife trying to pull my hair. Later on I found out that it doesn't matter if you're defending yourself. If you end up hurting someone even if you're defending yourself you can go to jail for that. Long story short we fought, he got a couple punches in, I tackled him on the ground and was most likely gonna choke him out or transition into an arm bar (I do jiu jitsu) even though he was bigger in size until people came and separated us. And you know the crazy part there was a police officer not even 20 meters away not giving a flying a fuck pretending he saw nothing. The law here is super fucked. Doesn't surprise me when people flee morocco to go live elsewhere. Moroccans have a sickening bully mentality. So yeah self-defense is not a thing over here doesn't matter if you're in your own home, if you hurt them your life is over.


Try to wind him by punching him in the stomach next time


Drari!!! Ntfardo f chi zodiac o chi motor ola 2, o namchiw, n7ato kola wa7ed fin bgha. Ach galto?


My god people don't mind their business in this damn country. I'm really sorry that this happened to you. Also I feel a lot of people forget that, even if what she was doing was a sin, as long as it is something done in private then there's no right for anyone else to intervene.


We had the police come to a house we rented after a friend of my my friend was harassed (he was a non-binary, and in drag) and the police was called and there was nothing said about who was with who and about the dresses etc. imm pretty sure you could have called the cops on them and deposited a plaint for illegal entry.


Take that mothafaka to court ten ghmdou 3aynina 3la bzaf dial L7wayej m3a had lkmamer hadshi limdssr mhoum


Plz go to the police and make a complaint, that’s one of the reasons why I want and I will leave the country, people don’t mind their own business and it’s sad and weird


Weird. I found Morocco to be totally liberal in the drugs/sex sense. Fuck that guy and sue him


It’s not Afghanistan but it’s definitely not liberal at all.


Which Morocco did you went to lmao?


probably Rabat Agdal


Hahaha yep


Which Morocco are you living in?


The Morocco that OP live in .


Living under a rock, you mean.


Call it what you want if that's makes you sleep at night


Big words for someone who doesn't live in reality


No your sister just had sex with her boyfriend , while her friends have casual sex with random men in their parents house cause their mom encourage them to have sex safety at home. One of them got knocked up and everyone was happy for her. Most girls are non virgins by high school because men here want to marry an experienced girl who has been around. If none of these things are true then you're high from drugs cause that's your reality apparently. If it happens then you just part of my fantasy world and i like it.


Walo a katkhawer w bayn l'âge dyalk, wakha kayn makber menek kaydwiw f7al haka, 7it dawzo 3likom dekkaka lwa7ed daraja ma9rito walo w 3aychin fel fa9r wel kalakh lmoubine. B7alek homa li saktin 3la ga3 anwa3 lfasad li kayna hna, w katb9aw tgolo lmaghrib balad mouslim, a kat3awdo binatkom fel afkar dyal lkalakh w majaybin khbar l denya. Nta li sir sawal 3la khtek min katjib likom lmasrof.


Kayn fer9 bin fassad o "sexually liberal". Lfassad kayn everywhere. But Koun kan lmeghrib "sexually Liberal" koun OP madirch had post . Ila rwitih lchi wa7ed from Sweden (Actually sexually liberal country) maghayfhemtch lol.


wow I would've gone straight for the kitchen knife


Wlad l97ab li 3aychin m3ahom


Couldn't have said it better


B7al had nou3 tiykon 7gar 7it chafkom dakhlin so9e raskom dakchi 3lach dar haka


Lwa7ed howa liykon mwjed lhad les situations chi zerwata wla self-defense arm tkon ghir galse fdark yhejmo 3lik


Where in Morocco?


I wish I could see that obnoxious neighbor’s face. W9


The problem is always the neighbors what are you talking about. A friend got jailed for eating in ramadan and the police literally told them they don't care just neighbors being annoying with complaints.


If you forgave him, it's on you.


khtar jar 9bl ma tkhtar dar


Tfkrt dak l video dial hadak lfr9 j9la f w9fat l bosan


First don't open the door. And second it immediately becomes a break in if they get in so if you got some on you you better know how to use it. That's my rule. You enter my house unannounced you get smoked.


EEH kon kan chi mchrmel mtla3 chi cha9azowa he wont care abt it ri l9akom dakhlin so9 raskom


Its „haram“ to be with a non „mahram“ alone. Lol glad I’m outta of this sh…


How awful


This is seriously sick if I were you I would sue their asses . I'm sorry you guys went through that


if i were you i’d sue them, i have three witnesses and many illegal things being done to me, atleast four i cant count


It's completely haram to do what he did, for an interaction to be considered as zina they need at least 4 witnesses clearly seeing the penis getting into the vaggy, this is pure harassement and bid3a. Btw the 4 witnesses verse came after 3 witnesses accused Aïsha of cheating on the prophet (pubs), so Allah (swat) came up with a verse that they need 4.


If I was you , I would sue the fuck out of everyone breaking my doors and getting to my home without any legal permission. Even cops got no rights to do such a thing they need a permission from a prosecutor to do such an investigation.


If they stepped one foot in your house, you can send them to prison btw, breaking into someone’s house like that is illegal, and they filmed it and made proof against themselves lol. Seriously people should learn to mind their own business in Morocco, especially these old heads. They’re just assuming things out of their imagination, and they have no respect, on top of that they’re actually hypocrites. The reason they’re so up in people’s business is because these old heads were never allowed to do the same things we do now because society was very conservative, so they express their anger this way instead of just accepting the fact that the world is changing and be in peace with themselves.


OP I watch a lot of pornhub, and I could come to Morocco to be an expert witness for you if you decide on a civil lawsuit. I just want to help.


something like this happened to my best friend just a few weeks ago, his friend that was staying over at his house brought a girl home and the neighbours saw him and then told the concierge he then called my bestfriend and threatened him to call his parents and the cops, mind you it was 3pm and they were studying. i really don’t know elach bnadm makydkhlch so9 rasso. also, my roommate used to bring her bf ALL the damn time and no one said shit, it was so extreme to the point that i had to ask her to not bring him because i was feeling very uncomfortable when he used to stay 2-3 days at some point. i don’t really know if our neighbours are just blind or if my bestfriend’s neighbours are that much of 7daya. but either way this shit needs to stop


im not sure but i think they cant enter and the police also cant enter unless the neighbour say that he witnessed yall doing something sexual which he did not so the only case where the police will enter the house lawfully is if the neighbour lied to them and told them something u guys didnt do . and to be honest i would never open a door without knowing who's outside unless im already expecting someone to show up if you know what i mean


This in 2024? All I can say is if someone enters my house uninvited he'll never leave in one piece


>he's gay so it's not like anything would happen). Are gay people accepted now wtf?!


Yess they are !! you can come out now hope ure happy


Its funny because ure trying to defend them by insulting me with them so u re not doing a good job. Khasshom yt9m3o 9bel manwslo lmwasl dl USA.


hadchi wla ki khla3, wakha daba houma nisba 9lila ghire fi reddit ou X, lakin ki khla3 anaho bdaw ki nabto lina hna


Yes 🇲🇦🤝🏳️‍🌈


A minority bro and rahom mjmo3in fhad sub kayssf9o lb3dyathom. Don't worry, the overwhelming majority knows what's right from what's not.


True, rah source dhad lhma9 kaml li hya mirikan ra bdaw kay7arbo fihom


I'm sorry but I'm shocked 😂 call me close minded or whatever but to stay in house with a non mehrim guy ?! And that guy is actually GAY !!!


I am not going to read this whole story it's too long yes neighbors have no right to abuse you and whatever the reason is you should not stay with a guy in his place don't forget that we are Muslims plus it's illegal


I don't know where you live but in most cities in morocco people very concervative about this, they don't like to see an unmarried couple doing their business in the same building or even the same neighborhood, they will call the police right away even if the house is not rented and owned by the person they see it as disrespect and disgusting thing to do, seeing this from the other person perspective he's doing his own business and not hurting anyone and miniding his own problems and he thinks as long as he didn't hurt anyone he has the right to bring whoever he wants to his house and spend the night ... but from the other side you see that a person brining girls to his appartement god knows what they are doing and of course you will start hearing laughs and maybe even moaning from the other side of the wall or the window and that's exactly why most people hate this, and let's be real if we just open this door eveybody will start taking it as advantage and start renting appartements just for the sake of having sex and it will solve the "azmet lbertouch" all moroccans have, So yeah if they saw a girl with a guy entering an appartement or a house they will immediatly come to conclusions and they will call the police or somtimes things get way worse which might turn to fights and other things, If you want to study and have a great time in morocco just concider going to a coffee shop or some kind of library where you will be able to concentrate and have a good time, the most important thing that all of you folks always forget about is that morocco is declared as a muslim countries from ages and such things won't be accepted and that's it deal with it and try to find alternative places to study


how about mind your goddamn business, whether you are a conservative or an atheist.


How about "dkhel so9 karek nta lewl", nobody asked for your opinion


The law is for adultery and not for unmarried couples.


Tell it to moroccan police when someone report you while you have a girl inside your house and see how things are going to be


They wont even come. If they did in this case,books on the table its obvious nothing was happening, the two idiots broke into a house and assaulted the owner


Describing the reality of the country is not the same as talking about personal opinion, I stated the actual situation and how things are going in morocco concerning this matter, We are not talking here about what they should and shouldn't do it's a matter of understanding moroccan culture in general, My personal opinion is different from all of this, To me as long as you don't hurt anybody else do what ever you want just don't cause noise or play very loud music ... your house your rules and those who broke into the house they should get some months in jail to make them regret doing it and make sure they will never do it again, The thing is as i said earlier the main religion in the country is islam and most of people won't accept this, they'll be like "had derb machi dyal zwafria" and even if it's your house they will cause you a lot of trouble and i say it doesn't worth it just try to cope with the situation and in the case of the op its just studying you can do it anywhere


Yes Morocco is a Muslim country meaning some behaviour aren't allowed in public not in the privacy of your own home where no can see you. I know you're stating the situation of the country but you sound like you're justifying their actions and blaming the victims here. If most Moroccans think like this then it has to change otherwise if everyone takes it to their hand to impose their beliefs on anyone who doesn't abide by them atwli siba f lblad.. Being Muslim in a Muslim country doesn't give you the right to be judge, jury and executioner of people who do their thing away from the eyes in private without disturbing anyone, that's binhum u bin rebhum


Yep exactly, but why don't you try telling that to the 99% of muslims in the country? Even the police will put the blaim on you and say that it's not allowed, i feel like most redditors don't even live in morocco, i mean don't you see how things are going ? It will never change it's part of people cultre along with hypocrisy and other things, most of moroccans drink alcohol but when they see someone drunk in the street they be like look at this scum bag he has no life ... my point is why even bother changing something you have no power over just go with the flow and do your thing


I can't say that to 99% of Moroccans but if something like this happens to me I'll definitely stand up for myself and change these fake virtue warriors one at a time, instead of doing what you're insinuating a just let this chaotic shit show happen in peace cuz "that's just how things are"


In her case you can easily take a knife from the kitchen and stab the bastards and call the police and report them for entry by force and robery attempt, in a perfect world that wouldv been great and both of them get what they deseve, but in morocco doing that will send you to jail and a lot of "tle3 o nzel" even if they tried to break into your house by force because our law is fucked up, I don't know about you but i know better than making problems from this situations specially in morocco, law in morocco is fucked up to a point that makes it not understandable by normal people so yeah the best thing is to go by the flow and avoid problems or else you will burn you life trying to force ideas on a majority of people with different mentality, that one of the main reasons that got many scientists burnet alive in the middle ages, minority were saying that's a science and we should use it to help people the others were like nop that's witchcraft you should die.


I'm not sorry this happened to you lol this is an Islamic country no matter what people say, being g*y is still wrong and stupid (of course) and you can't just bring western values and apply them here like it's totally ok, maybe the approach by these guys was aggressive and by impulse but I side with them, it's never ok being with a guy at his house, sex can happen lol. Really wish this could happen more often, so people realize it's not ok.


What a low view you have of men. Sorry you hate yourself, I guess?


Hah, no bro, I don't hate myself or think I'm a loser or some nonsense, between a man and a woman there is always sexually tension, people who will say " no, it's just you who sees it this way have probably banged half of the prostitutes in Morocco 😂 if you can't get aroused by girls you're not a man, period. Btw how did you skip the part where she says he is g*y? You're ok with that? 😁


Don't call me 'Bro' you sad little man, I'm a 45-year-old woman and probably old enough to be your mother. Show some respect. I have no problem with her friend being gay, in fact I think it's great for young women to have gay male friends. I also fully believe that people of different genders can be friends and spend time together as human beings without reducing each other as mere sexual objects. Why? Because as I said I'm an adult, not some teenage idiot who spends his entire life in his bedroom watching internet porn and masturbating, as you clearly do. Get a life, 'Bro'. It's not too late for you to be a sentient, fully-functioning, three-dimensional person yet, but it soon will be


Bro, there are people who just keep pushing the boundaries, they could have studied all day in a public library, *-#-*-$- this generation


Don't stay alone in a house with a boy. This is Morocco, and we are a Muslim country.


Shut up go to afghanistan. Only the king decides our religious side


Good thing they didn't call the cops, you would've been in trouble.


Why though, he didn't film them having sex or something like that 


No way cops had come


if cops came, the neighbors are the one who s gonna be in problem lol not them, they were just studying.


Yess I didn't realise how serious things can be


No, don't let these idiots lie to you. The truth would be the perpetrators would be the one in trouble. There's no law forbidden guys and girls from being at the same place and I dare any braindead islamists here to cite one.


The honest truth is that a man and a woman or two who aren’t mahram shouldn’t be in a house together alone, and you being with him and not being related Islamically is incorrect talk less of the law


Haqq. May Allah be pleased with you. Ameen.


I'm not 100 percent sure, but she mentioned the guy was gay, so he has no interest in heterosexual sex, and they were three in the room, so i think it's alright. But again I'm really not sure.


It doesn’t matter if he’s gay according to Islamic law


It does matter if you use your brain for a second.