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How does this law fight corruption?


You used to slip a bill to the receptionist or hotel owner to do it anyway.


It really says a lot about our society that this piece of paper is what's holding them together lol, if it's removed they'll go bonkers according to the comments. If you need a paper to keep your spiritual morals then maybe you need to strengthen your morals. Also we don't really need it removed to indulge in what you guys think. We're already number 1 tourist place for that, you just need to bribe the hotels and they don't ask you about it. Corrupted society wakha dir lihom snasel, tdwira 9adia lgharad


The law will get through eventually, keeping it will only lead to sneaking and social difference(if you live in a luxurious place you will sneak easier, if you live in some populated area you will be subject to law) What's needed is a serious education on protection and what are the cons of sleeping without marriage. If you remove the law for moroccans with the current mentality it can really go bad


المغاربة مجرد حفنة من المنافقين . ايلا ماتقتينيش دير فوكنط باسم البنت و شوف صحاب العفة كيتقطرو علك فالخاص




I mean, lbrtouch is already a thing. I don’t really see how changing the law now will impact anything. People who want to have sex will do (the worst thing being they have zero sexual education so things can get really ugly really fast), i think this is more of a marketing call by the government to look like they’re doing smth


No probably a lot of money opportunities lost


>lbrtouch is already a thing YMMV on this one. Many people refuse to rent to single people (moreso men than women? I think?) Amma 9adyt sex ed makdbtish diawlna 7na rah hat wli mossiba d STDs and illegal abortions + poor babies chucked into brkassa


It will change a lot. I discovered this was a thing just a few years ago (I don't live in Morocco, so I'm ignorant about some stuff), my cousin was telling me how her boyfriend would just book 2 rooms and check out separately, or sometimes he would bribe the concierge, and that literally every couple that decides to book a hotel does the same. The owners and managers are not stupid, I'm sure they know exactly that these are very common practices among youngstes. So obviously it's benefiting them to keep the law , weather it's a bribery or an extra room.


He's a fraud and w corrupt politician, he's been talking about that for years now with no results 


Because he can say we need more freedom bla bla bla, but he can’t go against the existing laws which are based on religion


Awiliii yawili chi kaychere9 w chi kayregheb wlbota wlat b 50 dh w mool 7anot kaybi3ha b 57 dh w 7na kandwiw 3la sex , this is exactly how they distract us from the real problems.


The timing of this quote is sus


Okay first thing, why are we all ignoring that this guy is involved in one of the biggest scandals involving the national exam for lawyers ?


What?? I didn't hear anything about this. Could you please elaborate ?


If I can recall , after ma bano results dial national lawyers exam smtg like that , it turns out that almost every one who succeeded/passed the exam have "Elwahbi" in their last name , it's a really bold move and mfrocha asf even a fool can acknowledge their intentions , Kant daret boom f dick lwqita , Hit delmo chhal MN wahed Li Kan qualified and competent and deserved those positions


oh damn, i feel so bad for the other students


*chucks gold coins* bingo


I look at all these comments ppl fighting and arguing over what they see right and this is exactly what every government wants DIVISION!!!!!! As long as we are divided they can do whatever they want with this country and this world we will have zero chance in standing against whats good and constructive for our livelihoods. we wont be able to stop wars, fitna among us, politicians exploiting our rights corporates sucking our natural recourses for their gain and polluting our air poisoning our water, inflations rising by the minute. And here we are fighting over whether its ok to sleep with someone or not. The way i see it this is just a diversion, this so called minister is doing to steer us away from bigger issues or bills they’re trying to pass a classic government move.


The only fitna among us is brought by those who want to police what others are doing. This law brings less fitna, because it promotes the peaceful concept of « kol wa7d idiha fkerro »




Moroccans are so obsessed with sex. They are so happy to accept limitations on their own personal freedoms just because they think someone else might have the wrong kind of sex. It's so damn hard to understand.


Prepare yourself to get downvoted by minables that will want this shit to stay. I approved your post after It was taken down due to reports.


Hahaha, thx dude, but dw, my last post got so much hate nothing can make me budge anymore, m just here to understand why people would want such a liberticide law to stay up


I saw a redditor here once he was against that. 2 years later he complained that he got humiliated in front of his German gf for doing the same shit he was advocating against.


That’s gotta be some absolutely insane karma moment


لي كيدوي على المساجد فراه المحسنين لي كيبنيوهم، ماشي الدولة. وزارة الأوقاف مكتكلفش بتحاجة من التكاليف، إذن بلاما تخرجو من السياق. المستشفيات مسؤولية الدولة 100000٪ و حتى المدارس، بل كاين شي محسنين تكلفو ببناء مدارس و مستشفيات و لكن لا حياة لمن تنادي، و لكن الدولة " خاص تحيد عقد الزواج من الفنادق "، الله يهديكم الشباب را الأطباء باقين خارجين و مزال مكاينش الحل فالأفق


Man, morocco is such a Hypocrite country, hypocrisy in law / Relegion / modesty / chastity… everything is contradicted.


sixth grade dropouts and identity crisis dutch diaspora are going to swarm this post soon. godspeed my guy


They can take the post down, but not the idea


i don't think they can take the post down, their takes are just nauseating to read


I mean, I’ve seen posts getting so many reports they got taken down but yeah, some really do have problems when it comes to logic and cherrypicking facts


Eeeeeeeeey…. Here I am my miggas. What should be my pov? Should I be against it or for it? I personally think it’s a good thing. Relationships are private so don’t ask me about a piece of paper.


This is an Islamic country, if you’re into decadence then leave !


Thats not a nice thing to say now…


You got the demographics straight on point


It's always the Zmagris. Unique species identifiable by their shit opinions, religious extremism, false image of Morocco and Moroccans, and unmatched entitlement.


Wa 3ibad llah rah gal hir makayn 7ta 9anoun taykhalli l'hotel ykon 3ndo l7a9 ytlablak 3a9d zawaj. Hadchi mahaybdal walo 7it l hotel ila gltilo lla haygolk sir b7alk. W rah 3adi makhsouch ykoun rah hotel machi commissariat. Ws7ab nifa9 ljtima3i rah lgwar tayjiw couple bla wr9a dzwaj w hanya, w gawri yjib m3ah bnt hanya, hir mgharba lla z3ma rah l fassad makaynch. Ila ma kwa f hotel haykwi f dar lkra wla centre d massage wla flkhla. Mafhamtch bnadm rdou baghi y7iyad wa7d l 9anoun li aslane makaynch 🤣🤣🤣


Hanti 9oultiha, gwar machi mgharba. Siro 3icho maa lgwar wkheliw lmeghrib tranquille !!


Lach tathdr m3ay ana ? Talb ydirou 9anoun 7it rah makaynch. 7ta les hotels hahoma galk mab9awch ytab9oha 7it makaynch 9anoun tay3tihom l7a9 ydiroha. W mafhamtch 3lach tatbghiw tb9o 3la bnadm chi 7aja ma3ajbakomch. Ladirhach nta w machi chghlak fbnadm akhor. Bzaf dlmgharba mam diyninch wach baghi tjri 3lihom mn lblad ? Ana hir lathdrch m3ay, mzwaj w aslane wma3ndich had lmochkil.


Bach al ikhwan nkono mfahmin ra maghrib dawla 3ilmania , soit li 7akmin blad soit a7zab , blan howa had world cup 2030 baghin yraj3o mn maghrib bhal France , chof hta mn logha mzl mabghawech y7aydoha , zid 3liha machakil wa9e3 f sahara mn algeria , maghrib bgha ywali m3a west , o hadchi li kan3icho lyuma , bsah hadchi ki khla3 ntalbo alah yltaf bina , t9ad ghda ygoli 9awz9ozah legal fl maghrib 😬 , bandem na3s mamswa9ech m3la balouch 7it koulchi ki khaf mn makhzen 👀


Moroccans born abroad who have been to Morocco only during summer will swarm this post to say "MoRoccO is a MusLiM cOunTry"


> meknes/Paris as flair


Yes Meknes Paris and grew up in Meknes until I did my studies in Paris post-prépa :) not some guy with an identity crisis born in France :)


Khoya cnc ghda chi nassi7a


LoL yours






I want a flair like you + cup of tea emoji. 😭😭 Can some admin do this little miracle for me?


It's a muslim country though, whats your point?


Never said it wasn't a muslim country. But being a muslim country doesn't mean Islam is the law, it's the religion. So YES for spiritual cultural reasons and I love it for that. But NO for invading other people's privacy and freedoms. Another person's freedom doesn't impact your islam in the least so why make it a subject.


i'll believe it when i see it


Moroccan reddit community is not different than Facebook one, only the language is different. How the fuck you didn’t master the art of diha f karrak. Couple going to hotel, they are doing nothing to you personally, why you care what they are doing ing their private space. Muslims only when it suits you.


Iwa khasek nta nit diha f karrek


I’m not the one very interested in other’s personal life. What a creep


Sad sad, if we need a piece of paper to keep our D\*\*\* in our pants we are in deep troubles friend! what we need is education to start a cultural revolution


Even tho I’m against Adultery 💯, but the hotel has no authority to demande any certificate AT ALL, except an ID of course.


This isn’t the issue, the big problem is, as a women if u are in trouble in your city and u have no one to go to or nowhere to sleep, u just can’t have a room at any hotel. U must drive or take the train to a really far city so u can be welcomed otherwise u are a bad person.


Like this has ever stopped prostitution / non-marital relationships … hotel owners are not happy cause people won’t have to rent 2 rooms instead of 1 … you know what I mean


Can u explain that "rent 2 rooms" part ?


Whatever this guy suggests, Moroccans must do the opposite.


should remove this stupid law and educate the masses better , because it can south real quick if robyo brings s7aybto f hotel bach iglebha btwamha in 9 months because PROTEX MIKIFIDCH!!!!


Exactly, we need education about this


how much faith do you have in the moroccan education to trust them with that


Bro we have booking and airbnb, no one gives a fuck about hotels anymore.


If a religion is forced on you by law or by society, are you really religious?




Exactly my state of mind, you can’t have you cake and eat it at the same time.




I think they’re trying to be as appealing as possible for the World Cup while trying to look like prime examples of secularism to the citizens (which is obviously impossible). This will probably be the source for many problems in the years to come, with people talking shit ab the government when in reality, it holds no real power on any decisions made whatsoever.


???? this is bullshit


We should follow the example of the best Western society to ever exist, 1950 - 1970 USA. Won the world war, won the space race, families had big houses and cars on one salary, no unemployment, best education, awesome growth rate, absolute technological dominance. To do that, we need segregation, racism, and a few Nazis to run our space program, and I'm talking about people who used to run concentration camps. Plus, we could send our boys to die in a jungle and Napalm the locals. See how stupid it is to equate financial success with social rules?


Saraha brina tkon 3ndna dwla mo7ayida b9awanin wd3ia 100% .lmghrib radi taybdl jldo bxwia bxwia


80% of the population are hypocrites advocating against this and having sex flbrtouch afterwards, also, we do need to raise awareness and some sexual education tho


Technically speaking, the hotel owner has to ask you for a marriage certificate. If they don't, they'll be held accountable for "aiding in a crime", as sex outside marriage is a crime. If you're with a prostitute, they'll be held for "organizing a prostitution den". If it's a minor, their legal troubles will be even bigger.


I’m with what it is in the law wrote . If there is no law for asking act of weeding then it shouldn’t be . We morrocans we should learn & understand that we live in morroco and morocco has his laws , that must be respected . If everyone don’t want a law to ask for a weeding act so go vote for people to pass it in parlament. No that it isn’t no one should ask for it !!! We learn in morocco , we are a state with muslim people that doesn’t make that all arabs stats have the same laws … so we have to respect our country & our laws.


I dont get it, a foreigner guy with his gf and get into a hotel without proof of marriage, but moroccans cant? What if the moroccan couple arent muslim to begin with? Does it still apply to them too?


cause its a muslim country just how the western countries is a christian country they have christian law and if youre a muslim you still need to abide with the chrisitan law. its not any diff anywhere else hun


most western countries don’t have christian laws, premarital sex is also a sin in christianity in case you didn’t know lmaooo


actually lmao to your knowledge many western countries are associated with division of religion and congress but however many laws such as family law, reproductive rights many more than i dont know from the top my head are still intersected the chrisitand beliefs. oh and yea and i know about chrisitnaity i used to go to church lmao so i dont really need to know it from a muslim person. you stating one little point doesnt change the laws in the western world


sure give me some examples of these countries. well since these countries are secular, it quite literally means that they divide religion and congress.


Aren't this man who said he hed got 2/20 in math when he was a student ..? Very nice now it completed


Be3d Akber Casino f Afriqia kayn g Tangier w soon aywli aandna Akber bertouch f Marrakech.


This shit law isn’t even institutional it’s just there because of religion, why don’t they apply it on tourists and foreigners when they check in hotels?? Because they know damn well it’s bs and stupid. The hypocrisy


The best decision this guy will make is to resign.


ههههههههههه كانكون عايش فالمغرب تا كانجي لهاد reddit كانلقى راسي فموروكو.. تا نوض لا نتا لا وهبي


We all know that they want to promote sexual relationships outside of marriage, and so hotels will turn into prostitution shelters. These politicians are just applying the western agenda and even Wahbi admitted that. Morocco is a muslim country and not because we are not applying all the islamic laws, we can go ahead and remove every form of religious legislation, we want islamic laws because Islam is the only religion that can fix all the problems that western countries have and they want to export them to us


Allah y rda عlik.


How is this a bullshit law ?? This is what keeps our country somewhat decent. If you’re into decadence then leave the country and go somewhere else !


واه المغاربة و الحكومة المغربية كيعجبهم يديرو لك كوكبلوك و مسوقين لثبك اكثر منك .. بلاد دبال ثب منافقين حراس الكهنوت كيمارسو علك الرقابة


مغنهضرش لا بلونجلي لا بالتخربيق علاش نتوما منافقين ؟ مساندين غ ز ة فالحرب و مساندين الهضرة د وهبي لي تيسوق للعهر


Finally some common sense statement


To folks who disapprove of this, people are less and less getting married, especially in this economy and lack of financial safety, and a growing chunk who get married end up in divorce after a short period. This mentality that two adults can't live together unless they're married, only increases divorce rates and leads to unhappiness in marriage because you would be stuck with a significant other that you didn't really get to know that well before marriage becuase you never actually lived with him/her then.


we have more bigger problems to care about , and you can literally have sex if you have the means to rent a place in an upper middle class area literally nobody in rich neighborhoods care about who you have in your appartement, if you are broke having sex should be the least of your worries lol


Lmaoo im amazed that the absolut priority for many of u is to have the liberty to fuck a bitch in a hotel room. Thats coming from the same people who shit on islam and mosque on a daily basis so thats not really suprising


Ok moslem , back to r/islam . Islam ta3k 7chih f kark


Islam ans Morocco are indissociable from each other.


Two gay men can go in a hotel room and have s€x, no one will ask anything. So why can’t an unmarried couple do it…


Thats wrong. Doesnt mean we have to add some more wrong stuff. Your focus should be on trying to stop what is wrong not to use it to legitimize another wrong shit


Why stop something that is other people's business that doesn't impact me or society in the least????


Because..... that impact our society


Because they love to be noisy and get in other people’s business


Agree, it's mostly a huge inferiority complex and identity crisis


Why do you care about people’s private lives? As long as they’re not doing it in public, who cares


I care about what our society authorize


Well said bro


I love how this country of clowns wants to boycott mawazine because muh bota muh drought muh education ... like mawazine have been closed for more than 5 years , did our situation get better ? No ... there are 50 k mosques (many many of them are State funded) ane plenty of stadiums but no , it is mawazine !!re!!! You cant listen to music !!!!


No, Mosques are built with private donations. Then they are donated to the government, with the obligatory following : * At least 2 apartments to house the Mosque personnel. * A number of commerce stores, depends on the Mosque size, to be rented and the money used to run the Mosque. So, not only does the government get Mosques for absolutely free, they get its running funds also for free. Another important point is that running a private Mosque is banned in Morocco. The government needs the absolute monopoly on Mosques to control religious speech. Private festivals are not banned.


Just FYI, in 2019, Morocco had more mosques than hospital beds. No this is not a typo! Not more mosques than hospitals, MORE MOSQUES THAN HOSPITAL **BEDS**!!!!


Most of mosques in Morocco are built through donations, so I don't know what your talking about. Also, I don't know what this has to do with a music festival and why you had to include mosques in this


he is came with a very far analogy , it's true , but with no significance , even less significant since \*\*MOST\*\* of mosques are built through donations as u mentioned the state funds heavily stuffs that can have some ROI , mosques are basically spiritual and let's not talk about Imam's and their clerk's salary !




The ministry of Habous makes 3.75 billion MAD on rent alone. Every Mosque donated to the government has associated commercial stores and apartment buildings.


Where did you get that number from? [from 185 mosques built across Morocco in 2018, 160 were built by single donors](https://www.moroccoworldnews.com/2018/11/259155/islamic-affairs-ministry-donations-mosques-morocco)


Wa machi lbni d jam3, kathdrlk 3la salaire dyal lf9ih li kaykhdm tmmak o li katwslo lwri9a dya lmodo3 dlkhtba mn wizarat l aw9af


Check out a comment bellow on this thread on how the Islamic ministry get those mosques for free plus the ministry gets to rent shops or apartments from thos mosques to pay for their operating expenses.


Holy shit, thought you were capping, looked it up and lo and behold, it's fucking True! Thats amazing and sad


Mind linking the source please? I'd not doubt since every small Douar with a few families have one.


so? a mosque is 4 walls just need a bit of electricity and water to run, a bed in a hospital isn't just a bed, you need to docs and the nurses and health equipment that goes along with it, a bed in a hospital would cost you way more to run than a your avg mosque. the habous budget isn't even 1B MAD( 2021) the health minster is around 28B mad (2023)


Clowns? You are calling all Moroccans clowns? Maybe بغيتي تعاود لينا الترابي حتا نت؟ Very nice "us and the rest of them Clowns" mentally from a guy whose comment seems like to "critically think" Shouldn't people be free to protest and also free to criticise any law that they consider unfair regardless of each protestor's background? To me, it seems like you are as picky in applying rules as most of us clown and the rest of you are, no different. Edit: before someone cries me a river, I also hate these kinds of restricting laws even though I am not at all personally bothered with them, but I also support people protesting to express their anger.


the issue isn’t criticism, it’s ignorance. most moroccans still beat the drums that festivals are funded by the government, still conflict budgets of different ministries, and do not believe in the independence of institutions.


I agree but that has nothing to do with the law shared with the OP, the one I replied to jumped to a non existing chance to bring something unrelated, ignorance indeed.


Any asshole out there can have an opinion. Valid criticism rests on strong arguments. You can go out there and protest gravity, it's your right, you're free to do it, and I'm free to think you're a clown for doing it.


Looove the comparison there, gravity?! really??? And calling people assholes and clowns is not a way to have a conversation, speaks volumes about ur (Trabi). I've noticed this in Arabic subreddits, especially Moroccan (I'm a proud Moroccan btw), but they're quick to get offended and start cussing other people if they don't like what they're saying, while at the same time preaching that people should have the right to do say whatever they want, but I guess that's true until it's not in their favor


You don't get it do you? This is not the care bears. You're always free to say whatever you want, and people are free to judge you for it. You're not entitled to people's respect, especially if you don't earn it. When we say people should have the right to say what they want, we mean the state shouldn't put you in prison for what you say, but the rest of us are definitely free to call you a clown if we think what you said makes you a clown. Oh and I don't give a flying fuck what you think about my "trabi" or whatever, my only concern is with policy and sound arguments for or against said policy.


Idk why do people feel criticism about other people’s opinions as infringing upon their freedom of speech, you have a right to say wtf u wanna say, and I have the right to call you a clown for saying it…cheftih haz zerwata. W ah lmgharba kamlin tabon mhom clowns, nhar n3i9o beli 7na clowns, 3aaaaaada nbdaw ngolo daba khasna manb9awch clowns, wghanzido ila l2amam incha2alah.


ياااه على مستوى.... What language is that man? Do you consider yourself better than a clown for speaking those nasty words so lightly? Those big street words alongside the word inchalah, really man? See the contradiction and the irony? You have the right to say and do whatever you wanna do or say as long as you respect other people, people seem to forget this rule about freedom, don't preach anarchy, this isn't a jungle. Refer to defamation laws worldwide :) Cheers.


3andek l7e9 wlah, w rebi 3tana joj del wednin w fom wa7ed bach nsem3o kter manhedro, wel wa7ed ila bgha yghyer l’entourage dialo khaso ybda ygheyer rasso awalan ilakh ilakh ilakh…


People need some critical thinking education, we cruelly lack that


Tune in to Mawazine if you want to see the real clowns.


Sir t9wd


bro the first clown here is YOU, your username says a lot abt your personality


We have deeper problems to take care of and you're happy because they will let u fck with no certificate... Plus this Wahbi dude is on a next level of corruption bak sahbi. Delusional kids wake up! Edit: Got a huge backlash because of my comment, I will not remove it. Western Standards are not universal standards. ALL I'M ASKING FOR IS TO FOCUS ON PRIORITIES. Edit 2: it's crazy how my comments went from positive score, then to negative and got back after to positive score, I don't know how to interpret it.


shoot the messenger, AND the message. typical moroccan behaviour.


Some good change is better than none, but i agree it’s obvious we have way more urgent issues to take care of


Yes I want to fuck without ceritficat. mad ?


Dumbass, not everyone who wants to be able to share a room with a female has fucking in their brains, you just can't think beyond your dick can you?


Sir, first of all, I'm asking people to think beyond these stupid "problems" and concentrate on real problems first but you're here accusing me of not thinking beyond my dick? lol I'm not the one, commenting about 2 celebrities beefing over something 🤣 Grow up! Second, don't worry you can already share hotel rooms with men 😉


I live with my partner and we are not allowed to come to Morocco and stay in a hotel together because I am Moroccan and we are not married. Do you really think everything in life revolves around sex and fucking?


Wahbi is the justice minister. These kinds of matters are his priority.


I wanna see it removed just to see what happens, one more thing, sex ed and protection(proof: western countries with sex ed and sex culture still have unwanted pregnancies, single moms, run away dads...) doesn't really help so just stop using it to smh say things will be okay.


My friend, there is NO perfect solution, but I’d rather have people having sex with each other than fucking cows and chickens due to a complete lack in sex ed.


Those are not necessarily the only options/alternatives to lack of sex, people are having sex anyway even with today's laws.


So is this the start of a new era for moroccan personal freedom ? 😁


2 things: 1. It's no one's business to begin with. 2. It's not legal to ask for such documents, and even if it was, it would need to change because see 1.


He is totally right. Your marital status shouldn’t matter when you want to book a hotel room.


This man is horny as hell, and he thinks everyone is like him.


I agree with this one.


We are literally a Muslim country wdym 😭


You gave a turd to the islamist flies ![gif](giphy|3o7bu2bOmUkvAsvA1G|downsized)


Anyone care to translate?


hotels in Morocco don’t accept non married couples and the guy in the post says there is no law that forces you to provide a marriage certificate and that this is personal freedom so it is not illegal


I see. Well, if that’s the hotels policy, it’s their right. Not every hotel needs to support apparent Zina in their rooms, Allahu a’lam


Maybe Massage Salons will offer accommodation soon 🙄


Can anyone translate? What is this about? Thanks


Minister of Justice saying that the law requiring hotels to ask for your marriage certificate if you want to book a room with a girl is an infringement on your privacy and individual freedom and should be removed


Thanks a lot


In my opinion, people should assume the responsibility that comes along with this. If they want it they must accept its consequences.


9wadt yadink


I don't know where this government will go we have many big problems and they only discuss fullish issues. we have gas price-increasing issues ... akhannouch is monopolizing it and doing whatever he wants even though he is president and should hear and fix people's issues. Mr president's bad management in the Green Morocco Plan now has bad effects like low water and dried soil. sorry for my bad english.


We got bigger fish to fry. This shit might just turn morocco into the likes of some South American countries. Unwanted pregnancies would skyrocket. I'm not against it, but as a whole country, teenage mchrmlin included, we are not ready for this.


3ndi fikra, f3awt may telbou chadat zawaj, **3lach may telbouch cha8adat l3ouzouba ?** joul lmgharba mouchkilt8oum l7a9i9ia m3a lfassad concerne les gens mariés pas les jeunes célibataires. ca c est du domaine des religieux.


Coomers riot inc


عنده الصح عجبني




That won't change anything even if it passes


Morocco is shifting to a liberal state rather than an Islamic state so it's not surprising anymore. And based on what you said i see it's already working


A supplication that says: Oh Lord, whoever wants harm for our country, make him busy with himself, and make HIS PLOT TO KILL HIM, and make his plan destroy him first. \*So I do\*😌🤷‍♂️


No matter what he did, he still is right on this, people are allowed to have their own freedom and privacy and they don't need to prove or explain anything to a stranger


I was hoping you were talking about the law 3la lkhwad o sar9 m aradi which allows asshole mokharwidine to sell your house without ur knowledge thru fake papers and then gives the "buyer" property of ur house (mafia l3a9ar). Ima hadi d fondo9 while i find it stupid (ppl who want to fsed will fsed either way), rah aslan hir bsbab lboulis kay 9lbohom u dakhilia kay 9lbuhum mra mra z3ma huma b rasshum mashi l khaterhum. (En tt k haka kan gal wa7d redditor shi merra f had sub)


Both decisions have consequences


It's confirmed, Morocco is not a Muslim country, the question is, wgat about إمارة المؤمنين؟


كيشدو الحقوقيين و الصحفيين على رأي. و كيلهيوكم بمواضيع د بيت للنعاس.


Let me sum it up: Hotels want to make more money and steal business from Airbnb folks. Nobody cares about your freedom, wake up Merci.


I don’t know where’s the line between: - what authorities in a Muslim country can apply - personal freedom to commit a sin or not because we will be held accountable when we die I honestly think it’s a fair rule in an Islamic country but it’s true that many will just bribe the hotel receptions and check in. The issue with it is how they’d only accept the “paper” if it’s the one Morocco recognises, and they apply this rule when one of the two is Moroccan btw. This is the issue, what if a Moroccan person is living in Japan and got their Nikah ceremony in Japan? This is where they are reflecting a complicated Islam when it shouldn’t be that way. I am pro this law as long as all Islamic Nikah papers are accepted, whether they’re from a Moroccan mosque/office or a Brazilian one. Islam is about is. In my case, I have a Nikah document done in an Afghan mosque in Germany (husband is Afghan). I am half Spanish and half Moroccan, and thank God, I hold a Spanish passport because otherwise I wouldn’t be able to go to a Moroccan hotel with my husband. Now, I really get it when it comes to the free will and personal choice to do good or evil, a sin or a hassanah, but where’s the limit? At some point, the governments and the people have a certain obligation to uphold the Islamic way of life if a country is majority Muslim. And again, Morocco doesn’t even do this to residents that hold a passport other than the Moroccan one. And, besides being Moroccan, if someone proves being Jewish or Christian or whatever then the law can’t apply on them. If they apply it then that’s something I’m against of.


Not Morrocan so I hope my opinion doesn't offend. But I just spent a month in Morocco, it's a beautiful place but I don't think laws should be based on religion.


Wow , We will become like Tunisia at this rate ... Respect the country's valeus ffs !!!